
Environmental Responsibility Quotes

There are 270 quotes

"Native's plastic-free deodorant packaging is made with paperboard and they're committed to sourcing from responsibly managed forests."
"We have an obligation to preserve this... so the maximum number of human beings has that experience."
"That's so nice to hear you say because, you know, all we talk about is like we got to leave a good planet for our kids. Like, hey, how about we leave some good kids for the planet?"
"We have the responsibility to take better care of the environment which we all share."
"We're trying to do the right thing. But how do we know if we're actually reducing the net environmental impacts that our actions as individuals and as professionals and as a society are actually having on the natural environment?"
"Do we want to allow our children to walk into a broken planet, a broken environment where they will not be able to thrive, or do we want to make the changes that are necessary?"
"If we all do our part, it's easy to keep the forest clean."
"BP popularized the term carbon footprint... not because they wanted to balance their emissions checkbook after cashing in on decades worth of oil money, but because they wanted to keep doing it and get you off their backs about it."
"Children will ask us what became of these ancient and ineffable creatures, and we will say that we destroyed them for something as ephemeral, crass, prosaic, perverse, and unpalatable as the way they tasted."
"We're not going to be able to steer ourselves off this course environmentally without the change of people who are much bigger and much higher up than we are."
"We dropped the ball on the environment. We did. We dropped it like it was hot."
"The world is really their future, and we owe it to them to do what we can now to make sure that the world is saved."
"We have an obligation to clean up the air and set a standard that is based on science."
"It is our responsibility, it's your responsibility, it's my responsibility. As individuals, we need to realize our impact and we need to take care of the earth."
"Taking as good care as we can of our own planet is the imperative right now. We are guarding it and we are responsible for it."
"We're going to make it better than when we first arrived because that's what I believe is my job as a good steward of the land."
"Think about the next generation and leave a better world for our children."
"Just 100 companies are responsible for 70% of emissions, and you at home must not pay the price of the transition to a NetZero economy."
"We live in this world. We're the ones who are eating the shit and polluting our waters. It's worth us doing something about it."
"Sustainability involves living in a way that meets our needs today without compromising future generations."
"If I'm right about that, we ought to take care of this planet."
"We will respond to the threat of climate change, knowing that the failure to do so would betray our children and future generations."
"As a smart tech brand in the middle of a climate crisis, we know our focus needs to change. At Hive, we've got big plans to make Britain's homes greener."
"You shouldn't throw trash anywhere. Let's pick it up."
"The story of Noah's Flood...may very well have its roots in real events but...the modern value of the story may lie much more in its nature as a teaching device about the responsibility that humanity has to care for creation."
"Everything's connected and we're part of that connection, and we need to start taking that seriously."
"I've never heard of a pesticide plant trying to actively do right by their community."
"We should leave nature how we found it and pick up our trash. Okay, bye."
"You have a moral responsibility on climate change."
"It's the responsibility of industry to try and mitigate its own harm on the climate."
"We have a role to play in reducing greenhouse gas emissions."
"If a business does not protect the environment, that business is going to be regulated into the ground."
"I'm not pro plastic. I'm not anti plastic. I just think we need to be more realistic and responsible when it comes to plastic."
"Our packaging is completely recyclable and biodegradable... everything is upcycled and recycled."
"If you see an empty water bottle on a trellis in the Haunted Mansion queue, pick it up, throw it away. Walt would be very proud."
"Giga Berlin is not only going to replant more trees than they took down but they're also going to have a solar roof."
"It's our social and moral responsibility to try to leave the planet a little bit better than when we came."
"Sustainability is the ability to meet her own needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs."
"We only have one earth and we are degrading it and that's not our right and so we have to stop."
"Leave the world a better place than we came across."
"Everything we do locally will have effects all over the world."
"Pack out what you pack in and don't leave any trash behind at your campsite."
"These two things can be compatible. We enjoy the benefits of speed but we're also making sure to be good stewards of the planet at the same time."
"For every pair of sneakers, Cariuma plants two trees."
"Think of spending money on good insurance as an investment in strong defense."
"We all have a responsibility to leave this land better than we found it."
"It's going to take collective action from big companies, small companies, nation-states, global organizations, and individuals."
"It's your responsibility to leave this planet a better place than it was before you came."
