
Artifacts Quotes

There are 328 quotes

"Artifacts are the symbol of the lord's power, each artifact has its own ability and unique skill."
"Traveling outside of the designated trail has the potential to destroy precious artifacts that can never be replaced."
"Artifacts can convey the bigger picture of a particular culture while sometimes they can also provide detailed insights into the lives of individuals."
"Apparently, this capsule contains artifacts representing the first 40 years of Disneyland."
"The glove's Disappearance from visibility did not lessen their importance; in fact, it emphasizes how crucial it is to preserve and maintain such unique artifacts for future Generations."
"The most important thing about artifacts is not what we see, but what we know about them, the secret stories they reveal to us."
"These artifacts will send shivers down your spine, compelling you to reconsider embarking on that cruise you've been dreaming about."
"These relics bridge the gap between the stories we have witnessed on the Silver Screen and the harsh realities faced by real people."
"I don't want any of that money. I want the artifacts to be returned to Israel."
"We've displayed so many more artifacts than we've ever displayed in the museum."
"In archaeology, the proper dating of cities, artifacts, and events is crucial."
"Maps are considered artifacts in this day of age, as well as any post-it note written by anyone in the history of mankind."
"While there is no confirmation that the artifact within is authentic."
"It's almost like out of place intellectual artifacts."
"It's like holding a piece of very dark history in my hands."
"Chinese archaeologists recently discovered over 10,000 extremely rare artifacts."
"Love was on board the Titanic, a love letter was found in the ancient artifacts that were recovered almost 70 years after the accident."
"They think they may have acquired the Holy Grail, which is the holy fucking Grail guys."
"Here's 15 ancient artifacts that will give you chills."
"Hundreds of stone fragments were also found that had hieroglyphs as well as a carving of a coiled Cobra."
"These mysterious artifacts suggest the civilization responsible was not only advanced but possibly once more advanced than modern man."
"An antique is generally something that's old and valuable; an artifact is something that's old and not necessarily valuable but tells a story."
"The Infinity Gauntlet is more or less just a really heavy glove but once they're embedded with the stones it acts as a weapon to wield their incredible Powers."
"Years ago, Ozen received one and eventually collected 120,000 men pins artifacts embedded into her skin."
"The Black Stone is a relic of a much more magical past."
"Yes, I have this many [artifacts] and you know what? I've probably destroyed twice as many."
"These artifacts once rubbish now historical Treasures they can tell you the shape and movements of the tools that were being used."
"The Roman dodecahedrons: Mysterious ancient artifacts found in various locations, their purpose still unknown."
"All of these artifacts of the way that we've gone about doing civilization are breaking down."
"There is likely goods, artifacts, and perhaps even treasure still sitting at the bottom of the sea."
"The trio of artifacts were radiocarbon dated to sometime between 1189 and 911 BC, predating other known evidence of ball games by several centuries."
"To an archaeologist, an artifact is a clue, it's a little something left behind by someone who came long before us."
"It's all any time I make a change in the world I put a location in the game tied to some kind of relic or artifact that represents that change the game the players can like interact with."
"There is a huge gap in human history where we have objects, structures that just do not make sense to the timeline..."
"This small decorated chalk cylinder discovered before the pandemic has rested in the ground for 5,000 years, a precious object to accompany three children."
"Removing historical artifacts doesn't bring us closer to understanding the past."
"In every artifact lies a piece of history waiting to be revealed."
"The courage of the past echoes in the artifacts of today."
"The first appearance confirmed of a vampire hunting kit is the film Fright Night in 1985."
"It is so rare for artifacts to be discovered hidden inside of religious statues that it is one of the most surprising discoveries the restoration group has ever made."
"He's a collector of many things, arts and artifacts."
"So much so that since it was installed in 1989, they've been rubbed and cradled by so many tourists that they're now the shiniest part of the entire animal."
"Support the right to repair with Clint in the cat."
"An artifact is a history lesson in physical form."
"We've recovered artifacts from an ancient alien civilization."
"Like Jumanji, do you think Pandora's Box could have been a real artifact in some form or another?"
"The cursed Muramasa blades have a thirst for blood."
"Your artifacts are actually impressive though. This is impressive. That's impressive. Those are 42s. This one is a 35. This one just needs crit rate on it, and that one's like not bad."
"Isn't that wonderful? It kind of beats things like little bits of pottery, doesn't it? You suddenly get an impression of a real human being wearing something like this."
