
Victims Quotes

There are 202 quotes

"A lot of these people are victims. They're victims of lies and they're victims of propaganda."
"The attention seekers, the curious... please don't forget the victims."
"The victims deserve justice, and they will get it."
"The real human victims in this story are the eleven who lost their lives."
"It's my belief that there are more victims out there."
"These poor women right who the jury has essentially said are in fact victims they're going to have to go through this all over again."
"Our thoughts and prayers go out to all of those patients and all those victims."
"This story has included over 3 million victims."
"I will not allow my upset about bigots... to overpower my ethic of instinctively believing victims."
"All people can hope for is justice for his victims."
"There's a historical analogy to this pack would be the victims of Nazi slave labor camps receive compensation."
"Obviously, thoughts to the victims' families."
"At the end of the day, it's all about the victims."
"Two victims are going to talk to each other."
"Prayers to all of R. Kelly's victims and sexual assault victims 1,000%."
"There's at least seven more victims unknown that are out there."
"Creating a safe space for the victims is gonna be really important if they're gonna want to come forward."
"We can't let these individuals who lost their lives be forgotten."
"There are two victims in every abortion: the obvious victim of the child, and often, the birth mother, who is really a victim herself."
"Over 40,000 living victims have been identified and provided with compensation."
"Prison isn't the best life, but it is a life. Something that their victims no longer have the opportunity to experience."
"His violence has a profound effect on his victims."
"Victims tend to one particular group? No, sir. The victims have a variety of recovery."
"Rest in peace to all of his victims, yes, absolutely."
"The memory of millions of innocent victims was erased from history."
"I want to focus on the stories of those who did not survive. I want to learn more about the victims of the gauntlet."
"Stop protecting abusers at the expense of victims."
"The vast majority of whatever verdict settlement payment that ends up going to the victims will go into the victim's pockets."
"The voices of the victims are a huge part of the justice system. If somebody wants to speak up and they can speak up, they should."
"This isn't your normal war flick; the focus isn't on the fighting but the victims."
"He selected his victims from a group of people in a community that would be hesitant to step forward and be witnesses."
"The real victims are anybody that we stole their dignity, their right to freedom, their right to move about the world without somebody tying them to a chair and their families."
"A kind gesture as you know is a consideration or kindness which the United Nations displayed just to restore scammed victims to their former state."
"Most victims don't come forward; they just live with it."
"The victims of crime are not those who are killed but those who are left to try and fill the emotional void someone else has thoughtlessly created."
"My condolences go out to all the victims of every mass shooting that ever happened all over the world."
"Many believe that he may have more unknown victims"
"Nobody deserves to die like that. We should try not to remember the killers but to remember their victims."
"Honestly, that's just the epitome of Death Note: a game between two people with many victims getting caught in the crossfire."
"Victims need to be heard they need to be believed."
"The stories of James Charles and Colleen Ballinger need to keep on being spoken about together."
"And who loses in all this? The victims."
"A great deal less pressure is felt by the police when victims of crime come from the marginal elements."
"I've come to the conclusion that each cryptic message we received was a warning from one of his victims being forced to edit his cooking specials."
"It is a billion-dollar operation run by ruthless and dangerous criminals. But to the victims they duped, they seem like well-spoken, well-educated financial advisers with cultured English accents."
"...the shine tends to show up in kids who are victims of abuse."
"The victims of war are not sacrifices made as the means to an end of any kind, but in the most precise sense, are both the means and the end in themselves."
"This is where we as a society fail the victims."
"There are so many more people who are victims of Scientology that carry around this shame that they fell for it."
"You cannot equate the victims with the aggressors."
"Victims or claimants need help and support, regardless of the validity of their claims."
"I think victims should 100 be believed."
"Victims are not our clients as prosecutors or police. The system doesn't represent victims; the system represents the cause of justice."
"These killers are still out there. Their victims deserve justice."
"I shall have to add him to my list of victims."
"If there is any good side to her at all, is that - in a weird, twisted, selfish way - she does quote-unquote ‘love’ each of her victims."
"The fire turned heroes into victims."
"Who really got hurt in this whole situation and continues to get hurt? The victims."
"I just hope that there's Justice and that if there are victims out there that they are looked after."
"Most of his victims were either sex workers or women in other vulnerable circumstances."
"These six remarkable women represented different aspects of Tudor women yet they were all victims of one Tyrant King."
"The idea of believability of victims... carrying trauma throughout our entire lives based on things that happened to us..."
"He wanted the truth to come out here for the victims. He knew what he had heard, and he never wavered on that, never."
"Yuri realized that the small ogres he defeated the day before were in fact the transformed victims created by Gilly."
