
Consumer Protection Quotes

There are 487 quotes

"The heart of the movement is warning people against predatory business practices so they don't get scammed."
"Critique exists to protect consumers from unscrupulous companies and is a necessary part of our society."
"Thank you to the politicians... for putting pressure on companies to look after us, the customers."
"The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has returned $13 billion to consumers."
"What we've got to make sure is that as whatever we do, the government and industry, we have to make sure this is understandable and easy to follow and easy to use for consumers."
"Experts authenticate every single piece sold, ensuring that you're not going to be ripped off."
"There is perhaps no better example of corporate greed, misleading consumers and companies placing profits over people than this."
"The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau saved consumers $90 million worth of bank fees in the last year of the Obama administration alone."
"We essentially had this beautiful new ecosystem being built, and Ben Lawsky comes by, says 'I'm here to protect consumers,' builds a huge wall around the thing, and then sits outside the gate charging people to get in."
"This is BS in my opinion. According to the FTC, 99.6% of people lose money in MLMs."
"It can happen to anyone and it makes a lot of sense for preventive education, consumer awareness."
"If left unchallenged, Apple will only continue to strengthen its smartphone monopoly. The Justice Department will vigorously enforce antitrust laws that protect consumers from higher prices and fewer choices."
"Net neutrality is the only thing preventing them from nickel-and-diming us and gouging us."
"The repair market is adding considerable value to the public; they are protecting the public from corporations that sometimes just aren't looking out for their customers."
"The Commission can and will enforce the principle that consumers should be able to access any content and any application."
"You cannot be letting industry dictate what people eat. Big Food should watch what happened to Big Tobacco."
"If a product looks like gambling and feels like gambling, it should be regulated as gambling."
"Food safety will always be the top priority."
"You don't get to censor things you don't like. It is inherently anti-consumer to even consider the notion that a developer could take down criticism of their product simply by abusing copyright law."
"If you were to go to a strictly digital future, you would essentially encounter situations where a storefront or service might shut down, or a company just decides out of the blue that they don't want to host certain games and products, and you'd lose access to them despite the fact that you paid for them."
"This company has had a huge turnover in profit, and it really revolves around predatory activity, preying on those who can't or perhaps even don't know better."
"We need to fix the rules, make them tougher, with a simple, clear, single mission: to protect consumers."
"It is my responsibility as someone with that privilege to make sure that I do my utmost to inform and protect the consumer."
"The reality of a regulated casino is you can't be fisted non-stop because you at least have the protection of a government agency or a gaming commission."
"Criticism towards that model is valid right now because they're taking your money."
"They're not gambling with their money; they're gambling with yours."
"Governments have got to have a bit of courage and say, 'You're not making money out of Australians unless Australians are protected.'"
"Loot boxes equate to glorified gambling mechanisms."
"Let's start using that kind of targeted ad technology to protect people."
"It's worse than breaking someone's leg to sell them a crutch. Religion convinces you you're poisoned when you're not, then offers a homeopathic remedy."
"I just don't want you, your friends, your family, or anyone you're acquaintances with to be scammed by someone unnecessarily."
"It is time for a third-party organization with higher jurisdiction to break the door down and regulate an industry that actively chooses to remain complicit in anti-consumer practices."
"Now people are calling it deceptive advertising."
"A scam to me is something that's intentionally out to rip people off."
"But who are we kidding it won't and it only got fixed this time because the devs actually cared enough to pressure YouTube and NBC to fix it."
"If you see the below ad, do not click it, do not call or attempt to contact them in any way, call the police instead."
"According to a report by the Federal Trade Commission, 99% of representatives lose money from MLM companies."
"The fine line between useful recommendations and invasive surveillance."
"So according to Reuters the ACCC or Australia's competition and consumer commission is investigating some 100 influencers after receiving several complaints from the public."
"Calling these loot boxes surprise mechanics is ridiculous on just about every level."
"These shady practices are getting more and more sophisticated as time goes on."
"Reviews exist as a benefit to the consumer. If somebody reviews a movie that they haven't even seen, then I wouldn't take that review very seriously."
"A seven-year 100,000 mile package that comes as standard...and also covers the battery and the electric motor."
"How are people not seeing the potential abuse of these products of these computer systems?"
"The age of the scammo is upon us to all of us to analyze and scrutinize these projects so the naive or the vulnerable are protected."
"Maybe if they didn't have such deceptive and pushy advertising like saying, 'You might be a winner,' then maybe those receiving their surveys would be a bit more practical and realistic too."
"Some channels are starting to get some backlash for not being, let's just say, transparent about the lack of quality of some of the products that are coming out these days."
