
Social Sharing Quotes

There are 173 quotes

"Shares is the fastest way to grow anything, and that's how something becomes viral."
"One of my favorite things to get there was a yogurt drink...I loved drinking it and when I took it to school my friends would always ask about it and I would tell them it tastes like strawberry candy."
"All of my friends borrow it like every single friend is obsessed with this jacket."
"Photo mode is an intrinsically creative thing, right? People want to express themselves in our game and then immediately to share it with their friends."
"This is my absolute favorite place on Earth, retweet."
"When you win celebrate share it with people brag a little bit right"
"It's my birthday! Tracy, are you seeing this?"
"When you add value to someone's life, they're really eager to share your message to their friends and family."
"Make your stuff good, make it so that if somebody does see it, they will be inclined to tell their friends about it or at least leave a positive comment because all of that really helps."
"The Boys is a blast. I have so much fun with it and everyone I've showed it to I've shown it's like five friends now and they all binge it in a weekend or a day because they're hooked by the premise."
"I'm gonna make sure the whole world knows about my Lego figure."
"If you like this video and find it helpful, please hit the 'Like' button and share it with others!"
"Create content that sparks an emotional reaction, that's what gets people to share."
"Sharing both high scores and little cool moments are crucial to a game's success."
"Someone realized... you created your own damn trap."
"Share this video with a friend if you know of anyone who might enjoy this."
"I can't wait for you guys to see this new outfit Naz how do I look."
"Guys that will give you value is ask yourself this question is this something that people would want to share."
"I'm gonna try to keep this going every Thursday. We'll do it. I try to bring in a couple of people because I want to give all of us a voice. I want to share my platform, my audience with all of us."
"Share with someone that you don't know who might be interested."
"Let's get the word out there, share it if you can. Let's get the world of Arnold out to the people."
"Thank you all so much again for watching this video. If it did help you out, be sure to share this with a friend, let me know down below in the comments what your favorite part of this video was and I'll see you guys soon. Peace."
"Is this a fresh conceptual element and/or sequence that I would tell my friends about?"
"It's a great thing to share with your friends and family and a great way to help your sphere of influence."
"How great was that breeze? Look at those clouds, somebody take a picture and share."
"Share the video with your friends, your family, share it on social media, spread the love."
"Oh my god and then - macarons and my Korean side, you know how you say it, they've brought my suitcase up actual angels."
"Sharing is caring, closed mouths don't get fed."
"Who's the best in the world? When I tell my friends, I instantly name these four."
"Guys definitely always tell their friends about girls that they're talking to. If a guy ever says that he doesn't, he's definitely lying."
"Share this with your friends if they can use it."
"I want to share my happy moments with everybody."
"I own a 2023 Chevrolet Stingray C8 Corvette, let's surprise my friends and family with my new accomplishment. Let's go, let's go, run it up!"
"It makes it so easy to share screenshots with friends."
"It's very important for people to share where they have been because I think it motivates people."
"I think tonight was going to be one of those nights where you don't watch it and you check your phone, and people are going, 'Oh, it's one of the greatest games we've seen in years.'"
"Make sure y'all get them like so folks you know what I mean."
"Every time you see something really cool, people are like, 'I got that at Facebook Marketplace.'"
"Is anyone else just filled with happiness right now?"
"It's wonderful that we can share them with our friends via our website and on the air."
"We still have to make sure everyone knows we are not bragging, we are just doing a Christmas haul because they are fun, they are memories, and people like them."
"If you decide to paint your shelves green because of this video, please show me. I want to see how many green bookshelves we can get out in the world because they're just stunning, am I right? I'm right, right?"
"Awareness is all about sharing, so please take a moment to share this link where you can."
"The only way I can get eyes on a video like this is if you guys help me share it."
"You should consider sharing this video with your friends, your family, your Twitter followers, or the twelve-year-olds yelling at you in Overwatch."
"Share this video with anyone you think it can help especially a friend who overpaid on a car just a couple years ago who's itching to buy another one."
"Oh my gosh, I am so stuffed, like those were way too many wings for me. Lucky you."
