
Emotional Abuse Quotes

There are 166 quotes

"Your pain, your trauma make him feel secure, safe, and calm, accepted and held in a world which is otherwise unpredictable, dangerous, and hostile."
"You should never ever ever ever feel ashamed or be made to feel ashamed by someone. It's such a horrible thing to do."
"Domestic violence is not just punching, hitting or physical violence. Oftentimes it's emotional violence, psychological violence, sexual violence, financial violence, legal violence."
"Men definitely go through emotional abuse. They definitely go through narcissistic abuse."
"It's not about the money, really. It's the manipulation, the emotional abuse that I think underpins this, that maybe is typical."
"I had to get therapy for the emotional abuse I endured during our marriage."
"Turn off the gaslight the first time it gets turned on. When you are gaslighted, you're being emotionally abused. It's pretty much that simple."
"Domestic violence isn't always physical. It can be mental and emotional as well."
"I think God is more concerned about his children not suffering mentally emotionally and physically at the hand of a man that cannot love her the way she's supposed to be loved."
"Simply put, gaslighting is having your emotions and your reality denied."
"Gaslighting is obviously manipulation, emotional abuse, and it sets a tone for the relationship."
"If you are being gaslighted then you are being emotionally abused."
"Please remember that the lies, the gaslighting, the abuse that they try to inflict on you is a shitty reflection of them and not you."
"A narcissist does not want your logical rational mind to come back online. They want you in the wounded space of the inner child."
"It is astounding to me the amount of times a man that has said 'I care about you, I love you' and I don't want to hurt you will continue to hurt you every time, no matter what. It's just, it's talent honestly."
"Gaslighting qualifies as a form of emotional abuse that involves denying a person's experience."
"You don't have to be physical with someone to be abusive."
"Emotional abuse is so devastating and if it goes on long enough it has very detrimental effects."
"The narcissist is, in most cases, a walking clusterfuck of confusion, anger, love bombing, and abuse cycle spinning bullshit."
"Abusers induce shame and dirtiness in victims to increase control."
"Trauma folks recognize it but even then, emotional abuse isn't always acknowledged."
"Manipulation is when they blame you for your reaction to their disrespect."
"Emotional abuse is oftentimes not quite as obvious."
"Someone that's emotionally abusive is someone that is constantly testing your boundaries."
"If you suspect you're in the thick of it with a covert narcissist or if you suspect your ex was, and you're just realizing that you are subject to emotional abuse for the entire relationship, this video is for you."
"It's not just the physical abuse... but a lot of the tactics that these types of people use and parents use are very emotionally damaging and abusive."
"When we make reactivity the default problem, we are opening the door super wide especially for emotional abuse."
"That's why he didn't win the match. You're getting cranky, I'm getting cranky. You're over here telling me you'll get locked quicker, you're ripping me, attacking me verbally, abusing me. It's abusive!"
"I got yelled at for the rest of the night through my locked bedroom door. She threatened to take everything I earned away, threatened to beat me the moment I came out of the room."
"He's made you believe you're worthless, and you're totally not."
"Society abuses her emotionally, mentally and physically until dysfunction becomes her norm."
"Emotional dependence: relying on the abuser for validation despite negative treatment."
"Emotional abuse is generally the most common form of interpersonal violence reported by female perpetrators... it's regardless of age, ethnicity..."
"That's never okay to just use somebody like a doll and then put them back on the shelf."
"What's the worst thing one human being can do to another? I believe it's to make someone feel small."
"Cruel jabs from narcissistic family members shape our core beliefs."
"Nothing about sex with a narcissist is about love or pleasure; it's all about control."
"Psychological abuse takes that form - slow, building up, and continuous."
"They make you feel guilty... they will specifically target your insecurities."
"Grief after narcissistic abuse is a process, and it's messy and it's painful, but it is a process."
"Promises of change, I'll promise you because a narcissist will look you dead into your face, be crying, begging, pleading, snot running out their mouth, out their nose, plea baby, please, give me a chance."
"I cannot explain this enough, do not verbally abuse me, do not mentally abuse me and then tell me you love me."
"Even if James hadn't died, what he is describing is a dangerous level of emotional abuse."
"That overlap period where love bombing turns into devaluation is this demilitarized zone that's a really dangerous place."
"I'm not crying because you abused me. I'm crying because I think about how we could have done better."
"You'd rather me just give you everything, be submissive, be feminine, and you just cheat on me?"
"It's not you, you're not going crazy. These people are deliberately seeking to press your buttons, to provoke you, to feel so their ego can be fed."
"I'm done with the gaslighting. Totally and utterly done with it."
