
Spiritual Fulfillment Quotes

There are 317 quotes

"In the next life, Allah will take this desire from inside me away and even when it's taken away, it will not lead to dissatisfaction or depression or boredom."
"We are most to be pitied if we think we've reached the fullness of what God intended for His church here on earth."
"The navamsha is the path that shows if the soul would receive a companion towards the fulfillment of its goal."
"Sometimes we're so busy fulfilling the path that God has laid out that we miss when God has added expansion to what we were doing."
"In your presence is the fullness of joy; at your right hand, there are pleasures forevermore."
"In Jesus Christ, you've already got everything. You've got love, intimacy, a guaranteed future. You've got it all."
"Jesus says this: 'God blesses those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.'"
"He that hungers and thirsts after righteousness shall be filled."
"The spiritual person realizes they already have what they need, and it's Christ."
"The greatest joy in Jannah will be seeing Allah, which is the biggest gift of all."
"True happiness and spiritual fulfillment arise from transcending earthly desires and embracing life's challenges with open arms."
"If you love God you are going to live in a way that blesses God, that's what pleases you, did you get it?"
"My mission in life is that when I pass, he will look at me and say, 'Well done, good and faithful servant.'"
"The law was until Christ, who brought in spiritual completion."
"Islam has filled that need for identity, that need to glorify and show awe of something higher."
"It was only only in Christ that I was able to find fullness wow."
"This is something of an answer to prayer, our prayers were heard so don't let up now."
"Who makes you happy? God is the one who fills the deepest desires of your heart."
"When you experience peace and true happiness and like yep true like I really am walking in my purpose, I'm where I'm supposed to be, when I can't not have that, I can't not have Jesus."
"We are designed to live a life that God intended for us."
"Thank you, Holy Spirit, for abiding in me. Thank you for filling me with the Holy Spirit."
"In this life, the only thing that gives us contentment is the remembrance of our Lord. And in Jannah, what is the best thing that we're gonna have? In Jannah, we're going to see Allah. That is the Pinnacle of pleasure."
"The greatest of all rewards will be to hear him say, 'Well done my good and faithful servant, enter into your Master's happiness.'"
"God wants to complete your life so that you have a... perfect peace life."
"I'm just really thankful and I'm thrilled with what the Lord is doing."
"The deepest desire of your heart granted to you by the power of God."
"Marla gives us a chance to capture a sense of true spiritual fulfillment."
"When you tap into the kingdom of God, everything you've been searching for is already there."
"For all the prophets spoke of Messiah who will redeem and save Israel, who will willingly gather all its exiles, and who will strengthen them in the fulfillment of the Torah's commandments."
"What are you living for? I'm living to fulfill His purpose and His plan for my life."
"Thou Hast the words of eternal life. I knew too much, I believed too much, every joyful experience and happiness that I had was not in the world, it was with you."
"You are the only one who can meet my ultimate need for salvation and restoration."
"Desire realized is a tree of life, fulfilled desires through prayer."
"Finding contentment in Him... is going to be richly rewarding."
"Tell of the fulfillment of the promises to faith."
"When you choose to follow God, he will establish your plans and your purpose so that you end up in a good place in his story."
"True almsgiving is giving up something that we want or that we need."
"If you live by the flesh you will die, if you live by the spirit you will live."
"God alone, not the things of the world, can fill our hunger."
"The law of God is fulfilled in us when we love him."
"Only you, Lord, can satisfy every longing need in the human heart."
"Am I completely spiritually happy? The answer is no. I haven't reached my goal."
"When love to God is complete, no joy is equal to the joy of worship."
"Your destiny is secure, God is going to bring you into the fullness of his purpose."
"I boldly declare, you are all I need. I find my total fulfillment and contentment in you. I am no longer looking to man to fulfill my life."
"Your faith is what appropriates and obtains what Jesus has already finished."
"There are ways in for us to enjoy the fullness of what God want us to enjoy."
"I fulfilled the law by walking in the spirit."
"Islam is there to fulfill the gap that Christianity left."
"Jannah is what you desire it to be, they shall have whatever they desire."
