
Societal Control Quotes

There are 384 quotes

"If we can learn anything from that, is that state and corporate power in alliance with technology is being used to create a terrifying hydra, a serpent of many faces."
"All of the problems we've seen throughout history, or at least a great many of them, have been exacerbated by the fact that the vast majority of the population has next to no say in what actually goes on in their lives."
"Life is not definitely all about money, but if you're smart enough, you will realize that money controls everything."
"The power will always be in the hands of the people."
"The lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging and kicking them into obedience."
"The average westerner will say, 'Hey, this is like Black Mirror, this is horrifying,' right, but the average Chinese person in the village will say, 'Well, guess who won't commit crimes now?'"
"Modern society, in its attempts to mold Alex into something without any free will, has taken away what makes him human."
"1984 painted a grim world where the populace was ruled by force... Brave New World painted a different kind of dystopia, a dystopia not repressed by force or fascism but by pleasure, by designer drugs, mindless entertainment, and the latest and greatest technology."
"You cannot allow mob rule to take over the rule of law and law and order."
"These things that didn't align with the priest's motives were seen as a threat to the power of the church, and so the people were ordered to smite all those plagued by incorrigible sin."
"What fear does: Fear... takes your rights away. You willingly will give up your rights in order to protect."
"It's very important right now that we start trying to look at things that will actually succeed in giving people a greater sense that society is under control."
"I just think people are so sick of constantly being bossed around, restricted, mandated all these different things, we've had enough of it and we want people to be able to make their own decisions."
"They didn't want blacks to be in control of their own life."
"All of this technology is potentially miraculous, like any tool, it has the potential for great benevolent utility but also to become a persecutory tool of powerful globalist elites."
"It always kind of comes down to the same thing: censorship to prop up the ruling class and the ruling class narratives."
"The first step to freedom within this gathering Orwellian world is to realize that we are in a gathering Orwellian world."
"Love Island is a study in the society of control - it's an experiment in the way power becomes invisible and thus seeps itself into the facets of everyday life."
"The law is only what you empower, is only what you use. If you don't use the law and if you don't use power then you let sociopaths and criminals run amok and unfortunately that's what's happened since the late 1950s."
"That's the ultimate George Orwell 1984 scenario."
"As soon as you simply refuse to buy into the lie, they lose all their power."
"Courage is one of the rarest qualities in a totalitarian society."
"Just as we have been tricked with fake law and fake rights, we have also been tricked with fake consent."
"If you don't allow freedom of speech people start to think it's because you're trying to control the argument."
"Is this an enlightenment movement or a new way to remove your ability to feed yourself and concentrate power in the hands of a few?"
"Total oligarchical control is the end game here."
"Ultimately it’s not about facts, it’s about power."
"Knock out these programs like divide and conquer and know that the mechanism of things like 5g is to deliver mind control. We de-weaponize things through breaking the mind control and staying in alignment with truth."
"Are we the threat or the people that don't want you to be able to think for yourself a threat? I think you know the answer."
"The reason it worked in Russia and Soviet Germany was because everybody knew there was a secret police."
"Could you imagine living in a world where these people take over and life is not-- there's no journey anymore?"
"Secret police forces have existed since time immemorial, from the Frumentarii of Ancient Rome to the mass digital surveillance of today."
"Everyone's going to take the vaccine. Everybody's going to take it. We are all a part of the 2030 agenda. If you don't take the vaccine, you go to the concentration camps. That's how it is."
"Fourth Industrial Revolution is being tested in a laboratory where citizens have the least power."
"Money isn't even real to these people... it's used to control you."
"What if we all have more power than they want us to think we have? I suspect that we do, and that's why they want to arrest these good people and find these good people and make sure that they can't crowdfund because they fear the individual."
"Money controls everything, but without us, there's nothing."
"Powerful people are choosing for us that we may not choose if we were given the opportunity to vote for them."
"Either all of this means something, or none of it means anything."
"You can't build that; you've got to get the general population to build their own prison."
"It's not a problem to make money... but what the real problem here is when they use their enormous amounts of wealth to control our lives."
"There's a very dark side here in the sense that these new methods of controlling people are in the hands of a very small number of people."
"It's scary for them not to really do anything about what they have, but it's also scary that some people are thinking for you and you don't even know."
