
Personal Planning Quotes

There are 110 quotes

"I'm the one who will decide what the plan for my life should be."
"You've got time, so if you're feeling pressured with time, know that you've got time to relax and figure this out."
"Freezing my eggs allows me to fulfill my dreams on my own timeline without depending on a man or my biological clock."
"You got to know your worth, you got to figure out what you want to do and make a plan."
"The decision was made we're gonna celebrate his birthday that day go out to eat um and then that night I would take the pill cuz we both were off from work the next two days."
"So even if I lose my business or job I have you know months of income."
"I know what I'm doing. All my moves are calculated and I lift it all up to God."
"That's a good question. I might decide to spot up in Little Italy for dinner. That might be my first move. I don't think we're gonna be able to do that for a while."
"Design a day that you would most like to have."
"Have a general idea of which round you would like it to happen in."
"I decided when I was younger that I wanted to be able to say I have money in the bank."
"Make a plan that's right for you and then just stick to it."
"Wow, yes! So this has to be four, this has to be one, this has to be four, that forces this to be a 1 8 pair which only goes in one direction, I mean, it's stunning!"
"You have to decide what it is that you want your life to look like."
"Playing the short game is always detrimental. It's actually advantageous to play the long game even in the short term."
"If you have this T, it means you're setting day-to-day goals, that you like everything planned out ahead of time."
"This move may move in a different direction than what you thought."
"I'm probably planning on putting down two to three, but back in the day, Fargo had a Krispy Kreme."
"I feel like I got the ball rolling. So that's my alternate life that I may turn to at some point. We'll see."
"Scorpios, some of you are planning revenge... seriously plotting."
"I just think wisdom is for me to get the rental car back this afternoon while I have time."
"I think I'm good for like 90 days or something."
"I've got a blueprint for success, and this is what it looks like."
"My planner helps me prep my week, track my goals, and reflect on my days."
"I canceled my plans to ensure that I get better by Monday."
"I'm just I'm very excited for this year bro I don't I'm but yeah I don't have like plans for it... I Just Go With It."
"Investing in quality, looking at the future, thinking about your future."
"I think my plans just change for the rest of the year. That's a mega giant!"
"I'm definitely dating for marriage in the future."
"Do kind of an audit once in a while, take a step back, have self-awareness, say where do I want things to look like in three to five years."
"I say yo, can we record at 6:30? I got a really big meeting in the morning."
"Financial education is so important... You gotta know how to start planning your money today."
"I want to take something back now I'm actually really looking forward to it for multiple reasons and I've rearranged everything and I'll be watching it and cheering like I was on Sunday or last Wednesday."
"God's stratagem...we have our own plans, our own programs, our own systems."
"Two simple goals: moving baby sister out here, retire my mom."
"I genuinely thought, to be honest, right now on my birthday, if this wasn't going on, I'd be on my way to Level One Live in Darwin."
"Write down your goal in detail; then you're like the ship, on course to success."
"I'll just go ahead and plan it out on the fly... decorate it just whatever I can..."
"I would rather read less or really like dive into a series next month."
"Can't wait for the five ingredient cookbook. Buying professionals for Hanukkah, I'm so excited!"
"Make sure you have your own plan or you'll be a part of someone else's plan."
"It's the full restart button like a hard restart and so I'm uh I'm thinking of doing I I've been hankering to get back into short content."
"Notion to me, Notion is like my digital planner... I really can't live without it."
"Should you really be taking a nap? It's the first thing on my list."
"Envision the outcome of how you want it to go, of how you want it to be."
"Get still, think about what you want, go do some research, focus on your focus."
"Block chunks of time on your calendar just for you."
"I am very excited for the next year to come I know that personally I have got lots of exciting things lined up for you especially in terms of recipes and stuff like that and challenges."
"Vision boards are the easiest most straightforward powerful ways to actually apply some of this visualization stuff and it's a lot of freaking fun."
"Super excited about this news because it contributes to one of your long-term plans."
"Take it slow, stretch things out a little bit, and don't make yourself do everything within six months."
