
User Interface Quotes

There are 2759 quotes

"Looking at that giant stream of sliders and values there doesn't exactly look easy, but honestly, what you see is what you get. It's one of the most simple parts of Blender."
"React is a JavaScript library for building fast and interactive user interfaces."
"This virtual DOM is a lightweight, in-memory representation of the UI."
"Every child in an array or iterator should have a unique 'key' prop."
"Without a doubt, the biggest, most important, impactful, and noticeable change for Shamans from Classic to TBC is that they are no longer shown as pink on the UI by default."
"Safari now gets a streamlined tab bar that disappears as you scroll but reappears when you scroll back up."
"This year with settings here at MW2, things are a little bit different; the menu itself kind of weird, I won't lie."
"We heard you like notifications, so we put your notifications in your lock screen."
"Our framework has taken a complex phenomena such as a client-server relationship and reduced it into quite a flexible yet simple and easy to use interface."
"There has never been a display to show off that great new user interface as beautiful as this new Retina 5K display."
"This not only gives me a super simple clean way to see what I'm about to switch to on this monitor, but it also allows me to use the picture in picture mode."
"The reason that I have this job currently was because we did an entire overhaul of the UI... it was awesome to see it go from zero to hero."
"Let's start by just taking a look at the machine itself: front and center are a seven-inch multi-touch display and sixteen velocity and pressure-sensitive pads."
"This camera is crazy customizable. I can customize any button, any dial, any switch to almost anything I want."
"I love that top LCD display for a quick glance at what mode you're in and your settings."
"Understanding color and contrast when you're designing UIs is so freaking important."
"The boss decides to change from a WinForm application over to a Ruby powered website? That's just user interface work if you're using Web API."
"The UI on this phone is great... like how TouchWiz is supposed to be with no lag."
"In Master Boy, you've got a great user interface and superb emulation."
"Another really useful tool is when I'm moving around, you can drag these little sliders here, okay, that's fine, but you'll find that just holding down the space bar... click, hold, drag around."
"When I say completely functional, I don't just mean an application that runs and returns a value. I mean it must create a top-level Frame Window and it must have a caption or a title bar."
"Using its AI technology to learn how to create the most addictive user interface possible."
"We're gonna be building a dynamic landing page with the time and it's gonna change this greeting here, it's gonna change the background image based on the time of day."
"Lovelace 101: The future of home assistant user interface."
"This is the best execution of no UI I've I've ever seen in a game."
"Declarative coding is so well-suited to user interface programming... it results in code that's easier to write, easier to read for sure, more reliable, and more provable."
"Animation is very important to a good mobile UI."
"If you're looking at this on a PC screen, it's just a huge and the UI is set up for your thumbs even on the PC screen."
"The only other thing you guys might have noticed on the interface here was the partial requests option. If you haven't set to partial requests, it'll always keep ten peat stocked."
"Ping fade: While players are aiming down sight, live pings will now Fade Away."
"If it's 8:00 AM on a weekday, we'll display the coffee shops and bakeries more prominently in the map, while at 5:00 PM, we'll highlight the dinner restaurants that match your tastes."
"We've introduced new Swift UI for iOS and we've introduced a Jetpack Compose module too."
"Home view was designed to be super easy and intuitive to use."
"The level of customization is simply astounding."
"This allows you to pull the camera out from any screen even if your phone is turned off."
"We can then proceed to move on to the personalization tab found here on the right-hand side."
"Proceeding on from there, we're going to be going over to one of the most important tabs in here which is the privacy tab found here."
"You can have columns not just in the parent frame but inside child frames for special occasions like this."
"Tile inspector shows a detailed specific tile when you hover over it and press the ALT key."
"The pinging system is the best pinging system in any game ever."
"There is a plus button in that bottom right-hand corner after all."
"Line height is different, what we would want for a header is very different than what we would want for body copy."
"Tab is definitely going to be your best friend."
"Hover over these buttons, they look super nice."
"Use PageView widget for swiping through pages."
"And I can grab the bounding box and the centroid and hit accept and it fills in all three parameters for you."
