
Special Moments Quotes

There are 724 quotes

"It's like designed to be cruel...you realize how special it is to have these children."
"And boom, done. Who's ready for a taste? I'm gonna need somebody very special to say 'ah.'"
"When I propose to my wife, I got down on one knee, and that was special."
"It's those fun moments though that I think is what makes this so special. You could just feel that that wasn't something that you had rehearsed."
"I'm thankful to spend time with her today, Miss Britney."
"You have to pinch yourself sometimes to think how special that is."
"It's moments like this that make the Summer League so special."
"It was really special to share that with him and he really paid attention during the entire fireworks show."
"These emergent moments make this game something truly so special."
"Cook with your family, cook with your children. That's what's made today special."
"These moments that are here right now, they're very special."
"It was just one of those very, very special moments in time."
"Some of the most beautiful...a very special relationship with Destiny."
"This is magic, this is something special right here."
"Thank you all so much, this has been so special for us."
"Sea of Thieves is extra special for me because I'm playing with my wife."
"Honestly, I really didn't expect it that much like I have to shout out all my boys we play on Sundays like it makes it extra special knowing that they voted for me so it's all down to them really."
"This experience is really something special."
"I couldn't forget moments like that, you know, I never want my kids to, you know, I'm saying, so I try to stay on point with all their birthdays."
"It's special to me to come on and get to chat to him like this, it's big deal."
"Thank you for allowing us into your space, this is really special."
"Can't wait to see pictures of the little one on Thursday if indeed she has arrived."
"That's so special... I truly believe that there's such like weird unexplainable things."
"It was happening in that moment; you could tell something special was going on."
"Every moment I spend with you feels like magic."
"It's a really neat kind of special moment to engrave your wand."
"Recognize that everything that is unfolding moment by moment... it don't get any more special than this and it never will."
"Our Founding Fathers would be sickened by this clear separation of Church and State, even though they wrote it in the Bill of Rights."
"That special moment can never be redone, and it's going to hold a lot of resentment in the future if you ruin it for her."
"For me it was such a joy... you have no idea how special this is for me."
"You want it to be special with someone that you actually like."
"It's just something special and private for us."
"It encompasses really well everything that makes this moment here so fantastic."
"He's a special guy. I think he had a very special experience."
"Every single day that we are alive is a special occasion."
"That post feeling was pretty special and I remember it for a long time well I think there's actually something within that it's not just the accomplishing the feat."
"Seeing the half-empty stands in the background always makes it a bit more special for me."
"This place is the start of something really special."
"Wow, that was special, dude. Thanks for being here."
"She was a blessing, she was smart, and she was special, and that's why I named her Amore."
"The minute the song started it was just like I knew it was gonna be special."
"I remember when we first met, such a magical occasion, such majesty."
"I think this is something special, isn't it?"
"It's amazing you know for such a tightly little knit community that we have and you guys watching is it's very very special so thank you."
"This is one of those rare moments where we get to grant a wish."
"I feel that, I feel that and that is what makes this so incredibly special."
"There are glimmers of something truly special here."
"I feel like it does not get more special than what we have."
"It was a special moment that you can be like, 'alright, we've done enough for someone to think that we should throw out the pitch at a baseball game.'"
"I have no words it was really really special"
"Special moments tied into every part of the apartment."
"I was his love at first sight... this is pretty special."
"What a special time in life that's never existed before."
"Pokemon is one of the very few games that truly pull from each of these different pieces to make catching a mon truly feel special for the player."
"There's just something special about what we have here."
"Looks were deceiving because the day we opened the door to that kennel, we knew we had something special there."
"I knew the first moment I saw you that this connection was very special."
"I wouldn't have wanted to be anywhere else in the world yesterday."
"There's nothing more special than a guy that's attentive, that you know he's there for you emotionally."
"The spec does have its fun moments, man it really does."
"When you win a Super Bowl, that's another special bond."
"That scene was really special to me just because, you know, we've all been in that situation."
"That was like a very sweet day of friendship and love."
"Give or take all my life I've dreamed about something really special happening to me."
"Greatest show in the world, man. Talk about it. Greatest show in the world, yo. Tonight it was a special night, man. I felt it. It's in the air."
"That was a pretty special moment... become aware of the audience... people's hunger and appetite."
"The yes chants were born, and it was just something special."
"Massive we really appreciate it guys but you know it's it's special it's appreciated thank you."