"Sometimes one of the reasons many of us share our plans with others is to find support. However, you must make sure that those surrounding you actually care enough to support you."
"Stock up on Plan B, condoms, everything related to personal sexual reproductive health."
"I want my water system to be predictable and easy to understand for me in the future."
"Your children deserve a fighting chance, don't put yourself in a position where you are the only one caring for them."
"Absolutely making plans, deeply personal, deeply about you."
"This is the time for you to stay in contact and focus on what's the next chapter."
"I need a lot of time to figure it out I'm sure I'll figure out something to do with it."
"I always play the long game in everything that I do."
"When you plan things for yourself, they are always on the positive side."
"I thought it would actually be more interesting rather than talking you through the cinnamon bun recipe is to talk you through my goals for the year."
"Everything can change in an instant and the future you plan for yourself shifts, whether or not you're ready."
"We're kind of figuring it out as we go for me at least I plan to be here doing this for you guys as long as there's interest."
"Your good plan is not always God's plan for you."
"Make your end goal irresistible. What was it going to be like in my new home? What was it going to look like? What was it going to feel like?"
"Discovering who you are... what you should do is sit down and count the cost."
"Your person is thinking, strategizing, planning their approach here with you."
"Chris brooms in a VR set. That's what I'm saying. I'm like, that's just [__]. I gotta wait till I'm in a better head space, but I definitely want to do shrooms."
"Pick a small ten-week goal that you can control."
"Create your vision like an artist painting a picture."
"God's plans for you are better than your plans for yourself."
"When a man has a plan, it kind of changes everything."
"Focus on enjoying the time that you have, and then you'll be able to reach that part of like, 'Oh, I'll get my own house, I'll have my wife,' and all that stuff."
"What do you want your family life to feel like? What do you want your home life to look like?"
"I think September 1st would work well for me. Would Marlena be joining me on the first?"
"Seventy percent of people that write down their goals actually meet them."
"Finding James is going to be here in Japan Town."
"Don't waste it set your goals write them down come up with a plan."
"Fix long and short-term goals; checking them off feels fantastic."
"But I think I'm gonna start setting aside some days."
"With the Knight of Wands, you're very attractive at this time... making travel plans, but you're very attractive at this time."
"You can start any time. You can start December, January, you fill it in yourself and you give yourself goals."
"Sir keep the golf cart in the garage for now I'll come back for it later uh probably not anyways wo yo this is lit."
"Your planning is leading you toward a lot of abundance here."
"One of my main goals for this year is to incorporate my goal planning into my everyday planning."
"Have clear monthly, quarterly, and yearly goals."
"You can't always just wait for special things to happen or for people to put things on our calendar; sometimes you just have to put something on your own calendar and then look forward to it all week."
"After Halloween, I need to get it together before the holidays really start."
"I would rather have six months where I can travel, be with my friends, be with my dogs, get my Affairs in order, where I can have a life that I like to live."
"Sometimes just understanding what's happening can really help you stick to your plan and build that motivation."
"Those are my plans for my spring capsule wardrobe."
"Goals are the key to changing our lives, whether those changes are big like changing our whole career, starting a business, having kids, or small like getting eight hours of sleep a night."
"You get to plan your own day; you get to do whatever you want."
"What do you want your Wednesday to look like? How do you want to spend your Monday?"
"You can use it for project management, personal items like vacation planning, or for your own business."
"I really liked the 'hello life' for the front page of my life planner."
"I'm off every Friday for the next month, and I'm going to enjoy it."
"I have purchased the first three books of the Harry Potter series, and once I get over all this chaos with school, I plan on reading them."
"Plan and figure out what makes you you and what works for you."
"I want to talk to you guys about my new plan that I created for myself."
"Tomorrow is going to be more of a relaxing day for me."
"It's time to start the next round of IVF next month."
"Don't go off of somebody else's plan 'cause nine out of ten times it don't work for you, you got to create your own plan."
"Be extremely specific about the type of lifestyle you want to live once you get into that home."