
Food Experience Quotes

There are 165 quotes

"What an experience to try Jollibee in the true motherland. It was better than I expected."
"These are so good. As soon as you bite in, you get some of the aroma of the mint. It's just so good, it's just so perfectly balanced."
"I usually eat like fillet or like burger, exactly. I never try something like this and I'm amazed."
"That's when you know you're eating something truly delicious."
"It tastes good but there's no guilt there's no guilt."
"Perhaps nothing is more nutrient-rich than what we're about to experience next."
"It's heavy, it's oily, like pretty much every element inside of here is fried, which is amazing to me."
"The cost of being in the wrong relationship is far greater than the discomfort of being alone."
"Ordered food and literally ate it there. It was hot and fresh and cheap unlike delivery. Why aren't more people doing this? Kind of a food hack."
"The filling did stay inside of me well, how much Santilli do you get inside? I've no idea until, yeah, no idea."
"But, for me, this is actually very delightful and not as spicy as I was concerned about it being."
"This might be the best rib I've ever, ever, ever had."
"Property-rich areas tend to collect more in property taxes and therefore schools that are located in wealthier areas usually get more money than schools that are located in poorer school districts."
"This has no spice, there's no way. Cheers! Cheers! Wow, that's hot dude. I think mine is working. I hate spice, like I do not eat spicy food. Secretly!"
"This might be the best sandwich I had in Korean 7-11."
"It's the most flavors I've ever tasted in one bite of steak."
"Between having raw seafood and fish, I think there's a mixture of temperatures, textures, meat flavors. Let's go."
"I'm excited to try Walt Disney's favorite dessert. It's definitely melty and messy, but I like that."
"This is a life-changing grilled chicken wow it's so good."
"Leapfrog memories, yes! Cheerio juice, I actually hate that. I hate when, oh my goodness, when you have cereal and milk and then the milk gets all like disgusting."
"It always tastes the same, like in a good way, you know it's gonna taste good."
"This is not a food court experience for what you're getting. This is just mind-blowing."
"I hope you enjoyed this video eating Indian food for 24 hours if you've ever done it please leave me a comment below and what was your experience where was it."
"So many flavors in there. Sweet, sour, spicy, crunchy. Different textures. Nothing like it, right?"
"I'm like a kid in a candy store right now eating this egg. It's too good."
"Every slurp from the flavor of the broth to the texture of the noodles and the creaminess from the eggs, every shrub just makes you want to say wow."
"Make sure you get here and try it out because it's absolutely amazing."
"This is the best dumpling I've ever had in my life."
"Nobody gets excited about the caramel enhancements. Marshmallow is an experience."
"It's like the prosciutto makes the fish taste almost like a nice delicate steak."
"Test of a good eggs benedict is that when you break that poached egg, ah, that egg yolk should run."
"Being able to interact, talk to you and try this food... it's mind-blowingly delicious."
"These are so good this may be the greatest period I've ever had."
"It's like eating a cold piece of pumpkin pie."
"I bit into a sausage and it was a garlic sausage. The most magical moment."
"It's like just relaxing in a hammock as it takes care of you all the way down the entire throat into your stomach with a nice little tingle at the very end to top it off."
"Beyond just the food, I'm helping people reimagine food."
"I just know myself so well, I took a bite of that egg sandwich a little bite disgusting it was not it."
"Eating noodles at the end of hotpot is like an encore."
"Now, that was some of the best food I have ever eaten."
"This is amazing, oh my gosh! It just fell apart in my mouth which chicken doesn't really do but it just did."
"We forgot to film us eating our first bites, we just dug right in."
"It's like eating fettuccine alfredo; it's so rich that you're like, 'Oh, I can't eat too much cuz I'm gonna get sick.'"
"It tastes different from any other type of potato thing that you've had."
"It's like a Wendy's spicy chicken sandwich, you know how like the batter is spicy on that?"
"I've never tasted fresh cream cheese like this, it is just blowing my mind."
"You take a bite of this and you get teleported back to Kosovo."