"Sometimes you want to leave the scene feeling good that you had something that was really special."
"Make your life special, have those special moments with your family and with your kids and with each other."
"After how long of the Thunderdome, this feels special."
"Sunday's are simply bigger than other infinities."
"This is a special one, a truly magical experience to have in Fallout 4."
"It's these little details that just make you feel special."
"The backyard at night time also is just so special."
"This is so cool and so special, thank you so much to everyone who's done something my way."
"That put a big grin on my face, super exciting day."
"It's a special play, a very special player... we witnessed something really special."
"Happy together, Dustin and Richie. Enjoy the moments just for yourselves. That's great to both of you."
"This has made my life right now, I've been waiting for this moment ever since he moved in across the street."
"I just wanted to make it a bit more special with my close friends."
"Sometimes things just come together. I was in a very special place."
"There's something so special about seeing your parents experience something for the first time."
"No one could have ever predicted just how special this game would end up being."
"This is a moment that couldn't happen any other sport."
"It's a pretty special moment when it happens right, and I don't want to ruin that because it's a great moment."
"This is one of those really special moments in history and art where things just come together."
"The holiday is special for me when I'm with my family."
"Even if you've been with this person for a while, the potential that new beginning is really special to them."
"It's been kind of nice to just have... some special private thing just for us and our family."
"I got so emotional when they were singing to us. Everyone here is so special."
"It was a special time, man. It was a really special time."
"It's always felt like I get to be a part of something special."
"Happy Father's Day! Breakfast in bed, yeah, hair biting in bed - Happy Father's Day, thank you buddy!"
"You make this day a special day just by being you."
"It is a special special feeling that I will never take for granted."
"I think it just makes it so much more special when you can keep mementos from certain days and certain memories."
"Moments like that make theme parks so special."
"Sequence breaking here feels much more special to me because it gives otherwise rather pointless items much more mileage."
"That moment was so special, skating for my bro."
"We met like 10:30 last night, we've been with each other throughout the whole thing until now. It's been extra special to have met people."
"Happy anniversary! Having Jackson though be a part of all of these new like holidays and anniversaries, it really does, I think, just make it more special that he's here and we're experiencing everything in a different way."
"It seems like you're finally going to be recognized by someone really special this week, by somebody really significant in your life."
"It's almost like building memories and I feel it's like a gift being sent to you from the universe."
"How cool is this? Super special, you don't see this."
"Life is filled with special moments we should enjoy them celebrate them and as we do we should never forget what is truly important"
"This is the moment when you're going to start inviting someone very special into your life."
"The real perfect way to end your meal at California Grill is when it's time to watch Happily Ever After from the balconies."
"1000 days of adventures and today to me this was a very special vlog."
"I love you, star, and I wish that every moment will be as special to you as it is to me."
"I think there's something more special about a memory versus just throwing money at something."
"A debut is always special for any young player."
"You are stepping into something very powerful and very special."
"The universe stepping in to give you something really special."
"That's the green star, my grandmother said. It can only be seen in special places far up north and only by special people."
"We only get one shot at this life, so take it, you know, and keep it in a special place."
"The start of something secure, the start of something special."
"We watched the fireworks from the room, and the light show was so, so special."
"It's their own little celebration and they get to enjoy this special time together."
"It's really hard for me to see you get older, but today was really special because actually I was so proud of you."
"These paintings are very special because of the moments that we all share together."
"We all look forward to these times, and they are oh so special."
"That was honestly such a special evening."
"Everything special, everything happy, everything exciting and romantic, and just for you."
"Those are really, really special moments."
"That's what championships are made of, right? I mean that's what they're all about, are these special moments."
"The fact that they kept those moments in it was so special to me."
"Not every day you give your treasure away."
"It's going to be awesome first thing I have to say all those amazing moments that we just saw all in the last couple years and today we have a great chance to see one that could top them all."
"Just makes the weekend just feel extra special."
"Just remember to cherish every moment. Because each day with your child is special."
"I honestly don't even have words, it was perfect, it was just the absolute best day of our life."
"I'm so thankful for friends who make any moment special."
"This is gonna be like such a special time for our family."
"It was really special and it's just encouraging to have those moments where you see him thrive and develop."
"It just gives you all his attention and it just is such a tender moment. It makes you feel so special."
"It's been very, very special, and you've made it very special."
"Like this is all so special, you know? You know us, we have to make everything mean something."
"It's one of those lightning in a bottle moments."
