
Link Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"Your desire and your destiny are inescapably linked together."
"The monetary standard and moral standards are inextricably linked."
"Link is obviously really good... incredible aerials... his short hop is like..."
"Link finally felt like more of a character rather than a conduit."
"The game starts, we see a quick cutscene that shows Link's face and he's holding onto a rope."
"This Link is absolutely the most well seasoned Link of any."
"Twilight Princess Link envisioned as more of a cowboy."
"Using the formula bar to link text boxes to cell values."
"After proving his worth, Link becomes a true hero in the halls which remember his forebears."
"One link that you guys all should remember is just portal.office.com; it's very basic."
"So if you're interested, the link is below this video."
"Confidence is linked to blinking."
"If you want to check any of these products out, as always, I have them linked down below."
"If you'd like to get on that newsletter list, we'll have a link down in the description."
"Jacqueline is the strongest link for the second consecutive round."
"You do not want to miss it, link is in the description."
"That's the only link that I've got there."
"I'm going to link Tessa's Etsy in the description box down below."
"...good luck to everybody again there is a link in the description below which will take you directly to the listing."
"This is really, really essential and I will leave a link Down Below in the description to it."
"I'm gonna give you the link for that."
"Be there! Link in the description!"
"I think link is Romeo for sure. I think I'm Juliet, he's Romeo, oh, okay, good."
"So, if you're looking at this particular kit from the fret wire, you can reach out to them. I'll put the link down below to their website. You can check out the rest of the kits that they offer and they do have a wide variety of kits available."
"Here's the link that I'll ask you to use spectercreations.com/D4."
"If you guys are looking for anything like that, we still add our store rot to ride Link in description."
"So, if you wanna check it out and find out how you can get three months for free, visit the link in the description, that's expressvpn.com/dannygonzalez."
"That'll be linked at the bottom of this video."
"If you didn't get a chance to see the link for this bag here that I made I'll put up here now you can go and check that out and see me stitching that actual piece if you've enjoyed this video do give it a thumbs up as always and I will see you all next time."
"I'm about to go to bed but I just wanted to pop in and say that. I'm gonna link that below. I'll link the sales tracking template."
"Make sure you guys go watch that, I'ma link it somewhere in here."
"...if you got lost anywhere in my explanation feel free to check out the link in the description it contains the entire project from the schematic all the way to the code."
"Before we start this video, if anyone comments like 'where did you get that from?' we're going to link everything in the description below."
"Keep in mind if you missed it I have that video linked Down Below in the description."
"I think it's a cool concept, I'll put a link because I think she wrote a whole article about it."
"...if you're interested in getting these for yourself I'll have a link down in the description below."
"If you want to follow my personal twitter page, that will be linked in this video’s description"
"If you want a new Linux device, just click on the link in the description below."
"So thank you again to Bright Cellars for sponsoring this video, sign up using the link in the description, and I will see you next time on Drinking History."
"If you do want to buy one, you can click the link in the description of this video and order it directly from Amazon."
"But yeah, this is the bag I'll link it down below for y'all."
"Links will be below to where you can pick up one of these guitars."
"You don't want to miss out on that, click the link below."
"It was such a fun week with them, and if you guys missed that video, we'll go ahead and link it down below."
"The link to order him is *censored*."
"It's amazing, I'll link it down below."
"Please make sure you check the link in the description for Darren Bench channel."
"...the book of abraham is... linked to the temple..."
"Definitely check out the link to their website in the description below."
"And don't forget to check out the link for glassesusa.com down in the description below."
"Take a look at the website linked down below"
"Get more information on them at the link down below."
"You can check out the complete video series in the description below."
"I'll have a link in the description to my current entire neovim config so you can take a look at my setup and also use it for reference."
"If you're interested to check out any of the pieces, I will link them down below."
"If you want to see a full review on Yellow Tail, we're going to leave a link up above."
"I mean, get your mind out of the gutter and click the link in the description."
"If you guys want more information, click on the link down below."
"She's kind of amazing. Link here."
"If you want to find out more details on my one-on-one online coaching check out the link down below."
"I'll have it all linked in the description down below for you guys to check out. Anyways, that's gonna be it for today, and I'll see you guys tomorrow."
"I hope you enjoyed this vlog, first of all. Remember, I am doing Vlogmas over on Extra Cracker which I will link down below."
"Click the link that Zack Jones just hit in. She's [ __ ] clean, dude."
"I'm going to leave a link to that down in the description so if you want to check that out follow the link."
"I just try you guys... you'll be linked down below again."
"Hit my link tree in the description below to get to the Phantom site to put in your orders."
"You can purchase your own by following the links below."
"There's like a super encrypted really long so this uh uh stuff reset go back keep going keep going this this string here inching wind.bin this is the actual link to the installation media this one here."
"As the young hero Link, it is your destiny to thwart Ganondorf's evil schemes."
"Justification is by faith, faith is the instrument that links us to Jesus."
"It really was a missing link between two classes of vertebrates, between the reptiles and between the birds."
"The primordial fears and the four horsemen of the apocalypse... are directly linked to Denji as a character."
"I'm leaving a link down below so you can grab it."
"The Bhagavad Gita might be the missing link."
"It's a great place for you to advertise your products because you can actually link your store to all the images that you post."
"She is the link between God and man."
"A missing link would therefore possess properties of both the ancestors' original traits and those of the evolved descendants."
"Creatine even has a little-known link with improved cognition."
"It's kind of mind-bending when you think about how you can use link for things that you normally wouldn't imagine."