"Great red pill this documentary share it with your friends seriously."
"Putting stuff out and sharing it, but at the same time I think it's like it's led to some quite unpleasant places for me personally."
"Enjoy it if you're building it, make sure you share with us on social media... show us your builds."
"Thank you all so very much for tuning in. Instagram, Instagram, I want you to share this link with five other people."
"Share this video if it's going to help someone that you know."
"This is a video you spread, this is the one we talk about."
"Very excited about Cristiano smuggling plus 3 upgrade, that is actually naughty, deserves that. Next time I see my mates, morning I'll tell them, 'Well done'."
"Pay the fee, it means share the show. Don't be a hoe, share the show."
"It's my freaking birthday! I'm 27 years young today, let's go!"
"You show your friends, right? You take a video, like, 'Oh, I bought my new Core i9, here's the package, here's what I got. Look at it, isn't it so cool?'"
"This is my mother's day gift. I got the YSL Lulu bag. It is so cute, I'm gonna post pictures tomorrow and stuff."
"I'm looking forward to coming back and sharing the bits that I actually want to share again."
"Guys we made it in time and we ordered our breakfast and this looks delicious, check it out!"
"Destiny got us little candies, and look how cute this bowl is."
"Thank you all so much for watching, if you like the show, remember to share it with your friends."
"Welcome to the video today, we're bringing the brother man on a little backpack adventure to try out some new tacos."
"Cheers huh? I'm sipping early, great day ahead. I want to tell you all about it."
"Discovering amazing escapes photos in GT Sport's social space is a treat."
"Netflix, what are you doing? They lost it. They are taking away shared passwords. Ain't no more everybody gonna have their own."
"Please give it a thumbs up. Share it with classmates or colleagues or put it on a playlist. That does encourage me to keep making them for you."
"Share this video with as many people as you can."
"Share your most ridiculous memories, that would be awesome."
"So please share this video with other people."
"I'm so psyched on this haircut I hope you guys like it as much as I do."
"You cannot walk through there without wanting to take out your phone and sharing an instant moment of being under this incredible art installation."
"As long as the weather's nice, oh my gosh, look at the food here guys! About to make everybody really hungry."
"I feel somehow obligated to share my weather channel updates as they come in on my phone."
"Reminder to share the link even to share is greatly appreciated thank you and God bless."
"I just really enjoyed the whole entire time of reading and I literally know I really enjoyed the book when I go and tell people in my life that."
"Discover hidden talents and share them with others."
"You guys have to try these Italian stuffed peppers."
"You're not bragging, people like to see unboxing and like to see like nice things and pretty things."
"What's on your playlist? Tell me what's in your house."
"If you enjoy this kind of content please subscribe if you haven't tell your friends and share."
"I'm super excited, doing a little dance, so I'll see you guys then."
"Saving cars, making memories, and embracing the adventure."
"I am so grateful. I want you to feel that too because I want you to do that too. Please, please share this with every single person you know."
"If you have any constructive comments for us, please do leave those down below and give this video a like if you liked it and share it. Share the crap out of this video. We want to get this message out across the general aviation pilot community."
"Our goal is to show how to take a video that you just shot and do some fast editing so that you can post it to social media or text it to a friend or family in no time at all."
"Make sure you share these videos with the homies, with the fam, anyone that you think it'll help."
"Shares aren't specifically a ranking factor, but websites with more shares generally rank higher."
"I hope you guys enjoyed cooking with me today if you did let me know and don't forget if you make it you can share with me on Instagram cuz I love to see it when you guys make my recipes."
"Literally, just... oh my god. I'm so heated, all right, y'all?"
"If you like what you see, share this video on social media, invite them to come over, check out the channel, maybe subscribe as well."
"The biggest fun part about it is that you can share it, which is kind of where it really took off."
"I like being with myself and sharing myself with other people."
"I'll try and come up with stuff that people will remember and go, 'That's interesting, I'll tell that in the pub.'"
"That's the way to get people to start talking about it, share it with friends."