"Did you get a hug from your food like I did, Abbi?"
"The best tacos are just standing, you never want to be sitting when you're eating a taco."
"That's the greatest bite of potato I've ever had."
"If you love king crab legs, you love prime rib, then this is truly going to be a spectacular experience."
"This is truly a magical meat eating experience."
"That was like an explosion in my mouth."
"It tastes pretty clean at first but then the flavors kind of build."
"Now we're talking. That bread might be the softest bread I've ever had in my life, combined with the... It's like a very soft texture, a little bit cold, and explosion of flavors."
"My first fish and chips experience was an 11 out of 10."
"You can really taste the teriyaki after you eat it. The softness and the texture of it is crazy."
"When I first tasted Allen Benton's bacon, it was one of those experiences where it was like a first time experience. You're like, 'Wait a second. What have I been doing? What have I been eating my whole life? This is the real thing.'"
"I've never had a Filipino burrito before but wow, it's good."
"I definitely recommend cooking these either in the oven or in an air fryer because for me a lot of the Samosa experience is that really crispy crust on the outside."
"Love the vibe of the place, the picnic table, just hanging out here with the folks, and uh, really good food too, overall great experience."
"I thought I was getting an authentic Asian food experience, this is just blowing my mind here."
"Dude, that's the way to have turtle, I'm telling you."
"...my left eye just went into this mode as soon as it hit my tongue just my left eye..."
"The whole experience of eating the cereal is just amazing."
"Guys, I am so hyped because today for the first time in my life I am trying dim sum."
"The food speaks for itself here. The pasta was amazing. But the experience with the waiters and the song, they really made this extra special."
"Even if the hotdog is not my favorite thing, the experience... it's an art in itself."
"We're all done at the Cheesecake Factory, that was very, very filling wasn't it?"
"This is more than just a snack box, it is an experience."
"It tastes honestly like a different level of unbelievable."
"I have never tasted Ramen fresher in my life."
"We had some of the best pizza we have ever had in our lives."
"The food is truly incredible. It's so worth it."
"Honestly, some of the best fish tacos I ever had."
"There's something about the coating on the outside that adds almost a slight saltiness but in a good way like it really brings out all the flavors I'm gonna describe it this is incredible."
"Yeah, I mean it's completely different, right? So it's like it melted out, it's literally oozed out, best thing to do is eat it right away, by the way, as soon as you come off the grill, because they're just like, melts in your mouth, right?"
"If this is any indication, this is going to be one of the best meals I've ever had."
"I didn't want to do my own version of it or like an easy orange chicken recipe. No, no, no, no. I wanted this to taste almost exactly like I remember tasting when I would stand in line at Panda Express."
"It's more about the experience of eating it and in my mind tricking your brain to think that it's noodles."
"This is one of those pieces of meat that deserves a moment of silence."
"You can eat a Malay Foods Cuisine for local food for one dollar or 50 cents."
"If I were visiting Long Beach... I'd definitely come here."
"This is another amazing Biryani, say the same day, two of the best biryanis on the planet."
"Delis are so much more than a place to grab a quick bite."
"Those are good. I just got a big piece of salt, but that was actually really good."
"It's like a soft-boiled egg that you dip fries or bread in; that was such a lovely lunch."
"It tastes exactly like a cucumber."
"Every time you grab one of the nachos, you don't know what treasure you're about to grab because each grab is different."
"The more I kept eating it, the more I enjoyed it."
"Each bite feels like a spicy cannonball exploding in your mouth."
"The combination of that thing works for a reason, and my God am I glad that I had a chance to try it."
"One of the best waffle things I've ever had in my whole life, thank you, sir."
"I have never tasted anything this delicious before in my entire life."
"Now that I'm letting it sit on my tongue for a minute, I kind of love it."
"The best burrito I ever had was in California."
"I ordered a burger from a place that I have viewed as like a very mid-tier burger place, best burger I've ever had."
"This might be the best thing I've ever had in my entire life."
