
Generational Influence Quotes

There are 206 quotes

"My sense of identity and values is very closely tied to my family and particularly my grandad."
"Her legacy transcends generations, mothers passing down their admiration for Justice Ginsburg to their daughters."
"It's not what we give up as much as what we get. It impacts not only us but generations to come."
"Star Trek wasn't just about the first crew of the Enterprise; it was about the generation that started it and the generations that have yet to discover it."
"It's like throwing a rock in a pond; you're gonna see the ripples. So, I know that if I help this girl, then she's going to apply that to being a mother and then that daughter is going to go off and help this person."
"Women are The Gatekeepers of future generations."
"It all goes back and back, to our mothers and fathers and theirs before them. We are puppets, dancing on the strings of those who came before us."
"The choices that you make today are going to have a profound influence on how your children and grandchildren live."
"Spoiled parents raise spoiled kids a public-minded generous and polite parent might shower his or her child in privilege and presence and still raise a public-minded generous and polite child."
"It's time for this generation's Beyoncé, y'all get what I'm saying?"
"The upcoming generation is watching us, and they're seeing the things that we're doing."
"Your genetic makeup, Your Existence, your children's existence exist because of those ancestors."
"Sometimes our issues are not our own, they're from another generation."
"He just made an impact, till this day. You can be 21, you could be 51. What he was speaking back in the 90s is still relevant till this day."
"The younger generations continually hammer home the truth that they have a majority stake in what the future yields."
"These books have captured the imaginations of generations, leaving us with a sense of wonder and a burning desire to uncover their secrets."
"Number 11: The Ring, this is the movie that scared a whole generation of youngsters..."
"I'm really concerned about the Free Speech aspect of this, but I'm also concerned that we do have our number one adversary programming an entire generation with information."
"Social media platforms and the influence of gen Z users like him have democratized political messaging."
"Steve Irwin, on the other hand, inspired a generation of nature enthusiasts."
"This was the Sonic that grabbed the attention of a whole new generation of kids, helping save the franchise."
"God wants us to be history makers in this generation."
"I think a lot of rappers don't think what impact the music's gonna have on the next generation."
"It's destined to happen, like Minecraft. You know, kids that grew up with it definitely will."
"Some of their works were able to quite literally save the faith of tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people two or three generations later."
"Alphas will be a force that brings us together in the workforce."
"The film is and will always be a generation-defining classic."
"The lifestyle decisions that you make today can still affect future generations."
"Once you have taught a generation of young people to think everything is about gender and race and those immutable characteristics, you can get them to believe any crazy thing you want."
"It's more than a classic, it's a generational statement."
"We need to understand the importance of legacy."
"If you want to win 10 years 20 years 30 years down the line you need to win the hearts and minds of the younger generation."
"I now have a boy, and that boy is going to be like his dad and like his uncles."
"Studio Trigger brings the magic of their own childhood to a new generation with their bombastic storytelling and animation."
"The musical impact of Edward Lodovic Van Halen will continue to inspire and fascinate generation after generation."
"God is found in the mystery, in the uncertainty, in the tension beyond your understanding."
"Godly Christian women will raise the next generation."
"Young folks and even old folks watching this would rise up and walk in the authority that you've given them."
"I feel like pride is us, the pillars or the totem poles that the younger generation can either rest upon and look up to."
"I think they're quite a nice role model for the young generation."
"We've really gotten to the point where all these people who were raised on Quentin Tarantino movies now have the chance to be in them."
"Kurt’s music has outlived his own life and his darkest demons, and the positivity from his work will trickle down for generations to come."
"Minecraft helped define a generation and became a bona fide cultural phenomenon."
"Brandy's album inspired a whole new generation of singers."
"Bruce Willis will forever be a beloved actor to generations of moviegoers."
"Every so often an author comes along whose work defines a generation."
"If you're not able to convince a vassal or neighbor to join you in your beliefs, maybe you can focus your efforts on their next generation instead."
"With your help, this moment will be a turning point in American history that will be remembered and celebrated for generations to come."
"We need to just demonstrate what that looks like. Young people will argue with their elders but they'll never fail to imitate them."
"The decisions we make today will resonate for generations to come."
"Gen Z was shaped by the fact that they were the first people in human history to get onto social media middle school."
"They pimped so that people like me could also pimp."
"One day you're gonna die. How is the next generation gonna know that you did it? That's your legacy."
"Have we helped to move two generations, Millennials and Gen Z, to become Progressive? Yes, those numbers are real."
"I think my generation was the generation where we popularized 'cool' as the go-to."
"I feel like my generation was the generation where we popularized 'cool' as the go-to."
"If you don't have any choice over what your children are learning, do you think you might be able to actually change the way an entire generation or perhaps even two generations of people can think?"
"Bitcoin: a system of money and payments that isn't controlled by boomers."
"Adventure Time managed to impressively capture the hearts of a diverse audience of all ages with its clever humor and poignant creativity."
