
Anti-MLM Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Anti-MLM has become a social movement; it has become a subculture on the internet."
"My hope for anti-MLM as a whole is that we start seeing some incredible non-profits come out, advocating for awareness of the dangers of MLMs."
"We're just against an unethical business model. It's really not that complicated to understand."
"Anti-MLM is still diffuse and disorganized, but its rise poses an existential threat to multi-level marketing companies."
"I joined the anti-MLM movement and started speaking out because I wanted to help 75 women get out of LuLaRoe."
"I don't watch other anti-mlm videos because I don't want it influencing what I do."
"The least you can do is avoid MLMs like doTERRA and Young Living."
"Anti-mlm content creation is not just about views; it's about caring for the cause and making a difference, even when it gets difficult."
"At least this is further proof against an MLM. So, I'll count that as a win."
"I discovered anti-MLM content last year, and it was only then... that I realized none of the failures were ever my fault."
"Support small businesses and not MLM companies."
"Thank you for doing god's work and sharing anti-MLM content... we are all eternally grateful."
"It kind of feels like a happy ending, like an anti-mlm victory in a way."
"My why for being anti-mlm is to help people and to spread education on the manipulative and deceptive practices that we see every day."
"Keep up the great work with the anti-mlm content. I love watching your videos."
"Your channel has become my new anti-MLM favorite and I'm sure it saved more than one person from the huns."
"People who are anti-mlm are not knocking anybody's hustles or simply acknowledging that if your goal is to have a side hustle, it's to have another stream of income."
"I'm glad to say you are the first anti-MLM channel I've found and it's opened me to a whole new world."
"What do you want to tell people who want to make money online? Just make reels, just do that, do actual affiliate marketing, don't join an MLM."
"Thank you so much for the content you share and educating people about the dangers of being in an MLM."
"I'm now proudly anti-mlm and strongly advise others from joining such a dangerous business model."
"I graduated architecture school with honors and never got involved with any MLMs. I can't stand them now, and I'm trying to inform people and help them not get fooled by the manipulation."
"I am more than fulfilled when it comes to my personal life, and I am even more fulfilled because of this YouTube channel and the fact that I help women on a daily basis see the harms of MLMs."
"Let's focus on what the goal of anti-MLM is, which is educating people on why multi-level marketing companies are predatory and damaging to more often than not women."
"I have been loving making these videos; it's been a huge goal of mine the past few weeks to really build up the anti-MLM playlist on my channel."
"You're such an important voice for both teachers and anti-MLMers; keep marching on."
"I've committed to never monetizing my YouTube channel for the bull of MLM."
"It's more profitable to work at a McDonald's than it is at an MLM."
"Learning from anti-MLM creators has made me sincerely regret my six months of coaching."
"If you ever have a chance to just positively impact someone that's in an MLM, that's the way we need to go about this."
"I will always go to someone with my heart because there are people like this that are in an MLM that are struggling mentally."
"It's really us that are talking to people in MLM should not be mean, not be disrespectful, but to just help them if we can."
"Listen to your gut, do the research, and run from any MLM."
"If MLM is a cult, this is the counter-cult right here, you know what I'm saying? Of love. This is a cult of love."
"Now I'm super anti-MLM and will stay as far away from these companies as I can."
"I just want to enjoy the workouts and not deal with the MLM aspect of it."
"...being against multi-level marketing companies is just a state of being; like, you don't have to be hashtag anti-MLM to have these feelings."
"...just remember what the message is and remember why. Why are you anti-MLM? You know, ask yourself that."
"CBD gets into the hands of people who need it without scamming and pillaging and plundering with an MLM."
"You guys know I'm part of the anti-MLM movement."
"I'm sorry to hear this, Marco. You are a true legend for helping out all people impacted by MLM."
"Keep on supporting legitimate small businesses and not MLMs."
"Here's to hoping that today will be an anti-MLM Reddit review full of smiles and laughs."
"Support a fellow anti-MLM. It's a small business, a legitimate small business that is not an MLM and is obviously more legit than any MLM ever."
"Perhaps the best friend that I have made in this anti-MLM content creator journey."
"Take care of yourself, don't join an MLM."
"Please keep on supporting small businesses and not multi-level marketing companies."