"What if we're fighting the wrong war, fighting obesity rather than insulin resistance? Even worse, what if blaming the obese means we're blaming the victims?"
"Perpetrators do this. They blame the victims for what they did. Because it helps perpetrators live with themselves."
"Weak boundaries can make individuals feel like victims."
"They were just people, caught in the crossfire of someone else's greed."
"Since then, my life has been one long apology to my victims, to my siblings, to my children who I had abandoned at this point, including my enemies that I felt had deserved whatever I did to them."
"What I would like to say for any victims who have suffered child abuse is that you are not alone."
"What is the value of the victims' lives in this matter?"
"The victims in this case were so young, increases the horror exponentially."
"This extra Dimension to the case just makes it more nuanced and perfectly centers our focus on who the real victims are here that being Celeste and Adrian."
"Don't let anyone ever tell you that the victims of terrorism in any century are anywhere approximately near the victims of state terrorism."
"Anyone who has been victimized has the full support of the congregation to report the matter to the authorities," he added.
"Fred West admitted to a further approximate nine killings, including Charmaine, Rena, Linda Goff, and others to be identified."
"It was a moment of justice for the victims, a small step towards healing their wounds."
"The victims of his crimes were finally able to see justice served."
"Your voice is important. Your voice does need to be heard because it would really help the voice of the victims."
"At least five people were killed, the victims including four women ranging in age from 52 to 81."
"Women and girls represent approximately 71% of all trafficking victims globally."
"Some of the individuals on porn sites are victims of sex trade. They're threatened that their families will be killed if they don't comply. It's rape."
"All in all, these hellhounds exist for one thing: to bring tragedy into their victims' lives."
"The law should take into account the long-term mental impact upon the victims of domestic violence."
"This woman has victims lying in her wake like nothing else and the tragedy is they are predominantly family members."
"It's just these victims going through torture, pain, and humiliation while these losers scream in their ears."
"This government will do all it can to compensate all the victims as soon as possible."
"The scriptural voices are always the voices of marginality, the view from the side of the victims."
"I have personally interviewed hundreds upon hundreds of victims of interpersonal violence."
"Altars reveal themselves through the rituals they put their victims through."
"They're just kids moms dads families just normal people who did not get involved and weren't involved in any of the conflict."
"It was a poignant reminder that perhaps Scammer Brother and his victims shared some commonalities—yearning for their talents to be recognized, aspiring for success, and craving the spotlight to shine upon them."
"Leah's work behind the scenes as an advocate for the victims of Scientology is unparalleled."
"Every voice, every person that speaks up, there are going to be 10 or even 100 more victims that will hopefully feel empowered and enabled to step up."
"This case is a testament to the effectiveness of betrayal. The killer had easy access to the victims and they probably had no idea what he was planning."
"It was important that the jury be able to differentiate among the seven victims and see those seven victims as seven different stories and yet also see the connection among them."
"What should and has to be different is the way we respond to victims, the way we respond to those who've been harmed, and the way we respond to those who've done the harm as Christians, both ways, with a maximum of help."
"Christina's physical profile was very similar to below's other supposed victims."
"Victims of a violent reactionary society that chooses to criticize rather than understand them."
"In many true crime stories, the victims are often forgotten or treated as a plot point. That's why I love The Murder Diaries."
"It can't be disrespectful to talk about the murders at a time when the murderer has died. It's disrespectful to the victims to act like it never happened."
"To mark the anniversary of her disappearance, Alan and Arlene's family are campaigning for a change in the law that would deter convicted murderers from withholding the location of their victim's bodies."
"He uses his victims as objects, he dumps them in specific places, uses them merely as markers, signposts on a trail of murder."
"Bad ideas have victims; ideas have power."
"Chilling Phantoms that Wonder lone roadways and countrysides forever seeking their next victims."
"There were no real winners, only victims."
"300 predator priests abused more than a thousand children."
"My eyebrows, I just need to acknowledge that I know this is kind of an intense situation."
"This is a moment and an opportunity for any victim of these alleged perpetrators to stand up."
"Moral injury is experienced not by victims but by perpetrators."
"The most famous serial killers in the world are the ones who've been caught. At the very least, it can bring some form of closure to the family and friends of the victims."
"Invariably you're talking Jeff Lane was just talking about the blowback what's the blowback well you're not siding with the victims. I'm siding with the victims."
"To many of Dr. Shipman's victims, his suicide is a final betrayal."
"The hate will never bring closure to the victims."
"All four of these victims had been prostitutes, at least off and on."
"I'm praying for all of those victims."
"We owe it to the public and we owe it to the families and to the victims."
