
Essentialism Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"I'm in control of my time, I am in control of what I do with my life. What is essential, what is nonessential."
"To live like an essentialist means understanding that if something is your priority, then everything else in your life needs to be secondary to it."
"You're not going to get it all right, just make sure you nail the big stuff."
"Minimalism is about living with only what truly matters to you, stripping away the excess to focus on what's important."
"Simplification is an essential ingredient to minimalism."
"Essentialism isn't about getting more done in less time; it's about getting only the right things done."
"Stop spending. Save every bit. Don't purchase anything that's not a necessity."
"I've actually found that I really only need the bare essentials to make a vlog."
"Focus on love. That's all you need to do. Focus on finding that love."
"Focus on what is essential, prioritize, and say no to what is done and said."
"I think that in the talking then therefore essentially about essential womanhood, one of the key things about it is it is involved with people rather than things."
"What matters and what doesn't matter? It put my whole life in perspective."
"If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need."
"All you really need is fire. It's all you need right now."
"It's absolutely essential that people stop being terrorized for holding garden-variety positions."
"Strips away things that aren't essential to driving."
"Understand the distractors and focus on the essential information."
"That's the only thing that's going to matter... that's all we have."
"Through essentialism, you can find your creative freedom to make a bigger contribution."
"You need it in your life. I'm not even joking. I don't tell you you need things because I don't know your life, but you need this."
"The most basic necessities that we need... to not need very much."
"Be ruthless about what you really need and what you can live without."
"Self-serving things aren't necessary. If I'm doing something that only benefits me, it's not essential."
"It's just stealing it down to its most basic bare necessity...for getting across the feeling that you are wanting to achieve."
"The numinous, the transcendent, and the ecstatic are essential aspects of human experience."
"The core idea [of minimalism] is to help you strip away the unnecessary things in your life leaving behind only the essential and meaningful."
"Love is all you need...you are always supported."
"Do I really need that? Cut down on unnecessary weight."
"Essentialism by Greg McEwen really opened my mind up to what I should prioritize in my day-to-day life."
"Take only what you need, take only what you need and who you need."
"Bare essentials: returning to basics, the naked truth, and wholeness."
"Intentionally focusing on the essential elements in my life while deliberately minimizing the excess has led me to the discovery of minimalism."
"It has made everyone sort of take stock of what matters to them and what's essential."
"If you're going to thrive spiritually, if you're going to be strong spiritually, if you're going to be seasoned spiritually, this is essential. It is not optional. There are no options when it comes to this; either you know or you don't know."
"Being able to decipher between what you need to survive and then what you want is important."
"What is essential is invisible to the eye."
"Anything that you buy that's not essential, like it's not providing you a service is a scam."
"How much of this is essential? The only reason why I should ever truly compete when it's non-playful is if my life is in imminent danger."
"I went from growth in everything to growth in essential things."
"The fundamental work of the essentialist is creating order from chaos."
"We're gonna do just the essentials to make life easier in here."
"People just believe the essential stuff."
"There are some essential stressors and maybe we have to keep those around."
"Sure we've got our plans for accumulating this and attaining that, but that's all part of our self-deception, our misunderstanding of what's essential."
"What can we do, My dear Lucilius, how otherwise can we find a word for that which the Greeks call osya, something that is indispensable, something that is the natural substratum of everything?"
"I love going through my things, minimizing, organizing, and just keeping what I really need."
"I will not buy anything that's not essential until at least a month after I've had it on my wish list."
"A knight without a horse was no knight at all."
"Essentialism is a way of living and a way of thinking that encourages you to ask the question: Is this a need or a want?"
"You don't need a bunch of things; you just have to choose the right ones."
"Christmas doesn't need lights or snow, or any of that other stuff."
"My wardrobe is basically built with basic key pieces, those essential pieces that really pull your whole wardrobe together."
"Just take what you need and what you don't need, Let It Go."
"It's constantly a learning experience which as you get older... forces you to try to streamline and just get to the essentials."
"You are basically only spending money on your essential needs."
"I like being an essentialist, I like focusing on the things that actually matter."
"Identify what is essential. With clarity of purpose, it's easy to say no to the non-essential."
"Essentialism is about not doing more things; that's productivity. It's about doing more of the right things."
"What is far closer to reality is that a few things are essential and almost everything is trivial noise."
"The job of life is to figure out the essential few, to eliminate the non-essential, and then to make it and design it so that the essential things happen as automatically and as easily as possible."
"Kabir says, 'O beloved brother, naught is essential save truth.'"
"When you work from life, you have way too much information that you kind of whittle down to what's essential."
"Essentialism is the strategic art of doing less."
"The wisdom of life consists of the elimination of the nonessentials."
"With a passion for self-development, new perspectives, and essentialism."
"It's not the daily increase but daily decrease. Hack away at the unessential."
"The most important step is to abstract the features that are essential and which are not."
"We have been estranged from the essential, which is the nomadic life, traveling on foot."
"They've kind of stripped away what you don't need and left what you do."
"Humans are essentialists; we understand the essential nature of things, especially when it comes to feeling like an art."
"Essentialism is not about how to get more things done; it's about how to get the right things done."
"Creativity is subtraction. You choose what's important and choose what to leave out because you only get so much time."
"This is the hard lifelong task, for the nature of becoming is a constant filming over where we begin, while the nature of being is a constant erosion of what is not essential."
"The power of less: Essentialism is a movement whose time has come."
"Essentialism is not one more thing; it's a whole new way of doing everything."
"This is a Mercury energy of simplifying it down to what's essential."