"A narcissist is not in it just to win. They are in it to make you miserable."
"This is the worst type of abuse because the same person who causes your pain is the same person you then turn to to comfort you from the pain that they caused." - Ruby
"Extreme jealousy, possessiveness, unpredictability, bad temper... really goes in line with the emotional abuse component."
"Your spirit's wings are basically bound, it's spiritual bondage because you associate pleasure with just keeping the narcissist calm."
"True spiritual consequence of living with a narcissist is that you are no longer looking for pleasure, you are no longer seeking love, you're just trying to survive."
"Narcissistic abuse wants to kill you in the sense that he wants to take away your Independence, your personal autonomy, your agency."
"If your girlfriend refuses to have sex with you, refuses to explain why, or refuses to acknowledge that there's a problem, then yes, that is a form of abuse."
"A partner who doesn't acknowledge your pain, your suffering, your labor... that's emotional abuse."
"The only real way to completely eliminate a narcissist's manipulation, gaslighting, and abuse is to go completely no contact."
"They don't have any remorse, nothing seems to be able to stop them from emotionally devastating and in other ways ruining the people closest to them."
"Gaslighting is incredibly insidious and cowardly."
"Using the silent treatment is incredibly cowardly."
"Shaming torture: Exposing individuals to public disgrace or humiliation causes severe emotional and psychological distress."
"I actually think that this is a great example of how Chad Daybell manipulated Tammy throughout their entire marriage."
"You can be abused and don't even know it, you know? So it's very important."
"When you have a parent who's manipulative, it's very much about manipulating emotion."
"Narcissists target people who care and then take advantage of them."
"The most dangerous and abusive time in a narcissistic relationship is often when it ends."
"Much of Onision's way of controlling people is deeply rooted in shame, mental distortion and emotional exploitation."
"I don't think she likes the abuse and spotlight the same way your dad does."
"Nobody wants to [ __ ] be in a relationship with someone who treats them like an object and who devalues their very humanhood."
"You deserve better than that. Someone you're with should never put you down like that."
"I think it's just insane amounts of gaslighting and manipulation."
"In the devaluation stage, the target is manipulated to assume the narcissist's own shortcomings and unmanageable chaotic behaviors."
"You're in love with your abuser and you cannot leave."
"It's hard for me to make a mistake and not have people just abuse me freely, and as I say, you know, Daniel from, I don't think you're necessarily abusing me. I think you raise a very valid point."
"Being stalked is one of the most traumatizing forms of emotional manipulation."
"Over the long term, being on the receiving end of gaslighting can lead to low self-worth, feelings of insecurity, depression, and anxiety."
"Abuse removes choice, voice, agency, personhood."
"Mobbing is emotional abuse practiced by a group of people, usually peers, over a period of time through methods such as gaslighting, rumor mongering, and ostracism."
"The fear created by years of invalidation, gaslighting, dismissiveness, and just generally being diminished can leave you believing that you cannot function without the narcissist."
"Shaming is emotional abuse. Period. The End."
"Parents mistreat their kids to make them feel like [__]."
"I think the idea that it's your fault is toxic steaming [ __ ] straight from the Dark Lord's [ __ ]."
"I felt controlled... like he was trying to manipulate me."
"The person was emotionally abusive... they were a cruel bully."
"Shunning is emotional manipulation and abuse; its purpose is to control someone and to make them do what you want them to do."
"This is not acceptable. The person that I trusted to protect me and love me ended up intentionally hurting me knowing that I was defenseless and weak."
"Is name-calling a child emotional domestic violence? It is cruel and hits the core of a child's spirit."
"Emotional abuse is something that is very difficult to put a finger on and to prove and often it only is found out about when it's too late."
"Gaslighting is emotional abuse, okay? Let me say that again: gaslighting is emotional abuse."
"Isolating someone, gaslighting them, using their trauma as a card to play to manipulate them and make them malleable sounds pretty shitty to me."
"God of War Ragnarok is rich in themes to unpack, from the influence of families and generational trauma to how abuses of power and emotional manipulation can change people."
"Gaslighting makes you feel like garbage. Why be around someone who does that?"
"If anyone is emotionally, physically, or mentally abusive or damaging, that is not a twin flame."
"Emotional abuse can be as difficult as physical abuse."
"Emotional abuse is a way to control by using emotions to embarrass, shame, frighten, criticize, blame, or manipulate another."
"I refuse to not respect myself on that level where I would endure that emotional abuse any longer."
"Relational vertigo. I feel what things are spinning I don't know pay attention to the spinning and then go talk to someone anybody know where the first example of emotional abuse takes place in the Bible."