"There are also helpful buttons like a deposit all button that lets you dump everything in your inventory into the storage at once."
"Hyperion launcher allows you to basically piddle about with pretty much every aspect of the UI."
"Square Home Launcher dishing up a wall of dynamic icons."
"QuickTime now has a picture-in-picture mode so with the click you can leave QuickTime and keep watching your video in a floating, resizable, repositionable window all of its own."
"Consider your client interface and how their interactions impact your app's structure."
"It's a little taller, but it's so slim and it doesn't even have buttons."
"Adjust screen resolution for the best display quality."
"Whenever there's an error, you should tell the user of your API as soon as possible after the error has happened."
"Social spaces and features need to feel social; LFG should be an intuitive part of gaming that you don't have to go out of the game to experience."
"It's the computer for Minority Report, they're doing The Minority Report computer."
"YouTube's got the dark theme right, they did."
"It's like this whole thing where buttons have gone out of fashion."
"Do you agree with me that video game UIs and menus feel like they've gone through a downfall in recent years?"
"Sky UI is basically going to overhaul each of these menus making them way easier to navigate, actually just presenting you a lot more information."
"If I'm on deck in my own ship it should just know what I have in all the chests."
"But basically what's going to happen is they're going to be able to look at things, click on things while in inspect mode, and see all the pertinent details that they need: properties, colors, code."
"Logic Pro 10: professional features and a very beautiful interface."
"You can save your different settings as different presets."
"The left side of that instrument cluster is also a touchscreen where you can control features like the lights and the standard head-up display."
"Even if you like the user interface better client side, you have to, have to, have to do server side validation always."
"Your UI is waiting for that change, and when that change happens, your UI will change, like it's reacting to it."
"So if is night is true, we're going to show the moon, if it's false, we're going to show the cloud sun."
"The navigation is really nice, the hotspots look good, the overall interface looks like a legit paid software."
"Hey, the indicator for this action exists in this location."
"There's all kinds of little things sprinkled throughout Windows too, like did you know that there are keyboard shortcuts for stuff like this?"
"I love this controller. I think it has everything I need to control a game in a 3D space. It's perfect."
"The lack of UI... allows you to just take in the world as it is."
"Gesture navigation... swipe up, swipe from the bottom hold."
"The rear seats can move electronically, but there's no buttons, you control them through the screen."
"There's a lot of nuanced information in each of the individual tooltips."
"The power of the app is really the curve editor."
"You swipe your finger across this little pad and then the sunroof opens or the sun blind opens."
"Open a menu with start, record your progress with save, remaining pages are blank."
"Even for someone like myself, you know the layout of some of these online brokers can be a little confusing with all the different metrics and whatnot."
"You're not trying to show off and write absolutely just show everyone that you know every single zip ocelots feature out there."
"The user interface can be one of the most under-appreciated parts of game development."
"You can now collapse the sidebar... it's nice."
"We can now hit the trash button again to leave the magic lantern menu and it'll start the sequence."
"Let's now create our actual sign up template."
"Playstation decided to drop information on their new UI, and it looks incredible."
"Let's combine all of these settings to one place... where they do what you think they're going to do."
"We're going to be toggling the existence of the form hidden class between the login and the sign up form depending on what the user selected."
"I really like that they added this, I use it a lot for two-factor authentication and other applications that I know I'm not going to need to reference a lot throughout the day."
"Customizable toolbars: hide what you don't need, add what you want."
"Timery is an app that hooks into the service Toggl... it works as a great front end for Toggl."
"We try to land somewhere in the middle, favoring the editor side."
"If certain functions on your screen is grayed out...that's probably it."
"What if one day it goes missing all of a sudden? It's going to be difficult working without the scroll bars, right?"
"Containers: transforming spaces, transforming communities."
"A lot of folks like to navigate really far down on."
"Let's just start with the basics: a message box is a box that pops up that gives our end user a particular message."
"We want a way to see what this thing looks like in the browser every time."
"Visual hierarchy is crucial for effective design."
"Understanding UI design fundamentals is key."