"The Knights Templar were purportedly to be in possession of the Holy Grail."
"I believe that with all my heart, you know, these are the... I hate to say the word, the artifacts, right? But they are the pieces of a human life."
"As collectors, we obtain and preserve artifacts, preserving real history."
"There's actually a famous example of this known as the Lycurgus cup."
"The forgotten mine in Cheshire, England, dating back 200 years, revealed a plethora of artifacts left behind by miners, including leather shoes, metal buttons, and even clay pipes used for smoking tobacco."
"Why the noses and ears are missing from statues in Egypt."
"More than 300 stones were found during the survey identified by their mostly round shape and the sun-like carvings on their surface."
"Extremely rare artifacts that change our idea of History."
"All these items that come out here are unique; they've got little personal artifacts that we can relish with the history that comes with them."
"We find the existence of such artifacts highly compelling."
"Prepare to be amazed by the incredible artifacts I'm going to be telling you about."
"I think what's the most important point about these artifacts of history is their age...they're 10,000 years old or more."
"The smallest of objects might tell you everything about the people who created them."
"There are six types of ancestral magics and they can be manifested using artifacts called aspects."
"The largest among the Diquís spheres measures over six and a half feet in diameter and weighs more than 16 tons."
"Archeology is the study of past cultures and the way people live based on things they left behind, their artifacts."
"A staggering six thousand objects were excavated at the temple."
"It's mind-blowing to see original artifacts, and it's super rare you don't really see it this day and age."
"The United States Army found numerous stolen works of art and substantial quantities of Nazi gold in 1945."
"It is fascinating to see the number of relics and artifacts that were left behind after the war."
"Artifacts found in tombs make clear that rebirth also involved procreation and sex."
"The Roman empire spread so far and wide across the world that Roman artifacts can be found everywhere."
"These beautifully constructed items highlight the sophistication of the culture that made them."
"We have enormous numbers of pieces of equipment from Royal tombs in the Valley of the Kings."
"We found also quite a few beads, no doubt from necklaces and bracelets and armlets."
"We found a number of handles from wine jars stamped with the inscription 'the estate of Hormheb'."
"We are making it possible for artifacts to be seen, explored, researched, interpreted for at least the next 500 years and hopefully longer."
"Judging by some of the old rare items left behind, shows you how far the human race has come and where we're headed."
"The museum is small but it has a lot of great artifacts and antiques from Virginia City's history."
"These are the sort of iconic masks or sculptures of Teotihuacán."
"Bart's project unveils hidden meanings within artifacts of mass culture."
"A lot of people have called me a modern-day Indiana Jones because I investigate artifacts, myths, and mysteries here in the United States and beyond."
"The church itself is full of Little Treasures that we we've found over the years I think the biggest one is probably our Effigy which is an early very early 1300s 1340s Alabaster Effigy of a priest."
"We've never found this, an earlier version, the later versions had a screw top and were kind of, yeah, not that shape."
"I see one down in this screen I don't know if it's whole or not but I see the tip of maybe an arrowhead or a dart point in here check this out."
"Depending on who you talked to, it's different British coins, Spanish coins, gold, silver, guns, cannons... all different types of things."
"One of the best ways to connect with history is to actually get your hands on items that witnessed a historic event."
"If you want to try to sell things that are quote unquote artifacts or are things that were made by indigenous populations, you have to be careful."
"Artifacts in Scrum: The product backlog, the Sprint backlog, and the release backlog."
"Even the most humble of artifacts can become fascinating when you hear the story about it."
"Stuff like that, these are from South Street Seaport, 17th and 18th century."
"A guest shared the fascinating tale of her late husband's involvement in World War II, highlighting his role in retrieving artifacts from a German Castle."
"Every little piece that we find on the bottom is all a piece of the history that's been lost."
"Artifacts have just been recovered from an extraterrestrial object at the bottom of the sea, potentially physical evidence of alien life."
"Here are all the wonderful artifacts that we found... It's absolutely an amazing collection."
"Would the Mycenaean stirrup jars have been used for olive oil or for what other products?"
"Here are nine of the most mysterious archaeological artifacts ever found."
"They reveal details of a time and place the way no other artifact can."
"One of the big things is with the color-aware and color pop, there's this step where you go from one range to the next, and you can get these vertical artifacts that make it hard to make a coherent picture."
"Thanks to the dry Antarctic climate, many of the artifacts were almost perfectly preserved."
