
Meticulousness Quotes

There are 335 quotes

"Being meticulous is the difference between becoming a millionaire and being a poor ass newbie."
"When it comes to welding, especially with difficult metals like aluminum, patience and meticulousness are key."
"I'm meticulous with the things that I create."
"Winning requires you to think in a different way. Winning speaks its own language. Winning has its own way of recognizing you."
"The grilling process requires meticulousness, you need to turn all sides evenly to ensure the meat is cooked evenly and the flavors are absorbed."
"The red heifer must also be two years old... if they're able to make it without growing the white hairs or black hairs I think with five of them we have a really good chance of that then they will be the first one in 2000 years."
"It was so beautifully done and a lot of these dragsters don't get that level of finish and TLC they really don't." - Unnamed judge
"The preparation and attention to detail is insane."
"You slip up, don't cross a T or dot an I and I'll treat you like every other criminal here."
"We're making sure that we kept out the smallest items."
"The last thing that's going to burn down is something I installed. I am such an anal retentive person when it comes to my connections." - Individual speaker
"It's just so considerate, every little detail."
"Every time I ever either given a gun or buy one somewhere, I'll just pull it apart all the way and just check."
"All you can control is your preparation. If you do things right, you leave no stone unturned."
"It's not about rushing things, it's about doing things right."
"Attention to detail which I can still never get over to this day."
"We always try and overlap each section that I do so that we don't miss anything."
"The whole book is like that, I promise you, the whole book is like that, he just takes such care in every single sentence for beauty and it is just gorgeous."
"Kira is the most meticulous villain in all of anime."
"They want this to be thoroughly investigated and appropriately investigated."
"Every last detail, from hiding the ladder to sabotaging the trucks, appears to have been meticulously planned."
"You're like a museum curator." - Finding joy in meticulous care.
"We made it spawn-proof. We went around to every snow block and added two snow layers on top."
"We are about to see a very studious and careful investigation."
"This killer had gone to great lengths to obliterate any trace of himself from the crime scene."
"Mark of the Ninja is a game in which everything feels considered, and that kind of deliberate, airtight design is the shit that I can't get enough of."
"Harriet's meticulousness in using both the sign law of refraction and interpolation."
"Just the lengths that this guy goes to in order to sort of set up the perfect murders is really crazy."
"It's the meticulous calculation and attention paid to the spatial arrangement of objects that invokes the feeling of an omnipresent designer."
"The preservation of the Jewish Bible had incredible quality control."
"Kobe Bryant was addicted to studying film, experimenting with tweaking and adopting new moves, loved basketball as much as nearly anything else in his life."
"The need for precision and care has never been greater."
"I actually find the details much more important, I like to always say the devil is in the details."
"That experience is extremely important because any error at the stage could result in wasting a month of work."
"Capricorns are meticulous workers; even the smallest details matter to them."
"Tend to the small things. Details matter. Take care of what needs attention."
"Everything we do in this kitchen has to be tasted. I don't care if it's a [__] bread roll, a lemon meringue pie, or a chicken kiev."
"Everything is done so intentionally with care."
"Everything has a purpose. Every shot has a function. It's all put together with care."
"The duct tape surrounding the wires on the pole had been meticulously removed, leaving no trace."
"Investigators begin the arduous task of carefully sorting and cataloging every item left in the vault."
"It's not a problem in itself, so to be fair and to criticize the right stuff and correctly, I did something that I usually do not do, I made notes."
"You must scrub to clean the table completely."
"It's like surgical precision, actual surgery being performed."
"I'm flattered to be acknowledged and appreciated for my artistry. I'm very meticulous and intentional about my music."
"Your job that you're applying for is attention to detail."
"The level of detail here is incredible."
"The attention to detailing throughout this boat is great."
"A car that's been lovingly and very carefully considered."
"The conversations just between the three of them were written so meticulously so smartly."
"As you can see, that was definitely a two-person job, trying to carefully feed that AC ducting into that wall panel without damaging it at all."
"there's such an intense attention to detail"
"Dude, you got something special about you, man, the way you're meticulous about things but the way you manifest it, like on some real [__], just from hearing what you were saying about some other things, man, like, I'm just a nerd."
"By the time you're done going in and out of all the crevices, getting them prepped, getting them sanded, then getting them painted, cleaned up, and ready to go, you could have a hundred, maybe two hundred hours doing the bottom side of this car."
"...clearly there is a method to the madness and you might be surprised by just how meticulous this method can be sometimes."
"I'm going to wash and dry my brush. I'm going to pick up a tiny bit of gray paint, just a itty bitty bit on my brush."
"The attention to detail was astonishing."
"Very careful and precise with details."
"The meticulous architect designed a building that was both functional and aesthetically pleasing to the eye, taking into account every detail and aspect of the structure and the landscape around it."
"Each Crucible undergoes meticulous inspection by experienced quality control professionals."
"Bruce Lee was a perfectionist and he had every move planned down to the last quarter inch."
