
Lies Quotes

There are 380 quotes

"A lot of these people are victims. They're victims of lies and they're victims of propaganda."
"The real danger is that if we hear enough lies, then we no longer recognize the truth at all."
"These are the scariest lies you've never been told."
"If lies can change the world just as well as the truth can, then lies are just another way of telling the truth."
"Propaganda is lies... those who are pushing propaganda care about what they want, they don't care about what you want."
"If you can make people believe lies are the facts, then you can control them."
"The truth has been suppressed so long and so many lies have been compounded that that's why it's had to be held back."
"Truth has the natural power to dispel lies, so it's natural that those who lie have it in their interest to prevent truth from being spoken."
"We prefer entertaining lies over uncomfortable truths."
"The truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the state."
"What they have in common is that they are all soaked in lies."
"I'm very much in the Mark Twain camp where he said that a lie can get all the way around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes."
"You live in truth or you're more comfortable with lies."
"In a truly totalitarian state husbands lie to their wives and parents lie to their children and the totalitarian state is actually the grip of the lie."
"There's always some truth in the most dangerous lies."
"Truth never changes, lies always do. She's full of it."
"A lie is misinformation or information misrepresented with deliberate intent to deceive."
"Major League Baseball decided to mirror that lie. Okay? Again, these lies were consistent over and over and the media just repeated them."
"The monsters can only take one soul at a time, but a dangerous lie can take an entire nation."
"Lies like that are just almost unforgivable."
"Governments are allowed to lie as long as they have some sort of excuse why they need to lie."
"The only people who fear truth are people who are peddling lies."
"Never underestimate the damage that a poorly crafted lie can inflict... a little contradiction is healthy."
"Lies shape history just as much as the truth, very often."
"Lies can tell you a lot. You can use your common sense, you can use your life experience." - David Robinson
"There's only one truth but endless possibilities for lies."
"Clearly there are instances in which lies are justified."
"Lies are oftentimes only the tip of the iceberg."
"Why would you spread unscrupulous drama and lies with no evidence?"
"A lie is a lie and will eventually be exposed when the truth comes out."
"So it's okay to have a big lie if you don't start an insurrection?"
"When he says he didn't know, that's another of his many lies."
"Lies do not promote or deliver peace; they foment disorder."
"Truth never fails. Lies always run out of gas."
"You have no obligation to continue a lie that you had no part of."
"You are not too much. Whoever told you that was a liar, and they were also in pain."
"The truth shall set you free, so what do lies do? Hold you in bondage."
"Stop believing lies. Every lie contains a little bit of truth."
"Some lies are wonderful for business and relationships, while some are absolutely damaging and destructive."
"The only way to beat outrageous lies is with some outrageous truth."
"The truth and the lie often have something in common: they both appear as stories."
"Truth never goes anywhere, lies and propaganda will always be found out."
"Caught up in the web of lies they have spun."
"The biggest lies in the world are the ones that have a little truth."
"One lie is okay, you get away with it, then you gotta tell another one to keep the first, and you're ruined."
"The best spiritual warfare is speaking truth into lies and ignoring the rest."
"There are some truths so big they can only be told with lies."
"Lies are what make us human, lies are everything as carnal to our existence as life, as breathing."
"It turns out that not all lies are bad."
"The truth is more strange than the lie."
"The lie is way more entertaining than the truth."
"Something was unwise, whatever someone did when it comes to spreading lies about you."
"The best lies are lies we tell ourselves."
"Excuses are just well planned lies."
"Even on perfect lies, you'd be surprised what club you might prefer over a certain distance from a perfect lie."
"What happens when lies are exposed in a relationship, the disappointment can be overwhelming."
"I mean, liar. They're just liars. They lied to us."
"Most people to them friends, to them close friends and even family, they lie about their exact immigration situation and the facts."
"Stop lying, because for one, you gotta remember these lies."
"Every lie from his mouth now documented about 3300 per year is the truth."
"I used to have a sort of faith that in the open marketplace of ideas, truth would always win out over lies. But I've seen that that's not true."
"A truth is a truth very often until you organize it, and then it becomes a lie very often because the organization becomes more important than the truth."
"Nobody believes somebody's lies anymore."
"The thing about a liar is unless you're just one habitual liar and you remember every lie you tell. Most times when you lie you don't remember the lie."
"The truth will prevail and your lies will come out."
"We are designed to find lies disgusting. It is as if we are being presented with a meal made up of rotting flesh."
"So much lies, y'all, so much lies."
"I found myself wanting to explain myself again and again and wanting to combat every new lie."
"That's starting to become a common theme with all of our bad guys, they're good liars."
"People only love you when they're playing, tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies."
"Our entire relationship was a big lie."
"Keep your tongue from speaking evil and your lips from telling lies."
"I'm not here to argue with you, okay, but there's a lot of damage from all the lies that have been told."
"Lies, distrust makes messages. Beautiful."