"The most special moments are when a kid can just be a kid."
"Nerves should be like birthday candles because if you're feeling nervous something special is about to happen."
"Something nice came out of it. My feelings, yours too, came to the surface. Turns out we both liked each other but didn't know how to approach them. And that makes things even more special to me."
"I just want to make sure that this night is special, that the little things that make up the bigger things, that it makes you feel alive."
"Our trip to Banff Lake Louise and Jasper was one of the most special we'd ever taken."
"If you can tap into that once in your life, if you can do that, you've really gotten something special."
"Watching people react to classic albums that I've loved for like seven years and they're like, 'This is my first time listening to it,' and I'm like, 'Wow, that is very special to watch it on camera.'"
"That's why this place is special. That's why we're just so elated to be here."
"It's moments like these that make this job so special."
"There will never be another Moment Like This Moment."
"I want Grandpa to be a part of this special moment."
"Driving a car like this still feels special every time you take it out."
"We were committed at that point. It was something something special and I think that special feeling carried into every event thereafter."
"You can do whatever you want, Mike. And to like think about, 'Oh man, this is what I want to do, this is where I want to be, this is what I want to see,' was really, really special."
"...to win the Daytona 500 with your grandson and then come back and win it 20 years later with the kid that was standing on that trophy and Dale's winner's circle it's pretty special it was for our whole family."
"Love like now that we have come to be a brand new life I can't see never got to be special of."
"I remember thinking during the course of the summer that this was the start of something special."
"It was special tonight, I wish all of you out there at home could have been here."
"You make me happy when skies are sadness. It's special."
"Super special to share that moment with your kids."
"This is such a moment up here, definitely special."
"A day like this is super special, and I'm gonna savor every minute."
"These are the special moments that I love."
"Nights like this are rare, but that means they're so much more special when they do happen."
"Being here is really something special and it needs to be cherished for the rest of your life."
"I felt like the Beatles. There were so many people, and they were cheering. It was special to be a part of."
"The mood is electric. Kyle, this is gonna feel special."
"...I feel like at this point where we're at where the summer we've been able to paint and just do all these things it's just I don't know it's very special."
"You made this the most special weekend ever."
"My first game was there and whenever you get the chance to run out in the MCG and there's more than you know 60 or 70 thousand people there it's a pretty special feeling."
"Moments like this really are special to us because I think that they give us something to kind of look forward to every day after posting a video."
"Whoever thought we would have done something so special, man, 90 weeks consistent, it's very special."
"I love how close she was to her mom, like that her mom taught her how to garden, right? They had that bond, and then it's like she just couldn't wait to show her mom the new city that she loved, that's really special."
"It was really special, it's nice to have those moments in your life."
"I've been given such a special gift today."
"...it was a magical really special afternoon event."
"But when it comes down to it, just the emotional success of being able to do something that you never thought you could do for the first time, that is special."
"Just anytime you go to Victory Lane, it's special."
"There are special people in your life and if you were to go and do something with them I don't care what it is maybe it's hunting it doesn't matter just go and do it."
"That right there is special and it's completely free."
"I think this gives dads an opportunity to step up to the plate and have a special moment with their daughters."
"I think just with people you love, just make sure you're with people you love and people who you want to share a special moment with."
"You don't get many days like that, guys. Honestly."
"I really loved being with the kids from two to six, you know, at practice every day. It was really kind of special."
"That's really special, isn't it? To be able to reunite something."
"They're both great, right? I mean, especially as an individual, it was special."
"Kids are so special, I think. And I think it's so fun and just like makes life special and fun."
"It was truly the best day. I know everyone says that, but it really was."
"He is up there because he absolutely 100 is loving every second of it I hope we all get to feel like that that was something really special."
"Reuniting with Medn was one of the most special moments to me."
"There's something really special about 2024."
"It was a very special family time."
"It is those kind of videos, those kind of days, that are really special."
"They are the ones who made it so special, so unbelievably memorable and spectacular beyond imagination."
"This is the best day of my life. I've been waiting to hear this from you for so long."
"That was a special time and even now, 20 years down the line, people want to talk about it."
"I think it was a pretty special time."
"Having her in Australia is something pretty special."
"There's one person in the house who's really rooting for me and we're rooting for each other and it was just a special moment."
"She was so happy he could make that night special to her, said it was the only day he saw her smile since his grandfather passed away."
"I just think it's like so special and so fun."