"At least on one happy note though, BurnLounge is shut down and it can't hurt anyone anymore."
"If there's going to be loot boxes if there can be simulated gambling at the very least we asked for them to be rated appropriately"
"It's still like a poker machine... it is gambling to a degree."
"In the short time that I've been here I think that's probably been the biggest problem that I've seen that we can actually somewhat control is what's available to retail and to the little guy to consume."
"Banks are charging Americans 34 billion dollars a year on overdraft payments. Unacceptable."
"But what if I told you that the laws actually work in your favor?"
"EU regulation coming for loot boxes. We will take care of this."
"Your ability to be forewarned about the games you buy has been made that much harder by these duplicitous tactics."
"Going after price gougers... is good. Adam Conover's Netflix series is pretty good at showcasing stuff we take for granted."
"This ladies and gentlemen is why it's important that the predatory nature of loot boxes continues to be spoken about."
"Fraudsters looking to boost profits on the sale of a vehicle roll back the numbers on an odometer, duping buyers into thinking the car has fewer miles on it than it does."
"If I can stop somebody watching my channel from getting scammed, from getting hit with all of their data being stolen, from facing identity theft, that's a win in my book."
"We're stopping American patients from just getting pure and simple, two words, very simple words: ripped off."
"That's what's crazy about it... if the service effectively makes your account vulnerable or it can get your IP leaked or something like that then that's really, really bad."
"Your card's locked to the first merchant they're used at, so if your details get stolen the thief won't be able to use the card anywhere else."
"Be aware of how vicious and snake-like corporations are and how willing they are to manipulate you."
"Authorities issue scam warning after new cryptocurrency targets Dubai."
"The regulators in Germany have actually applied a cap to the price that consumers will pay. They don't want the full movement in gas prices to be passed on."
"We can all agree that pretending that this is a thing, that magic serum can change your entire facial structure and trying to make money out of that belief is shit, that is dodgy as fuck. So let's focus on that and work together to solve it."
"Consumers deserve to have someone whose job it is to look out for them."
"Some extremely terrible credit cards... borderline predatory... biggest scam in freaking history."
"The PC master-race is our only safeguard against a greedy corporation."
"To reiterate if you have information or were involved in one of these rug pulls report it if you're a victim of this report it to the authorities it does work."
"The timeshare business has been sued and sued and sued and lost and lost and lost and lost and lost."
"Don't even think about it. Just contact Nintendo."
"Why do you think this industry doesn't seem to be the outlier that is scammy?"
"There's clearly an issue here... a lack of regulation."
"I'm a person who would never fall for that, but that's why I wanted to call because maybe it might happen to other people."
"Why would you want somebody to lie to you and make you spend your hard-earned money on something that isn't good? That makes no sense."
"If you're not going to charge someone like Donald Trump or any of his cronies for the criminality that they engaged in, I'm willing to forgive you for that if you actually look out for consumers."
"Loot box crackdown: Government officials worldwide become more attentive. US introduced a bill tackling predatory loot boxes."
"They're not going to give you that satisfaction for those of you who were wondering whether or not you were being taken advantage of for your money."
"Lit boxes will hopefully die in Europe and the US... hopefully this pushes forward and saves gaming from itself."
"I'm not gonna drive a Lamborghini, I'm not gonna make you sign up for a free webinar, and I'm not gonna make you buy a stupid course."
"You can't leave these companies in charge... they can't set the ceiling."
"We must not permit AI developers, with all their underhanded techniques, to undermine us until we are ultimately supplanted. We must fight back; otherwise, we set a dangerous precedent for all AI systems to come."
"Scam me and countless others during a global pandemic? I ruined your business's reputation for your crappy behavior."
"Amazon doesn't share our values and if we don't make sure that they play by common sensical notions of fair play, they'll just crush us."
"This isn't some pay-to-play gotcha or a predatory MMO where you need to trick the players into wasting real-world money."
"We need to talk more about the real scams in crypto that are harming new people."
"The Bar Standards Board ensures that the bar works well for consumers."
"Well, now Americans thankfully will no longer have to see medical debt on their credit reports."
"Instead of lobbying congress to make it so that nobody could surge prices to gouge consumers, no, they're just going to take it off your credit score."
"Until those proper systems are in place, loot boxes should not be sold because they're currently incredibly predatory."
"The only reason game companies can get away with loot boxes right now is because the law hasn't caught up."
"Demand for transparency, regulation, and stringent use."
"Witness your cards one by one protected by RFID protection."
"Save a seven day summary of when apps access your data, like your location or microphone."