"They're conditioning people to not speak or when they do speak, condition others to report them."
"They're beholden to the mob, not realizing they're the biggest players in directing it." - Tim Pool
"Control societies are based on debt rather than closure, aiming at what your future self can do in the market."
"The amount of negative energy it takes to control society is proportional to the amount needed to bypass the laws of physics."
"The Antichrist will come up with a new order where you can't buy anything, work, or travel without the mark."
"It's all about power, it's all about how do you get and keep and hold power."
"We have been basically brainwashed to believe that the end times is about depopulating normal humanity, but it's about the return of a shepherd punishing those who have been ruling over the herd."
"Bernays had successfully remixed the Roman’s bread and circuses."
"People were first ruled by religion and then later on it was nationality."
"The first way to control a population is to control the information they consume."
"Instead of a politics of solutions, we have a politics that tries to incite fear to recruit constituencies to the politics of order and hierarchy against the politics of freedom."
"The heresy of heresies was common sense, and what was terrifying was not that they would kill you for thinking otherwise but that they might be right."
"Stop you from saying and doing what you want, living in the kind of society you want."
"The corporate takeover of our societies, the political system, the International System of governance...barely any part of our society now is not run in the interests of Corporations."
"They have the power we give them, they don't have any other power above that at all."
"This is how you control a population: you control what language they use, what thoughts they have, and eventually you come to embrace big brother."
"Manufacturing consent is a demonstrably successful way of controlling the population."
"Under the rule of the cog with their heavily militarized societies with brand new technology, it's safe to say that the gears could ultimately achieve this."
"I'm not sure we live in an era of great freedom; I think we live in an era of very sophisticated mind control."
"Food can really be weaponized and used to keep whole groups of people unhealthy."
"The vision of the anointed lets intellectuals run society, while the tragic vision confines them to the classroom."
"The best form of colonization is when you don't know you're colonized."
"They didn't know better. There was also nobody else to speak against those lies."
"What's the conclusion? Well, essentially that we're all human hypocritical humans."
"Why is everything in this world occult or symbolic or told through magical systems? Because the people who mold and shape this world believe in and employ magical systems."
"It's a Brave New World now Nancy, they control the door at these points."
"Ultimately in the wrong hands this will diminish your power and increase their power."
"They need you to be corrupt so they control you. If they can't control you, they don't want you in a position of power."
"There is no power but what the people allow you to take."
"Yeah, but the media... they're using the uncertainty as the lever for power." - Unknown speaker
"This is a big deal to try to restrain everybody's speech in this fashion."
"They want you to own nothing and be happy about it."
"State order can only govern people down to the level they can monitor."
"When you conceal knowledge, you only leave room to make slaves out of people."
"Power corrupts and everybody at the top is just trying to get as much money as possible and try to keep us down."
"A lot of these science-fiction movies, we create these machines to serve us and they end up hunting and controlling us, right? But it's nothing to do with machines, it's government."
"We are governed, our minds molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of."
"It's all about control... if you give them ultimate power, they'll fix all your problems."
"The powers that shouldn't be have been profiting off our ignorance for way too long, keeping us in the dark and using fear to strip us of our freedom."
"As far as like the men in black, I do think that there is like a society of people who kind of make sure that the public doesn't know anything other than public knowledge."
"People's rule, they don't believe in people's democracy. They don't believe the people should run the country."
"Those who manipulate the unseen mechanism... control the public mind."
"Religion is pre-designed to control the masses."
"We are man, and we have dominion over the earth. We've forgotten that fact. The only reason you believe that people have any right of authority over you at all is because you've been tricked into thinking that way."
"Unity among the people, decentralized. That means we have control over our own lives but unified in opposition to them."
"If you can lock an entire society down for one year, you convince the population that society is anatomic, it's not real."
"The future of the world look more decentralized and free or even more centralized and controlled."
"You will be nothing but a drone, you will be a product and property of these vaccine consortiums and we cannot permit that to happen."
"It is only a matter of time until the boot starts coming down. The law doesn't matter, what matters is culture."
"And that's what they want. So, you know, you can kind of piece it together as to why they are so insistent in spending so many hundreds of millions of dollars of propaganda money to dumb down society."