"The ping system compensates for teammates missing or unwilling to use voice chat, helps communicate complex information, and solves a cross-cultural communication barrier."
"A game's user interface can be governed by its control scheme."
"But it's still fun, and the UI changes and focus on character control let Nintendo make a game for a console that kept the feel of an RTS and let them introduce the genre to a new audience."
"Every single motion you're going to see, every tap gesture, everything is gonna seem very very real, responsive, and more direct."
"The new trackpads on the new MacBooks are amazing."
"That's a really cool little trick to know that you can tap the home button again and you'll be brought all the way back here."
"Swipe down for notification panel for quick access."
"Let's go up here, okay? I'm just gonna X this out real quick. That's the desktop right there."
"All I do is I double tap this and let go, and the right-click menu pops up."
"Feels like an opportunity for like an unordered list or a table."
"Swipe up for all applications... swipe left and right to see them all."
"This makes access to your settings and customization much easier."
"To pin an image to your screen and make it always on top, use the smart controls on the edge panel and then 'pin to top.'"
"Swipe down from the top of the screen to get notifications, then swipe down again on the settings to bring up many settings options."
"Notifications have app context options... share it, edit it, or delete it."
"This particular app was called a stack like I said and that means I can swipe to all the different stacks or all the different widgets."
"When we're ready or happy with where it is we tap done and now it's there."
"Plastered touchscreens all over it because we love them."
"This is the most remarkable thing about the siglent, it's a complete user interface ripoff of the Reigle."
"From that aspect it's brilliant, okay copy away or all spectrum analyzers should have the same interface at least it's standardized."
"The graphics are all excellent in the system; it's not quite as intuitive overall as BMW's iDrive system, but it is very intuitive in general."
"I've come to prefer just having a simple version that applies to every chat."
"Faceting is the mechanism by which we can do this visual drill down."
"Loot filters would be really nice... can we get loot filters."
"I'm starting to run out of room, I'm going to resize my pencil just a little bit."
"Just providing better feedback on user interface."
"Themes, this is Samsung's theme store. You'll find wallpapers and icon packs and all sorts of stuff in there."
"The main concept here is anything that you click on the right side, you can edit on the left side."
"Awesome, it's very subtle but I think it sort of polishes your website off and makes it look really professional. You don't want to add too many or go crazy with it because it can get annoying."
"Simply right-click the backpack to open it up and you can store things in it."
"The fonts on the screen are all the same family and well-sized."
"Tooltips are fun, they help me understand things and they make me feel like less of a big giant dummy."
"Your phone or your tablet or your laptop can begin to interact with you in a way which is more intuitive which is easier to operate is smarter because it's got all of these transistors to help it think."
"Echoes of War brings these tech changes, UI changes, replayable New War, Augments, Lich quality of life changes."
"I can't believe how hideous the new interface is, it's full of blank space, it's taking forever to load, and I can't find how to see things like how many people have viewed this deviation."
"Apple's software is polished, with a simple grid of icons and excellent app support."
"The PS5 UI is significantly more elegant in a number of ways."
"Navigate through media effortlessly with Air Actions."
"Long press on the DualSense and it will mute everything."
"I love the way loading screens work, that is not a weird thing to say."
"I want to show nine, so basically what should be selected automatically... Notice this is nine, what should be selected is b is 15."
"Wow, what an amazing training in this training we learned how to create this really cool hover menu with automatic clicks..."
"Press the pen option to unlock your phone and keep it unlocked until you put your S pen back into your phone."
"Themes are a super easy way to change up your writing space with a different appearance."
"The desktop experience sets Pop!_OS apart, turning GNOME into Cosmic, their own desktop."
"First Impressions Mod: drives your game, helps you determine things about people."
"The game fills up your entire screen at all times, which is great for quickly hopping onto Discord or searching for new mods."
"This is iPhone 10, developing the form and display together defines a whole new integration, making a boundary between the device and the screen hard to discern."
"The process of sharing a website link is being streamlined even further with Android 12, with a new icon and toggle in the recent apps menu."
"Making it even easier to share things with Android users in your vicinity, the Nearby Share pop-up now includes an 'everyone' toggle when you tap the quick settings icon."
