
Ageism Quotes

There are 153 quotes

"It's classic ageism. It's one of the few stereotypes and isms you can get away with in America."
"I didn't think Biden could do it because of his senility."
"Once people think you're old and mentally unfit, you're toast."
"It's not about how old we are, it's about how old our ideas are."
"It's not how old you are, it's how old your ideas are."
"The perception that women's lives end after 30 does us many disservices."
"When Keanu Reeves was photographed with his girlfriend Alexandra Grant who had gray hair and looked her age 47, he was inundated with congratulations and back claps as though he deserved praise for dating a woman his age."
"There are no rules, and I'm tired of hearing other women put these age-related restrictions on other women. So let's not do that."
"If you are over 50 or 60 or 70 or whatever age you are and you feel comfortable wearing shorts, wear them."
"I want to push these industries to start thinking about us women mature women."
"We want to decentralize governments, disintermediate governments, take away the power from people who are nine thousand nine hundred and thirty-five years old."
"People take you less seriously when you are exercising adult agency or are attempting to be seen as an agent."
"You maintain it and when people say oh I'm too old to do that I said that's the first thing you said that will stop whatever it was you were doing because you just told yourself I can't do it I'm too old."
"This lady really believes she's standing on business like ma'am you are just way too too old for this."
"This isn't about an 83 year old woman, this is about institutional racism."
"Being old and wise is not a trait which is revered and it's not a trait which is sought-after and it's not a trait that gets a lot of credit."
"Stop right there. There is no way you could possibly think I'm an old man."
"Women like Madonna who refuse to age gracefully are not victims of ageism."
"Don't ever let anybody make you believe that because you're a certain age that you're supposed to stay that way for life."
"Ronaldo critics bring up his age, but they've never watched him play."
"If you catch yourself thinking that you're too old to do something you want to do, please recognize that you're now listening to the pessimistic voice inside of you."
"Age is a massive factor in how people feel about themselves."
"The world's ageist, and until that changes, I can't play by the rules."
"Age and competence do not always go hand in hand."
"You're too old, you'll never be champion again."
"You simply should not be electing 78 year olds to the presidency."
"Diane Feinstein should have stepped aside for the younger generation two decades ago instead she pathetically clanged to power and obstructed progress."
"Beware these girls, these hot girls, these former hotties that are still single well into their 30s and 40s, there's a reason they're still on the shelf."
"Respect your elders, but inherent respect shouldn't be based on age."
"A nearly 50-year-old woman in an industry that thinks women die when they turn 35."
"You're never too old, you're never too young. Let's just get ageism out of the equation."
"For some reason, misogynists don't want women to feel good about aging."
"I think when I look at her, I don't see an old person. I see a person who's really sort of engaged and fully able to prosecute the case for why she should be reelected."
"If we took everybody over the age of 50 and just moved them out of this country, this wouldn't be an issue at all."
"I didn't want it to be full of those really old school misogynistic beauty rules about what you should do under an over 40 like no woman over 40 should have long hair."
"I do think that there's certain stigmas, especially females, that once they're at a certain age, that they can no longer be an entertainer."
"Boomer is the first word equivalent for ageism."
"There's still ageism out there. Instead of seeing us as the depth of knowledge, there's still a lot of pigeonholing."
"It's only in Hip Hop that you shame people for getting older."
"How is that happening in a culture that worships youth?"
"The man still being an 83 is just absolutely disrespectful."
"Let's not perpetuate any more limiting beliefs about age."
"Society has told us for years that gray hair is aging and we shouldn't be allowed."
"They go out there and they talk about how Joe Biden is like oh he's he sucks as a president he's too old and he's a socialist."
"Let's just stop with the criticisms of women and their appearance, especially as they age."
"I don't agree with the ageism and calling her too old to do these things."
"We're not going to cut you any slack just because you're old. This is a battlefield, you old geezer."
"Our society is built to protect you guys so much so that you have the luxury of thinking about 'I'll just wait till I'm 30 or later on' and not realizing that men don't want women that old."
"Everyone was like, 'Look at these old [__], still out! Can you believe these gross women are walking the streets?'"
"Judging people based on their age is a form of discrimination"
"In this Society in the secular world that we live in, every 50 year old is threatened by every 20 year old."
