
Market Behavior Quotes

There are 574 quotes

"Keep watching big winners that hold near their highs because they might come back."
"The market is attempting, through the current reality, to extrapolate what's going to be the future reality, and this is what many people do not understand."
"The long-term holders are hitting all-time highs; few are selling, although some of the short-term holders are selling as well."
"When there's retail FOMO, they're not buying Bitcoin, they're buying Doge."
"Be fearful when others are greedy and just the opposite be greedy when others are fearful."
"There's bulls, bears, and pigs. The bulls and bears each have their days, but the pigs always end up at the slaughterhouse."
"I want to see who you are when the market calls you into action. What kind of soldier are you?"
"The market can remain irrational longer than you can stay solvent."
"If there are a lot of people trying to predict patterns, then you know what you get? You get no pattern. You get randomness."
"Time Arbitrage is where you're able to think long term while other investors are being short-sighted."
"Get scared when other people are greedy, and get greedy when other people are scared."
"The audience will be mad at you for not delivering it on the date, but it literally doesn't matter; they'll still buy it."
"Nvidia's realized they can make stupid out of control products, charge boatloads of money for them, and people will buy them."
"Green is good, and every green day is a good day."
"The price of a stock will follow the direction of earnings in almost every case."
"You absolutely have to take profits. That's the point in this market."
"People see things like short selling and all the behaviors that require regulations in order to try and prevent them happening internal markets and they still happen."
"The biggest mistake is investing based on price or sentiment."
"Nature moves in cycles, markets are no different."
"More Supply and less demand and the prices go down; more demand and less Supply and the prices go up. It's easy right? Except that prices don't always move according to supply and demand for many reasons."
"I'll tell you what, none of that can stop AMC, it just keeps going."
"When people are buying I want to be the one selling it to them...when people are selling I want to be the ones buying it."
"Jerome Powell is reiterating that today and that's why the market is behaving in my opinion the way it is."
"Ninety percent of traders fail because they're buying when they should be selling and selling when they should be buying."
"We haven't sold anything. We're not selling anything right now. In fact, we just continue to accumulate at these levels."
"It seems accumulators are accumulating, and it seems that holders are holding. And I think that's just too bullish."
"Bullish market structure break requires a higher high, but continuation trade is taken below the breakout point."
"Watch how fast they're gonna buy the dip in wheat futures."
"Think about your own pain and pleasure response. More importantly, think about everyone else who's trading that doesn't understand this."
"Deep pullbacks are the best kinds during a trend."
"It's really that time element that impacts sentiment and sentiment that drives markets in the end sentiment drives behavior and that to me is the most important thing."
"As a trader, what I recommend to reinforce in your brain is that any sort of financial market is a representation of mass human psychology."
"Markets don't act like this, but we have people starting to go into the FOMO mode, fear of missing out, so everybody wants to join this bandwagon because it seems like there's money in the street and it's easy picking."
"Customers are actually picking this brand over this brand and you know this brand has values and ethos and things that I resonate with and this one doesn't."
"An emergency fund turns a crisis into an inconvenience."
"Be greedy when others are cautious and cautious when others are greedy."
"The market doesn't discount this by three months by six months by 12 months."
"We respect the pump, we participate in the pump."
"Bitcoin doesn't always repeat itself but it tends to rhyme."
"It's just so stupid to make fun of people for making money in this market."
"Our fear of death is going to drive the stock market over the next three to five years."
"Being greedy when others are fearful, and fearful when others are greedy."
"Recognize that you can go long and short. You do not have to be bullish all the time."
"The market can be irrational for longer than you can remain solvent."
"When Investments go on sale people panic and they sell."
"The market can remain irrational longer than you could remain solvent."
"There's no one wants to take new positions on, you know, this close to the year-end, you know, so there there is a lot of crystallization going on."
"Every reaction in the stock market is an overreaction."
