
Fallibility Quotes

There are 443 quotes

"Not everyone can be infallible and omniscient and correct about everything; there's got to be room for respectful disagreement."
"A beautiful thing happens when we point out that scientists and their ideas are fallible: we're reminded that we can get better at science."
"Honesty, transparency, and admitting that there's fallibility and flaws in all of us and we need systems that allow for individual fallibility."
"As the important thing is not to try and prove one's infallibility but to arrive at the truth."
"If you gave us this awesome power, we would obviously find some way to [__] it up."
"People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that may have been caused."
"Therefore, let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall."
"Everybody messes up. Anyone who says that they have not sinned is a liar."
"We need the intellectual humility to recognize our own fallibility, and that too requires honesty and courage."
"Prophets are fallible and prophetic voices are fallible, but God's word is infallible."
"Every time we try to make an argument by analogy, it's going to fail."
"Unbelievable as it may seem, people in power are not completely infallible."
"You can't do that if you refuse to admit that you even could be wrong."
"Above all else, we must be honest and open and free and recognize our joint fallibility and our collective ability to create new systems together."
"I believe in being allowed to be fallible. I believe in being allowed to make mistakes. I don't believe in being embarrassed about ignorance if you're doing everything you can in your power to undo it."
"Smart people can make misguided decisions just like the rest of us."
"I am fallible, you know, not... but I try my best."
"Science is not infallible, and neither is Anthony Fauci."
"Science presumes human fallibility, meaning that any conclusions we may ever reach, no matter how confident they may make us feel, must always remain open to questioning, testing, revision, and even possible dismissal."
"Ultimately it's just feel good fun that celebrates what it is to be human, what it is to be fallible."
"...we're fickle, stupid beings with poor memories and a great gift for self-destruction."
"We're all human, I know we all make mistakes."
"Intelligence, yeah, like I know a lot of people are smart but they make mistakes."
"We're human and we make mistakes."
"Forgiving myself when I make a mistake because that's a hundred percent gonna happen."
"The fact is we all do each other wrong, we're all messed up, it's human nature."
"Human memory is infinitely fallible."
"Surprisingly, we as humans do not have the best track record at being perfect."
"When scientists say things like that, they're almost always wrong."
"Sometimes we see our parents as superheroes, but they're not immune to mistakes."
"It's totally okay to be completely wrong."
"Even if the world ends and nobody reads these, old Kyle won't always be right."
"We are human, we all make mistakes."
"The Valar were not infallible and they were fully capable of making world-changing mistakes."
"I'm just a human being, I'm not perfect, I make mistakes too."
"Maradona was human, you know why? Because he'd done human things."
"It's a really good way to challenge the Doctor's nature and make him more fallible."
"Good men are fallible and human just like all of us."
"There is a level of human error. To err is human."
"It's useful to retain that sense of our own fallibility."
"I have absolutely no qualms about accepting the fact that I'm wrong and I'm horribly wrong sometimes and it's not my fault."
"You're going to screw up, we're all only human."
"Most of us act based on our beliefs, especially what we believe to be in our self-­interest. The problem is, we are sometimes wrong."
"I realized that that's not true. A lot of times I am wrong quite a bit, but not always, and that's not the default."
"Being an adult doesn't guarantee that you know best."
"I'm never wrong, there's a first time for everything I guess."
"Humans make mistakes, you make mistakes, I've made plenty of mistakes in my life, trust me."
"It may seem like creators never make a single mistake"
"I am Uticus I have every good intention I want to do the right thing but sometimes I get distracted sometimes I sit in the wrong place sometimes I get too close to the edge and I've fallen."
"I think it's a pretty good idea to recognize that...we're all highly fallible."
"Love of truth, which means all of us could be wrong."
"You can be a hero but still be wrong."
"Smart people, highly educated brilliant people who are working in a certain field can still come to stupid conclusions. It is possible."
"I've developed a philosophy which is the basis of my actions in the stock market and my philanthropy, and that is a recognition that we are all fallible."
"The only way humans can truly fail in their understanding of intelligence is if they believe they fully understand intelligence, thereby believing that they have not made any mistakes."
"So I remember thinking that, but then I thought, doctors are humans too, like they make mistakes. They're not all perfect."
"Your astrologer, your counselor, your therapist, your teacher, whoever, they're all humans and they're not always going to get it right and that's okay and that's a part of the process."
"Human beings love a good prediction and most of these past predictions have been wrong."
"People make mistakes. We're all human."
"Even saints can make mistakes. Stay grounded and follow the Church."
"People grow, people make mistakes, we all do. So miss me with all these self-righteous bs."
"...so if you are on the fence or you want to check it out for yourself I say check it out for yourself and I always say that don't take my word for anything I am human I can't make mistakes."