"There is one truth and there are lies that masquerade as truth."
"You knew these things, and at the same time, you still perpetuated the great lie."
"The more truth you know, the more lies will sound like static in your soul."
"You think this is best for me? My entire relationship was a lie! What else have you been lying about?"
"His lies weren't just some bad joke, they were in a way his hopes and dreams for the future."
"Elena's lies destroyed the lives of several innocent men."
"Once you realize who the designated liars are, you see them every time as soon as there's a big lie."
"But that's the thing with lies, they have a way of being found out, eventually, don't they?"
"Tell me lies, tell me Sweet Little Lies."
"The truth has context and nuance and logic and can be grounded in science; lies are easier because they're simpler to tell and rely less on critical thinking skills."
"The truth has a ceiling and it has a structure and it has walls and you have to support the framework with facts, but when it comes to lies, the sky's the limit."
"Best way to avoid personal questions while dating: lie sprinkle sprinkle."
"There is no 100 percent foolproof way to edit photos and if anyone tells you there is they're lying."
"Every lie is to undermine our position in Christ, our sense of self-esteem, our sense of design and purpose."
"The best dressed lie in the history of the world."
"And this at last is the gift of Chernobyl, that I once would fear the cost of truth, now I only ask, what is the cost of lies?"
"The truth is crazy in a world full of lies."
"Douglas has a very low tolerance threshold for lies."
"If someone lies to you, there are consequences."
"Each new lie is designed not just to deflect from the original falsehood but to emotionally engage you in a way that makes you doubt your perceptions or worse, your sanity."
"A lot of times men will tell more lies than truth."
"It felt awful I ruined my marriage all of the lies that I had to tell feel like with each lie it was like adding Another Brick in the Wall in between everybody and me including my kids it makes it hard to have a peaceful existence."
"Lies make us weak. There is meaning in truth, and lies destroy meaning and they destroy being."
"The most dangerous type of lie in the universe is one that has the most truth in it."
"I told y'all that she might tell 30% truth then 70% lies just made up lies."
"People lie but mathematics doesn't."
"Satan loves to share truths or half-truths mixed with lies to further deceive you."
"The truth spreads slowly and lies spread fast."
"Don't believe the lies and deceit."
"The truth is easy to accept, easy to digest. It goes down easy. But the lie is hard to understand. It's complicated, it's confusing, and it's hard to accept."
"After Christian's web of lies was coming undone, police decided to reopen John and Linda's case."
"Every time a demon opens his mouth, he's lying."
"When the hate doesn't work they start telling lies."
"The truth will set you free, but you didn't want to hear the truth, you wanted to live with the lie."
"Truth is not exciting enough so they gotta come with the lies and the sad stories."
"Every Lie that's spoken is somebody who has been in communion with the devil."
"In a world of lies, the most dangerous ones are those we tell ourselves."
"It would be easier for me to join the CIA because at least then I'd know the lies because I'd be part of it."
"...because on Twitter, they can spread lies about people, they can get them suspended, and they can dox them with no repercussions."
"Desperation drives him, and lies define his truth."
"A lie will always get caught. My mom always told her, she goes, 'I can't stand a lie.' I think sometimes you just don't need to lie, nothing."
"Republicans use transparent lies that insult the intelligence of every American. By contrast, Democrats respect their fellow citizens enough to tell more complex lies, ones that sound plausible as long as you don't think about them for more than three seconds."
"They lie to you and try to convince you to reject the blessing because God's grace is resistible, it has to be accepted."
"You can change your behavior all you want, but as long as you still believe lies about who you are, all you're gonna do is behavior modification."
"We've all bought lies. Literally the oldest lie in the book."
"Truth never changes, lies always do."
"In his dreams and in his lies, he was heir to a fortune or an aspiring actor or a witty young man with an ex-wife and daughter."
"You have to begin identifying the lies that I believe about myself, about happiness, about life."
"Our entire relationship was just lies, it was based on lies and it just got bigger lies."
"A lie goes around the world when the truth is still tying its shoes. Damn lies and statistics."
"Don't believe them, don't believe the lies."
"They want to take the world as ignoramus simpletons, they have no way other than to craft a very thin web of lies."
"Humans lie to each other, they lie to themselves."
"Lies only bring trouble and a long nose."
"Any truth taken out of context usually becomes a lie."
"...somebody's lied to him and it's her brain he wants to lie to him."
"The truth is the only power against the lies."
"So much of our discipleship to Jesus and our formation is about identifying what are these demonic lies that have come to like infiltrate our consciousness and how do we identify recognize them and then resist them in order to to get freedom from bondage to to lies."
"When you refuse to believe the truth, any lie will do."
"Lies don't last forever because they got to lie to cover another lie to cover another lie to cover another lie."
"More lies and more lies and more lies."
"lie is really nasty stuff if you get on the wrong side of it"
"I used to tell lies and I'd walk away and I'd go, 'How did I come up with that that quick?'"
