
Density Quotes

There are 334 quotes

"This is a nice, dense, thick, heavy foam pillow."
"The fourth density is what we're moving towards, and that is the cycle of love or understanding."
"The planet itself becomes a fourth-density planet."
"Scientists theorise a black hole’s true form is probably even smaller and denser than a neutron star."
"Neutron stars are one of the densest objects in the universe. In fact, a single teaspoon of neutron star material would weigh a billion tons."
"This is because the water and the oil have different densities."
"Everything seeks its relative density and rises or falls until settling accordingly."
"Newton's apple only fell through the air because it was denser than the air but then floated on top of the water because it was less dense than water."
"A can of Diet Coke will float in water while a can of regular Coke sinks."
"The primary benefit of using spherical particles is packing density."
"The existing laws of density and buoyancy perfectly explain the physics of falling objects along before knighted freemasons Sir Isaac Newton bestowed his theory of gravity upon the world."
"The universe is a very large universe... Imagine an energy density in a centimeter cube of space that's 10 to the 93 grams per centimeter cube."
"With how dense this game is and how many people are to talk to and how much stuff is going on in this city, it does feel like this genuinely fantastic mold of the liveliness and the vibrance."
"Hong Kong is super dense, very lively and filled with detail."
"This feels like a high-density university-related development."
"It felt like watching a season of a TV show, dense with story."
"This video is going to be dense and packed with a lot of scientific information."
"Objects sink because they are more dense than water."
"Muscle is much more dense than fat but it also weighs more than that."
"It's OSB but better, because it's actually more dense and stronger."
"If you're wondering how something as harmless as molasses could be this damaging well consider the fact it's 40 percent denser than water meaning it's way harder to swim or Wade through."
"A neutron star is an incredibly dense object... a teaspoon of neutron star material would weigh as much as 1 billion tons on earth."
"Snow is way less dense than water, and that's interesting."
"A black hole is so dense that a single teaspoonful would weigh much more than the entire earth."
"I don't know why I did not talk about this sooner, it's a great little bit more dense cream but really hydrating."
"I had to move him up because I've never seen him look like that. I think he's gonna be the most dense person in the show."
"What we see here on the screen is the inside of the rock and it appears almost entirely white which means it's very dense throughout."
"These movies are denser than any movies we've ever done."
"Buoyancy depends on the density of the thing and the fluid it's surrounded by. It all comes down to the particles and how they interact."
"There's something about the density of supermodels in this show that speaks to royalty and status."
"Five guys is more dense to me, more filling, more hearty."
"Everything is packed into this chicken."
"Kevin was so dense he made a lead brick seem like a feather pillow."
"This alone is over 30 plants in just these two, so that's the idea of a semi-dense planting technique."
"The striking nature of it all is what makes this type of story feel dense rather than rushed."
"A black hole is not infinitely dense. The only part of a black hole that's infinitely dense is its Singularity."
"Talent density beats talent mass every time."
"It's the most power dense powertrain that is certified for the road that I've ever seen."
"There's one every seven miles in Tennessee."
"I think that this was a pretty significant information dump."
"This was so tightly plotted, every page had so much packed into it."
"Density is more about the amount of product that you use."
"This is thick you just see how dense this custard is."
"So many tiny trees here all just clustered together rarely even giving you lanes through."
"A super dense brick of computing performance."
"Legos, Nigeria: This is Africa's most populated city, densely packed with over 20 million people."
"Gold is 19 times heavier than water. It's likely the most heavy thing in this entire pan. Therefore, it's going to sink right to the bottom."
"...the bcc unit cell with 68 percent of its volume occupied is substantially more dense than the 52 percent of the simple cubic."
"...the fcc unit cell with 74 percent of its volume occupied is substantially more dense than the 52 percent of the simple cubic."
"In terms of the reservoir, it's the cold, denser regions that happen to be the best places for star formation."
"In the Folsom world, there's a lot of stuff here, a lot of artifacts, very high density."
"Just plant stuff everywhere, figure out about how big everything is, and just squeeze it all in together."
"There were as many as 30 men housed inside this cell."
"You can be more intense without getting louder by being more dense within your playing."
"That's the reason why it doesn't feel super dense is because you have all of those little independent pillars."
"If you tripled the population of the United States... the main part of America would be only about as dense as France."
"There isn't anything more dense than a neutron star in the known universe."
"Physicists think that the singularity has an infinite density."
"If every single one of us lived as densely as the walled city at its peak, we could fit into this small Australian island called Kangaroo Island–and there’d even be a little room left over for the kangaroos to roam around."
"This is a dense show, that's what you're saying."
"The universe is just below the critical mass density to avoid recollapse."
"Density is how much fuel you give [the transit engine]." - [Unspecified]
"But once we get to that very high density, we have a new type of gas law called the degenerate gas law."
"It's just a nice dense compact design."
"The problem with sand is that unless you get a very coarse grained sand...it's going to get very dense and compact."
"I think this is quite a lot denser and harder than I was expecting, which is kind of cool."
