
Local Impact Quotes

There are 127 quotes

"What happens in New York matters, and what happens to people's families matters."
"We are here because we are suffering. We have nothing to eat. The foreign mining companies won't give us jobs. They are getting rich from our minerals, but we stay poor."
"Gerald is truly worthy of his award for the local community builder."
"My celebration for the city of Philadelphia is much bigger than just a moment of the game; it's about the possibilities for what Philadelphia can now do and be."
"This could be your backyard next week, next month, next election."
"Excellent... this new approach to Unique buildings especially with that local area of effect and the city-wide benefits... positively moving your city forward."
"The battle for sovereignty of the individual is fought by getting your act together locally, right where you are."
"Make the world a better place starting right there in your backyard."
"Millions of jobs will be created right here in the state."
"That is Cody, get involved in the community."
"Hopefully the relationship between F1 and the local population can improve in future years."
"Words spread through Nieves' town that he had uncovered a two-ton Glyptodon shell."
"Speaking of the upcoming Ghostbusters film, according to reports actor Bill Murray is currently in Boston to shoot a spot for the upcoming film."
"We denigrate how valuable small victories and like local work is to the grand picture of things."
"Nature is very important; we are part of nature, and we lost this connection, especially in medicine."
"The good news: this rise in weaponry and federal assaults rarely makes its way into the Loretto community."
"As if this wasn't enough, Belmarsh also acts as a normal prison and has to manage inmates from its catchment area in southeast London, many of whom have a history of violence."
"What a beautiful place that we live in that the people just upended the whole thing."
"If we can figure out how to solve it in our local, then it's easy to replicate that solution to maybe start the East Africa region and then to the greater part of the world."
"The quality of your education in the United States of America is defined by your zip code."
"He's a local hero in desperate need of all of our support."
"I peaked my interest initially when Kevin Johnson, former Phoenix Suns, shout out KJ, yes, for sure, shout out. You know, I started doing stuff in Sacramento."
"My other fear is that the neighbors in the local area will blame me for this."
"At Niantic, we believe that local communities can be a massive force for positive change."
"If Starbucks made an effort to work with the communities they're entering, then this may not be such a point of contention."
"Monday the 14th of September 1987, a day that would go down as one of the worst days in Biloxi, Mississippi history."
"If we all just committed to that right we could all find a project that does something to make our local community better."
"Create something in your community. It doesn't have to be at such a big scale."
"The situation really escalated quickly, catching Coloradans off guard."
"This is something that can really help bring the community together, especially in Brooklyn."
"Stimulus checks aim to benefit 2.7 million residents in the state."
"Please keep showing up to everything that you're allowed to vote for. Local elections make a huge difference."
"The story that's being written about strong towns is a story of Heroes... you all are the heroes of that story."
"He's organizing the takeover of your local Republican party, your local school board."
"I've been looking at all of this through the lens of how all of this affects public policy around criminal justice in Georgia."
"We are so lucky to have cool people studying cool things really nearby where we create SciShow."
"Lawlessness and Stupid behavior is now affecting many people even in smaller towns and cities."
"Please start making positive change in your area where you live."
"Blank's foundation has donated hundreds of millions of dollars toward charitable efforts in the Atlanta area."
"This is extremely helpful to the Polk County Sheriff's Office."
"I'm genuinely sad to hear that so many people in Liverpool have been unwell and so many have died."
"This is our Georgia. We don't wait for change, we are the change."
"What's happened is a lot of people are just snapping up properties and renting them and as a result locals don't have enough properties to rent long term."
"Sarah tokar's murder: a tragedy that shook Atlanta to its core."
"Your community, the development of your community, the investment in your community starts with you." - Roland
"All resolutions, all major movements start on a local level. They don't start on a national level. It starts on a local level." - Roland
"News of the Norris murder spreads quickly. Local residents were afraid. Who did this and why?"
"Nelson Story eventually settled in Bozeman, Montana and became its first millionaire."
"Since my election, over 219,000 new jobs have been created right here in North Carolina."
"We're going to keep an eye on that one because as i said whatever is going on in one municipality can end up going on throughout the nation and the local fight is the one that matters."
"We cannot ever allow any politician to do what Joe Manchin did to West Virginia."
"This looks like one of the houses were kept made up really nice renovated painted and turned into a community center."
"The best investment Kim ever did is less than two blocks from our house today."
"Black Excellence is most positive is looking for the lights in our own community."
"If we were getting this kind of support in Chicago, we would already be the dominant economy. If they were giving us this level of support, we'd have been the dominant economy up there by now."
"I'm telling you New York City is going to be shaken."