"Recycle, compost, rummage, sort out recyclables - all ways to contribute towards the eco footprint."
"Here's my question: If it's within our power to prevent mass extinction, are we morally obligated to intervene?"
"If you do care about the environment but you also want to put out a skincare brand that's going to help people, this is sort of the way that you have to do it."
"Everybody has to understand they have to do their own part in taking care of our planet."
"I think we encourage those who have done very well, especially those who care about climate change, to support a fair tax code."
"The piece symbolizes the burden we are currently asking future generations to carry and the collective responsibility we must accept to prevent its collapse."
"I believe in having a sustainable future for the world."
"There are a lot of problems we need to solve if we want to keep those kids in the year 2150 from hating us."
"Be responsible for the garbage you produce, be responsible for the food you eat, be responsible for the health of yourself."
"If you're not gonna put in the minimum amount of effort to actually make sure you're compliant with the recycling rules, then you're actually just inhibiting the recycling process to begin with."
"Universities should not be doing harm to the planet by providing money to the industry that can then be used to finance further extraction and burning of fossil fuels."
"I would say no, universities should not accept coal and oil and gas money."
"What are we doing for our children and our young people if we're leaving them a shambles of a planet in a climate?"
"Make the world livable for grandchildren and children and future Generations."
"Keep your city clean and functional - waste treatment is a necessary part of city planning."
"Republicans should also at least acknowledge that we need to be responsible with our environment."
"Our emissions, it seems, are no longer a problem that we’re willing to kick down the road."
"We need to have positive impacts on the ecosystems where we operate. We need to bring value to the communities where we site these solar arrays, or we're going to lose our social license to operate."
"We're not going to leave a world that is livable to our children and that would be the worst crime imaginable."
"You know, responsible citizenship also means looking out for the environment."
"Future generations will not have the opportunity to build boats like we're building... if we don't take care of them."
"We have a moral responsibility to make certain that the planet we leave our kids and our grandchildren is a planet that is healthy and is habitable."
"Human-made climate change essentially implies that humans are at fault for some of the ways in which the climate is basically getting messed up."
"We owe it from a moral perspective to our kids and our grandchildren to make sure we leave them a healthy planet."
"If you can grow outside, then it is your duty to try this."
"Responsible deorbiting of second stages is crucial."
"We don't just want to leave a bunch of space junk up there... it's really important that we're good stewards of the space around our planet."
"We want to leave a better pallet for our next generation."
"This is about us taking responsibility for what we've created."
"As big a mess as China has to clean up, the United States is still the largest per capita polluter in the world."
"Having a backup whether that's wag bags, biffin bag, whatever, and also like planning ahead for digging your hole, it's clutch."
"This is the story of how a mountain climber-turned-dumpster diver built a billion-dollar company by being socially and environmentally responsible."
"It celebrates by launching a new 99% recycled Tesla Roadster."
"Fashion brands should be responsible for their waste."
"Well until Elon takes us to Mars um we that we only have one planet and we all live here so i think it's everybody's responsibility to do what they can for the environment and I know our industry gets held to account for the energy that we use."
"Strive to leave this world better than you found it."
"What are we feeding our children? What's our responsibility to give them a clean glass of water?"
"It's a cumulative responsibility, but not everybody has equal capacity and resources."
"In order for Humanity to have a good future of the century, we have to figure out a way to sustainably produce and consume energy."
"At the end of the day, whether or not the blue revolution happens is up to us."
"He wants to lessen his carbon footprint, don't we all?"
"Just respect the earth as best as you can. Why throw some [ __ ] on the ground like this is the earth?"
"These things take care of yourself, take care of each other, and take care of the planet."
"We have a moral responsibility to ensure a habitable planet for future generations."
"We carbon offset the manufacturing, shipping, and life cycle of your purchase."
"It's up to you and me all of us on planet earth they're not going to do it for us no way this is in the hands of we the people."
"When you enter a course, you know you want to leave it better than it was when you arrived. We want to leave disc golf better than how it was when we got into it." - Paul McBeth
"At Apple, we are constantly innovating to conserve resources and protect the planet."
"A wise man once said to leave the world a little better than you found it."
"Future generations are being affected by our choices today."
"We owe it to the landowners to make sure that those sites get cleaned up."