"I legit did not see that coming. I didn't see any of this coming, yeah, I'm telling you, I was pretty dense."
"Higher density housing makes for better cities."
"All right, so there is a density heat map."
"That energy will be dense and amazing for you, it'll be more than enough."
"The density porosity measures the bulk density or the average density, the neutron porosity measures the hydrogen content."
"Density equals mass divided by volume. It's how concentrated mass is in a material."
"Manila is the most densely populated city in the world."
"A [__] seems really dense, like a low center of gravity."
"It makes your hair look more dense."
"It's significantly more dense and doughy."
"Imagine a planet so dense, the diamond is as abundant there as limestone is on Earth."
"It's a really dense film but then in the end it's directed with such buoyancy right you know and it's wickedly funny too."
"There's never anybody here, nine million people over there."
"This is the densest, most dizzying, and heaviest the record will get, and it's only track one."
"10 million virus particles per milliliter in sea water."
"These processes all have in common that they lead to an increased freshwater flux into the South Pole and North Atlantic, and as freshwater is less dense than normal ocean seawater, they lighten the surface water and make it harder for them to sink."
"When we're talking about hair density we need to think about three things: the number of groupings per centimeter squared, the average number of hairs per grouping, and the diameter of the hair. Those three things will impact the thickness of your hair."
"If the ocean was big enough, we could hypothetically let Saturn just float because it's so not dense at all."
"It supports the existence of an extremely dense object."
"Mass divided by volume is the formula used to calculate what? Density."
"Creatine can improve bone mineral density, strengthening your bones."
"Our destiny is density." - John Smart
"Texture and density are independent of one another."
"Cool air is more dense than hot air."
"The reason why astronomers are very interested in molecular hydrogen is that that's usually the density of material that turns into stars."
"The density of the universe compared to the critical density is almost equal."
"It's amazing how dense these pages are, too, keeping in mind that I find this very readable."
"Suddenly you get enough echo density so it starts to sound like a real reverb."
"We need to achieve that echo density quickly; if you don't, you get these prominent echoes."
"Platinum is a denser metal than gold."
"What's the main difference between soft tissue and bone? Density."
"Get the great density that it's possible surgically with a hair transplant, but you need to do it the right way."
"This becomes a very dense material; it's heavier than the actual wood that it's made of and it becomes very strong because of all those reasons."
"Fatty red meat is one of the most nutrient-dense things on the planet."
"If you look through the eye of a needle in any direction on the sky, you're going to see between a thousand and two thousand galaxies."
"The structure of atoms... consists of a core, the nucleus, which is a very dense, heavy part of the atom."
"The density of wildlife here is incredible."
"Density of water is 998 ish depending on temperature."
"It's a light colored rock and also has a density of 2.7 grams per centimeter cubed."
"The density of an object can often be used to help identify it."
"The more dense the material is, the more these interactions are going to happen."
"The fog was so dense you couldn't shine a light through it."
"The density is equal to the mass divided by the volume."
"This city of the dead is small, a mere 14 acres or 55,000 square meters, yet today it holds some 4,700 tombs and the remains of more than 350,000 departed."
"Boston doesn't have a large number of super tall skyscrapers but it makes up for it with the density and the juxtaposition of the different architectural styles."
"It's so dense that a drop of rain falling from the sky takes 10 minutes to touch the ground."
"Black holes are the most compact massive objects in the universe and... not even things like light that has the highest speed can actually escape it."
"High-density altitude relates to the air density at high levels; low density altitude relates to the air at low levels."
"Saturn is the least dense planet in the solar system; if you found a pool of water huge enough to fit the ringed planet, it would float on the surface."
"So for smaller voltage components up to 650 volts or so, GaN components can be made denser and handle higher switching frequencies, so more power in a smaller package, making it more suitable than silicon carbide."
"Always classify material because the rule of thumb is, if everything is the same size in the pan, gold will win every time because of density and specific gravity."
"We're talking like 270 horsepower per liter. That's a lot of power."
"That's what makes this stuff so cool because it's so dense."
"The solid form ice is less dense than the liquid form water."
"Gold has a specific gravity of 19.3, which means it's 19.3 times heavier than water."
"If there's a tiny density contrast, then as the universe expands, that slightly overdense region lags behind more and more and eventually condenses out."
"Sheep milk is the most nutrient-dense glass of liquid you've ever had in your entire life."
"Everything would have been crushed to such high densities and high temperatures that you would be in a thick opaque and very hot cosmic soup."
"When you heat the air, it makes it less dense, which is why they're able to fly."
"You also can understand the strength of the force. The strength of the force is contained in the density of these lines."
"Hoboken has more of the density and livability that you'd associate with New York City than most of New York City does."
"A new neutron star is really heavy; just a teaspoon filled with it would weigh 6 billion tons."
"That's exactly what happens with ice. As you all know, ice has a smaller density than water."
"A neutron star is so dense that it basically forms an almost perfect sphere."
"The singularity is infinite in the sense that the density of the entire universe is compressed into a point of zero volume."