"Hurst Castle, a museum of over 25,000 historical artifacts and art pieces."
"It's just incredible really to think that all these things are just lying here dropped by people well over 100 years ago."
"A lot of these other artifacts, if you uncover the Sword of Gryffindor, no one's even gonna know exactly."
"It'll be pretty funny if back in the day Native Americans knew like modern people here would go search for their arrowheads."
"Please do not touch anything. We're trying to preserve these artifacts from future generations to enjoy."
"Legend also has it that the Ark of the Covenant containing the Ten Commandments given to Moses by God was held in a windowless sanctum in the temple known as the Hollies of Holy."
"The very fact that we have these artifacts begs the question: How did they know to draw these?"
"Everywhere in the Animal Kingdom Lodge, it's just sprinkled with different artifacts and cool pieces of history."
"Unlocking memories locked away in artifacts and bones."
"Crystal skulls are among the most contentious discoveries in all of archaeology."
"Fantastic artifact discoveries speak for themselves, but allow us to speak for them anyway."
"It's a neat piece, these sell for a hundred dollars or more potentially."
"These hoards are time capsules. They're of extraordinary importance."
"One incredible ancient artifact might have nothing in common with another one except for the fact that they're incredible."
"So much history right here in my hand."
"There may be another way, a way to keep the artifacts out of the council's hands without destroying them."
"These artifacts were witnesses to the wild west and tell a true story of our past."
"The immense age of some of the out of place artifacts make their existences simply impossible to explain."
"Harriet Tubman's hymnal and 39 of her artifacts were donated to the National Museum of African American History and Culture, in Washington DC."
"Some weeks later, I was ordered to see Goering in his house nearby Berlin, and he said, 'Now I can give you the diamonds, like I call diamonds.' And he showed me this in one hand, his edition, in the other hand, Hitler's first edition. 'Can you see the difference?'"
"...a vast unique collection of eight million items spanning continents oceans and cultures."
"They're not interested in the jewels in the display cases, however, they want what's in the back because the store has been selling black market artifacts in secret."
"The artifacts keyword allows us to specify files that should be shared with downstream jobs in the pipeline."
"If you gave back every stolen artifact from a museum, you'd be left with an empty building."
"...Commander Griffin earlier this evening detective inspector Lee have once and for all crushed the Gentile criminal organization and reclaim artifacts from 5 000 years of China's Heritage."
"I love all the old artifacts they have here."
"These are my favorite treasures — these are broken little bits of pipe stem, dating back a couple hundred years."
"That's what I'm talking about, shooter marble and a mother of pearl button, surface finds, see you back."
"Oh, that's got to be some artifact they found in some Asian civilization too."
"The USS Koo sinks to the bottom of the Mississippi, a treasure trove of artifacts."
"Rather than plunder the locale, the alliance instead wants to open a museum, putting artifacts on display."
"The Low Fare Crystal is also known as the Lothar Crystal and the Susanna Crystal."
"It's hundreds of years old, but some of these artifacts could be thousands of years old."
"In the Folsom world, there's a lot of stuff here, a lot of artifacts, very high density."
"Ancient coinage is the sole key to identifying busts of Roman emperors."
"To think that you could find these relics from a First World War tank under a piece of plastic in a farm shed in a small but extremely important village in France is just beyond belief."
"The very same hat and stone that Joseph Smith used to treasure dig, he used that to translate the Book of Mormon."
"Mystic codes are artifacts that grant their users magical potential they may not otherwise possess."
"The artifacts that they have in this museum... is absolutely crazy."
"The Roman Empire's influence on Morocco is evident in the magnificent collection of artifacts."
"Few artifacts stand as symbolic and powerful as Wonder Woman's bracelets and lasso."
"The soldiers had brought an assortment of weaponry and artifacts."
"It was interesting and seeing the artifacts was really cool."
"And this last one really gets me, so this one is made of rock crystal and silver and gold and gems and pearls, this is the reliquary for the tablecloth from the last supper, wow!"
"This is a cool little pickup, he had a whole bunch of these in a box was going through it trying to figure out if there was a third one that went in the middle but that's all he had was these."
"A bad room could also have like standing waves or weird resonant artifacts."
"...every year that we excavate here at Vindolanda, we find new and interesting objects."
"Our method is not without limitations. In regions where the scene is not well observed, we have artifacts."
"I mean just they're they're fascinating artifacts though and I think it's particularly fascinating when you look at something like that fish man won."
"Artifacts can be used for many things... just to name a few."