"That's what raising children should be about: not forcing your ideas onto these people younger than you because you can."
"Just tell them to get through it, I feel like this show gave birth to a generation of kids."
"This generation that comes out will have the character to fulfill what we've been called to do." - "This generation that comes out will have the character to fulfill what we've been called to do."
"Passion for cars like this is entirely predicated upon that attitude being passed down as subsequent Generations."
"The Millennials grew up with the Internet, that's gonna be like a nuclear weapon politically."
"Roe v Wade being overturned is the biggest story of our generation."
"It's turned Generation Z into metal heads literally overnight."
"Being spiritual will empower you to become a principal actor in your generation."
"None of this even matters. So if you can impact somebody's life in a positive way, that's generational."
"The fact that Glee introduced a lot of wokeness to a huge broad swath of Millennials."
"I think we've got a generational player in Jude Bellingham."
"What happens here in this election impacts our kids for future generations and the entire planet."
"Taylor Swift is a totemic figure for a certain generation."
"So many women will turn around and go, this is basically all generations Princess Diana."
"Rule this kingdom for generations, transforming the fates of people."
"Pluto in Capricorn generation, they'll create the new rules for the age of Aquarius."
"It made me really think about the power that older generations can have on the newer ones, and the troubling thought that family traditions can influence more about ourselves than we might realize."
"The essence of that and that fire, you know, is like I am inspired by young people today."
"Prasoon Joshi's work has helped establish a connection with a new generation."
"Every generation has a show that they grew up with, but Sesame Street is probably the only one that spanned five generations."
"More importantly, 'V for Vendetta' was a veritable cultural phenomenon with the imagery of Weaving's character and his grinning mask becoming a symbol for an entire generation of anti-establishment youth."
"Thanks to this, a new generation of movie and TV buffs have been introduced to her and her iconic film roles from the 80s and 90s."
"I just hope that these stories inspire a new generation to live for the faith that they say they believe." - Author Johnny Moore
"Generation Z and the way that they are taking on this issue is kind of like what it must have felt like being in the 60s."
"One of the most improved artists to hit our generation ever."
"I ruined an entire generation of teenage boys starter pack."
"You are a product of all who came before you, the good and the bad."
"A legacy of exceptional performances that resonated with audiences across generations." - Tribute to Bridget Forsyte
"That's probably the coolest thing about drag is that what you do gets to inspire like the Next Generation."
"What happens when they see this the Next Generation grows up to do the same."
"You just had to be alive and old enough at this point to be part of this cultural phenomenon that can't ever be replicated."
"An impact I would like to make in the world is to not always think about yourself but think about how we're affecting those that are following us."
"Joanne was passing all of her traits onto her only daughter Alyssa, who was already becoming a bright, smart, and talented young lady."
"So this is Spirit's message to you: healing the mother line, healing ancestral work."
"I am optimistic...this game has the potential to be one of those once in a generation sort of experiences."
"You sisters, your daughters, your granddaughters will be at the heart of creating that society."
"The professionalism of that generation is unmatched."
"My grandmother was the pillar of the family."
"I think our generation is going to force the generations that above us to take a look at us."
"It spoke to a generation and continues to resonate with listeners today."
"The Millennials are gonna be the engine of the economy between 2020 and 2030 as they hit their peak economic years."
"Odd Future paved the way for the current generation of breakthrough artists and creative innovation."
"I'm just passionate about my country and inspiring the next generation."
"Elon is like the most famous person of our generation probably at this point. I can't think of someone more famous in terms of celebrity status in today's world, right?"
"The job of the president of the United States is to be a role model for our children and our grandchildren."
"I'm pretty sure this game's soundtrack is responsible for Millennials' love of 80s music."
"Vice City has grown beyond its inspirations, coming full circle to inspire an entire generation of music, art, and style."
"This album was such a formative album for a lot of Swifties, especially ones that are around my age."
"Millennials and Gen Z hold the reins of societal change."
"I feel like I'm the king of this whole Young Generation. I'm building a new face for Houston." - Travis Scott
"It's an important movie to the whole culture. I think that you guys have impacted people from my generation to even my father's generation."
"A movie that would change the course of filmmaking and define a generation."
"Linkin Park quickly became the biggest selling rock band of their whole generation."
"Each new generation is affected by the values, beliefs, practices, and experiences of the former."
"But, like with so many controversial popular vampires of recent years we have the teenagers of the 80's to thank for carrying their love for Lost Boys with them as they grew up."
"This earth is here before you it will be here after you and how the universe works and functions it's tough in my dad who was born whenever the [ __ ] he was born is into music was into drugs was into women and life happened however it happened."
"While the franchise may never match its success of the 90s, it's great that Stine is still inspiring and scaring a new generation of children."
"Emotions transcend time, impacting humanity for generations."
"JK Rowling's work will survive for many generations."
"MTV was at the forefront of music culture and truly they influenced every generation."
"What you children do this day will have an impact on children who have not been born."