"Fear is an illusion that's created in people's minds and it's also a tool that is being used to control the minds of men and women."
"We can't let bad people get that much power again."
"Powerful elites, billionaires, millionaires, politicians, princes, kings, princesses, dukes and duchesses - powerful individuals want control. That's not a conspiracy theory, that's humanity forever."
"They're simply just trying to position the church as the winner/Authority final say in what anyone is able to do with their body, their mind, their food, their private property, their own family, their own children."
"The nature of the ultimate revolution is precisely this: getting people to love their servitude."
"They're after demiurgic power that means they're after carceral power do you follow me they want the ability to construct the prison of being so that it Contours being so that it serves them until there's nobody else except people like them."
"If the narrative can convince us it's left right rather than up down, they win."
"To impose order on a large population means to impose hierarchy."
"All those buildings, those domes with those antennas on top are literally to fill then probably create the grit that keeps us encased here."
"They called this the S3 Plan aka Selection for Societal Sanity."
"We're still enslaved today due to the fact that all of our life-sustaining institutions are controlled and defined by Europeans."
"Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."
"Show me the people who you can't criticize and I'll show you who controls you."
"You understand how much power these people have, right?"
"Mutants are humans, therefore if our task is to control the mutant population that means control the human population."
"It is a sin to get drunk according to the Bible."
"We can never delegate so much authority to close down society."
"The true beauty of the human spirit is stifled to keep things running smoothly."
"Is there an inevitability of control to this world that we are creating? That's the real question."
"It's just another way for them to control us... they don't want us to be free."
"The greatest trick this system ever pulled was convincing you there was no chance for you to resist today and this week we learned otherwise."
"Here's how the WEF plans to scare us about the financial system."
"Fearless because living in that constant fear is how they control you."
"We're now at the point where they cease to manipulate our perception and instead become our perception."
"We decide who lives, who dies, who gets screwed over, who takes charge."
"The idea of dissidents or free speech and all that stuff just disappears and you're part of this machine."
"Every single news report, every billboard, every poster telling people how they should think, who they should hate, who they should obey, drives another one to the secessionist militias."
"We are governed by a tiny few people who have enriched themselves to pharaoh-like levels of wealth."
"Fear is the biggest part of this, they're using fear to divide and conquer."
"Find out who you can't criticize and then you'll quickly find out who controls you."
"Perception management is absolutely the linchpin in the whole system."
"Tonight, power has shifted: financial power, political power, social power. We are in charge; we are a new generation."
"The infrastructure of a total control grid system being set up and we're incentivizing it by using it."
"If you control the flow of information and limit speech, you can control people."
"We're slowly allowing them to enslave us again."
"Cultural enforcement is more powerful than a constitution."
"Now the best way to enslave your people is to convince them that they are not your slaves."
"Morality is just a tool others use to control."
"I don't want to hear about freedom from the people who are responsible for all of you removing your freedoms."
"Certain communities need to be excessively monitored and reported upon because of this idea of pre-criminality."
"The ultimate end goal of all of this is for you to say nothing and do as you're told."
"The rise of digital dictatorships and data colonialism... It's now possible to follow everybody all the time." - Professor Harari
"The role of the liberal intellectual establishment is to set very sharp bounds on how far you can go. This far and no further."
"Quarantine is when you lock up sick people. Tyranny is when you lock up healthy people."
"These people want us to just be slaves to the system, to be controlled."
"Small group of people who have determined that you will accept their philosophy whether you think it makes any sense or not."
"We've got to get a handle on speech and on our narrative or else we're gonna have a completely different country if we don't already."
"Control the food and you will control the people."
"If billions of people could come to a state of advanced Consciousness together, the less control these power brokers would have over humans." - Beck
"The masonic black and white chessboard is definitely being played."
"Humans basically want to be controlled and the easiest way to do this is giving them shitty lives that they hate but don't have the will to abandon to get the things that they desire because they don't want to face the risk."
"The use of capital as a weapon to foist your views on society... might actually even be the more frightening of the two."
"I don't think it's an inevitable question that socialism creates tyranny. I think it's a contingent one that we have power over."
"They're running everything that's happening in society parallel... they know where it's going because they're steering people into the direction it wants to go."