"There's nothing haphazard going on and vocalists that you know are starting to get into it don't realize how meticulous you have permission to be."
"You could tell these are professionals they're very meticulous they talk about his goals the business's goals where they need to wind up to be in the best position possible I mean they are just experts"
"There was always just something so satisfying about setting up a huge layout meticulously figuring out how each track would overlap each other and spiral up and connect back to the start."
"Every single card has to get sleeved, and I'm sleeving them all."
"I'm probably more persnickety when it comes to stuff, especially me being clean."
"Small details, paying attention to the little things."
"Meticulous attention to detail is outstanding."
"Literally I am so anal now when it comes to like cleaning. I want to make sure everything is like cleaned like every day."
"So after that went ahead, dress the tires, made sure to wipe everything else down, you saw me do the interior windows as well as the whole interior process."
"This doesn't feel like a spur-of-the-moment wedding or you go and elope. It doesn't feel rushed in any way. Like, everything feels very meticulous, very thought out. It feels like you saved up for this day."
"Making cakes requires patience and meticulous characteristics."
"This is uh typically what I do I go out here walk around out here to my shooting area and I pick up brass you know once I get them home I inspect them I look at them I go through them I throw away the bad ones and I keep the good ones."
"The gang led by Brian reer had spent three years meticulously planning the heist."
"I went to each table, literally each table."
"You just really need to be meticulous and methodical."
"Considering the amount of rework and changes that this had, I hope it is very abundantly clear that this project was something meticulously and carefully put together with a lot of time and care."
"The attention to detail is off the charts in this film."
"Think creatively through attention to detail."
"...that kind of nitpicky meticulous [ __ ] that does my head that kind of you know that little nitpicky [ __ ] that I can't do..."
"Thick binding, tiny dots, every detail matters."
"This will probably be one of the most cleanest most overhauled M5s anywhere in the world right now because I'm overhauling every single thing to make this engine run problematic and perfectly."
"We have to pay attention to every single detail."
"I'm always over-cautious when I play with LEDs. Every time I do a step, I do a check, make sure everything's still okay because, you know, if something goes wrong, you don't want to be backtracking with these things."
"The attention to detail is unmatched."
"I know it's a tiny change but every inch counts in the dollhouse."
"I take everything and I put it in ultra slow motion."
"...he's very, very clever and he's very, very meticulous about what he does."
"It's the attention to detail for me."
"It's fantastic attention to detail."
"You'll want to use quite a few clips just to make sure that everything is nicely closed."
"I am very careful and meticulous at this point because I've done several of them and I've done a lot of ripping out and I don't want to do that on this one."
"Her jersey had been cut up the middle and her sweatpants had been sliced apart in squares. A methodical, time-consuming process."
"A good QA tester's meticulous, process-oriented thinking will help you keep pipelines and storylines alike straight."
"What are your operating principles? To be meticulous with your craft."
"...he's meticulous and payed attention to everything from the verses and adlibs."
"Every single bit of this project has been done with precision, precision."
"It's not just about the content, it's not just about like well the stuff we're talking about in this answer choice is basically right. Every single word has to be justifiable, act like you're reading the fine print on a contract. In other words, think like a lawyer."
"Yeah, I like putting screws back where they are even on vehicles I'm not going to keep."
"I think the details are very important."
"Michael Anderson treated the production with meticulous planning, preparation, and military precision."
"Jewish scribes were known around the world as being the most meticulous scribes on the planet."
"The dedication to Precision is evident in every step of the process, from making connections on Main DC Fields motor generator sets to the meticulous undertaking of commutator undercutting and the careful wedging of newly rewound Staters."
"The attention to detail on each little thing is absolutely spot on."
"Alderaan's development was meticulous and done with great care."
"It's all in the details, my friends."
"When you do something like this with a four-foot tank, it's not a quick job."
"It becomes evident that Mr. Martin has been meticulously documenting their deaths."
"How keen they were, how meticulous about the details and the timing and the questions and the topic."
"I just want to say the amount of Scotch tape, the amount of markers, the amount of erasing and redrawing and the amount of retaping and the amount of reprinting and everything that had to go into this board is kind of crazy."
"The devil is very much in the detail."
"The engineering of this component was very meticulous and intentional."
"I want this build to be flawless."
"I love it. I'm going to make sure that there's no extra little bits in there so very light, the same finger rub."
"An eye for detail will go very far here."
"Detail, man. Sometimes that's the way detail goes."
"I did the same report in Data Studio because you know I'm really pedantic about validation. I want to make sure that the data is correct."
"I'm ecstatic with what they've done so far, it's perfect, and like they're very meticulous so I know it's going to be right."
"When an artist does for hair, they insert one hair at a time."
"...everything in this painting has been carefully planned..."
"By the time I was done, more than 500 scales had been individually sewn on."
"I'm literally one of those people that I will get the most smallest minute detail."
"Every single piece, every single atom of this album has been so deliberately crafted."