"That's what's gonna, that's what saginaw stems gonna do. We're gonna expose exactly that."
"The impact this event has had on the local community... he himself has become an urban legend."
"Just because we may not be seen as such a large presence in and throughout the area rest assured that we have not quit and we won't quit until we find Summer Wells."
"Competition with China is not just a federal issue. It's happening in your states with consequences for our foreign policy."
"All it does is say, 'Yep, it's about the money.' Yep, it's about turning Hawaii into what they wanted for the tourists and screw the locals because that's what this all comes down to."
"Music like this builds an amazing community, especially in a little town like this. That's magic."
"The work matters and that good journalism at a local level matters."
"Not according to what's going on locally in your economy."
"If you want to save lives for the least money then come to Seattle and let's work together."
"Jobs are coming back and they're coming back fast and they're coming right here to Michigan."
"This tunnel in Cornwall is 2,000 years old and up above them is someone's back garden."
"The infrastructures being built are bypassing the local people."
"This disaster went on to strike Hilo, Hawaii, in what became one of the worst disasters in Hawaiian history."
"We should be talking about the $15 million I brought back to my community."
"Any day the fighting will be right here in our streets and then what?"
"How do we authentically do things... For the people who are in these communities?"
"Talk about a trojan horse... coming to your town soon."
"Remember, it's okay to go out to the outer edges of the universe, but you have to apply things locally."
"It's a DC takeover of elections... but this one provision really hits close to home for us."
"The reality is we have actually two confirmed cases in my town..."
"Central Oregon... the repo lots for towing companies are so full that the local banks... are having to put up their parking lots for repossessed Vehicles."
"Finding the wreck was especially significant for long Islanders as it highlights how close the civil war came to home."
"It's kind of a good feeling to know that the locals and the people that help kind of contribute to Hawaii are also having a hand and bringing back a business or creating a business concept on the islands."
"What is important is what happens locally."
"The seafood industry brings profit and job opportunities to the local people."
"Cornwall is being wrecked by overdevelopment and poor planning. Desperate local people born and bred can't get a look in."
"The most local charity of all: take care of yourself."
"The government's delivered for the environment in South Cambridge."
"Lily, you don't need to go that far to make a difference; there are plenty of opportunities right here."
"You don't feed the world; you feed the local, and that's how you feed the world."
"Voting local is the most important thing."
"Become a community stylist and do good within your local community."
"The cities are feeling local impacts from climate too, and it is becoming more tangible and motivating."
"Doing good starts right now in your own backyard."
"If I can go back and tell my younger self, 'Forget trying to take over the world and just take over your city first,' I would be a hundred times more successful."
"It's easier to take over your city than take over the whole world."
"Having an HEB right in your community is going to be a major win and a differentiator for Ellison Community."
"If you give out 40,000 donuts, you will be a hub in any community."
"It brings a bunch of good for the Isle of Wight."
"We've gone past our local sphere of influence; we got to get back down local, organizing, clean up your neighborhoods."
"Here we are in a forgotten corner of the world, seeing in real time the effects of events that seemed worlds apart."
"If you can use politics on a local level, you know, it can be achieved on a local level."
"Our ongoing partnership with Canada's Walk of Fame enables us to connect on a local level with the many communities in which we operate."
"You're not just helping out someone somewhere in America; it's someone specifically in your area or your community that you are providing a meal for."
"Instead of going to far-off countries, there are lots of needs right here in our own community."
"He did it for the love of that community."
"The impacts of sea level rise are local, and you need to put sea level rise from warming in context with other factors."
"It means everything to me because LA could win the Super Bowl and forget about it the moment some TikToker buys the house next to Kanye, but Cincinnati would treasure this win forever."
"Doing good starts right in your own backyard."
"You're unlikely to save the world, but you can help your neighborhood."
"Therefore, whilst trade agreements may encourage globalization at a national or international level, it does not encourage globalization at the local level."
"It allows you to make valuable contributions to your local community."
"We have the most ability to change things in our own backyard, sweeping our own front porches."
"If we can go to Miami and do stuff in the Dominican Republic and New York and do stuff, we should be able to do that in our own town."
"And so this, too, is an example more generally of solving local problems and achieving ultimately a global result."
"If we all focused on our local areas and the people right next to us... we actually make more change like that."
"The fate of the world isn't on her shoulders, but the fate of the corner market maybe."
"We won a Hines food Heroes award... for all our efforts in which we put into the local communities and schools."
"He did so much for the community, man, especially on Crenshaw Boulevard."
"Think cosmically, but make sure that you bring it back to Center and act locally."
"We've become an important part of the food community and the community at large here."
"It's been absolute blessing to the local students."