"There's no question that 'Appetite for Destruction' was my generation's big album, Gen X. Every kid had it, it was a rite of passage."
"It may very well define an entire generation of games."
"if you raise those kids in church that daughter that son those grandbabies and they might be in a lifestyle that's just so bad and they might be heavily addicted but can i tell you something they got a choice."
"Legacy is very important. Everything you do, try to create something that's gonna outlive you."
"And but I also thought that was representative of his character of showing how he was becoming like his dad in certain ways."
"These are folks that came up in the Trump era, this is all they know how to do."
"Your actions are inspiring the children, the next generation of understanding what's happening even if you don't see anybody watching."
"Walt Groller: Polka legend and musical comfort food for generations."
"Let your voice be heard! Who we vote into office not only affects our day-to-day but it also impacts future generations."
"Gen Alpha is influenced by today's beauty standards. Moving forward, we need to consider how we navigate these influences and take responsibility collectively."
"Metallica will continue rocking our Collective worlds as their music truly transcends Generations."
"If hatred can be passed down from generation to generation, maybe respect can be as well."
"Get yourself on the altar and He will consume you and use you to set a generation on fire."
"Some people put out great music that represents a certain time period and that's it and then there are others who make music that transcends decades, 20, 30, 40, 50 years. It never ages. That's the question."
"You can impact thousands of kids; you can help the world and generations."
"The long-term consequences of World War II were that it trickled down all the way to my generation."
"...as if a single person or even a group of people could ruin a generation of anything."
"Our parents' parents, our parents' parents' parents all kind of displayed certain tendencies."
"My father sitting on the front steps prayed that prayer."
"I led my grandfather to the Lord 40 years later."
"Each generation brings guardians of good and evil, forces of nature, beings with godlike power."
"Hip hop is older than me. I listened to it in my stroller."
"The success of Taylor Swift showed the big value of bringing in that younger generation."
"It's a generational thing. There's still fans that know me from like Jake Long American Dragon. It's a generational thing."
"An entire two great works of art from two generations of family."
"There's an entire generation of Boomers who lived their life like Mickey Mantle because he was the one they looked up to."
"The Bible mentions generational curses in several places."
"This generation is destined to be just like him."
"Isn't it interesting that's the thing like the cops shooting unarmed black men is the one that like the regime seems to have been inculcating in the Young Generation to have a trigger for."
"Every generation has that one book series that they just really fall in love with, which is important because it inspires them to read the classics while at the same time cultivating the next wave of dreamers and writers."
"Don't let your kids and grandkids become Americanized so quickly."
"They know what they're supposed to have, and they themselves are creating another generation that is coming up that will be ready and willing to do whatever is necessary to see that what they could have materializes immediately."
"My children tell me that I have a great fan base with young people."
"Radiohead has captured this generation in a way that has touched so many people."
"Our kids are passing on that spiritual legacy to their kids."
"The idols of your life, that are fulfilling the deep recesses of your heart, you are putting those idols inside, inside the pockets of your children."
"The karma or strong wills of an individual get carried on throughout the generations."
"Success is happiness, but away from that, being able to actually influence a generation."
"There are very few animated movies that you could actually say that they defined a generation, but the first two Shrek films are among them."
"It sparked the imagination and piqued the interest of an up-and-coming generation of historians."
"Generous mothers and fathers produce generous sons and daughters."
"Lincoln Park is this generation's U2."
"The world is changing at an ever-increasing pace... we're living rapid change, but not only are we living it, we're driving it."
"He kind of fitted in with that generation and he was like an icon to the new generation."
"There's no question The Smiths have had a lasting impact on music, becoming almost like a rite of passage for many teenagers of multiple generations."
"I realized that I was limiting myself... by promoting that type of belief, I was having a whole generation of other children coming up just as I was."
"People find themselves living out the unfulfilled ambitions of their parents or their grandparents."
"I'm that woman, and so I want to pass that along to my daughter to be a strong woman and make her own decisions."
"What I do today will last for Generations."
"We are living examples to our children and to the next generation."
"Every generation is merely a product of the way they were raised."
"Legacy is not restricted to lineage."
"You see sights like that and you realize that this man inspired an entire generation of future talent."
"This hustle is worth more than money; we're influencing society, our generation, and our people."
"In any one generation, there is one person who represents the Arthurian energy."
"We're going to be linking up with one of the best eyes here, one of the most credential artists of our generation."
"Jobs that will be generational, jobs that will have a lasting impact on families for many decades to come."
"I grew up on you man, you're a lot of my generation's childhood, an absolute legend."
"Jersey Shore is the best reality TV show, and it shaped a generation."
"Bad stuff can get passed down from generation to generation, but it's nice to see that good can get passed down too."
"Your vote is very, very important for the future of this country, not only for you but for future generations."
"Punk is alive, because it's feeding generations of bands to do a certain kind of sound."
"We are the generation of change and we can make a difference no matter how big or how small."