"It's the attention to detail that always gets me."
"I just wanted to do a long, drawn-out manual calculation to begin."
"I wrap everything with tissue paper first."
"I just love how powerlifters analyze and they're meticulous about how they train and how they execute movements."
"I pay so much attention to detail sometimes it even bugs me."
"He's stickler. He really, really stickler for preparedness."
"That's attention to detail right there."
"Excellence is going above and beyond in the details that other people overlook."
"A meticulous person likes to have everything perfect."
"Their goal is to just perfectly immerse you in this world and they're extremely meticulous about it."
"Mark was an extremely smart and calculated diver; he meticulously planned every expedition, leaving nothing to chance."
"You can do things right to the T every time, and it can still go sideways."
"The amount of planning he must do, and in Baby Driver, the lyrics to the song that's being played."
"It shows attention to detail, I'm impressed."
"If you go slow and you just triple check, you're going to be really surprised with how this turns out."
"He worked very hard, non-stop almost, to see that his duties were fulfilled, and that every 'i' was dotted and every 't' was crossed."
"If you can have attention to detail, it's not that hard to do."
"Just be slow and be kind of meticulous here because this is a really important part."
"That's such a cool touch right there, attention to detail."
"His attention to detail is incredible."
"Attention to detail is everything here."
"Every inch of the Mansion was a love letter to luxury, crafted with an eye for detail so meticulous it bordered on the Divine."
"I'd rather be safe than sorry. I'd rather take the time to pull something apart a second time rather than just sending it and then letting something get destroyed."
"Attention to detail, that's a tremendous job by them."
"It's the passion and doing it right, taking your time not missing any details."
"The attention to detail is just on a whole another level."
"Attention to detail is absolutely critical."
"Not a trace of dust, no dishes left in the sink, and everything was meticulously organized."
"It's so precise, so sharp; you need to be so meticulous with your inputs."
"The attention to detail is just impressive."
"My grandma taught me to be meticulous with my sewing."
"A diligent person was planning; they do the best and they're very detailed and particular."
"That's the first little repair, now I'm making a very careful note of the repairs I do."
"Anyone who works with me knows I put a lot of attention into the details, because it's important."
"I'm all about the attention to detail, lads."
"I do believe my strongest trait is my attention to detail, this trait has helped me tremendously in this field of work."
"God is in the details. Sign your own checks; people see it, and they screw you less."
"There's no rush doing stuff like this; you want to take your time and do it right."
"Only the most meticulous work would allow authorities to catch a killer who struck from a distance."
"Every single last little bit we could do to improve the engine will help."
"It's not that hard, but it's very meticulous, and you got to be very patient."
"Everything has to be done with a good measure of precision, patience, accuracy, stealth."
"I'm a bit OCD when it comes to things being right."
"She was meticulous, she considered all arguments."
"Attention to detail is of paramount importance here."
"Absolutely everything is in its place."
"He liked to be carefully prepared."
"Make sure you are very meticulous, make sure you're checking every single step."
"I want to do it from the ground up and I want to know that everything's done the right way."
"This guy blows my mind. I swear to God, I thought he was just some crazy, reckless killer, but he's not. He's very meticulous."
"The milling of gunpowder from raw materials into a fine powder took careful attention to detail, exacting standards, and some might say nerves of steel."
"Every detail was so perfectly planned."
"Great attention to detail right here."
"I am an extremely thorough person. I pay a lot of attention to detail and I move so calculated when it comes to making a decision."
"Every letter, every word, I heard all that."
"You can never be too sterile with everything that we're doing."
"The selection this time around, it's so meticulous, chef's kiss, it's so meticulous. I have no complaints whatsoever."
"The number one thing when pulling an airplane apart: take pictures of everything and put notes on everything."
"Virgos are perfectionists in every aspect of their lives."
"His attention to detail, planning a game for a week is out of this world."
"Each boot takes 260 processes over eight weeks before it gets packed up and sent out to the user."
"Everything's laid out just the way I want it; whenever we get back, I make sure that this is all in the exact same place."
"You're a perfectionist, every little detail counts, and that's what we're here for."
"I pay really close attention to detail."
"Just finger tight, take your time."
"It's not rocket science, but you have to pay attention to the details and you have to do it right."
"Attention to detail, that's going out and telling them, being honest with them: if we play this way, if we do ABC, we get good results."
"I'm gonna take my time working around and get this really clean."
"Attention to detail is one of the most important traits of a good housekeeper."
"Take your time with this, whenever you're building an engine, the biggest thing you can do is take your time."
"Attention to detail really matters."
"It's all about the details that people don't even see."
"Look how clean the pebbles are, they not only dig out the soil around the stones but then they actually pick all the soil off the stones so they're left with super clean pebbles."
"We take our time, we do things as best as possible, as perfect as possible."
"She paid attention to every little detail to ensure no regret."
"Attention to detail... you really have to pay attention to exactly what you're doing."