"Don't make the mistake of going off Trail... it's so important to make sure that these Trails stay open for generations."
"They don't leave it better than they found it... when you are out here in the wilderness and you see some trash pick it up."
"Straws don't kill dolphins, it's people throwing them in the ocean. They're the ones killing the dolphins."
"If that bar gets low, we die. So clean up the trash, fix everything."
"Climate dumerism is the equivalent of giving up even though you can still prevent not just the worst case but also mitigate most of the bad things."
"Educate yourself on how you can leave a bare minimum amount of impact on the land where you're traveling and camping that is crucial."
"The way to fix that is to learn and to do something as simple as picking up five pounds of trash per day."
"We need to set a good example... before expecting others to follow."
"We actually partner with e-waste recyclers...to safely recycle a device you actually need to get the battery out of the device."
"Remember the conversation, don't miss it. Always take care of yourself, take care of each other, take care of the planet. Remember, the truth is always indisputable."
"We absolutely recycle all of our spent cells, modules, and battery packs."
"Plants really count on us to help them live their lives."
"Now I can't do much about infrastructure, but I've now eliminated all of my direct consumption of fossil fuels and it feels good."
"We have a duty and obligation to leave the world better than we found it."
"Maybe it's time to return, at least for a little bit. Earth is their home too."
"We need to show the markets that we're willing to pay a little bit extra if it helps us fight existential problems."
"We need to leave this world cleaner than we found it."
"Leave where you go better than when you came."
"We're all stuck here, so we should try to figure out how we can make it the best planet we can."
"Their packaging is made from recycled and 100% recyclable materials and by purchasing carbon offsets they're creating a shipping through a footprint balance of zero."
"Your short-term profits are not more important than the future of this planet."
"The Sun does its bit but we do our bit as well and we need to be more protective and thinking more about how to preserve the planet for the future generations."
"The partnership between the Chad government and organization African Parks saw Zakouma transformed into a thriving elephant sanctuary despite the initial tragic killing of the rangers."
"We are the cause but we can also be the cure."
"Stop being an arson to your planet frankly if higher intelligence is watching some idiot burned down their own planet do you think something that advanced would want you on their ship?"
"We have so far to go, but I hope that everybody can do their part to just clean it up as much as possible."
"We all have a role to play in leaving this planet a better place."
"You should care even though you won't be here. Someone you love will be here."
"It's a little bit bad that people are saying to the youth of today that if we don't do anything in 20 years or 15 years, that would be the end of the world. That's not responsible."
"You can't just dump out a bus's septic tank into the Chicago River. No, no, you cannot do that."
"We have a responsibility to protect that fish."
"We're the source, you're right, and then if we, you know, there won't be a world if we don't save it."
"Everything has a part of life on this planet, and it's not up to us to destroy it and abuse it."
"Humanity's task is to cut emissions in half by 2030."
"HelloFresh is the first carbon neutral meal kit company, nearly all the packaging is recyclable, all of the recipes include pre-portioned ingredients which means less prep and less wasted food."
"Conservation isn't just the business of a few people; it's a matter that concerns all of us."
"You can't save the planet, God's going to, that's the good news."
"Be considerate with your rubbish when you're out riding."
"We recycle it. Sorry, that was a question I'm just answering. I've figured it out now. We do have garbage service and recycling pickup."
"Trash bag pack out what you pack in you need to bring trash bags."
"Part of being sustainable is not over consuming."
"Pick up all your trash if you're new to this."
"Joking aside, this is our world and we should do a little bit to preserve it."
"Leave each place I go better than it was when I came."
"What we need is diverse perspectives and more personally what kind of responsibility do we have in terms of climate change."
"Never before has a single species had such power. What we do in the next few decades will shape the destiny of planet Earth and the biosphere for literally millions of years."
"Only with a heart of respect and humility will we make right decisions and take correct actions for our environment."
"Clean up after yourself of course but if there's junk if there's garbage if there's litter pick that up too while you're out."
"For us, the earth is our mother. If she is our mother who gives us everything we need, then she must be cared for and preserved."
"We all have to do our part and make sure we take any trash away with us when visiting beaches and dispose of them the proper way by recycling."
"I always carry a garbage bag with me when I can pick stuff up."
"Etsy is working to address its environmental impact by figuring out new ways to offset its emissions, not nocturnal emissions."
