
Unconventional Methods Quotes

There are 132 quotes

"There is no better sleeping aid than eating shredded cheese in your underwear by the glow of the fridge at 3:00 a.m."
"God has a way of using some of the most unorthodox people to get done what He's trying to get done."
"Granted, my methods may have been somewhat unorthodox, but I think the end result will be a measurable enhancement to Penny's quality of life."
"If you're banging at the front door and they won't let you in, just sneak around the side and crawl in the window while they're not looking."
"Try it out, don't wait for science to give you permission. Do the uncommon."
"Dipping everything in tea, honestly, I don't care if it's sweet or salty, I'll dip it in tea and love it."
"Scientists have taught spinach to send emails."
"Sometimes you got to take things that should not be together and smash them together, and that's how you invent new things."
"They gave me a rubber doll to talk to... instead of being normal children they would have answered differently."
"The judge decided an unconventional punishment was in order."
"I didn't realize that I had consistent therapy, it just wasn't in that traditional form."
"This security door was sealed shut, and no one thought otherwise until one person tried time traveling in front of it 88 times."
"Mekhane's Kiss isn't a superweapon, it's a Hail Mary."
"They actually did the embalming in the kitchen."
"There are very few guys that have had the success that he had without doing that, and he almost pulled it off."
"It's a nice stress reliever. Just go find a door and kick it."
"Creativity is flourishing in unconventional ways."
"Look for happiness in places that you don't normally look."
"That's the fun of this account, finding out that I can do these things through the most unconventional means."
"The military did not take weapons to Colares, their weapons were cameras, lots of cameras."
"Unconventional paths to success; create your own freedom."
"Those are bomb-disabling dolphins, so the only one who's going to be sleeping with the fishes is you."
"As part of the process to fix them I needed to go outside and get some swamp water."
"My best client ever from Craigslist was a five and a half million dollar sale that I met as a lease on Craigslist."
"Drawing on glass: it's not a natural experience necessarily."
"You can do anything to improve your life and you don't have to do the normal things that people teach you."
"Let them live with your turtle... that's how I cull."
"It's a Trojan horse for getting people interested in subjects that might otherwise be too sterile."
"Go make it happen anyway...the only people that ever do something great are the people that do things that are unorthodox or out-of-the-box."
"I like to be naked and be so scary that any demons would be like, 'This place is f***ed up and I need to get out.'"
"Overall you have to be pretty happy with the talent that we added to our team even if we did it in unconventional ways."
"Opposite hand or eating with the opposite hand, it's actually good for your brain."
"Sometimes it takes one psycho to catch another."
"Sometimes you get the best readings in the comfort of unprofessionalism."
"Spawn was like that uncle you had growing up that meant well but would give you shots of tequila."
"That's how I became assistant to the regional manager at a store I'm not even employed by."
"He lost 30 pounds eating fast food every single day." - "His health markers improved because he missed calories."
"I don't do that... because I want to impress upon them that I don't do it the way a normal person would do it."
"You don't need guns, you have swords. When they pat you down at the airport, they're not looking for swords."
"It's like dude it's beer saving lives one soul at a time."
"The solution was to turn on the garbage disposal and then reach down and get the key."
"Holy foolishness: acting insane to be closer to God."
"Literally the most aggressive way to ask for someone's hand in marriage is with like a threat."
"Spray rosewater in his face and say begone perp."
"A person who put his brand name everything out there in a really really unorthodox fashion when he didn't have to at all he was already like a brand household name."
"Eating frogs help biologists learn about insects in tight places they can't normally access, making amphibian vomit more valuable than you, I, or any other average person would ever think."
"No, we're not trolling you. There's a health clinic providing legitimate abortion care run by members of the Satanic Temple."
"A man fights the forces of baldness with his nose hair."
"If you're not working messy, you're not working properly."
"The only way to stop a bad guy with a bucket of hot diarrhea is a good guy with a bucket of hot diarrhea."
"John McClane is my all-time favorite action hero... he did everything he could to beat the bad guys... there was no honor in the way he did things."
"We've got to be a bit unreasonable sometimes. You have to be unreasonable to move the conversation forward."
"If you want to build your wealth, you have to go against the grain and do what most people are not doing."
"Elon just does things his own way regardless of what you're supposed to do."
"If it gets the job done, then bribery is just another trick in the bag, another tool that we use when working with cats."
"The fastest travel method in Minecraft is a pig, yes a pig with a saddle. No no no, I'm being serious."
"I drank pee out of it and I'm not even sick."
"We just took a bum bag on them and they were taking sales for us."
"You're literally under the stadium so you can just climb over the wall and get in."