"The truth will set them free, not acceptance, not compliments, but man, God loves you. But man, you can't find your worth in your body. There's a longing deep in your soul that only Jesus can satisfy." - Logan Dorn
"The way of obedience is the way of blessing, of fulfillment of God's purpose for your life."
"Prophecy is designed to create a life that can attract prophetic fulfillment."
"I feel like now that I'm like actively contributing to God's kingdom."
"Christ purchased so much but we settle for so little."
"God was good to me in fulfilling the first dream."
"God's plan for our lives will ultimately lead to a glorious fulfillment of his purpose."
"True fulfillment will come when you seek the will of unconditioned love."
"God, you are so good to supply our needs and give us the desires of our hearts."
"You can have the greatest hope and courage and joy and thrill that you've ever known if you just let Christ come in."
"You are a Joshua that's stepping into the promised land to possess the land and take what God had promised you."
"My God is saying there's a better way. You can have peace and contentment, joy and fulfillment in everything that you do."
"Miracles and blessings... it's just gonna be so fulfilling."
"It's like that's what I needed was Jesus. He was all that I needed."
"Another major item on the old soul school day's agenda is loving being in a body manifesting sufficient mastery that you have enough of what you want to make it pleasurably exciting to be on the planet."
"When I die, I want to hear these words: 'Well done, good and faithful servant.'"
"Until Jesus becomes our savior our lives are empty."
"The Emptiness of the Tomb became the fullness of Mary's life."
"I'm just excited about really being all that God has called us to be. I think sometimes we kind of just cut it short and limit God, but we're all about preaching about the fullness of God and all that he has."
"May Allah fill your alone time with great spiritual and emotional fulfillment."
"Life of God: the lives that were successful, happy, full of peace and joy."
"What starts with us God will never stop until you get all of the glory all of the honor and all of the praise."
"It's beautiful about Islam, it's the most balanced path in life."
"Every righteous requirement of the law has been fulfilled through the anointed one living in us."
"It's never too late. God will fulfill his promises to you."
"Jesus wants you to have life and have it to the full until it overflows."
"Nothing in this world will satisfy like the presence of Jesus."
"Living with purpose means seeking God's will for our lives and aligning our actions and decisions with his plan."
"The Holy Spirit wants to fill you so you can pour out, impacting others."
"I realized I can't do that in order to do what God has called me to do I need to make sure that I'm not running on empty."
"Financially things are fine, but spiritually, they feel something is missing."
"Living in the fullness of God's love each morning fills us with a sense of worth and belonging."
"It's not easy following Christ, but it will be oh so rewarding and fulfilling more so than anything in this world."
"Jesus, He's the one who satisfies every hunger, quenches every thirst, feels the deepest longings of your soul."
"The library of Babel has the script to every one of my video essays."
"Only God can satisfy the deep longing in our hearts; when we replace Him with lesser things, we come up empty."
"You will be presented with a wealth of opportunities that match your positive intentions and your Soul's desires."
"Trust in him and you will see how his promises are fulfilled in your life."
"Fill yourself up with God instead of what others say about you."
"True happiness lies in doing what God wants of you."
"Christianity offers a sense of real fulfillment in life."
"I didn't know there was a Kenneth Hagen Prophecy from 1963... I had no idea there was a Kim Clement prophecy... this is the Fulfillment of the prophecy."
"The hunger that we have for Christ and that this, we are satisfied fully our souls are satisfied fully in that hunger by receiving the Eucharist."
"Joy is to be found in the presence of the one who made you... who created you to be filled with rejoicing and pleasure."
"That doesn't mean that it's somehow contrary to his nature to bring what he has created to the place of perfect consummation; that would, in fact, be the completion of his creative work."
"This is a year where the promises of God are about to manifest in amazing ways."
"The only way that we'll find fulfillment in life is from Jesus Christ when you confess him as Lord, repent of your sins, change your wicked ways, and follow him and love him and love others."
"Everything that I was searching for in that sorority is found in Him."
"Christ asks the Lord to fill your cup to overflow, ask the Lord to fill you with His Holy Spirit."
"The most important thing you can get from God this side of heaven is contentment."