"Throughout the entire War, you could find examples which had either a shiny blade or a shiny Hilt or both."
"I like artifacts. I like a lot about culture. To me, it's helpful to understand the culture when you're applying Scripture."
"These strange religious carvings aren't displayed proudly like you might expect in some churches."
"...they found several historical artifacts dating all the way back to the ancient Roman Empire."
"This is the kind of spear point that was made by the first people in the new world thirteen thousand years ago."
"This confirms that we're dealing here with a Clovis site, the same kind of spear points that we see in New Mexico, at Blackwater Draw, in a dent in Colorado."
"There is a possibility that since the dam was built over 700 years ago with less technology, these artifacts might have been put in place to aid its construction."
"In February 2016, a horde of recently discovered Viking artifacts in the United Kingdom was officially declared to be treasure. It's no surprise that the country's authorities reached that verdict because the artifacts could rewrite the history of the Vikings in England."
"The 1800-year-old Gallo-Roman artifacts include two Venus statues, coins, clothing, pens, pieces of pottery, and terracotta statuettes."
"Preserving the past, one artifact at a time."
"Drayton and Barkhouse find a Dandy button a sort of button that was often worn on garments in the 1700s."
"These artifacts continue to inspire independent researchers."
"When you stick that next to a boundary surface you're adding another layer into that and you start to get more artifacts that are undesirable."
"Introducing me to a realm where ancient Spirits stirred to life within their treasured artifacts."
"The artifacts and knowledge on display were truly awe-inspiring."
"Carvings of the Eye of Horus could also be found in temples, on boats, on weapons, and in the homes of Egyptian citizens."
"...there's no better investment beside the fun of the historical artifacts..."
"We will focus on a few pivotal artifacts, sites, cultures, and events in the evolution of the Alabama Indians."
"What exactly was that about the cat's eye necklace was believed to have magical powers."
"This is the only surviving treasure chest that was used by a pirate."
"These items are a valuable treasure in themselves, rare artifacts that help piece together a history."
"My grandmother has artifacts that were handed down to her from my great grandmother from when she was a slave."
"All the artifacts and knowledge that they had on display were truly awe-inspiring."
"We don't lay by the pool; we go and we look at the artifacts, we read the inscriptions, we look at all of the sites."
"It isn't only artwork that is on the list for thieves; antiquities and cultural artifacts are also prime candidates."
"The elimination of these religious groups is only one of their goals, however, as their primary goal is either the safekeeping or destruction of various anomalous objects, relics, and artifacts."
"There are in fact other magical artifacts out there of similar caliber, one of which could be an all-seeing eye."
"The glyphs on it glow like white fire."
"Many argue that these artifacts should be returned to their places of origin."
"What you're looking at is the humanity behind the artifacts."
"In our search for these elusive beings, we may encounter artifacts, remnants of civilizations that have long transcended physical form."
"These artifacts could be akin to cosmic footprints, imprints of minds that have journeyed beyond the confines of planets and stars."
"In their time, they actually would have been very well known objects."
"You have to appreciate every single piece of history, even if it's a wrapper."
"The Dead Sea Scrolls are among the most famous archaeological artifacts in the world."
"The Nazis seek to acquire ancient magical artifacts that could potentially alter the course of history."
"The environment of the ancient clans is harsh and often has heavenly tribulations, but it is said that there are many powerful spirit artifacts left over from ancient times."
"We're pulling out the relics today, aren't we?"
"Protected by the silt of the Nile, many of the artifacts are almost perfectly preserved."
"It's crazy to think that artifacts from 11,000 years ago could still be intact, isn't it?"
"It's such a time capsule; you could literally look through artifacts for hours here."
"These are mysterious alien artifacts that should not exist."
"Are these strange things actually alien artifacts?"
"All of us have likely heard of historical artifacts that have been lost to the steady march of time."
"Objects such as the Holy Grail or the Ark of the Covenant were intentionally hidden and were never meant to be found."
"If all these alleged pieces of the Cross were gathered together, they would fill the cargo hold of an entire ship."
"With rooms filled with discarded artifacts from mostly the 50s and 60s, these cabins made for an interesting explorer."
"Drake and Lee have arrived at the castle of the malice to receive the last of the three artifacts."
"It's very rare that an object has an actual imprint of history upon it."
"Our collection of Americana artifacts is second only to the Smithsonian."
"The Romans gave them coins, vessels, weapons—all that good stuff."