"Are we not supposed to tend to the people who are harmed, the victims?"
"Identifiable victims produce in us more powerful emotional responses than non-identifiable victims."
"Platforming and promoting false allegations is so damaging to real victims."
"But now we should forget the name Stephen Port and celebrate the memory of Anthony, Gabriel, Daniel, and Jack instead."
"The system to investigate the past does need to change to provide better outcomes for victims and survivors."
"We will be honoring the memories of the victims."
"The most horrific part of this story is not only the number of victims left in the path... but also the fate of two innocent children."
"The film always has you guessing: are their victims really demons?"
"Men as well as women can be the victims of sexual harassment."
"I think the people that should be remembered with crimes like this are the victims, not the person who committed it."
"We should all have a bias to start by believing people who claim to be victims."
"We honor the memory of victims, the pain of survivors, the bravery of heroes who stood up to Hitler's unspeakable evil."
"The real victims of war are the people who live at Ground Zero."
"I always feel for the victims and the relatives."
"The more you dig into this, the more victims you will find."
"Victims often don't know they're victims until long after the fact."
"Victims of years of conflict, victims of climate chaos, victims of leaders near and far who failed to find a way to peace."
"The victims...learn to move on and rebuild their lives in spite of what happened."
"What restorative justice does is give victims a voice and allow you some answers as to why and what happened and how it's impacted your life."
"The victims and perpetrators have come together and have been soul-searching among themselves."
"Victims of these crimes are forgotten almost as quickly as the headlines fade."
"Genocide has taken more victims than conventional military operations during our time."
"The believing of victims is very, very important."
"If you don't hold people accountable for their actions, you are hurting the victims, and the victims should always be what is the focus."
"The chief sufferers from crime are not people like us, but the poor."
"Let us remember the victims and their legacy."
"As victims, we will no longer be silenced by sexual abusers."
"The victims and the families of the victims in this case to a timely disposition of this case."
"Returning money to victims is the best feeling in the world."
"It is important to believe and support victims when it comes to them sharing their experiences."
"I do wish more than anything this case could bring justice to the victims of the shooting."
"Because the murders weren't solved, that means that these people, these victims, could be forgotten, and they deserve to be remembered."
"We will put victims at the centre of our response, something that has never happened before."
"The show was sheer, and it wasn't exactly glamorizing; it was heavily focused on the victims."
"Sometimes you got to think about the victim and I do think about victims a lot."
"Please take time out your day to remember those victims that lost their lives on this day."
"The good thing about this was that a lot more victims came forward."
"Thorne managed to rescue more victims of sex trafficking than the amount of trafficking investigations that existed."
"We just want justice for these victims."
"It's not your fault, you were victims."
"The house was a voice for the victims."
"No cause, just effect, just victims and their incomprehensible pain."
"Most victims of sexual assault never really get the justice they deserve."
"I pray every day for the victims."
"The most important individuals are all the victims."
"We have to put the emphasis on the victims."
"Let's think about the victims more than some pathetic offender."
"I hope that all of the victims will be able in at some point in time to recover from this."
"It's for the victims as well as Mr. Wiggins, this is not just about only Mr. Wiggins."
"We remain committed to the cause of the victims, the welfare of our nation, and to helping guarantee non-recurrence of the senseless violations and abuses that occurred in this country."
"It's great to see that even during the time of war... we're still not forgetting the victims of Maidan."
"We have robust legislation that will protect vulnerable victims."
"These four victims did nothing wrong."
"There is no finger to point back at them."
"We need to put humanity on these victims."
"The foundation supports the efforts of law enforcement and victims' families."
"These were five women who had lives, who didn't deserve to be murdered the way they were murdered."
"I hope this gives you some peace because I know what victims have gone through."
"We have to stand with the victims."
"It's important that we heard from his victims."
"We are working to support victims."
"Always support victims, always listen to victims."
"We need to have empathy for all victims."
"As a defense attorney, you never want multiple victims and you never want the same kind of storyline."
"It's about the victims and all these young women that lost their lives at such early ages and never had the opportunity to live out their life like everybody else did."
"Prayers up for all of the victims, the families."
"I want to apologize to all the victims that suffered."
"We respond to the needs of the victims, to address impunity, and to prevent a repeat of these violations and abuses."
"She wants to use her platform to actually advocate for other victims."
"Let's do it for the victims and honor them every step of the way."
"To provide victims an opportunity to relate their own accounts of the violations and abuses."
"Please the victims of November 11 and all victims if a day if remembrance would be organized by the government for them."
"It's not about him, it's about the victims, it's about the family."
"What happened to the victims should not be forgotten."
"I really truly believe that there has been many, many victims in this crime."