
Health Innovation Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"We don't only have to develop medicine once somebody has gotten old and frail or developed cancer, we can develop medicines that reduce the risk of that happening."
"Vaccines are coming out. These things are basically a damned miracle. These vaccines are unbelievably good."
"The first time I wore a continuous glucose monitor...it completely changed my life."
"My generation, the old-timers now, is the last generation that should fear Alzheimer's. It is literally becoming optional."
"Theronos promised to save people from pain and disease through early detection."
"We really do think that we can move the needle on healthier living in a different way that's been done before."
"Zebiotics produces an enzyme to break this byproduct down. It's designed to work like your liver but in your gut where you need it most."
"We have the knowledge and the ability to wipe out cancer."
"We use a technology called photoplethysmography or PPG, and that's the lights at the bottom."
"The new test will be a very simple one of much easier than the existing test."
"AI potentially has a role, you know, that we're all learning a lot about AI and health right now."
"Microscopic robots that swim into your lungs and cure pneumonia might sound like something out of a Sci-Fi novel."
"If you could encapsulate the benefits of a sauna into a pill, it would be the best-selling drug."
"It's a real thing now we want to find cures we want to find therapeutics we want to find vaccines."
"Zbiotics is a pre-alcohol probiotic, the world's first genetically engineered probiotic."
"It's personalized nutrition, precision nutrition, and personalized medicine."
"If you're one of the 66% of males who've lost or are losing your mane by the age of 35, there's a solution in the form of a follicle revolution."
"There's a promising new topical cream that could help with skin cancer."
"The soleil lighting system uses specific combinations of red and blue light wavelengths to aid in reducing jet lag."
"Functional medicine is the ultimate biohacking tool."
"How about the crazy thing of curing people and making the health care prices dramatically lower through technology through disruption?"
"We've discovered a way to modulate our immune system without drugs, just by getting greater diversity."
"Good for them, positive data for a pneumonia panel."
"I want people to live, and I'm seeing people dying... If it works, that'd be great. If it doesn't, we know for many years, malaria... it's incredible what it's done."
"Let's find a cure to every disease known to mankind or womankind. That would be my ultimate."
"If you can add 30 healthy years onto where you are today, the breakthroughs we're going to see are extraordinary."
"Functional medicine was the original biohacking."
"I'm bullish on the health aspects in the long term and using AI to find those patterns to actually improve health outcomes and reduce disease."
"If you cured all the age-related diseases... you could see a 30 or 40 year life extension."
"Defeating the possibility of oxygen deprivation."
"What's exciting about the Oxford vaccine to me... this is just my own intuition."
"Indigenous medicines... This is the future. People who are serious about health of all people are studying very hard."
"Medical pods repair DNA with sound frequency, then heal the mind and soul."
"There's a convergence among DNA sequencing, artificial intelligence, and CRISPR gene editing which is going to lead to cures for disease." - Cathie Wood
"Had this technology gotten out there, humanity would have realized there was an alternative to cocoa medicine."
"Kellogg was way ahead of his time in understanding that the bacteria in your gut influences your total health."
"The big advantage is they can produce huge amounts really quickly."
"We have a Pfizer pill, we've got a Merck pill, we've got vaccinations, we've got booster shots."
"Tonight, a major step forward for a breakthrough COVID treatment drug maker."
"Etherex, our goal is to take this incredible healing code technology and give it to the entire world."
"This is really the way of the future when it comes to understanding our general health and wellness and reproductive health."
"We're going to change the world in terms of how we think about wellness, fitness, and nutrition."
"The revolutionary method to reverse insulin resistance permanently in type 1, type 1.5, type 2, pre-diabetes, and gestational diabetes."
"We need to invent healthy cigarettes. Where the [__] is science on healthy cigarettes?"
"Zbiotics is a pre-alcohol probiotic drink; it is the world's first genetically engineered probiotic."
"I just wanted to make living with type 1 diabetes easier, and I want to make our way to a cure."
"Liquid IV is powered by the science of Cellular Transport Technology, designed to enhance rapid absorption of water and other key ingredients."
"Dubai's Innovative approach to weight loss has captured Global attention with its unique 'your weight in gold' campaign."
"I think this is going to be a lifesaver when it comes to anything health-related."
"I believe in the upcoming century, physicians will not be the sole source of all things health."
"This is the world's first genetically engineered probiotic that's been scientifically designed to break down the byproduct of alcohol responsible for those not so fun mornings."