"Age isn't the big issue. So if you're thinking I'm too young or I'm too old... the universe is also coming through and saying you're focusing on the wrong thing."
"I don't care if you're gray. Like, what are you, like, come on."
"So you know but but I mean realistically when you look at the population there's probably most guys that are over 60 can't pull over 300 lbs probably a lot of them can't even pull over 200 lbs so it's like you know the bar has gotten so low."
"Rejecting Anakin for being too old when he was just a kid at the time is another excellent part of the world-building."
"I've never heard of that myth of gay death. There's this magical thing when you turn 30 that we die."
"It's very prevalent with the younger crowd. If you're a daddy, that's going to be a sugar daddy."
"Women having an expiration date after 25 or 35 is one of the biggest lies that the patriarchy uses in order to get women to settle."
"There's just not enough people of a certain age who are putting themselves out there because they think it needs to look a certain way. In 2024, it doesn't. It needs to look like you."
"If you catch 'em on something, they go, 'Well, I don't know any better.' And then they immediately follow with the, 'You have to respect me 'cause I'm old.'"
"I don't want to be defined by my age. I would like to be defined by who I am and what I do."
"I just want to encourage anyone out there that feels that they cannot wear color or glitter because of their age to just smash that thought and have fun with how you look however you want to do it."
"I'm an ageist, but they're gonna try to target the kids that have no idea about this story, be like, 'Wow, this is the greatest [ __ ]!'"
"If she couldn't get older, the studio wanted her to be the sex pot always."
"You are supposed to participate in this Matrix until you're 65 when most of your good years are behind you."
"Don't let anybody ever tell you that you can't do something because of your age."
"Guys won't give gals the time of day because of her age or because of her looks or something along those lines. But this whole idea that, 'Oh guys are just that she's all washed up.' No."
"Age should never be an issue, and I'm sick of people using that as a reason that someone should lose their job."
"If she's old and she was released, WWE should end up releasing AJ Styles, Bobby Roode, Dolph Ziggler, Bobby Lashley, Randy Orton, Sheamus, Damien Priest, Brock Lesnar, Roman Reigns. Roman Reigns is 37 years old."
"If you're an active job search and you've been rejected for being quote unquote overqualified there's a really good chance that you're a victim of age discrimination."
"100% Ken Shamrock at 51 years old how old is a how old is Shamrock 51 no might even be 52 really yeah and when they said you know you're old he said I thought we were over this by now I mean I thought if we're not over like aren't we over like racism and now we're still racing"
"One of those reasons might be because her 29-year-old son just called her below average."
"That's it, just everybody stay in your lane but we don't have to disparage all women who are over 30 and be like, 'You're past your prime, you're pruning.'"
"Why do old people feel entitled to comment on your weight?"
"Ageism is a real thing... having those relationships with third parties gets you past a number of those worries."
"I had to prove to them that even though I was 30 which is basically the end of a lot of careers in cycling, I have this and I can do this sport on a national, international level."
"In all genres of music, whether R&B, whether it be rock, whether it be country, whether it be classical or whatever, there's no age limit. But when it comes to rap, are you a video rapper?"
"With women, the older you become, the more your value decreases due to the fact that you're aging. So your value in terms of your looks, it goes down."
"Do what works for you ladies don't have somebody make you feel like you're a demon because you lead with their sexuality or because you're over the age of 30 you should just roll over and die."
"He told a man he was too old for his job anymore. Lee is too old to go hunting wild stallions just because he didn't see that signal."
"Getting canceled any percent Speed Run challenging ageism as a 17 year old software engineer."
"Don't get caught up in the age thing because it doesn't matter."
"...and basically that translates into meet a lot of people who are going to resent you and your age and are not going to want to take instruction from you and allow them to tell you what you can't do a lot of people who were just like what the [ __ ] who is this."
"Retiring with humility and integrity is tough, especially in such an ageist industry."
"It's not a genre, it's an age group, and the fact that we are ageist in that way is really weird and gross."
"Age is not an issue if you're able-bodied and open-minded."
"It's inherently making it seem like being old is worth pity and crying."