"Android 12 introduces a game dashboard, providing a dedicated toolset for mobile gamers."
"The weapon mod screen is going to be vastly overhauled."
"You can actually take screenshots of your CarPlay screen."
"The search bar in The Sims 4 is a godsend and one of my favorite features in build and buy mode."
"One of the most universally praised things about Persona 5 is the UI design."
"It's nice seeing something at the top and bottom of my screen again."
"We've crafted the map. Press M to view your map. Boom!"
"The goal is not to overwhelm people with hotbars."
"Chunking has been applied to computer interfaces for things like drop-down menu items and menu bars with buttons."
"If you toggle that switch on, it'll limit the list to only the rides that are included in the regular Genie plus service."
"Finding that balance of soft and hard controls, that's really where you get into this next level of sophistication."
"This HUD is pretty horrible, but the actual animation of getting a player, that is better than FIFA 19, I'm pretty sure we can all agree to that."
"WordPress allows you to edit your website visually."
"You're going to have the screen can be as big as you want or you can have as many monitors as you want."
"The new Windows Store just looks a lot nicer."
"One of the things that I really like about this map display is it means you can have turn-by-turn navigation directions on the same sort of interface that you'd find over here on the infotainment system."
"It's a very slick interface that slides in and out of the watch body."
"Software features galore: LG G2's UI enhancements for a seamless experience."
"The lock screen widgets, it's better than Android."
"Crazy universe, if I zoom out here you can see a map in the top right."
"AI is helping us make big strides so everyone can have a more natural conversation with their Assistant."
"A new system navigation makes Android's multitasking more approachable."
"Samsung's attention to detail with the S Pen is remarkable."
"The UI, the map, the control, the animation, everything is a refinement."
"This table does actually come with some cool stuff that will allow us to search for things with the search bar."
"iOS is simple, a grid of icons... Android for customization, widgets, and more."
"Color modification increases the contrast of colors on a screen, making the interface easier to see for people with low vision."
"The player is always right in the middle of the window."
"The Weather Channel has a really great layout for how the weather works."
"Now apart from these properties, we can also affect the alignment of the text. So this is left align, here is center, here is right."
"So what can I do with them? Well, it's very simple. If I have, for example, another artboard, okay, and I want to use this component one that I just created, what I can simply do is just drag and drop my other artboards."
"Repeat grids, a very handy feature if you ask me."
"Voice can make apps more natural to interact with and more accessible."
"Setting any picture to the background...just lets you put that picture to the background and then you can do whatever you want on top of it."
"I think they did a good job with the UI making it look accessible minimal while at the same time it looks like a UI that someone's put effort into."
"The menus aren't crowded and ugly things, makes sense where they're placed, everything is just making sense."
"What NEnhancer does is when you're browsing Netflix, it adds in the Rotten Tomatoes score, it adds in the IMDB rating, and it adds in movie trailers."
"Smooth fingerprint sensor, smooth face unlock, smooth OS."
"Our goal now is to have the sparkvue take up all of the height remaining in the screen once all the other widgets are placed."
"Add-ons greatly change UI, providing quality of life upgrades."
"The big news with any Note series is the S Pen. So when you eject the S Pen, the first thing that pops up is the Air Command."
"The main interface isn't terribly different for Samsung, very similar to the Galaxy S8. Swipe down to get to our notification shade, swipe down again to get to all of our quick setting toggles."
"I think with Windows on this council it just it looks nice it's very appealing to the eye the colors are not too exuberant but they aren't too like faded out and grainy they're just that right balance"
"In Xamarin.Forms, we use XAML to define the visual appearance of our app and code-behind to implement how the user interface behaves."
"So the defaults are broken yet so if I play with fire here and let's go to tool settings and switch here and don't put that here oh."
"The helmet contains a full heads-up display built into the visor capable of displaying mission-critical and situational awareness data."
"I think that's actually a really good system."
"Sortable columns on outfit management? Thank God."
"Black Desert Online Mobile is not a red dot simulator."
"There’s just so much polish, so much elegance to the control schemes."