"They've burned everyone before what is to stop them from doing the exact same damn thing here again."
"Every move we have made has been with the intent of protecting the consumer."
"There is almost always some sort of angle these shady companies are pulling, it's become quite obvious that the first step to looking at any of these promoters is examining the fine print."
"This game does not have pay to win stuff which for the video is not good but in general it's good to protect children's wallets."
"Apple said that they don't allow advertisers to track your usage and your data."
"Is the onus on companies or consumers to combat misleading advertising?"
"At least this is further proof against an MLM. So, I'll count that as a win."
"Enforcement policy statement makes clear that tricking consumers into signing up for subscription programs or tapping them when they try to cancel is against the law. Firms that deploy dark patterns and other dirty tricks should take notice."
"Floridians should not have to give up their most intimate information to use a mobile device surf the internet or connect with friends and families on social media."
"I'm glad that we have Lena Khan as the head of the FTC, looking out for ordinary Americans."
"Businesses do not have free license to Market and sell Americans sensitive location data."
"You give companies an inch, they'll take a mile."
"This is the first lawsuit opened against them that accuses them of being a pyramid scheme."
"The online retailing behemoth filed a lawsuit in Seattle's King County Superior Court on Tuesday accusing the people in charge of these Facebook groups of brokering fake reviews for third-party Amazon sellers in exchange for money or free products."
"Amazon's new legal filing comes on the heels of renewed governmental efforts to quell the widespread fake reviews industry which influenced around $152 billion in global spending last year."
"Get it in writing anything they tell you that's important to the transaction."
"They'll tell you that you need more maintenance than your car actually needs in some cases."
"This amazing Etsy seller not only sent me a screenshot of the scammer's email, she also continued to play along as if she totally bought the scammer's con."
"There's no product and they're still asking for people's money."
"Deceptive practices will not be tolerated, and justice will be served."
"There is no reason why you should be scammed out of your hard-earned money."
"Everything in moderation. Spending egregious amounts on these packs just isn't worth it."
"The worst thing for a cult is actually knowing what they sell before you buy it."
"The FTC is actually not the bad guy here. I have two little girls, alright, a two-year-old and a five-month-old. I have two kids. I want the FTC to be looking out and protecting my children."
"Exposing fake gurus, unethical marketing, and charlatan behavior."
"I think a vast majority of the products sold are predatory and will hurt or hinder long-term growth."
"It's just ridiculous and infuriating to me that Herbalife would knowingly put lives at risk that way."
"HSBC fined for failing to protect depositors' money."
"The work you do every day to go after scammers and those who peddle unsuitable financial products is critical."
"It will give you peace of mind and it'll allow you to check for hidden nasties and things that you really don't want with your new purchase."
"This is a matter of ethics. This is a matter of people being defrauded potentially allegedly and it should be rectified as soon as possible."
"My only bias is to make sure that you don't get screwed over as a senior on Medicare."
"CarVertical: Unveiling a vehicle's history, ensuring transparency in car transactions."
"Are these corporations making decisions in the best interest of your health?"
"It still does piss me off to see an actual doctor promoting scammy products like this."
"Surely, I mean people should be annoyed about this like this is fraud."
"Loot boxes are hiding within the in-game purchases label."
"House bill 1124 addresses these problems by requiring manufacturers to make the necessary documentation, parts, tools, or updates available to independent repair providers or owners on fair and reasonable terms."
"The FDA is the only thing standing between you and the money-hungry pharmaceutical industry it's meant to regulate."
"It's sad that we have to protect ourselves because the law isn't protecting the consumer."
"So the stories from the Associated Press and Colorado's Supreme Court has ruled in favor of the woman who expected to pay 1300 bucks for spinal fusion surgery but was billed more than three hundred thousand dollars by the hospital."
"Federal law dubbed the No Surprises Act went into effect earlier this year providing consumer protections against that practice."
"The most striking feature of the entire pack package to me is Ora's automated opt-out requests."
"Absolutely no loot boxes in this game, what you see is what you get."
"FCC issues largest fine in history for robocalls."
"The FTC looked at the study and determined that it was bogus."
"Reviews protect consumers from mods that may not contain the kind of content they want."
"Buy it through a reputable source, make sure you're not getting scammed."
"Remember you also get a 30 day money back guarantee so you're really not risking anything at all in this."
"Chargeback is in place as essentially a step before legal action, there to get your money back when a company's being dishonest."
"I don't want these kind of people who don't deserve it to get scammed out of money."
"Your hesitation and your just delay in acting is paving the road for FIFA 23 to continue their unethical predatory practices."
