
Societal Comparison Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"No matter how bad it is... it's still better than what they are living in their societies."
"Gratitude is the emotion that arises when you compare your life today in a civilized society to life before."
"Boomers don't like this, but it is true that on a single income you could get a nice house, a safe neighborhood, and you didn't have to worry about societal disintegration."
"The English-speaking world, the Netherlands, and Denmark really don't have rebellions, crises, or political instability."
"Development isn't even a useful measuring stick to scale the world against."
"Our America, our Internet is not ancient Athens. It’s Rome. And your problem is you think you’re in the forum when you’re really in the circus."
"Acceptance of violence for political ends in America is approaching the level seen in Northern Ireland at the height of their troubles."
"It's the privilege we have been in the west compared to other countries."
"To undermine the press is to me no different than undermining our houses of worship."
"More people have been killed now in the last what like eight years than in the entire Jim Crow era."
"Abortion may be the slavery issue of our generation."
"Democracy is not perfect but we have never had to put a wall up to keep our people in."
"I think they're going to be confronted with a spectacle they never imagined which is a United States that looks like Brazil with a capitalist class that is literally international."
"If it wasn't over it was over the day that he left even though I basically asked him to stay and he still left."
"Compared to how it could be, and how it has been in many places and how it is most everywhere in the world and how it was for much of the 20th century, things are so good here that it's absolutely beyond comprehension."
"We are imperfect, but compared to any other society I'm aware of, we have a stronger system of freedom, a greater capacity for people to rise, and a greater awareness that anybody can come from anywhere and become an American."
"The problem is we're comparing ourselves to other people, and it has to stop."
"Life is cheap in a way that is familiar from the developing world."
"Remove the gangs and drugs, and the US is one of the SAFEST countries in the world."
"We often think we're so superior to the Victorians... but have we really changed that much?"
"Status on our living conditions are relative not absolute."
"It's the best thing happening. Everything else is bad. Now, I do believe that we are deeply into the beginning of the golden age."
"Comparing myself to other people in society or taking a word that somebody said is a passing comment and turning that into an insult, it destroyed me in a lot of ways."
"We are heading down the same road as Venezuela did."
"A society of Muslims is better than non-Muslims that are kind of just looking for the right path."
"What Jehovah's organization is doing right now is far superior to anything the human governments have been doing."
"They are censoring kind of on the same scale."
"Envy and schadenfreude is always relative to our own personal status."
"China saves its people as democracies slaughter theirs."
"If you're an average person, you'd want to be born in a Scandinavian country."
"He's the best candidate out there, he's the best in my lifetime."
"Our kids have fared worse here than anywhere... including lowering their life expectancy."
"Our police are basically wishy-washy in comparison."
"Debt is deceptive, it's demonic. When they give you the illusion of freedom and you're in debt, there's no way you're better than anybody."
"Americans are no wiser than the Europeans who saw democracy yield to fascism, Naziism, communism."
"The difference between freedom-loving countries and places like North Korea and Cuba is the wall between the personal self and the public self."
"Our younger generation through no fault of their own now has a lower standard of living than their parents."
"25 percent, that's still a vast larger than a lot of people in this country."
"The royals are not victims and their lives have very little in common with ours."
"I challenge you to find a single example in history of any society where people have been relatively free."
"Stop pocket watching, stop worrying about who winning."
"Living in a diverse society versus theoretically what it would be like in an Islamic society."
"Why did most of the rest of the world... not develop a similar type of shield?"
"If we are as committed to the economic future of our newborn children as we are to buying new cars, then we can do this."
"China and its people are simply looking at America and saying we don't want to be like you, we want to be like us."
"America lags behind the world in many things. One, education. Two, public transportation. And three, meats in tubes."
"Western propaganda: We're better? No, we're not."
"Those people seem to have everything figured out. True. We need to marry into that tribe."
"What's the difference between 'boom chica keisha' and higher-class black women? The outcome is the same."
"Children poverty among children's about triple the level of other societies."
"From what I have seen, the state that this society is now in reminds me of the days of Noah just prior to entering the ark and of Lot and Sodom and Gomorrah."
"Liberal democracy is a much better way of living than most other forms of government that exist currently."
"I think it's pretty reasonable, let's make America Norway tomorrow."
"I'm just jealous of Canada because you guys have healthcare."
"Here in the Netherlands Healthcare is completely free."
"If you want the lowest crime rate in the world, you go to a place like Switzerland where every male is required to have a gun."
"The society today of how families work is like the family of the spider."
"Our very dystopian looking future might not be that different from a China if we don't start pushing back and standing up for our rights."
"Mercy comes only from the family; the family is more loyal and more to be trusted than society."
"For the first time, more people died from traffic violence than from gun violence in the city."
"It's this ladder which you may have heard of where people have to rate themselves on the rungs of the ladder from 1 to 10 depending on how they see themselves compared to the rest of society."
"A lot of Cherokee women had far more rights amongst their people than their counterparts in the colonial and early American societies had."