"That was the best sushi I've ever had ever in my whole 18 years of living on this Earth."
"Miracle Berry changes the way sour and acidic foods taste."
"Absolutely incredible, what an explosion on the tongue!"
"It was the Tomato sauce on the base, I've never ever tasted a sauce like it, it was a really juicy Tasty Pizza."
"I like how it's sweet but not too sweet, not what I expected but in a good way."
"Why does everything taste like extra good today?"
"It's so good, let's try it with the cheese sauce also, oh wow, that's next level."
"It's like you chew it and the compression is like an explosion in your mouth of flavor, it's the best way to explain it."
"It's so many different tastes like you taste the egg, then you taste like a buttery bread then a hot mate."
"It melts in your mouth a little bit."
"Their spicy miso Ramen almost made me want to move to Japan."
"I've never tasted anything like that before; that's really good."
"Officially the best cannoli I think I've ever had in my life."
"This might be one of the best burgers I've ever had in my life."
"Fish and chips taste better when you've got the sea right next to you here."
"That's some of the best street food I've ever had."
"It is notches above what I had in California."
"Oftentimes your experience of food will be affected by something else, so no matter what review we give, your taste buds might not feel the same as us."
"Wow, while we were watching the cheese get melted on our corn, right across the way, this guy has some delicious looking drinks."
"I'm really interested in tasting the raspberry and the chocolate."
"I love all the food we tried today; it was such a fun experience to try like all of them are street food, but they're so different."
"I'm really excited to try and guess these restaurants and see if I actually know the food at the places we're going to."
"This is an eggette with vanilla ice cream, I feel like I need to document this moment."
"It was like perfectly spicy and nutty and acidic, literally one of the best dishes I've ever had."
"What should we expect when we bite into this? 'I think you've missed a lot of things if you haven't really tried it. It's probably my favorite way of eating it.'"
"This is spiritual. Hey, thanks, bud. This is amazing."
"I will take a little rudeness if your food compensates for it."
"So this is what food would have tasted like a lot of the time back then."
"That was probably the best chicken burger I've ever had in my life."
"It's totally different; there's no other time pizza tastes like that, no matter what you do."
"Overall though, IKEA, the food was amazing all day for under $30, you cannot beat it."
"It was the best ramen I've ever had and the best experience I ever had."
"All the food was fresh, and we felt that the majority of the items we tried were top-notch."
"It's life-changing; it's crispy and light and airy."
"I've never had hot nuga fresh in a factory before; it's a heaven."
"This is crazy, worth the wait, bro. This is crazy right now."
"That is the best dosa I've ever had."
"It's one of my best food experiences ever, solid and authentic."
"Mixing the noodles in the heavy fried prawn cracker with a light sweet broth, I could go back and forth all day long."
"The first time that I ever tried these tacos, it was in California, and ever since I fell in love."
"Those were absolutely incredible, the keema one was definitely my favorite."
"That is the best tasting food I've ever had in my life."
"It's probably best because that bratwurst is starting to repeat on us."
"Food is not just a staple now, right now it is more about that experience."
"This is so so good, I don't know what I was expecting but it was not this flavor."
"That was super good, guys. If ever in Binondo, you must go here."
"The texture of these are so unique, you literally just have to try them."
"I tasted onion rings, and there was a hint of onion in my onion ring, it's coming back."
"That burger just melts in your mouth."
"You have no idea how delicious this is, I really am in food heaven."
"I was just blown away with the feta mousse. It was like taking a bite out of a cloud straight from heaven."
"The food so far has been absolutely incredible."
"It's the best food I had today, really good, it's the best bite."
"You can taste the meat, every bit of that chew just goes down nicely."
"I wish you guys can try this right now because it tastes so good."
"That's the best barbecue I've ever had in my life."
"I'm not having a life crisis because I'm turning 35; I'm having a life crisis because most of the food I tried in one night at Magic Kingdom was not only good, some of it was great."
"It's really interesting, but also tastes better."
"It's like a journey that you're taking when you eat this sandwich."