
Federalism Quotes

There are 174 quotes

"I believe that the federal government has usurped powers and autonomy that belong back at the state and local level."
"Federalism and localism are an answer to a lot of these questions."
"Federalism...is a safety valve...we have to allow diversity in our country."
"The whole point of federalism is allowing people to decide what they want to do."
"Just let Rhode Island, let Texas, let Illinois, let California figure out how to police their own states."
"Federalism is not just some quaint word... it's actually central to the health of this Republic."
"Federalism and the vertical separation of powers protect against the concentration of power in any one place."
"The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined... The powers reserved to the several states will extend to all the objects which in the ordinary course of affairs concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people."
"Occasionally you will get a Supreme Court that will indeed vindicate states' rights... but long haul, you cannot expect the Supreme Court to protect the states."
"This whole national divorce thing, isn't that the entire point of having different states? And this has been working well."
"The idea that states should make decisions for themselves...is one of the great beautiful things that we have in the United States."
"The notion that the federal government is the first stop here, or that federal policymakers are capable of doing this stuff, is a failure to understand the most basic principles of democracy and governance."
"Federalism is the sharing of power between national government and state government."
"We have to rely on people in the end to maintain the balance between the states and the federal government."
"Federalism is not the obstacle to this sort of thing."
"The Iroquois Confederacy laid out a model of federalism and participatory democracy that inspired leaders during the formation of the United States."
"Hamilton sees opportunity, arguing that the new federal government should assume the states' debts in order to unite the nation as one."
"I think the United States government is just too gigantic and this is too large a country to be governed under one main governing body."
"The states hold all the cards. They are in absolute control."
"Sage rights are the powers held by individual U.S. states rather than the federal government... States rights too are a dry tinder for much larger fire."
"This simply isn't how our federal system is supposed to work."
"I am not going to support Federal rules that block the ability of states to do what they wish to do."
"Leaving it up to the states is the American system, and it's a good thing."
"Pushing back into a more federalized kind of state."
"Federalism is your best fight back... more power at the localest level possible."
"State governments shouldn't be running an independent foreign policy, and now they're not."
"If we're gonna save America, it's gonna be through the states."
"Decentralization is federalism in action on behalf of the people."
"Let's learn from the past. What does the federal government do and what does the state do?"
"States rights were a crucial component of the checks and balances of power."
"The Constitution is so clear; the founders assumed that it was the states that were at fault by printing too much money."
"The powers delegated to the federal government are few and far between. Those reserved to the states are numerous and indefinite."
"If the federal government would have said don't look to us, you states can do whatever you want."
"States pushing back against federal laws they don't agree with."
"Expressed with the way Gerry wrote it originally... are reserved to the States or to the people."
"Hamilton would grant greater legitimacy to the federalist party's more radical wing, reaffirming the country's direction toward federalization."
"America is a very unique type of system... 50 different states... push back against the federal government."
"Federal Supremacy is easy in principle and difficult in practice."
"American federalism might be the thing that saves us at the end of the day."
"For this we have different rules and states have different rules on all kinds of things and my attitude is that this is this is federalism the states are..."
"The Federalists were those individuals who were the supporters of the Constitution."
"Federalism, which is the Touchstone for all right-wing Maga judges and law students and lawyers."
"States are where the real power Centers of America are."
"States are the last line of defense for our democracy."
"The states are going to have to reassert themselves."
"Federalism is winning, the United States is winning right now."
"I think states rights do matter, but whenever you're talking about big issues like this, I think it should be decided on a federal level."
"I think it's okay to keep states represented and invested in the ongoings of the Union."
"I'm okay with the idea of over representing some smaller states just so that they're not completely and totally ignored."
"Let's get comfortable with federalism again."
"True federalism means each state has control over its resources and governance."
"True federalism empowers states and promotes fairness and accountability."
"And while ultimately the Federalists won out and the Constitution was ratified, the issue of how large government should be did not go away."
"It does not threaten the Union to have a strong central government."
"We're seeing a pattern here, states stepping in, pushing back against the federal government."
