
Elderly Quotes

There are 235 quotes

"Loneliness in the elderly community is huge, and a lot of it is a significant contributor to health care prices."
"I didn't think lockdowns were the right answer, and that we should be focusing our attention on the elderly."
"You know, elderly people now are splitting their prescription drugs...to make them stretch out the week so they can buy food."
"Strong immune response in the elderly... encouraged to see immunogenicity response were similar between older and younger adults."
"The vaccine is quite effective... especially if you're older. COVID is a very deadly disease... for people who are older."
"Lucia de Klerk, the oldest resident... just beat the coronavirus... after testing positive on her 105th birthday."
"It's especially important now that we look after senior citizens with chronic underlying health conditions."
"Seniors were there for us when we were growing up, now it's time for us to be there for them."
"He was too old and ill to fight but his three sons ansed who Bertus and Leopold were sent off to war..."
"Vaccinating the elderly and vulnerable has helped to drive down rates of hospitalization and death."
"There's nothing scarier... than a blind old woman with whites for eyes."
"What do I need to do to get you to understand that this is... I need to get a bus and drive around and go to every elderly home and pick him up."
"Florida is number one in the nation by far in vaccination of seniors. Florida has vaccinated more than one million seniors 65 and older to date."
"Old people on Netflix... within the first five minutes I was like literally gagging."
"Stand up for seniors. We will not cut Social Security. We will not cut Medicare."
"Disappearance of 83-year-old woman after two years solved."
"Our seniors remain our most vulnerable population."
"This kind of isolation is one of the unspoken tragedies of the elderly."
"Never underestimate your nana, cause they be some undercover savages."
"Holy crap, those old people really put the work in, eh?"
"Most importantly of all though, the elderly lady finally opened up."
"Can I have my extra premium money back? Can I be good? No, you know we gotta put that through the red tape. He's fucking 90, he'll be dead in two weeks."
"Vaccination with the Oxford vaccine produced a strong immune response in the elderly, similar across all age groups."
"The stats are in and they show that Covid-19 targeted the elderly but lockdowns targeted everyone."
"Energy poverty is now a reality, and this winter there's going to be a lot of elderly Australians shivering under their blankets because they can't afford to turn on the heater."
"Zinc supplementation was able to reconstitute immune function in elderly zinc deficient individuals."
"The largest group using marijuana statistically are the elderly."
"If you wonder why we have many senior citizens that get to a point where they're so weak so limited so in pain they say why does the Lord let me stay, and I always tell them, the same thing write what it says."
"She was probably just some doddering old lady who wandered off while I was in the kitchen."
"I always learn something when I hang out with the elderly."
"First and foremost toe strength that is the single biggest predictor of falls in the elderly is a weakness toe strength."
"So the last movie I want to talk about is horror from the other perspective so what is it like to be an elderly person in society and the horrors that they go through on an everyday basis well luckily Jorge Romero made a movie about exactly that."
"Volunteering in a place where I see the most help that is needed, and that's usually what the children are elderly."
"those problems fill your days old woman."
"Literally, okay, this is putting a lot of people in a box right now, but I feel like conservatives famously are like, 'We care about the elderly.'"
"The elderly people who'd followed north for 50 or 60, 70 years to see them crying, they were so happy that they'd finally won a flag, it was absolutely sensational."
"Old people got a lot of wisdom to give."
"Old people can be not white too: elderly, disabled, and those who can't leave their homes."
"I just love seeing really old people just being mobile and active"
"Sometimes old people are so cute and then sometimes they're so mean and for like what reason?"
"Dietary changes in older people can have massive benefits."
"None of these elderly gents have been given individual names as of yet which is kind of insane."
"It's just looking after the elderly, or the sort of whole, my hostel. It's a private home."
"This is pseudodementia, also known as major depressive disorder. Remember, pseudodementia or major depressive disorder is a common cause in the elderly, and they often want you to distinguish this from other forms of dementia."
"When I was in residency I just felt a connection to older people."
"Elderly people appear to require 1 to 1.3 grams per kilogram a day of dietary protein to optimize their physical function."
"Dementia is unfortunately pretty common, as much as seven percent of people aged over 65 have some form."
"Old people are they're so great we can learn so much from them also I know it's true so much wisdom."
"Old people don't even get me started, like old people that are just so in love with each other gets me every time."
"I think people should do more to help the elderly, you know?"
"But it doesn't matter how well you do it in the race, there's only one actual winner of the race, as we all know, and that's the elderly on the back of the buggy. And don't they love them as they come beeping past?"
"There's no one with more of a zest for life than an older person taking a class."
"Excuse me, dear," the elderly woman said, holding a bright yellow pamphlet out towards Becky.
"When you're old, you can wear what the hell you like: tea cozies, loft insulation, zip-up tartan booty slippers."
"It's not so much the care that's given to the patient, it's just the fact that they're lonely, you know. I know there's lots of articles out there about like elder loneliness and like depression and it's just something that I wouldn't really want to see my parents go through."
"Old people wear smart casual just to watch TV all day."