"We will radically obey you because we will see the promises of God come to pass."
"The best thing to ever happen to you is the Lord God Almighty."
"Eid is about family, happiness, and spiritual fulfillment. It's not just about new clothes, but about cherishing the blessings."
"God is worthy to be praised not when I have a need, but because he has already provided."
"May the Holy Spirit fill my heart with love, may He convict me so that I will become a person who willingly gives their life for Jesus."
"If God's love is not enough for you now, then no human's love ever will be."
"If only one person understands the true way of eternal life, then let that be enough for you."
"Seeing people get free is way better than worrying about criticism."
"Ultimately, my goal is to hear, 'Well done, my good and faithful servant.'"
"When the glory is in the room, nothing else is needed."
"The day you discover that Jesus is enough will be the day that you have nothing but you have found your treasure, your peace, Your Love in him."
"Every single person deserves to know about the happiness and the joy that they can find in the fullness of the faith."
"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace."
"God will always accomplish his purpose. It's not whether God will do it; it's whether he will do it in you and through you."
"For it is God alone who is with you, he who is in you, that worketh in you according to what pleases him."
"Fill me with your love and your joy, just a supernatural abundance of it because I know that in that there is strength and that is the beginning of my healing."
"For Christ has already accomplished the purpose for which the law was given."
"When we believe in him, when we uphold his Commandments, his father's Commandments, when we abide in his love, we will be granted a joy that will make us complete."
"In God's perfect timing, every heart will find its deepest fulfillment."
"God's love is more than enough to fulfill you."
"Blessed are ye that Hunger Now for you shall be filled."
"Let us be able to say, 'Jesus Christ is more than enough for me.'"
"She followed her heart investing early in the things that last: marriage, family, and a deep and active spiritual life."
"Success is just a platform, it's not designed to be the thing that keeps you satisfied. God is our satisfaction."
"Only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven."
"God's will for you is perfect happiness. A child of God is only happy in his natural environment, and that's heaven."
"Jesus is the only one that can open the door to eternal satisfaction."
"May our ultimate fulfillment be found in God's presence alone."
"You love the laws of God and you will experience the peace of God in every facet of your life."
"Your Red Sea Deliverance will lead to destiny fulfillment."
"God was using a man in his calling, and he was operating within his calling, and so the joy of the Lord was his strength."
"God answers prayer that your joy might be full."
"So the prophecy of the Lord's return will be fulfilled that way."
"The more we spend time with God, the more content we will be."
"I'm fully living in the purpose God always intended for me, and I don't have to fight it anymore."
"You still have the same need for approval, but now you're getting it from God."
"When we fill the holes of our heart with Jesus Christ, there's never ever ever going to be a lack."
"I want nothing but good godly relationships. I don't want to have a relationship with a person to fill a void."
"The greatest breakthroughs of all happen when we become empowered through knowing that we're already complete in Him, that He's already in us, and that we're already walking in fellowship with Him."
"Lord, hasten your word and let there be a performance of your promises in my life."
"We're all here because we need Jesus, and Jesus is complete."
"In its superb timing, as in all its proportions, the Brooklyn Bridge forever entwines the solid fulfillment of technology with the eternal yearning of the spirit."
"We live with the hope of a future, a secure hope that truly satisfies."
"It is only through a relationship with our creator that we can be truly satisfied."
"It counts for eternity and it gives God Eternal pleasure when his people obey him even in seemingly small ways."
"The world cannot satisfy us, only the presence of the Lord."
"There's nothing more gratifying than to see when God's word happens in the lives of God's people."
"We often seek for things that don't satisfy instead of looking to Jesus, the only person who can truly satisfy us."
"The father wants to give you a well that's gonna spring up living waters that go up to eternal life."
"The thought of being able to go to the eternal kingdom of heaven brings me the greatest joy and happiness in my life."
"You were created by an eternal God for eternity. And earth will never satisfy. Everything good on earth will never be good enough."
"Our priority collectively cannot be to garner the applause of people. Our interest has to be in garnering the applause of Heaven."
"I can produce in you a well of Living Water."