"Why would you want to short that? We're going parabolic; the green candles are getting taller and they're coming faster. If you short into a mania, you done screwed up, boy; you're gonna lose it all."
"Investors are being too greedy, speculating wildly, shouldering too much risk, and chasing unrealistic returns." - Michael Burry
"Ignore the meme, huddle, take profits along the way."
"Bottoms occur around apathy, not when everyone is calling for it."
"What GameStop showed was the narrative fallacy."
"Hedge funds have been bailing from equities at a pace not seen since the financial crisis."
"Momentum is only as good as the next day's trade."
"I feel like just out of spite for the market, we should be buying Apple shares if it goes negative today."
"Dips are discounted crypto and that's what's happening, and people are, you know, people are scooping that up."
"Just because the stock is three down from 100 doesn't mean you should buy it."
"Crypto people don't have this sudden confidence in Bitcoin going up so they pull their money off for years to come. That's not what's going on right now. They're panic withdrawing is what people are doing."
"But it's not unusual because we're also mixing that with a month of sideways price action."
"Being right or wrong has zero to do with trading profitably it has nothing to do with it."
"Just please be careful, don't take anything I'm about to say as an invitation to get into a trade or view something as a confirmation as something you've already assumed might happen."
"That's a fear that's worth holding on to because it'll keep you from not implementing a stop loss when you should always have one."
"It's that FOMO; so more and more money comes in until you hit a tipping point."
"The supply is only 8,888 white tokens, and that's why people are very much FOMOing."
"We're seeing prices shooting up like crazy... and we're seeing a lot of that happening."
"So much money has actually been lost worried about this more than actually happened."
"The market likes to [ __ ] the majority of people the majority of the time."
"I just want to share with you guys because it's very important very important for people to hear why why I'm so bullish on bitcoin why these guys could buy and price doesn't go up."
"You want to learn how to be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful."
"What the markets keep doing is working against what the Fed's trying to achieve."
"The market just consolidates sideways and that's actually net bullish."
"We've kind of been here before, and the common experience is if you lean on what it's done before, that's most likely to happen."
"Your job as a trader is not to catch every stock that makes a move in this market."
"If the story hasn't changed, you can buy even more."
"Every single time, right? And so what happens is when price goes up, everybody gets really excited and everybody buys and then it reverses."
"Don't be afraid to seek help and don't feel weak because you are not alone."
"As long as humans make financial decisions in the market, then we will always have cycles."
"BNB tends to dip more than other 10 cryptos and the market dips and of course then when it rebounds stronger it goes up more than the other kryptos in the top 10 do."
"I sold some things... the market's been somewhat euphoric."
"Most of these stocks have most of their price action intraday or in a couple of days."
"Remember the second upticks always happen faster than the original upticks that's the most important lesson."
"FOMO is as simple as this: people want to buy a stock at any price."
"Shorting is a good market tool, but abusive shorting is bad"
"Markets take longer to adjust than you expect and then they move faster than you can imagine."
"These candles represent weakness but what do I mean weakness? Well, this simply means that bulls or bears attempted to push the market up or down but failed to close strong like our momentum candles."
"Gold is doing what it's supposed to do, reacting to the instability."
"Find something strong to buy dips on. Find something that is at a resistance point."
"The market has a special way of making you waste time."
"Just a crazy, crazy story and one that I think is gonna have big ramifications for the whole of streaming culture, gaming culture, and of course both parties that are involved in the suit themselves."
"If there's a demand to go short but no one's really loaning it out, that's exactly when you see the cost to borrow also known as CTB go through the roof."
"The market's so factual, yet emotions boil over."
"No one listens and no one learns in a bull market but everyone wants to learn in a bear market."
"Be prepared for that because it happens a lot in the bull markets."
"If you're bullish on it and especially when it reaches in the millions, it should have much lower volatility."
"Let's look at something as in nia nia only just broke a trend literally range bottom low."
"Weak hands is what's going to get you destroyed."
"A stunning JP Morgan chart hints that Bitcoin is acting a lot like gold."