"Game developers are actively making games more addictive."
"If you're willing to deceive customers and attempt to hide your actions, we will be persistent in pursuing you and ensuring you are brought to justice."
"No, it doesn't change the fact that this is predatory; the whole reason that this exists is to get you to spend as much money as possible."
"Do loot boxes and microtransactions need to be in games?"
"Teleporters for teleporting your island to different locations? Yes please, I like that."
"Scam prevention currency formatting? The vending machines should just use standard currency formatting."
"I think it is very important not only to focus on the relationships of others but also like what's the relationship that you have with yourself."
"Consumer protections often end up hurting the very people they're meant to help."
"It's commercial speech... you can't straight up lie to the audience about something."
"I'm actually going to make a video dedicated to how to prevent scams."
"Loot boxes gotcha systems they're all incredibly exploitative they prey on people's inability to control their urges."
"We need accountability when it comes to advertising and once again this predatory marketing campaign that's allowed to go on everywhere."
"The Cybertruck will without question be the safest pickup in the world."
"In all of this, the unaware consumer is always the victim."
"You spend money, you know what you're getting. At any time, at any point in a video game, if you spend your money and you don't know what you're gonna get from that money, it's gambling and I'm against it."
"Everything's black and white. Spending money to [__] get a loot box is pretty obviously gambling."
"One bill in particular requires the odds of winning items purchased in loot boxes to be disclosed so players know whether or not they're being taken advantage of."
"I like it when people take a perspective and have balls enough to say this is my opinion this is my perspective and I stand by it."
"I hope that I've warned people, and like I said, if I can stop just one person, just one person from being scammed, then that'll at least make me happy."
"It's sort of where personal finance meets true crime, and it's all about exposing the various scams and MLMs and cults and predatory financial services."
"Robocalls are the bane of most of our existence, not only are they a nuisance but they are dangerous and predatory."
"Businesses will do whatever they can get the [ __ ] away with."
"A progressive attorneys general are absolutely there...on the front line of protecting people from what I described as pandemic profiteering." - Keith Ellison
"We're playing the leading role... attorneys general step it up and fighting against pandemic exploitation."
"I genuinely didn't know where this was gonna go at first, but as I was talking to the other two scammers as well, and they were trying to do literally the exact same scam..."
"We're not letting them get away with being these grifters taking advantage of people and we're we're going to call them out."
"Your car warranty is not expiring, nor do you need to give any money to that company cold-calling you under any circumstance."
"No amount of awkward Dr. Strange scenes will ever be more important than keeping emerging monopolies in check."
"China is putting out a product where they're intentionally poisoning the product that we have and they have a clean, healthy version of the same exact product."
"He made a video about scams citing mobile games encourage kids to purchase expensive fake items that are scummy and just awful."
"I just hope if anything these videos have prevented at least one person from also getting scammed."
"Many people want the government to protect the consumer. A much more urgent problem is to protect the consumers from the government."
"It's just the Wild West out here. I mean, they literally could be putting anything in there."
"They're trying to get this to kids, and if they're being this deceptive about it, I don't feel comfortable being silent."
"It was soulless, it was morally bankrupt, and it just shows that rockstar as a publisher at the very least they did not care what they were putting out and charging for 60 dollars a lot of people including myself find this unacceptable."
"You literally cannot trust anything you see on YouTube anymore especially since they've removed the dislike button."
"Truth-in-lending is about promoting the informed use of consumer credit."
"Cars shouldn't be allowed to be updated over the air. Windows experience has shown that."
"Privacy.com is a free, easy-to-use service that hides your credit card number."
"Apple protected their customers. Good job Apple."
"I agree with this bill. If Amazon is hosting all these resellers on their site, they should be liable for what they're selling."
"Scammers are so dumb that they're spelling everything right."
"We can have simultaneously privacy and consumer protection and be able to vet crime committed in digital assets."
"In recent years researchers have been grabbing thousands of different supplements off the shelf, and testing them to see what's inside."
"Japanese officials have issued a recall for at least 10 different types of cosmetics."
"Don't be taken advantage of by a dealership. It's not worth it."
"Well, hang on a second, there's one thing I can't stand: it's not having the British people taken advantage of."
"Age restriction to buy packs would solve it all in my opinion."
"That's called false advertising and that is illegal."
"Targeting loot boxes and gold farming to me that seems like a positive thing."
"Your industry is uniquely predatory because it preys on people in desperate situations."
"Establishing an unregulated market is bound to attract deceptive merchants who would like to take advantage of it."
"Democrats on the other hand are going to fight like hell to protect consumers and workers..."