
Personal Stakes Quotes

There are 113 quotes

"It's extremely surprising that's my life that they're playing with."
"Tomorrow is Olivia's birthday, so I had to win."
"I know my motivation might seem stupid compared to yours, but still, I can't lose this either."
"It's not about like the masses, the faceless people of the undercity; it's about her people, her family. It's deeply personal."
"People always want to talk about skin in the game. Sign your kid up to be in the first wave, then tell me what I should do with my boys."
"What is at stake in this trial is a man's good name, even more than that, what is at stake at this trial is a man's life." - Camille Vasquez
"The expectation is that if the mission has personal stakes for the character, it will ultimately be more satisfying."
"The world championship is everything; if Deft can't ever conquer this event, he'll regret it for the rest of his life."
"If this isn't awesome, frankly I quit YouTube forever."
"If Ukraine will fall I'll have no history to tell to my kids."
"When a man is fighting for his home, he fights well indeed."
"Some of them are saying I have to fight this because if I lose, I lose everything."
"Walt’s ruthless, he’ll do just about anything to protect his interest, except when it comes to you. He cares about you."
"If Doge is not one dollar by May 1st, it means I have to shave."
"I think legendary is gonna go public become an IPO as well so that's why it wasn't a big deal for me."
"My ability to provide for my family depends on the success of Brawl Stars in a very big way."
"The Wolf of Wall Street would be very impressed."
"Your future is at stake. It means that we're all vulnerable." - Matt Walsh
"If you were confident in that, you would just answer questions earnestly. Why should I be earnest? What on Earth is at stake here?"
"They think that you had this, you were like everything was riding on this connection."
"I feel overly invested in Brawl Stars because my ability to provide for my family depends on its success."
"Jaycen is the most important thing in your life, and you are praying the results today turn out in your favor."
"We are talking about cards we misevaluated to be interesting, fun, put our own credibility on the line just a little bit."
"Tomorrow is going to be different. I'll bet my mother on it."
"I've personally invested so much in the outcome of this match, I've changed my entire life around. So for me, this victory is so valuable."
"Ronaldo's never had a reason to be more motivated than he has here."
"I can't let you leave with him, then I guess you're gonna need to kill another trencher."
"That's why when I put him into those cage matches dude it was like so risky for me because I really wanted it because it was like if I didn't if I lost those I would have him now and this would be completely different."
"People came back and said, 'Huh, John, the second Creed was about fighting the son of the guy who killed his father.' It doesn't get any more personal than that."
"This whole election and this whole political cycle has just overcharged every issue so personally for me I'm voting because everything's at stake."
"Susie Lou is destroying the platform and I can't let that happen."
"What is the stakes here? This is a relationship I have with my audience."
"If you didn't let me get halo I wouldn't be here that's what that it's true very true"
"This goes beyond the usual kind of work that I do. Believe me when I say that I have a more personal stake in this whole Cuties fiasco than some people might think."
"I've got to lose, I quit my job for three years, I quit nursing school for this, like I have got to take this win."
"If I lose this restaurant, I'll lose my life, because my restaurant is my life."
"What is the point of risking half my assets, my kids, my sanity for an illusion?"
"I'm going to be kicked off the team if I don't do my solo perfect. But I'm not gonna go home when I'm dancing for my grandma. It's not gonna happen."
"I'm not scared of you, I'm saving my daughter and the timelines."
"We cannot afford to be lacking when it comes to Faith. There's too much on the line—our family members, our children, our friends."
"It all comes down to this moment-- the fighting, the drama, everything. This is my moment."
"In this game of musical chairs, it's not darn, I don't get a chair. It's darn, I die by myself."
"I'm not gonna stop, I got too much to gain, too much at stake."
"If they beat me, I would give them 5,000. In order to win, they would have to beat me six times."
"Pride and identity are at stake when the devil knocks on the door."
"This means a lot to me, and I cannot wait to get back everything that I lost. I'm so excited to be back here and fighting against DC."
"This Pro contract is a game changer for me. It's a new level of motivation, a lot's at stake for me, I want to be the best fighter in the world."
