
Vulnerable Populations Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"You never know what situations life will put you in... I've spoken with so many people in vulnerable situations, and they needed somebody just to come from a non-judgmental space."
"Focus the testing strategically around protecting our three most vulnerable populations: our older residents in nursing homes, health care providers, and protecting our first responders."
"The fact is very simple: when you get to 9.1% inflation, it devastates single mothers and seniors on fixed income."
"In this crisis, we've got to make all American workers whole. This bailout should not be just for large corporations, it should be for working families, for lower income people, and for the most vulnerable people in our country."
"We're partnering with Calm, the number one mental wellness app, to give you the tools that improve the way you feel."
"Remember that while the risk to the average American of contracting the coronavirus remains low, the risk to senior citizens with serious underlying chronic health conditions is very significant."
"I want to fight for our most vulnerable individuals on a bigger scale."
"God takes special interest in the poor, widows, orphans, and foreigners."
"Start with the vulnerable first, and the vulnerable are not men who like cross-dressing. The vulnerable are children."
"It's important to have that in-person contact, and so we want to make sure that our seniors and our vulnerable population are taken care of."
"The right to consider your health and medically approved treatment options with your family and doctors is Right everyone should have including trans children who are especially vulnerable to Serious risks of depression anxiety and suicide."
"Wash your hands, use common sense, look after the most vulnerable."
"We've also demonstrated some clear evidence now that people with low levels of 19 are more prone to severe covered 19 disease at least that's at the level of correlations it's not clinical trial data yet the correlations are there."
"My priority is to support the most vulnerable in our society and pensioners."
"These trends are egregious. They are terrible for the country's most vulnerable students. The pandemic left them even further behind."
"The entire presupposition of your argument here is that we were going to protect the older and vulnerable."
"We must lean into protecting the most vulnerable, those with chronic or severe medical conditions especially seniors."
"You're making their lives unsafe, you're causing violence upon the most vulnerable class in our society."
"Inflation is attacks on the poor and attacks on the elderly."
"Combining background checks and red flag legislation immediately handles two of the most vulnerable populations."
"Herd immunity is essential for protecting vulnerable people who can’t be vaccinated, like very young children, older individuals and people with compromised immune systems."
"The first shot of eg Moderna... provides much higher protection than not absolute against symptomatic illness and also even higher protection particularly for those who are vulnerable underlying conditions..."
"The Great Barrington Declaration argued that instead of broad-based lockdowns, we should be focusing on the protection of vulnerable groups."
"Climate change is hitting the poorest people in the poorest countries hardest."
"The more vulnerable, less privileged groups are already being most affected by climate breakdown."
"We're potentially talking about incredibly vulnerable women and children."
"As members of society it is our responsibility to protect the most vulnerable Among Us children the elderly and people with disabilities are."
"It's a disease that we need to manage for immunocompromised people and older people that still face some threat."
"When a judge is corrupt, it's not the powerful movers and shakers who suffer, it's society's most vulnerable."
"No consequences, Popoff and his wife just get to live scot-free off the millions of dollars that scammed off of the helpless and the poor."
"I would dedicate policies to making sure that seniors and people living with disabilities are respected."
"Women and girls will bear the brunt of the impact of climate change across the world."
"The harm comes to the people that unfortunately already do."
"I continue to speak up, speak out, and advocate for those who are most vulnerable among us."
"We can realize the urgency of approving climate policies that protect vulnerable populations."
"Kids and COVID-19... there are clearly kids with serious comorbidities."
"People who have underlying health conditions... have to protect that grandmother."
"You know, this society, such a maid to protect the weak and protect the vulnerable people."
"For greed, humans are even willing to take advantage of children."
"Since the beginning, my administration has been dedicated to lifting up every American, and that starts with protecting the rights of the most vulnerable in our society – the unborn."
"I mean, it's highly disturbing. I think more people should know about it because we're seeing this whole system being tested on vulnerable populations."
"If you actually focus on protecting the vulnerable you will also have the effect of not hitting the ceiling of the available."
"This needs to be addressed and it would be my hope that Martin Ali and the Social Security Administration they put this as the top priority because they need to take care of the seniors the disabled."
"Society judges on how it treats its most vulnerable people."
"Lives are at stake, and often the lives of innocent little babies."
"We need to push back against predatory marketing practices, especially those targeting vulnerable populations like children."
"The people who are being affected the most are the people who can't afford it the most."
"It's about safety and it's about dignity a lot of times for the most vulnerable most marginalized people."
"We are not treating the most vulnerable people... with the proper dignity and respect that they deserve."
"A lot of people pouring their heart and soul and expertise into making sure one of the world's most vulnerable populations gets the best care they can."
"The children and elderly are some of the most vulnerable groups in society so helping them with their health needs and life situations, I think that's very important."
"We're a government that has been there to support some of the most vulnerable Canadians in this country to make sure we create this social safety net around Canadians."