"That's the true virus that these Babylonian priests are terrified of - the virus of truth." - Sasha Stone
"People are not satisfied with the amount of control they have over their own lives. We want to give them more control."
"This isn't really about the pandemic. This is just about controlling the masses."
"What the vaccine enables people to go along with more easily is the idea of a health passport or vaccine passport, and that passport becomes a gateway to a digital ID that's connected to your ability to participate in society."
"The greatest trick politicians ever played on the American people was to make them believe that the power belonged to the politician."
"It's just knowledge is power and that's what they don't want us to have."
"Who decides what's hate? Who decides what's good and what's forbidden?"
"How exactly will the future masters of the planet look like? This will be decided by the people who own the data."
"Control the food, control your habits, use the media to shame people."
"Humanity has to choose between synchronizing and becoming a global unity or letting the rich elite billionaires rule the world."
"Censorship is about controlling information."
"Fear of the masses: more power and money to those who wish to control and deceive."
"Give them bread and circuses and they won't care."
"It's a fundamental difference between the folks that believe in Sovereign and Free Will and those that only believe in control."
"Children are our key, that's why the state wants to run your children disrupt your home and do everything it can to stop that soul from Awakening and being the mighty Army that they were sent here to be."
"They do not want people to go out under the stars and do what we're recommending; they're going to find that nobody's being harmed."
"Follow the money. Who owns everything, right? Who owns the banks? I told you who owns the banks."
"It's beyond the Gates's and the Swabs's, it's a non-human force manipulating human society."
"There's the ideology of the wolves and there's the ideology of the sheep... religion is for the sheep."
"They want control of you. There are many, many situations where all of this hypocrisy is spread about the way things are reported."
"The modern-day colonizer doesn't put chains on your body, the chains are on your mind."
"They're training us to just literally be little drones. All these sci-fi movies that were years ago, man, this is all happening right now."
"Regular people are saying enough, we're not gonna go along with this, and you can't control us."
"When power of control is given to a few, chances are this power will be abused."
"We will not be able to buy, we will not be able to sell unless we take a mark."
"I always said to myself if women ever took the time to actually understand men you guys will control the world you literally would."
"The virus should not control our lives anymore."
"We are controlled, manipulated, and distracted by a society awash in electronic hallucinations."
"Control the money, you control choice. Control choice, you control freedom."
"If we're going to take control back of human society from the tiny few, the elite, we're going to take choice back from those that dictate and suppress our choice."
"To think that nine people in black coats can control morality, the way we choose to live, think, and function as a society."
"In a surveillance state, every aspect of their lives is controlled, and Beijing people are monitored no matter where they go."
"The elites are acutely aware of that which is why they have militarized police forces, handing military-grade equipment including tanks."
"It's not about breaking the fourth wave, it's about breaking people." - Christine Anderson
"The only way that we can pull through is under cruel rule." - Dan Bull
"The real power that was sought to be grasped was with information not weapons."
"They want to control your mind with technology."
"If you want to have absolute freedom you need absolute repression."
"There appears to be something darker behind the effort to subjugate humanity and wreck the environment than simple corporate greediness or political power grabs." - Jim Marrs
"There are things you can do in society if it's controlled if it's not controlled you don't get to have Society so get your [ __ ] together y'all."
"Well, it's been a fear that they will label politically dissident ideas a sign of a mental disease that requires mental treatment. Well, they actually are. That's happening right now."
"Fear and panic are the great friends of the police state."
"It's not draining the swamp because all those swamp creatures are owned by the people at the top, a captured nation."
"We are all being controlled and victimized by the same group of people and there are no sides; it's an illusion of choice."
"This is what it's all about and this is what it's always been about - the control of bodies, the exchange of women, and the violent enforcement of a hierarchy of genders."
"The goal of the United Front... is to gain control over the elite of a society."
"If you scare enough people they will demand removal of freedom. This is the path to tyranny."
"Being able to have power over an entire population is the ultimate currency and the ultimate, I guess again, power that you could have."
"The better threat than punishment is ostracism."
"The state dictates your future and dictates your agenda and shapes your mindset."
"Censorship generally convinces people they're in the wrong."
"Political correctness is fascism... it's a way to stop people from questioning them."
"The suppression of the people of a society begins with the censorship of the written or spoken word."