"It took him to murder someone to find his career path, but you know, it's better than taking an online quiz."
"Door to the Wilderness: Basically Wilderness Reclamation, Door to Nothingness with a bunch of janky spice thrown in."
"Just speak, even though you may not have other English speakers in your home, you can still speak English. Speak to yourself, speak to plants, pets, speak to inanimate objects as if they were your friends."
"Pouring rust into the oceans as fertilizer could be the answer reaching carbon neutrality on a global scale. That's right, I know that sounds crazy."
"Doing things in an unconventional way is how you get people to pay attention."
"Kellogg invented cornflakes as a way to stop kids from masturbating, and that rumor is absolutely true."
"One of the things that Lazar had said is there's no instrumentation inside these things... piloting them with their minds."
"I think we're that far off the cliff off the rails that it literally will take something of a lower brow type of approach to open some of these normy millennial types that are just so lost."
"You can just store your experience... in any liquid tank at all."
"Everybody was bashing Westside and the conjugate system... but when I actually read the book... I got amazing results."
"Instead of throwing the fat out, we're actually using the fat to cook the eggs. It's a lot of fat too."
"Snacking is bad... but I lost 50 pounds snacking."
"Remember, it doesn't matter how you get it out long as you're having fun."
"We may be the most destructive crime-fighting Rockstar animatronics squad out there, but we get the job done."
"Beating games by doing nothing is yet another thing the man can do."
"Because of his achievements, unorthodox tactics, and exceptional character, many of his colleagues, including General Iro, came to respect him greatly."
"I thought I was just going to go to jail so I could relax."
"Supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way."
"I'm gonna be turning toilet paper into drinkable alcohol."
"When you want a miracle, you're willing to do anything even if it means you're going to look crazy."
"If you're trying to achieve an unusual dream through common pathways, it won't get you there."
"He decided to circumvent the team and create permanent world peace his own way."
"We have dubbed this pairing 'professional nonsense'."
"Listen to your intuition rather than doing things by the book."
"It's like eating Cheetos with chopsticks... because you deserve it." - Unconventional self-care methods.
"There's only one way to break through that barrier: become delusional."
"I learned English from a cartoon hot dog."
"Oh yeah, you ready? Good. He reveals the prophecy by reading cereal boxes. And it works."
"I just rub some berries on that [ __ ] there."
"Peanut butter only as a diet in order to make weight seems absolutely crazy but apparently it worked for Chris."
"Two thousand dollars to release a hundred roaches in your house for a study."
"We're taking fling golf, and this is what they are looking at, they got about 50 feet to the pin, going with the tomahawk method."
"I'm gonna fish casters with an odd bit of worm."
"There are times when you're up against the wall and none of the good advice works and you have to go do the thing you're not supposed to do: white box testing."
"I'm gonna clean the screen with the banana."
"So in order to keep myself motivated and inspired sometimes I just have to do things my own way even if they're completely unconventional so in this case I am starting off with the organizing and I'm going to end with the decluttering."
"I've caught a lot of fish fishing in rivers and all these places right here at home, skipping an old Kermit in places where Kermit ain't supposed to be skipped."
"This is a kind of goofy way to adjust that, but it works."
"He was already showing that there's more ways than people think to get to the NBA."
"I'm never using a tee again. I threw out my 3-wood, grew a mullet, stopped using tees, and my life has changed. It's crazy."
"It's getting me tight because of how stupid it sounds and how stupid it looks, bro, but it works."
"I'm probably going to find a YouTube video, 10-hour Lithuanian EAS alarm, and then just fall asleep to it."
"If it's still not working, I'll show you another technique that nobody can show you: dropkick it."
"Kyle hit worldwide SEO fame when he got a website to the top of Google using completely junk content in an SEO contest."
"In order to get in Hyenas' film you can't subpoena fragment dude ain't no regular doing no."
"I needed to get this story out there, but I could not rely on conventional avenues."
"I know it sounds weird guys, but it really does work, trust me, it really does work."
"The good thing about concrete countertop people is we're not bound by convention; we're bound by what works."
"Anyone who's achieved any level of success has done so by being unreasonable in their pursuit of the thing that they're doing."
"This isn't like you want your McDonald's staff on mushrooms, this is like people whose job is to be creatively thinking outside of the box."
"You have such an interesting method to your madness."
"I'm sure this isn't how you're meant to do the puzzle, but it's quite exciting."
"If I did this on my own and I got 10,000 followers, what happens when I decide I'm gonna go compete against people that are supposed to be the best in the world at doing this, and I do it the opposite of how everybody else does it?"
"Fighting poison with poison? That's right."
"You don't achieve top one percent results by doing the same thing as 99% of other people."