"Your father abandoned his only child just to make his girlfriend happy."
"Your father is literally abusing you. This is clear emotional abuse."
"My parents have received criticism from relatives who were previously unaware of the extent of the favoritism and emotional abuse."
"You were abused, Becky. That's a terrible thing to say and it's not just physically abusive, it's emotionally abusive to keep telling a kid that they're not wanted."
"It's not a prank at that point, it's emotional abuse."
"One day, maybe after a month of this, I couldn't take it anymore. He called me stupid for some reason or another, and his reasoning really just didn't matter to me anymore."
"She's massively insecure; she needs to get help. Tell your roommate to be careful; this is massively emotionally abusive behavior."
"There's no way to grow up in a family with a narcissistic parent without some type of emotional abuse yet you can heal really truly there are ways to heal."
"You made me feel like I was crazy, bro."
"Your emotions are not flowing. When we are undergoing emotional abuse in order to survive it, we detach from our emotions because they're a source of pain."
"He behaved incredibly cruelly. Professionally, personally, in every way. He had this thing where he couldn't leave the flat until he made me cry."
"Well, first things to say is it's very clear that you're not the jerk in this story. Are you mad? And secondly, these are not observations from your husband. They're not even passive-aggressive. They're just horrible insults to me. This guy just seems emotionally abusive."
"But yeah, it was definitely a lot of like emotional abuse and like my parents fighting like all the time."
"Have you ever heard the term emotional abuse?"
"Cheating is a form of emotional abuse."
"I feel for the OP and the emotional abuse they had to endure."
"I felt like I owed them my life, so I kept going back to them even if they were hurting me emotionally."
"Guilt-tripping or shaming somebody into doing what you want is emotionally abusive. Threatening to do something humiliating falls under emotional abuse."
"The transition from love bombing to devaluation is abrupt, mind-contorting, utterly incomprehensible. People feel disoriented, dislocated, discombobulated, confused."
"Parental alienation is child abuse."
"You end up believing it, there's plenty wrong with me, there's plenty wrong with, yeah, that's one of the awful things about this emotional abuse is you end up believing it."
"Emotional abuse strikes at the very core of who we are. That means crushing our confidence, wearing away our sense of worth, even crushing our spirit."
"The damage from emotional abuse lasts far longer than damage from other kinds of abuse. A broken arm will soon heal; a broken heart takes much, much longer."
"Boundaries are essential, but narcissists will trample them to preserve their image of intense connection."
"Once you stop seeing someone as a human being, when you truly only see them as a vehicle for your desires and their rights and feelings don't matter to you at all, there's no limit to the pain and misery you're able to inflict on someone."
"It's emotionally abusive to suggest somebody has mental health issues."
"That's super not healthy. If your partner is trying to control who you're talking to and is trying to emotionally manipulate you, especially with threats of taking their own life, that's super not healthy."
"You should never be afraid of being ridiculed, ignored, abused, or punished by someone you say you love."
"Why be with someone that yells at you all the time? It's insanity."
"Emotional abuse is just as painful, just as detrimental, just as harmful as any other form of abuse."
"I mean one of my friends is in such a toxic emotionally abusive relationship."
"Emotional abuse is totally gender neutral; men, women can both be abusive."
"The marks of the emotional abuse will be significant."
"It's not okay to gaslight, it's not okay to invalidate, it's not okay to treat my siblings this way, it's not okay to treat me or my other parent or other people or the guy at the gas station, it's not okay."
"Emotional abuse, also called psychological abuse, damages a child’s emotional development and often diminishes their feeling of self-worth."
"If you want to understand what an antagonistic emotionally abusive parent does to their kids, this show makes Logan Roy look like he's a little league Dad."
"Looking at you cry like you're invisible, abuse don't always mean it was physical."
"Gaslighting is when a person that you're in relationship with makes you feel like somehow you're losing your mind."
"Manipulating a child to hate their father or mother is one of the most despicable things a human being can do."
"He was very manipulative and gaslit me into believing I wanted everything that was happening to me."
"The stress of a narcissistic relationship is already taking a tremendous toll on your health."
"The crazy thing about narcissists is that they live off from torturing you to think that you're nobody, you're nothing."
"Someone who attacks you and tries to tear you down emotionally and physically knows that you are too good for them and that you deserve better."
"I fought back with rage and looking back, I am 31 years old now and looking back at that person... I was emotionally abused."
"Words hurt... if they're verbally abusive and emotionally abusive, that can be just as bad."
"Emotional abuse is that painful, it hurts that bad."
"They will psychologically abuse you, they will emotionally abuse you, that is what they do."