"The federal government doesn't have this authority technically."
"I don't want this authoritarian federal government. I wanna shrink the federal government as much as possible."
"If you start encroaching on states' rights, the states will fight back."
"The states should decide the vast majority of things except for those powers that are specifically delegated to the federal government."
"States have the right to govern themselves. Do you want the federal government to control absolutely everything?"
"We are called to take our nation back to where it started: federalism."
"There is no federal solution. This gets solved at the state level." - President Biden
"Federalism means understanding what the right thing to do locally is going to be very, very important."
"Powers not granted to the federal government fall back to the state and to the people."
"Federalism principles embedded in the Constitutional structure decide this case. States cannot use their control over the ballot to undermine the national government. Yes, the danger is even greater."
"States are showing they have more of a backbone...standing up for their own individual states' rights."
"Perhaps the peaceful divorce is the only way out of this... if New York California and Illinois are so scared of the virus by all means let these states have their lockdowns."
"States to be able to Sunset Federal Supremacy in their own State."
"You don't have the right as a state to say to the people of the United States the other 49 states ah we're not going to put your guy on the on the ballot because we don't like them. It's as simple as that." - Bill O'Reilly
"The power is not delegated to urubal nations by this constitution, are reserved to the state respectively or to the people."
"There would be no need for secession, national divorce, and especially no need for violence. It's an informal line in the sand, federalism is the key."
"I think we often forget that the United States of America is an experiment in decentralization."
"Let me remind you that the states created the federal government and not the other way around."
"When the federal government respects provincial jurisdictions and lets local provinces make their own decisions in their own realms you tend to have a more united country because people aren't antagonized by each other."
"Let it be up to the states. That's the beautiful part about the United States of America."
"True federalism and decentralization wherever possible."
"Federal interference with the state's decisions about how to spend its own money is a particularly offensive invasion of state sovereignty."
"The need for a strong and energetic central government."
"The tenth amendment states the powers not delegated to the united states by the constitution nor prohibited by it to the states are reserved to the states respectively or to the people."
"Federalism was the best system ever conceived of for maximizing human happiness, because it lets the most people live the way they wanna live."
"For a population of people who were worried about the birth of some kind of tyrannical centralized national government, the concept of federalism at least had some potential."
"A federal government would energize the government without prostrating the states or trampling on the American people; that's the compromise of federalism."
"Under the federalist system certain jobs are done exclusively by the central government."
"Federalism describes the way we live under a national government, a state government, and a local government."
"State's rights ought to preserve to the state the option to make the fundamental arrangements on how to proceed into the future."
"If we see a state passing a law, right? Well, you know, that's a concurrent power. States have the power to pass laws, federal government has the power to pass laws."
"Federalism means that the states are a check on the federal government."
"First the federal government has always been the largest of the layers of government but its share of overall government activity has tended to shrink over time Rising during crisis."
"The US Supreme Court's Slaughterhouse Cases of 1873 ruled that only federal rights can be enforced by the federal government."
"The Second Amendment says the federal government can't infringe on citizens' rights to keep and bear arms, but can state governments?"
"States are still going to hold these powers."
"Federalism allows for different laws in different states, which makes more people happy than if there were one uniform federal law."
"Competition among the 50 states is a good thing for the same reason that competition in the free market is a good thing."
"The national government, for reasons spelled out by James Madison in the 10th Federalist Paper, is more likely to be protective of the civil rights of minorities than the state governments are."
"The Nullification movement to succeed against gun control laws and Beyond more Americans will have to recognize that the most effective way to oppose Federal policies that violate their rights is at the local level."
"The federal role in education policy should be reduced, as state and local governments account for the majority of school finances."
"State and local officials should push against unfunded federal mandates, maintaining healthy checks and balances."
"State and local governments should be annoyed by unfunded mandates as they're told to do something without receiving the necessary funds."
"The healthy cooperation needed in a federal system can erode when extreme conflict arises between different layers of government."
"Federal grant allocations often rely on pre-existing formulas and political jockeying, which can favor certain states."