"It's a great practice to take a photo every day and have somewhere to post it."
"Something you want to keep out for your friends to enjoy and to see."
"If you like this video, share it with a friend."
"Listen, if you love on a budget, please give this video a thumbs up and share this video with your friends."
"Beautiful as always, guys, as always, you guys liked what you see here, be sure to share this out to your friends and families."
"If you end up making it, definitely tag me on social media because I absolutely want to see your pretty self in this hat."
"Be sure to tag me in your photos on Instagram so I can see your finished socks."
"If you've enjoyed this tutorial, please pop a like on the video and share it with anybody that you think might find it useful."
"What made me laugh? What made me click share? What made me send this to my mama? What made me engage?"
"If you made something cool with magnets, please share it on social media with hashtag character animator, we would love to see it."
"Thank you so much for liking my content and sharing."
"Give the video a thumbs up and share it with other students who might be able to benefit from this."
"They make it super easy for our visitor to share our content."
"You want people sharing your content."
"Feel free to tag and share on social media."
"That picture was ridiculous, so funny."
"I hope you liked the video. If you like the video, just don't forget to like and share."
"Y'all, if you're enjoying this video, I would appreciate it so much if you would share it with your friends or family or on your social media."
"I would love to see them, so make sure that you jump on Facebook or Instagram and you share those pumpkins."
"Keep sharing your stories with us and each other."
"Goodreads is a website where you can share your book recommendations, book reviews, and talk books with people all around the world."
"If you liked this video, please give us a thumbs up and share this video with your friends."
"We actually showed him other people that photo too; they thought it was funny."
"I really hope you guys enjoy this one, and if you do, please give it a like and share it."
"If you enjoy the workout, please make sure you comment below and share with your friends, your family, and all the people in your community, so we can build a stronger and healthy community."
"If you guys did like this video, make sure you guys share it to someone who may find it helpful."
"Sometimes people just want to share a funny thought or image."
"It's something that will you know billions of dollars if you make some app where you can share images with your friend."
"If you found this useful, give it the video a thumbs up, share it with others who you think might find this useful as well."
"By giving your audience an easy way to share your blog posts with their social networks, you're essentially opening yourself up to a brand new audience."
"If you make this bag, please tag me when you share your work on social media."
"Pop a like on it if you enjoyed it and don't forget to share it with anybody that you think might find it useful."
"Video sharing is also good because if they see your ad and want to share it to their friend or whatever to purchase your product, that's nice to have."
"Thank you very much for watching. Tell your friends, click that thumbs up. Thank you."
"Enjoy Amsterdam, enjoy your trip, and don't forget to tweet me and send me your pictures of your trip when you come out here because I always love to see them."
"Well, it gives you something to share with other people. Like, in terms of having or being conversation pieces."
"Thank you so much guys for watching this video, if you liked it please click the like button and share with your friends."
"With Book Hub, you can share books you're reading with your friends, get recommendations, and eventually you'll be able to buy e-books and audiobooks as well."
"If you guys decide to make these, please tweet me pictures or tag me on Instagram, just make sure you tag me so I see them, and Happy Thanksgiving!"
"This is a story to tell my friends; it's kind of an interesting thing."
"I preach positivity all the time, that don't get shared as much."
"I hope you enjoyed the video; please share it with your friends, like it, and I'll see you on the next one."
"Everybody is admitting what they're scared of."
"It doesn't take a huge marketing budget, it takes understanding the psychology behind social transmission, what makes us talk about it and share things."
"Show me your piece on Instagram if you made them, I love seeing you guys make my designs."
"If you make this bag, please either send me a picture or tag me on social media."
"Goodreads allows you to see what books you've read, track the progress of where you are in those books, and share with your friends all those books that you've read."
"I'm so thankful for you guys, I'm so excited for another year of just sharing on here."
"Give this video a thumbs up, share it with your friends, and leave a comment down below."
"Do not be afraid to tell your friends and family. Don't be embarrassed to post it on your social media because you've started a thing."
"Let me know which one of the wreaths was your favorite for a chance to be featured in my community tab."