"People lie because they knew they did something wrong."
"The truth is quiet, the lies are loud."
"There are a terrible lot of lies going about the world and the worst of it is that half of them are true." - Winston Churchill
"If those lies and that hurt is just too much, then maybe you should get divorced."
"Believing a lie empowers the liar."
"Let's free yourselves from these lies. These lies will make you sick."
"You just been living a lie, like you gotta keep up with those lies and you gotta that's a lot of work, man."
"The lies that they try to create for you, they're realizing that all they were doing was just projecting their inner self."
"You lie about grand things, about people dying of cancer."
"He lies to everyone. He's told everyone these stories."
"The more extreme the lie they tell, the deeper the karma. Some of these karmics have formulated [__] against you that they're gonna be paying lifetimes for."
"What kind of things does he lie about? About the women in his life. A couple of women in his life. He's told me they were just friends or they just went to high school together, but text messages say differently."
"Everything the state says is a lie; everything it has is stolen."
"These people are liars, they are misogynists. It was plain to see."
"My rhymes are like art; they should be on an easel. You smell like a fart and you look like a weasel."
"If you tell a lie big enough and often enough, it becomes truth."
"It's better to be awakened by a painful truth than lulled to sleep by a seductive lie."
"...the best lie is the one you tell yourself... the deception is so powerful."
"You kneel before my throne, underwear that it was born of lies."
"It's about greed, lies, and a number of other spirits that get attached to those that get involved in it."
"Everybody lies, human nature. It's what we do. We lie to ourselves, we lie to each other."
"If Ashton had called the police instantly and had not acted so suspiciously, had not lied, had not covered up, the police would have been able to prosecute the killer of Ashley Ellerin."
"Ashton Kutcher's lies, that he was telling to protect his career, allowed a killer to walk free and kill again."
"All Psychopaths will tell lies. Their lies are often outrageous, made believable by their ability to appear sincere."
"...the best lies do incorporate as much truth as possible..."
"No one lies about just one thing. Lies are like cockroaches; for every one you see, there's a million you don't."
"You can ruin somebody's life with lies. You can destroy your own life with lies."
"Silence is a lie and tyranny feeds on lies"
"Actions do have consequences and lies will catch up with you."
"Enemies lie, adversaries don't know the story so they repeat what they hear."
"Lies either prompt action or inhibit actions."
"This was a massive campaign of lies. That's what the evidence is going to show. And in fact, it is difficult to wrap your head around it."
"The hardest part wasn't him cheating, but it was him lying to her."
"Saying something is true according to folklore may not seem like much, but it at least means it's the kind of lie people have been telling for quite a long time."
"Lies and Truth cannot occupy the same space."
"My father was a writer. He used to say that artists use lies to tell the truth while politicians use them to cover the truth up."
"Sorry, with all the little lies, pride is simply another trap that hinders us in our lives."
"I think we all live with three kinds of lies: the lies we tell others, the lies we tell ourselves, and the lies we don't even know we're telling, or more importantly, living."
"...what do you do when you meet the one person who can tell you the lies that you just can't resist?"
"The devil only holds you through lies."
"The truth hurts, but lies hurt more, that was the lesson learned there."
"We are plunging into the age of deceit, where most of our assumptions and preconceptions are false and deliberately promoted lies."
"Your lies are limiting your truth."
"A lie believed is as powerful as the truth."
"The world in which we live is a world packed with lies lies about God lies about men lies about the world in which we live lies about the past lies about the future."
"The devil wants you to believe lies about the biggest subject. What is the biggest subject? God is the biggest subject."
"The unchecked lie becomes the truth."
"Why believe the truth when the lie sounds better?"
"God sends truth; that day to Ahab, but he preferred to believe the popular lie that was totally wrong obviously."
"When you reject the light of God, what happens? You say, 'I don't want the truth.' It makes it sound like, 'Well, God says I'm going to send a lie.' God doesn't send lies."
"You look nothing like what I... I don't know. You just don't look like your pictures at all."
"Who the (bleep) lies about a name for four years? Who lies about a picture? Who are you? Like who are you? That makes no sense."
"I think everything they say is a lie, and we need some kind of proof."
"At some point, when you lie, you establish yourself where no one believes you anymore."
"It's always difficult after you heard a lie for like the 700 time for you not to laugh."
"Addictions overall are conscious supporting lies."
"It's hard to know for sure if he's telling the truth. God, this poor guy, it's like he's been cursed where like every time he tells a lie his face just like folds in on itself, like Pinocchio with his nose."
"The easiest lie to tell is one that's closest to the truth."
"People lie Justice. Does that make sense?"
"Lies have such a huge huge huge impact on our relationships, on our trust, on our respect for the other person and for ourselves."
"The problem with little white lies is that it usually doesn't solve a bigger problem, it just puts it off."
"It's so easy for us in the gaps to make agreements with where the enemy is coming to speak lies."