"States are allowed to nullify federal laws."
"In his opinion in McCulloch versus Maryland, John Marshall established the reality and vitality of the federal government."
"...the United States is not just a republic, we are a republic of republics."
"I believe in federalism, because I believe in diversity and freedom and the right of people to make their own decisions."
"This great experiment has allowed 50 different states to have a different set of rules."
"The Constitution embraced two principles: separation of powers and federalism."
"If you're serious about the way federalism works and you're serious about housing and rental policy, the thing to do is probably to gather the people who are actually in charge of it."
"If we live upon the principle of state rights and state sovereignty, each state regulating its own affairs, minding its own business, we can go on and extend indefinitely."
"Any power that is not specifically mentioned in the Constitution as belonging to the federal government is therefore reserved to the state governments."
"The division of powers... sets out which level of government gets to pass what kind of laws."
"Federalism in German and federalism in English mean the same thing, a mode of government that combines a central government with regional governments in one political system."
"The electoral college is okay in that smaller states are disproportionately greater represented per person because I think there should be some type of state representation when it comes to choosing our head of state."
"Our federal system... local governments matter, who your mayor is, who your county commissioners are, that matters."
"Interstate commerce is a delegated power to the federal government."
"The Constitution was written in many ways understanding that those parts of the political order that would be most responsible for securing institutions and laws would reside in the states."
"Article 4 lays out the nuts and bolts of how federalism, the system of shared governance between states and the federal government, works in practice."
"America is far from being a unified entity; each state has its own laws, cultures, and quirks."
"The ratification of the conventions of nine states shall be sufficient for the establishment of this Constitution between the states so ratifying the same."
"Hamilton wanted to convert the creditors of those state governments into creditors of the federal government."
"Federalism is that concept that there is shared government power within the government between federal and state."
"Australia is a federal system, and there is considerable divergence between the states."
"The Tenth Amendment gives the state all the powers that are neither given to the federal government nor prohibited by the Constitution."
"The ultimate resolution of the Buganda question involves the federal system of government."
"I believe the United States of America is supposed to work as like, hey, there's federal regulations obviously, but each state at the beginning was supposed to operate as its own like country almost."
"Ultimately, it was the presence of this power in Europe, and its long-feared power, that sustained the idea of European unity and helped to bring about the idea of federalism."
"The division of India by States... many of these states are going to be what are called linguistic states."
"The reason the American people have remained such a free nation is because we gave some powers to the federal government and some powers to the states."
"The 10th amendment is the bedrock of federalism."
"Federalism is the sharing of power between the national government and the states."
"The expanded powers of the national government benefit policymaking because of the strength of the constitution, the increase of cooperative federalism, and the advantages of fiscal federalism."
"The best interests and future prosperity of British North America will be promoted by a federal union under the crown of Great Britain."
"Federalism is the division of powers between the federal government and the state."
"Federalism describes the sharing of power between the national government and state governments."
"Why not have one giant federal jurisdiction for a use-of-force and then a federation of countries that can implement whatever cultural policies they want at a lower level?"
"The 10th Amendment states the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."
"Can Filipinos benefit from federalism, and are we ready for a shift to a federal government?"
"Everyone has a different culture in each state and if different rules and moral decisions come with that, that's what this system is supposed to be."
"The Constitution... based on the principles of federalism and separation of powers, they crafted a Bill of Rights."
"Federalism is the division of power between the state and federal governments."
"The Federalists... wrote a series of Federalist Papers... a collection of reasons and essays for believing in the practicality of each major provision of the Constitution."
"Federalism is really just a combination of national, state, and local powers."
"The Tenth Amendment establishes what's known as federalism, or powers that are given to States."
"This is a federal republic and the president respects that."
"The powers reserved to the several States extend to all the objects which in the ordinary course of affairs concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people."
"They were essentially struggles for sectional equality or ascendancy, for the maintenance or the destruction of that balance of power or equipoise between North and South, which was early recognized as a cardinal principle in our federal system."