
Reality Vs Fiction Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"People sometimes say that the way things happen in movies is unreal, but actually, it's the way things happen in life that's unreal."
"The movies make emotions look so strong and real, whereas when things really do happen to you, it's like watching television – you don't feel anything."
"Reality is far stranger than fiction, and we're taught a boring, dull version of history in the school system."
"History is often far more thrilling than fiction."
"Her words and actions are perfect; it's like a two-dimensional character jumped into the three-dimensional world."
"No evidence has surfaced to support this film's claim that it was based on reality, but the fact that it might have been makes it all the more scary."
"I hope everyone knows that this series isn't real and Jesus has already won."
"Fiction follows a script, real life doesn't."
"Fiction is never real, but feelings always are."
"Truth is often Stranger Than Fiction this saying has become almost cliche yet it continues to be proven time and time again."
"Real life violence is real life violence. Movies are movies. I can watch a movie about the Hindenburg disaster and get into it as a movie but still feel it's a horrible real life tragedy. It's not the same thing at all."
"Reality was even more fantastical than fiction."
"The value of science is not simply what the next model of iPod you will buy next week. Its real value comes about when it's time to distinguish reality from everything else."
"Be the change. This isn't Hollywood, this isn't the movies, that [stuff] isn't real."
"Living lives more remarkable than any fiction."
"Sometimes the heroes we admire on the screen can be all too human in reality."
"The truth behind it doesn't seem as appealing as The Narrative of a violent Sasquatch murder spree."
"In real life, things rarely work out as nicely as they do in the movies."
"The brain really doesn't differentiate between stories that are real or fictional."
"Sometimes, the truth can be stranger than fiction."
"In Texas Chainsaw Massacre, truth is stranger than fiction, blurring the lines between reality and nightmare."
"Love really is not like the movies... it would be a psychological Thriller horror movie directed by Ari Aster."
"Reality is always stranger and far more detailed than any fiction mere writers could dream up."
"The film has already been blurring the lines separating fiction and reality."
"Is it legitimate or is it Sophie's own fiction?"
"Nothing is like the movies. It doesn't look cool, you know?"
"The truth is almost always stranger than fiction."
"The movies make emotions look so strong and real."
"Truth is stranger than fiction... fiction writers get these ideas, then they actually manifest into reality."
"Reasonable people know that rom-coms aren't what love is really like."
"Reasonable people know that porn is not what sex is really like."
"Real-world villains are actually clever, not like the movies."
"Reality is usually much creepier than fiction can ever hope to be."
"Reality is stranger than fiction, and the most terrifying things come from basic life."
"What matters isn't whether or not they happened but the significance they convey after all you're watching a movie none of it is real."
"This whole thing is one of his stories. I imagine."
"These aren't characters, these are real people... Things that you say and accusations you make hurt real people."
"In the world of professional wrestling, the line between fiction and reality is intentionally blurred."
"In real life, if you're on fire, I don't think the rain would put you out. It does."
"It's often said that truth is stranger than fiction."
"Monsters aren't just the stuff of Make-Believe."
"The truth is more fascinating than any novel, show, or film could create."
"Sci-fi has been a powerful force in bringing the real and unreal about these subjects into our heads."
"The entertainment industry is not real life."
"Think of our show as a standing comedian show. Exactly. Nothing that they see on that stage is factual."
"Truth is stranger than fiction, except when you're talking about ghosts and demons."
"I'm just waiting for this to be like Mario where only one of these things was actually the events that took place and then everything else is either them dreaming or making up a show."
"Truth is stranger than fiction... and more contagious."
"It's essentially holding up the conceit that it is real, not unlike a tv show or any movie you see."
"The truth is much more bizarre than any fiction."
"Experience is very romantic in a book, experience is a whole other matter."
"Audiences have common sense and they have the ability to filter through what's real and what's fake."
"Fact making up fiction seems to be even stranger."
"Like trick is to know the fact, don't believe the fiction."
"Sometimes nature is more terrifying than any fiction."
"The real world is much stranger than fiction."
"Well, I guess fiction and reality aren't that different after all."
"Reality seems to be Stranger Than Fiction lately."
"The truth is stranger than fiction, as I say."
"Truth is stranger than fiction, but what about when fiction is what inspires the reality?"
"Hollywood loves the manual defibrillator paddles. I think it gives the doctor something to do on camera. In reality, it's these stickers that are used more commonly. And let's take a look at Scrubs."
"Nathan Fielder is a niche comedian with an awkward personality who seamlessly blends reality and fiction."
"Everything in your story was so much like a freaking movie the movie we've all seen when we were younger there's plenty of them and in the movies that guy always gets the girl in the end but in real life no it doesn't happen that way."
"...reality the movies what you see in there is all [ __ ] and very rare in life not impossible but very rare can you actually have some decent stories in terms of like people actually having happy life together."
"Wow, there were so many twists and turns in this story. The difference between reality and fiction is that fiction has to make sense."
"It was out of the what 43 minutes or whatever probably 36 of them were focused on a conversation between Robin and Mary where it wasn't it was just it was all pretend it wasn't none of it was real."
"Truth being stranger than fiction."
"History is often more interesting than fiction."
"Once again we've demonstrated that fact and fiction are like two colors side by side in the same palette."
"Sometimes truth is definitely more amazing than fiction; you couldn't make this one up."
"We're all living in a fiction of some sort, and we need to start telling more truths."
"Seeing American movies and seeing houses and stuff in America, when you actually come and see it in real life, it's quite impressive, isn't it?"
"You talk about something that just blows your mind when you see it in the movies, but in person, it's just something else."
"I didn't care if it was real or fake, at that moment that I finished that book, it was just...funny."
"People need to realize we don't live in the world that is portrayed in films, dramas, and even documentaries."
"You're the true heroes; we're the make-believe ones."