"There is no satisfaction in Christ apart from coming to him in Repentance and Faith."
"This is beyond us, and that's why the Bible says 'I has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has it entered the heart of man the things that God has prepared for them that love him.'"
"Such tones as our souls never heard before we wonder at the Deep joy and oh we begin to see that the world Spirit was urging us on to duty only that we might find deeper Joy than the old irresponsible life could yield."
"True happiness is that deep abiding joy we get from God, only because only he can fill that emptiness inside of us."
"The acceptance of man can't satisfy the longings of our souls. Only God's acceptance can."
"My sincere hope is that it changes people's lives, that people find Jesus and find him in for real."
"It's that light in the darkness because as you look around and you try and find anything else to make you happy, nothing can really do that besides the love of Christ."
"His very presence, his silence, quelled the agony of many hearts and transported mature souls to the realm of spiritual fulfillment, self-realization."
"You might think that that would bring uncomfortable feelings towards you, but you'll actually feel rejoiced in the fact that you were just persecuted because of Jesus Christ."
"Whoever believes in me, as scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them."
"We're created for God, for God alone, and nothing in all of this world could ever satisfy us totally except Him."
"Being able to give on Earth is actually adding value to your Heavenly account."
"Prayer not only answers our needs but gives us a motivation, a love for the needs of others around us."
"What is really involved is the simplicity of seeing that Christ is everything you need and everything in God is in Christ."
"Do you want to drink muddy water out of a hole because that's the way your life is without me and by the way you find that it's empty anyway because it's cracked or you can have me."
"Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you success."
"The eunuch's Joy after baptism reflects the joy of Salvation in Jesus Christ, his spiritual thirst is quenched by encountering the Lord."
"The greatest of all [privileges] being glorified with Him or sharing in His glory."
"The gospel has already provided me with everything."
"In the will of God is where you will flourish."
"the desire for other things actually chokes the actual Destiny of God over our life it has to do with appetite it has to do with stewardship it has to do with the divided mind."
"Anyone who is thirsty may come to me. Anyone who believes in me may come and drink for the scriptures declare rivers of living water will flow from his heart."
"Not only do you have salvation, let me tell you how great it is."
"The gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is the one universal answer to man's quest for spiritual fulfillment."
"God wants to fill that empty place in your life with His presence, with His Holy Spirit."
"Be filled with the Holy Spirit means always giving thanks."
"Father, thank you for the truth of your word. It always brings alignment to our lives, satisfaction to our souls."
"You can have everything God wants you to have in this life: peace."
"For there is no limit on that fullness except the limit which we ourselves make by the poverty of our faith or by our unbelief."
"May we find our satisfaction alone in you."
"Generosity of heart is what literal heaven is like when your heart is open and warm and generous, and you just can't give away enough."
"By drinking the living water, we will have lives that will be all we hope for."
"I have a joy and a hope like no other."
"It should never be about where you can go to make the loudest noise where you can go to shout or where you can do that it should be about where you can go where you feel most fulfilled at to fellowship with other people other believers and to give God the praise."
"I want to live my life so that somebody else wants to follow in my footsteps. If I can help somebody else fulfill the call that God has on their life, I would have done the thing that God has assigned to my hands to do."
"Jesus must become your greatest obsession, your greatest fascination, and your ultimate satisfaction."
"That's the greatest thing you could do in your entire lifetime, amen."
"I'm here cause I get to be here. And I found in him everything that I need, everything that I was looking for."
"Fulfillment begins when we recognize Jesus, when we worship Jesus, when we believe Jesus, when we obey Jesus."
"Let anyone who hears this say, 'Come.' Let anyone who is thirsty come. Let anyone who desires drink freely from the water of life."
"Even if this is all you had, you'd have all you need."
"When we come to the vision and fruition of him, all these cease, and the love only remaineth."
"Fulfillment only comes through Jesus."
"When you have Jesus, everything else becomes nothing."
"To truly know Christ, you must be filled with the spirit."
"If you're seeking the fullness of his Holy Spirit he'll fill you up tonight more of him less of you."
"Conforming to Christ can be the most fulfilling experience in life."