"Old people like to water, for some reason, you ever notice how many old people are always watering?"
"They were charged with gross abuse of a corpse and theft from a person in a protected class. I didn't... What does that mean? Does that mean because he's old?"
"We went for the viewing and the family eventually told us that their elderly mother had passed away there peacefully in the annex, and they just needed to get away from the feeling of her."
"I help people, I help elderly, I help them survive."
"The elderly are treated with respect and dignity."
"I decided to go all out and dress as an elf in order to see the old people smile even more."
"There's nuggets, and I do, I love the fact that you're going to especially to nursing homes or wherever you're getting from the oldest of people that are not too long for this world and collecting those stories, preserving them."
"If you listen to a lot of elderly folks, they use this language 'I hope I've done enough to get in'... What a horrible, horrible way to prepare to enter the afterlife."
"There's very little humanity connected with the way that they treat their elderly."
"It was a humorous sight to see elderly men cursing at a robot."
"It's more than just delivering letters; it's about checking on old people, making sure that they're okay."
"Please, just let this old lady just tap you once so she can just sleep good tonight."
"Angiosarcoma typically occurs on the head and neck of sun-damaged elderly patients."
"She's a treasure, a precious jewel in a world which often sets aside the wisdom of its elderly."
"I believe that they are often forgotten by society and left to grow old alone in their homes, hospitals, or nursing facilities."
"The marginalized population I am most passionate about serving are the elderly."
"What happens with a lot of people's grans is they die in the cold."
"I'm helping old people across the street; does that make me bad too?"
"Adults aged 65 years and older should preferentially receive any one of the following higher dose or adjuvanted vaccines."
"An elderly lady was insisting someone was getting into her mobile home and stealing things."
"We started with the population 60 and over."
"Despite warning the site coordinator about potential issues, the vaccination process for older adults became chaotic."
"Seniors need someone on their side."
"Can you also imagine a 90-year-old sitting on a porch flipping kids off as they walk by? That's a mood, dude."
"Respect the elderly people, treat them with kindness and courtesy."
"I've had people in their 70s and 80s and even older whose kidney function went right back to normal."
"We got to look out after the elderly on this one."
"I'm over the age of 60 and it's not middle-aged anymore, it's its own age. I'm elderly now."
"Social Security and Medicare are a lifeline for millions of seniors."
"The fact that these elderly plaintiffs are now required to pay tax on money that was stolen seems unjust."
"Older people may have impaired hearing, vision, concentration, and judgment."
"He described how the defendant victimized a defenseless elderly woman."
"You don't often hear about the elderly surviving being trapped in the wilderness."
"The elderly have my whole heart; I just love them, and I can't do enough for the elderly, honestly."
"Elderly patients have a higher risk of falling."
"Marijuana use among the elderly is at an all-time high."
"Scammers stole more than $3.4 billion from older Americans last year."
"The losses from scams reported by Americans over the age of 60 last year was up by 11% over the year before."
"It can be a devastating impact to these older Americans who lack the ability to go out and work and make money."
"The best patients to operate on are old men because they're just solid, they can sleep anywhere."
"Be patient with the elderly, be patient with those of us that get older because it happens and we just talk about it."
"The elderly need to receive respect."
"These were just a lovely older couple living a peaceful life."
"Be kind and nice to elderly people."
"The biggest impact [of coronavirus] was obviously on older people."
"Be careful, older people may misjudge your speed."
"Attacks on elderly people are extremely rare, particularly in their own homes."
"Leo had to admit that he actually found talking to this old man very pleasant."
"You take care of them in their old age, and you do what you need to do to make them comfortable and still feel loved."
"The BBC now offers a range of courses to help the elderly with modern technology."
"The internet fills the emotional needs of this part of the middle-aged and elderly population."
"Inspiring like when you see two elder people that's loveless."
"There's barrier-free access that comes into design, making sure that the elderly can easily access things."
"These two elderly gents are way cool; they're the real deal."
"Someone recently broke into my 97-year-old grandmother's flat and stole her limbo dancing trophy. How low can you get?"
"The older gentleman was kind enough to keep me company."
"Multi-generational living is common, though not ubiquitous, but the elderly are central to community life."
"We should always be loving our elderly, always, always, always."
"I get a sick rush from helping older people."
"You should always help old people in need."
"The best fist fight between two old ladies I've ever seen in my life."
"Nearly 25% of our elderly population faces dire financial straits, often forced to make impossible choices between basic necessities like food, shelter, and life-saving medication."
"We need to respect people like they do in Asia, that they respect the elderly."
"Look at this grandmother tending to the plants; it's important for her that she feels needed."
"The most rewarding people to coach in person are the older, more frail folks... they come back, they've tripled their strength or something like that, they're like everything's easy now, I feel great."
"I helped an old lady across the road."
"You shall rise up before the gray-headed and honor the aging, and you shall revere your God; I am the Lord."
"Supporting and protecting older people is everyone's business."
"Being an elderly companion provides companionship, assistance, and support to seniors."
"Best smart home devices for elderly. That's amazing."
"My aim is to get them all doing press-ups, but the 87 year olds, they...they really don't take to that."