"Scientists are often wrong; science is a process of intense scrutiny."
"We are all flawed or foible, if you will. We're fallible."
"I'm wrong all the time and I'm happy to admit that."
"People are wrong about things all the time."
"I'm against the death penalty for two reasons: I don't like to give the power of life and death to the state, and also, they get it wrong so often."
"Memories are a tricky thing, MJ. They can lead you astray."
"To err is human. So, and it's been said then what is it what is the expression, the perfect is the enemy of the good, yeah?"
"What do we think today that we are that wrong about because there's probably there probably is something that is that fundamental that we are that incredibly wrong about."
"You cut me and I bleed just like you do. People forget that because you're on TV, you're infallible."
"I think for all of us, that kind of self-awareness about our own fallibility is incredibly important."
"I'm rarely wrong, but when I am wrong, I will say I'm wrong."
"The intellect has always been wrong throughout our history it has only been tentatively or partially right."
"We're all human, we all make mistakes."
"Everybody makes mistakes, every company makes mistakes."
"Are fallible if one makes a mistake one should do One's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused."
"It's normal to get it wrong sometimes."
"Criticism is important. But more often than not, people always sometimes do get things wrong."
"It's the moments when you're the most convinced that you're the most right, is when you're actually the most wrong."
"What both of these men have accomplished is worthy of respect, but they can still be wrong about some aspects of reality."
"You are human. You will make mistakes."
"I make mistakes. I don't know everything. It's bound to happen."
"The key is not being right all the time. You're always going to be wrong. We are all human meat popsicles."
"I have to come in with the expectation that I'm gonna fail and mess up because I'm human."
"We make mistakes. Like, that's human, you know?"
"One of the biggest lessons I learned from poker is that you're not always gonna be right."
"As humans, we make mistakes, right?"
"Powerful people can't be wrong, powerful people can't make mistakes, powerful people can't come forward and say you know what I jumped the gun on that I shouldn't have."
"We're just trying our best and we all make mistakes."
"People make mistakes, just period. I mean, we all make mistakes."
"Hoss wasn't infallible; he grappled with insecurities, sometimes questioned his judgments, and even found himself swayed by external influences."
"Here's the thing, we're all human. We all sort of maybe sometimes don't make the best decisions."
"Cause we're only human after all."
"Nobody gets it right all the time. All we can do is have a better batting average than others."
"The mind is usually wrong, if it is allowed to dominate."
"The effect of the fall is not so much on the laws of thought but on our willingness, emotional, moral capacity to abide by the laws of thought."
"You were perfect in your ways from the day you were created until iniquity was found in you."
"There's nothing wrong with being wrong sometimes."
"He may not always get it right, but he's trying."
"We all mess up. I don't trust nobody."
"Being wrong is a lifelong occupation."
"It's okay to not always have all of the answers and it's okay to like be wrong sometimes."
"Everyone makes mistakes, everyone's human."
"What makes you right is if you admit you could be wrong. And what makes you wrong is when you say, 'I'm right.'"
"I recognize that confidence is not my short suit. I also recognize that I am human and capable of error."
"World champion or not, we're all human and we all feel the heat and we all make mistakes."
"Being sure is no guarantee that a memory isn't false, reconstructed or even implanted."
"We don't know everything and we're wrong about some things."
"People deeply into their discipleship journey can be wrong about something."
"Computers don't make mistakes though, right? Isn't that the thing?"
"I'm a good judge of character, but I'm also not perfect. I say things that aren't always the greatest."
"Even the best analyst will be wrong at least one out of three times."
"I've been willing to admit when I'm wrong way more than I'm willing to admit when I'm right."
"People make mistakes every day, you do, I do, we all do."
"Listen you can't nail it all the time."
"Men make mistakes, we're not machines."
"...if you're completely coherent, you can be completely wrong."
"You're not going to catch everything. You could be super gungho on your job, but you're not going to catch everything."
"It's okay to be wrong to me. It's very okay to be wrong."
"Even the best macro economists on the planet could get it wrong."
"Everyone's trying to make their way in the world and we all make mistakes."
"We might be wrong but this is how science works."
"You're not better than me because you could be wrong."
"Sometimes I want to be wrong, and it's okay because I'm human."
"I'm not God, but everyone has fault because we're in this flesh. Everyone has fault."
"Freedom of speech is paramount, but equally important is the freedom to be wrong."
"I did something wrong. We're all flawed, alright?"
"Just trust yourself. You won't always be right and that's okay."
"We are not angels. We're not perfect human beings. We are susceptible to making mistakes."
"It's okay to be wrong; opinions are like [ __ ]—everybody has them."