"The longer we go sideways the bigger the result we get."
"I failed at the goal of being profitable today, but being short-term focused on an individual day is not always good."
"The stock market is the only place that when things go on sale, people freak out."
"I'm not here to make a bunch of calls and then tell you I got it exactly."
"We're both diamond hands. It's putting profits."
"Markets don't just go straight up, they can have a crab market."
"The best setups work right away. The best setups don't falter; they just go right through that level."
"Breakout traders always buy the ask and then we also will try to take profit on the ask."
"Understanding the volatility, it's super volatile, like a Tuesday at 9 AM."
"The market is going to do exactly what it's going to do."
"During a bull cycle, most people get emotional."
"Markets can go a lot further than people think they can go."
"The problem is you never know what the market is going to do."
"Growth categories don't always go up in a perfect line. Even in the highest growth sectors, it's not impossible for them to take a breather. It's very important to understand that they take a breather, and it is normal."
"Patience when you get price behavior is the game."
"Buying extreme fear, especially on these major liquidation cascades, tends to be a good risk-reward entry."
"When others are being fearful, you should be greedy."
"Late stage craziness... tend to happen at the end of a bubble mania."
"I didn't put all my money in the stock today, about $7,000 worth. If it goes lower, I will continue to be a buyer and I welcome it."
"The psychology remains the same: greed, the hope of getting rich quick."
"Retail investors are getting smarter, not being as fearful, and that's a fantastic thing."
"When there's more money than fools, asset prices go up; when there's more fools than money, asset prices go down."
"It's all about buying things cheap and selling a little bit too soon."
"High resistance doesn't mean like support and resistance it means it's resisting clean price runs where they just run big ranges speed efficient run right to where you want to go that's how you want to trade you want to trade in those conditions."
"Sometimes markets do something dramatically different than what they should do based upon fundamentals."
"This is the only financial market that I have ever seen that moves on memes."
"That transition from higher margin to lower margin and higher valuation to lower valuation can mean a stagnant choppy sideways stock market."
"Some of the largest rallies actually come in Bear Market phases."
"Volatility is going to be the order of the day."
"In economics, things take longer to happen than you think they will, and when they happen, they happen faster than you thought they could."
"Smart money is up here quietly just doing their thing."
"Bitcoin is really starting to behave like the asset that we want it to be."
"To sum up what hasn't happened in the last 11 months for Bitcoin, well it's a technical one."
"52% of Bitcoin in existence has been held for longer than two years."
"You have to be very nimble trade intraday and but there's no reason for you to be fearful."
"If people see their accounts going down or they see their accounts going up, they make emotional purchases based on that."
"So even in this condition, they're still worth quite a bit of money."
"Retail always piles in at the all-time high."
"Don't reward the retailers for ripping people off and definitely don't buy them for $800 on eBay."
"Be greedy when people are fearful, be fearful when people are greedy."
"Why is it then that amidst all of this chaos and uncertainty the stock market is on the rise again?"
"People are irrational beings driven by emotion, so if their plan actually was to buy at the bottom of the market and they just see one day in the green they may decide that it's time to buy buy buy."
"Remember, the train is your friend. Don't short the market, buy the pullbacks, because they're going to [ __ ] you every time you try to short that market like that."
"There's gonna be volatility and peaks and valleys."
"When you trade with real money and you don't know what you're doing, you are setting yourself up for failure."
"The market's behind the dip, market is buying the dip."
"I've been taught and I've always made the best returns buying panic and not selling panic."
"Nobody's willing to sell nobody's looking at valuations right now."
"Every time we came back to that twenty one week moving average it was a buy every single time."
"It doesn't matter what lot size you have. It does matter what Market is trying to do at that point. That's all what matters at the end of the day."
"Bitcoin leaving the exchanges is showing HODL positions being created."
"We are the small Bitcoin holders... buying the cheap corn."
"It's a B-E-A-U-T of a bullish pattern, folks."