"It's one of the most culturally and historically dense landscapes in the country."
"This simple math gives us the result that Alaska is the state with the lowest population density in the entire country."
"A black hole is a small little region of space that weighs so much and is so dense that gravity is so strong that nothing can escape from it."
"It's so dense, but it's so captivating."
"Ice is less dense and water has a very high specific heat capacity."
"If the relative density is greater than one, then clearly the object will sink; if it is less than one, then it will float."
"The density is proportional to mass."
"It's a dense, complex album, musically incredible."
"...every scene is packed with information and messaging, and it's amazing."
"Density is a rarely talked about variable in strength training that, if understood and utilized properly, can be a big asset to your current training program."
"An urban area is a city. It is crowded with lots of buildings and people."
"The new Nerf Rival rounds... feel a little bit denser than the original Nerf Rival rounds, which is good because that means it should hopefully be able to carry its velocity better at longer ranges."
"Stars don't collapse; Big Bang cosmology will be confronted with limits to maximal densities."
"If you took all the stuff in a human body and put that all into one volume, it is the volume of a sugar cube."
"Urban areas are crowded with lots of buildings and people."
"System in Package... has the highest density of transistors that we've seen up until now."
"The minuscule shifts in temperature observed by WMAP correspond to regions of matter density within the early universe."
"The sphere has half the density of the fluid, which is what we'd expect if it floats with half of it in the water."
"About 13.8 billion years ago, at time zero, the universe begins — as an infinitely hot and infinitely dense point."
"Denier is essentially a term used in equipment for the density of the weaves; it's how tightly those fabrics are interlocked together."
"The core points are the high density points at the center of clusters."
"Osmium... it's the densest element in the crystalline form."
"Venus has an incredibly thick atmosphere which is 100 times denser than the one we have on Earth."
"Monaco is the world's most densely populated country."
"It can make this language ridiculously dense, really really compressed."
"Density switching has much more of an emphasis on screen pixel density rather than screen sizes."
"The density of K2-18b is 3.3 grams per centimeter cubed."
"If you’ve got something you can sheath it in, that it does bounce off of, then you could be making ultra-dense and heavy objects."
"It is the coolest, densest regions that collapse to form the stars."
"Water weighs 8.3 pounds per gallon, freshwater does, so the water is always gonna go to the bottom."
"KELT-11b stands out among hot Jupiters due to its extremely low density; it is one of the least dense exoplanets ever discovered."
"Density is the mass divided by volume."
"You are working upon your evolution, and from third density forward all evolution is spiritual."
"Muscle is denser than fat, so at equal weights, muscle takes up less space than fat."
"When you have multiple neurons, more density of receptors, more density of cells in a smaller space, then they will be more sensitive and can respond better."
"The armor can camouflage itself, turning it invisible or reducing the wearer's molecular density."
"Density is mass divided by volume."
"Density is the amount of mass in a set volume."
"The more the juice you cannot see through, the more nutrients are in the juice."
"Density is simply the ratio of mass to volume."
"If you want to solve for mass, density times volume."
"If you want to solve for volume, mass over density."
"Bangladesh, 170 million people, one of the most densely populated countries on Earth."
"Neutron stars smush the massive stars 20 times bigger than our Sun down to something the size of a city."
"A teaspoon of a neutron star would weigh a billion tons here on Earth."
"The volume of a neodymium magnet is 2.5 cubic centimeters. Since mass is 18.5, what is the density in grams per cubic centimeter?"
"The higher the knot density, the more clear and visible it's going to be."
"If the whole world lived as densely as Macau, all 7.1 billion of us could live within the country of Germany."
"An object will float if it's less dense than the fluid."
"This is a planet more dense than water, it's obviously denser than gas."
"The higher the number, the further the spacing apart goal is, and the less density you have in a design."
"To find the density, it's going to be mass divided by volume."
"When you have dense corridors along which many people want to move, public transportation is very well served."
"Indonesians are extremely heavy and dense due to their growing environment, that makes them perfect for roasting in the medium to dark range."
"Singapore is the most densely populated country in the world right now."
"If it feels dense or heavier than average, it could be a quality stone."
"The density of states varies as the three halves power of the effective mass."
"The quicker you get your buds to a nice big bud level early on, the more time they'll have to densify and become nice big chunkers."
"Continuous writes causes a problem with cell life. The more data density we put within the cells, then the shorter the prospective life of that NAND will be."
"New York, tall buildings, very compact."
"Gold is 19 times heavier than water and about three or four times as heavy as the black sands that are in there."
"This delicious exoplanet has the density of a marshmallow."
"The atoms are packed so closely together... you'd have to go to a neutron star to find atoms that are more closely packed together."
"The less dense you make it down here, the more clear and powerful and more cutting through everything is gonna be."
"Ice is less dense than water, which means that ice floats and therefore insulates the water underneath."
"The density of these experiments is something that's rather unparalleled."
"The first thing we can know is that the Universe was very hot and very dense and then it began to expand."
"A black hole will actually have infinite density."
"Density is equal to mass over volume."