"I'm right in front of you. Oh, that's a good point. I didn't think that. How do you explain being completely wrong? I can't explain it. I can't explain it."
"If the word 'fact' comes to your mind, you've made a big mistake already. And that is a fact."
"I've been around some of the greatest Minds in the history of the sport. I've seen them be wrong. I'm not afraid to be wrong."
"I'm a very careful person. I make mistakes though, we all do."
"We know how often founders, anybody who's a decision maker, is wrong."
"Sometimes our intuition can be a little off, and that's okay."
"Everybody know they wrong and they [ __ ] right but everybody's a human but guess who's never coming back."
"The scriptures are filled with stories of men and women who misinterpreted truth."
"You know science is fallible, in fact, there's an argument to say that most science is wrong."
"People forget that we're just normal people. Exactly, we're not a machine, right? We make mistakes."
"We all only human, you know I'm saying? So we have weaknesses, we slip, we f*** up sometimes."
"We're wrong often and we have to constantly question whether we're wrong."
"Your brain can be tricked, leading to errors."
"It's okay to not have all the answers. It's okay to not be right. It's okay to admit that you weren't right."
"I feel pretty confident about it, but I know I can always mess things up."
"Nobody's perfect and human error is almost inevitable."
"Be careful who you worship because we are all fallible."
"Allah made you human and Allah made you fallible."
"We want to learn from it and treat it all with respect, but we can also recognize there are errors."
"I was wrong. I've been wrong before. I'm sure I'll be wrong again."
"I don't think we as women and we as people give ourselves enough leeway sometimes to just have made a mistake."
"We're all only human, and sometimes even the best of us make mistakes."
"We're all stupid from time to time."
"They're humans and say dumb [__] just like you and I."
"No one is suggesting that everything they said at all times was mistake-free."
"We fail to recognize that neither our people nor our leaders are omniscient."
"I'll be wrong from time to time, but I think I own up to my limitations pretty often."
"I'm a human being, I [__] up sometimes."
"Is it possible to have completely false memories? To remember things that never happened?"
"Yes, Loftus had proved that memories could be altered, but not that they could be invented."
"Nobody's to blame... nobody wants to admit their own the truth is they were all wrong in these cases."
"People make mistakes. You can make a mistake."
"It's okay to be wrong Virgo, it's okay to say I don't know, and it's okay to be wrong."
"You're always right. When are you wrong?"
"Sometimes even geniuses do very dumb things."
"Parents are just people too. Parents make mistakes."
"The church is led by people who make mistakes, everyone."
"I don't know everything, and there's a really good chance that I'm wrong about a lot of things."
"We're only human, we all make mistakes."
"Thou was perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created till iniquity was found in me."
"We all been proven Wrong by saying no."
"Every age has its own outlook, it is especially good at seeing certain truths and specially liable to make certain mistakes."
"Remember, we all make mistakes and anyone who tells you otherwise is, well, a liar."
"How can I say I'm a man of honor when I broke my rule?"
"We're all normal human beings. We'll all make mistakes, we'll all do great things."
"The men of the governing body are not infallible. They're not inspired."
"Even a genius can make a mistake."
"...no one likes to feel wrong and you know when you are wrong it feels exactly like being right until you find out you're wrong"
"You're trying to maintain your power, but you're flawed human beings and you make mistakes."
"We humans are not very good at logical reasoning."
"You know what, they made a mistake. We all make mistakes in life."
"The fact that scientists get things wrong sometimes, that's not an argument against science, that's an argument for it."
"Simply because in any civil debate, there's got to be a presumption of mutual rationality that people can be mistaken without being irrational, at least more irrational than the other side."
"Minds are not infallible gods, but evolving intelligences that consider their actions and decisions deeply."
"Grades and rules don't Define a person's character, and everyone makes mistakes."
"Moms are human and we make mistakes."
"everybody [ __ ] up to [ __ ] up is human Shakespeare said that"
"No matter how hard you try to do the right thing, sometimes you just mess up."
"It is possible to be successfully wrong."
"In today's world we have a lot more knowledge and a lot more technology so it's harder to mistake things like that but then again throughout the course of human history it's one thing that we learned that we can always be wrong."
"I don't know about you, but I'm human. I tend to make mistakes."
"It's okay because you're not God. That's why you're wrong, uncertain in the future."
"You have to be okay not knowing. In fact, you have to be okay knowing you're going to be wrong, and it's okay because everybody else is going to be wrong."
"Nobody's a saint, everybody has done the worst thing."
"Everybody makes mistakes and you know you can't hide from them."
"You're never going to be right asking an expert what they will be is useless."
"Sometimes good people make mistakes."
"Memory seems to be fallible, quirky, and reconstructive."
"Scientific paradigms have been flawed or incomplete plenty of times before."