"When a trend pops up, you don't want to be the last one to be on it. You want to be early, as possible."
"Never in the history of bitcoin has the fundamentals being not played out. They always play out."
"Pain ends when uncertainty ends. Markets hate uncertainty."
"When the market rolls over later in the day, it makes a higher low."
"Understanding market participants' behavior helps avoid getting caught in the frenzy of breakouts and breakdowns."
"Solid numbers and half dollars and quarter dollars are all psychological resistances."
"A very common trade for short sellers is the second day read."
"Be greedy when others are fearful be fearful when others are greedy."
"After a certain point, if people lose confidence in the system, if they don't want to buy the bonds..."
"Consolidation doesn't mean prices not going over. It's up, down, up, down, up, down."
"What really affects the stock's price is its fundamentals."
"There is a difference between trading based on evidence and research and trading based on conspiracy theories and mob tactics."
"Permanent distortion: not just a distortion between what the markets do and how they behave."
"Bitcoin has shown some resilience in the high 50ks, which is very, very positive for the entire market."
"Price will act as a catalyst for price to pull back and continue."
"The market is euphoric, everyone's making life-changing money, but we need to all be responsible."
"Power of women traders: more rational, disciplined, measured."
"I think it's an unhealthy trading methodology, I think that diamond handed argument exclusively applies to in the world of stocks to AMC and Jamie."
"I just don't know if this event is living up to expectations. We see a lot of this stuff of buy the rumor sell the news type of a deal."
"Be greedy when people are fearful and fearful when they are greedy."
"Usually when we're talking about insane amounts of retail investors coming into crypto, it's a bad thing. But when do we see that? We see that at peaks, not after a 35% correction."
"Investors' emotions being their own worst enemies, we tend to panic sell when things go down and we tend to buy when things get richly priced."
"I don't believe in revenge trading, but it will happen every single trader revenge trades."
"Many of you have been adding to your investments over the last few weeks here."
"Studies have shown that the most successful investors continue to buy into the market regardless of where it's trading."
"I don't think the glazes want to sell because if they do, let's be honest, they would have done it ages ago."
"Price is the worst indicator for investment decisions."
"As long as it has such a low circulating supply, it ends up going up fast."
"You gotta be patient. It seems counterintuitive, but even when these prizes move as quickly as they do, it's better to be patient."
"You never want to panic sell, if anything, you want to panic buy these days."
"Just continue to buy weakness, that's the strategy I've taken and on big selloffs I tend to buy even more."
"Markets are forward-looking, valuing based on what it's gonna look like tomorrow."
"The best time to buy is when people are panicking."
"The market is the truth and the market went up on it and that's what we trade we don't trade the underlying but underlying it's a lot of this PPP extension."
"If everyone thinks something is gonna happen, it's not gonna happen."
"During abnormal times, derivatives markets can exacerbate these kinds of Market dislocations."
"Markets are a vehicle by which the impatient give their money to the patient."
"If it is indeed a parabolic move this time, it will not be different. That's the whole thing about a parabolic move, it's not going to be different."
"It's more so how you react... than predicting exactly what will happen."
"Yesterday was a dark day for grayscale Bitcoin trust... people rushing in, grabbing that massive discount."
"There aren't many places to invest... so where are people going to go? They're going to go to the meme coins."
"You don't actually need a reason for things to go up you just need to follow the dumb money and the dumb money will send the money up."
"If we start to get the retrace... and we start to see deposits, we start to see green inflows to exchanges... that could be a warning sign."
"Cardano tops poll as the most held crypto in a bear market."
"The market can be irrational longer than you can be solvent."
"Don't treat the market like a casino; it will take all your money."
"Be greedy when Bit Boy is bearish and be fearful when Bit Boy is bullish."
"If you were down thirty percent and you started buying, you would have had amazing timing every single time."
"Gold leaves an emotional asset when fear Rises When Faith Falls as fear climbs."