"This is more coins than I've ever spent doing one of these before with you, so I'm pretty nervous."
"He felt in his mind a lot was hinging on it."
"Oh yeah, I'm kind of nervous Jake, bro. I am literally shaking. That's how bad I want this, bro, the redemption arc, what a story."
"Look if it's you or someone you love who's on that operating table and it's life or death."
"Very layered, has to do with the wife and child of Dr. Gordon."
"Cyberpunk is about saving yourself, so it's more about you v saving you."
"At the end of the day at the poker table, there is no friendship. Don and I, we have a standard last longer bet. The amount will not get disclosed now."
"Me proving to everyone that told me I can't do something is on the line."
"What do you stand to gain or lose from this belief?"
"She's not crying for anything that she did, she's crying because now everything she invested is on the line."
"Vote like your life really depended on it. It really does."
"You risk losing much of what you built prior to marriage if you get involved with the wrong person."
"So yeah, I guess you could say I really am dying to save the world."
"This has nothing to do with me, but if this book fails... they're gonna go, 'See, nobody really cares about small business.'"
"When you ain't got [ __ ] to lose, what the [ __ ] are you afraid of losing?"
"You move accordingly when you have things to lose. The right person can either make or mess up everything you've built."
"This was a fight that was able to merge a personal aspect with every final boss fight."
"The wife was up against the father of her son."
"I'm in it to win it. My whole life depends on this. I cannot fail."
"When you and I are challenged, we're confronted and we could either be fearful or we could be courageous. What we have to stop and ask is, What's at stake? What's hanging in the balance here?"
"Failure is so deeply, I can't fail at this because this is all I have."
"Family is the most important thing, and the past is about to get personal."
"Our lives are at stake, and we're going to fight for our lives."
"I'm willing to put it all in and walk out the door and never be able to do this again or I'm going to make the film I want to make. That is Sophia Coppola."
"Yeah he has to he has to win this yeah the way he's talking is why I just yeah I mean it's the same with everyone in it that's what I feel like YouTube boxing."
"This game carries just a ridiculous amount of weight because of one particular reason: This is for the one seed for me personally."
"Am I willing to die to beat Lavon? That's my first consideration."
"This is all the marbles to me... I put my heart and soul in this."
"I feel extremely vulnerable but also... a small chance of my own victory."
"Cody needed this win more than anybody tonight."
"If he beats me, he could take her on a date, and I'll get my hair cut just like you did."
"Would she really be willing to fight against a god to try and save Sarah?"
"This means so much to this man, he's gonna put it all on the line."
"There's some things that you got to be willing to die for."
"I sold my team guys, and I had some wins and some losses on our net. I probably was tunneled for the cable, you guys ought to understand. It's about half my net worth was in the team, and that's a lot of money to have if I'm not gonna use the team."
"The future of some of the people you love might be at stake."
"Guys, if we don't hit this, I'm gonna cry. I'm really gonna cry."
"This is personal. He's trying to take away all the hard work that I put in."
"The stakes never become impersonal because they focus on one family."
"Rules change when the stakes are personal... it is too bad then that the rules do not stay changed."
"Rules change when the stakes are personal."
"He's playing for a lot of things this week, including his grandmother."
"After today, we're either going to be together for the rest of our lives, or I'll never talk to her again."
"It's a massive game for me, really the third largest game that I've ever played."
"I understand the nature of my case and I understand that this is my life on the line."
"Choose a point of view character who's driven to investigate; the stakes feel much higher when the protagonist has a connection to the crime."
"Don't you have people on this planet that you care about protecting?"
"He desperately needs a win; this is his life."
"I have a lot of Mac Jones, I need him to be great."
"There's a lot more at stake than you realize."
"I had everything to lose and I put it all out there."
"If I lose this salon, I lose everything."
"I mean it, this is personal now. If we can't succeed, then I'm completely willing to die trying."
"Kim had decided not to give up on the quest as it would take away everything from him."
"It's almost better when the stakes are boiled down and they're more personal."
"If this fails, it's going to be a failure for me, and it'll be the thing that 99% of people remember me for."