"These old ladies mostly, these victims of theirs, were largely invisible and nobody could speak for them."
"I'm here to help, here to help the elderly."
"You've been making an old lady very happy."
"I love watching old people have a goddamn good time."
"Eight elderly Australians set out on that dream but soon found themselves trapped in a double-decker nightmare."
"Many of these individuals, however, even with these astonishing rates of dementia, remain resilient, apparently even in the presence of neuropathology."
"We're helping older people with disabilities and we're helping them to live independently."
"Thirty-one percent of the population over 65 has less than one thousand dollars in savings."
"Please check on your elderly neighbors."
"Old people have a lot to offer society."
"I love old people, don't you love old people? They say they have no filter."
"Check up on your elderly neighbors."
"We should help the elderly, we should help people."
"It's really heartbreaking though, that this is happening to the point where now they're giving elderly people these loud alarm devices for their protection."
"A nice Grandpa who plays with children."
"The impact of not having something like Social Security would mean large increases in poverty amongst our elderly."
"These findings support the belief held in China that it could improve oxygen uptake or aerobic capacity and ventilation function and resistance to fatigue of elderly people in exercise."
"People who are elderly are at a higher risk of depression that can be made worse by other factors such as living alone and having a lack of social support."
"Pensions are a safety net for elderly people, reducing elderly poverty."
"I'm going to give old lady Sinclair a ring on the phone and brighten up her night."
"I enjoy interacting with the elderly and helping them with their needs."
"I feel like old people, like, they just need love."
"Assisted living is a service enriched housing for frail elderly focused on independence and dignity."
"Old woman uses a marionette of herself to feed squirrels in the park."
"I'm the clinical nurse specialist, and I take care of the older patients in the hospital."
"I am being kept prisoner by my own daughter because she thinks I'm too sick and old to go outside. Well, I'll show her by once again becoming a Pokemon master."
"The light of the elderly would be down and weary without our help, especially their families' help."
"We've got two absolutely lovely older couples, they are so sweet and so lovely."
"Do you know how many 89 year olds are lonely in retirement homes that have gotten tremendous value of using the internet and social media?"
"She started having to turn away a lot of elderly people... and it just broke her heart."
"Hopefully, at least every elderly person in the world has one person who looks out for them."
"The elderly are smarter than they may seem."
"Anyone thinks like old people aren't competitive, you should go to a jumble sale."
"She's just one of those sweet older women."
"Help the older people too, don't forget them, they need that love."
"Venice. Pensioners spend their days playing bridge, socializing, getting acquainted with each other and even starting a romantic relationship."
"Paris. Here pensioners go to nightclubs, dance to the hits of their youth, drink cocktails or even start romantic relationships."
"Be careful around elderly pedestrians; they may misjudge your speed."
"I'm drinking tea with the elderly, and they bestow wisdom upon the viewers."
"I am so very sorry that that's what our society does to elderly people."
"Caring for the elderly is probably something that many of us will have to contend with."
"It's designed to eliminate poverty among a very vulnerable group, a group that we all see ourselves as being part of if we make it that long."
"That's my Grandma, she's 87 years old and she's super fit."
"So young people, be aware that change can be the most frightening thing of all for the elderly."
"We need to see a continued improvement in social care, and we need to continue to help pensioners."
"I love working with people; I love working with old people."
"I am enjoying helping elderly people."
"They actually use this for elder people, so they don't choke on liquids."
"I love talking to the residents who were coherent... they were able to share some amazing stories."
"Elderly people are happy with little things like this."
"It's sad to see when there is an elderly person who does have money, it is sad to know that their own children would take advantage of them that way."
"Adopt a lonely grandparent to keep them company during self-isolation."
"Adopt a grandparent, it's trying to bring a sense of comfort to young people and the elderly."
"Imagine older Americans and people with disabilities having the peace of mind."
"You have to treat them with a lot of love and a lot of respect."
"I love taking care of the elderly."
"His house was next door to an old people's home, and he knew all the people who lived there."
"Most of the people in the nursing homes are elderly... they like going out and having their own tomatoes and things like that."
"A lot of our elderly here would be better suited if they get back to gardening and raising some of their own food."
"Helping the aged and the elderly goes a very long way without a doubt on that day of judgement."
"Why do we treat old people like they're babies when they get to a certain age?"
"Inspiring like when you see two elder people that's lovers."
"The elderly need to be protected."
"You should handle the elderly with care."
"Elderly people prefer to live in rural areas because there is a slower and relaxing pace of life."
"He's just a person that enjoys having time with elderly people."
"I've got a lady that helps me, I'm 93 years old."
"They are a team of elderly women who are scientists."
"We've had a massive transfer of wealth and spending toward the elderly the last 40 or 50 years."
"I do love when older people fall in love because it's just so cute."
"We must be there for our elderly and honor them."
"I'm Joe Wicks and this is a 15-minute low impact, low intensity workout specifically designed for the elderly."
"Check on the elderly, make sure their water is running, make sure that they don't have to get out to go get extra groceries or things, do your part to help who you can."