"It's an unexpected invitation for a presenter pushing 60, sure, but utrie has been a night of the long knives for broadcasters of a certain age and has left a hole in the roster of graying presenters that not even the woman who sued country file could fill."
"None of the women want to get old because the men here don't want to look at an old woman."
"It's uh it's an issue and it's and it's one we don't acknowledge an awful lot it tends to be a kind of unspoken rule that the older things are the better they are and and frequently it's the opposite."
"Just because you're 35 and you're single doesn't mean you'll be single at 60. But the problem is at 35, you've lost all the things that men value: femininity, fertility, and youth."
"I mean you know there's got to be a better way to deal with this if the person is 21 and you need their expertise with computers."
"I'm tired of these [__] talking about, saying I'm too old for this [__], long rapping is mine, hip hop is mine."
"He's almost the perfect human specimen, but he ain't no real. Trying to get in with him? Are you right, man? His old ass is gonna try. He's trying to get some young ass in there."
"With your support, we can eliminate this ageism thing. We can show the world that the older woman needs to be reckoned with. We're here, and we're here to stay."
"...a lot of what happens in our culture it is a dishonoring of older men just is a lot of the sitcoms are about mature men getting mocked and made fun of a lot of the movies and also family storylines for kids shows older men are mocked and dismissed they're not honored..."
"I never thought that it would actually happen for me, and now I'm 38, and, you know, as women in this industry a lot of times you get counted out once you get to a certain age."
"Don't underestimate someone based on their age."
"I immediately texted her and just said, 'Finally,' because it really is still such an issue, the sexism and the ageism in stand-up comedy is so prevalent."
"We live in a culture that has us thinking that younger people are superior to older people."
"Of course, women do not expire after 35."
"Ageism is discrimination based on age."
"I don't think Senator Dole was too old to be president; it's the age of his ideas that I questioned."
"...it's almost like it's a way of saying if you're not young enough, you're not deserving to be as the center of a story or in the spotlight, which is just completely wrong."
"Always treat the patient with respect and make every attempt to avoid ageism."
"I believe that ageism is bad... but boy do I get it."
"It was not about the guy; it was about owning my age and it was about female empowerment."
"Ageism and the idea of being put out to pasture is a real threat for mature women that cannot be ignored."
"Ageism in the workforce, particularly towards women, is probably one of the worst issues."
"Age is just a number, and jail is just a bunch of bars in front of you."
"You cannot be let go because of your age."
"Companies should provide training to managers and employees to educate them about age-related biases and stereotypes."
"Telling someone like me it's time to hang it up while not keeping that same energy for a writer like 75-year-old Stephen King, who continues to write novels that appeal to teens, is hilarious."
"If the victims had been aged 18 to 35, it would have been dealt with by the media and by the police in a very different way."
"Don't ever discount the possibility of ACS just because of somebody's age."
"I just think it is so amazing that you had the foresight to look past the prejudice of old age and know that even people who are considered maybe over the hill to some of society still love to do fun things."
"Steinbeck could be campaigning against this ageism in society."
"I hate the whole concept where people talk about dressing your age."
"Why do people judge others based on age or any other superficial reason? It's just not right."
"But now they mock at me, men younger than I, whose fathers I disdained to put with the dogs of my flock."
"We live in a world where a society teaches us that old women are invisible."
"What it means to be a woman in popular music who continues releasing modern transgressive hits and more specifically, what it means to be a woman in popular music who refuses to subdue her sexuality or image as she ages."
"Why do we treat old people like they're babies when they get to a certain age?"
"This is definitely a case of ageism in Hollywood, and it's a very real thing."
"It's not lost on me that at the age that my dad was when work started drying up for him as a writer because of ageism, my life just exploded outward as a writer, director, producer, actor."
"Her life's message centers on defying age-based limitations."
"It's a shame men aim for the younger age range because women of 45 and 55 are arguably much more sexually mature and able to give a lot more pleasure than say a woman of 25."
"Do not let anyone take your power away by linking your worth to your age."
"Our age is one of the things that's often being used to deny us and discredit our message and the value of our wisdom."
"We're expected to be forever young, and we aren't valued for our knowledge and our expertise."
"Society really has to stop bringing up a woman's age in a negative light."