"We each have the power within ourselves to start fixing this problem."
"Composting is not just a choice but a responsibility towards our environment."
"As a species, we have appointed ourselves trustees of the earth and everything on it."
"Dispose of your garbage properly, not in the fire pit."
"We're all inspired by this beautiful planet and we have a responsibility to understand our impact and do everything we can to minimize that if it's negative."
"If we do continue... we'll be doing carbon offsets directly."
"Excellence has taken seriously their responsibility to replace or get rid of disposable plastic items."
"Make sure that you leave no trace, it's pretty obvious to do, but we need to make sure that we differentiate between the two."
"I always carry an extra large Ziploc bag, I put my garbage in it, suck all the air out, close it up, and it's very easy to pack out your garbage."
"We are living in very consequential times where what we do in the next few years determines the future of our planet together."
"If you want to do good, you got to start at home. So if you feel the climate change, don't order stuff from Amazon to begin with. You got to make decisions that reflect that you truly care."
"Whatever you pack in, you must pack out."
"Everybody has a very important opportunity to be part of the future of conservation."
"Nature is not optional, and everybody owns a responsibility to sustaining it, to rebuilding it."
"Don't forget to wear your life jackets, pick up your trash, and don't forget to report if you catch any grass carp in the Great Lakes."
"We really need to learn how to dispose of our waste in a more responsible manner."
"When it comes to the environment, everyone has a part to do: cubs, mamas, papas... and even professors."
"Always pick up your shells, your trash, leave it better than the way you found it, that is the hunter's way."
"It's criminal not to use it; it's a long process, so if you leave everything in the trash bins, it will be very sad."
"We are both keen to reduce our impacts on the environment; it's absolutely imperative that we all do this."
"I believe we were the first entity in the State of Washington, we may have been the first entity related to any federal program, to file an environmental impact statement in the United States."
"Human beings are very much responsible for climate change."
"There's nobody here that cleans the beaches or anything, but do you see any garbage? No, there is no garbage, this is the beauty of San Joaquin."
"It's the individual's responsibility to dispose of waste properly, not the company's responsibility to produce or manage the waste they produce."
"Even the best of us can't avoid all our carbon emissions, but if we band together, we can each be part of the solution."
"We all have to do together, and as long as everybody puts everything what they do as a core message, like we have to look after our Earth, then it's fair."
"Save the Ocean, it's everyone's responsibility."
"We have to be part of that transition and gas and oil and all of this, but we have to do it cleaner and better."
"For the first time in human history, the fate of future generations closely depends upon our actions."
"It's time we start, let's do our part."
"Believe me when I say that everyone here is rooting for this animal, which is why you should listen when they say lock up your garbage and minimize bear attractants when you live and play in bear country."
"It's essential to remember that humans are not the only inhabitants and we must take responsibility for our actions to prevent such tragedies from happening again."
"Go and enjoy the great outdoors yourself, look after it, leave no trace."
"We all need to step up together and take responsibility for our share of the damage, to change our ways and give back to our planet, which is already giving us so much."
"The absolute best advice that I can give you for any of this stuff is to do research based on the city or the town the country that you're living in about how to properly dispose of hazardous chemicals like this."
"The Mirra 2 is composed of over 90% recycled pre-consumer and post-consumer content."
"It's everyone's responsibility to respect the planet, and each one of us can do something."
"I'm not a bad guy; I'm not going to pour my nasty contaminants onto the ground."
"This is a must do for us as a society, to move to sustainable energy."
"We are the last generation that can deal with this existential threat."
"We do need to take care of our planet, like we do, do not litter."
"Rolling back the tide of a warming planet is a responsibility that we have to ourselves, to our children, and all of those who will inherit God's creation long after we are gone."
"We should recycle everything that can be recycled."
"Anyone who calls Earth home should be concerned and should be interested in how this relationship works."
"If we can live without them, we should live without them."
"It's totally unfair to put it on individuals to fix pollution when the reality is large corporations are the ones that are causing the bulk of the problem."
"If you know anything about car people like myself, you know that I have a certain obligation to properly dispose of the old tires in an environmentally friendly manner."
"The destiny of the planet is in our hands."
"It's good to clean up the area around the sea because I don't want like sea turtles to die."