
Scientific Revolution Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"Our understanding of the Sun will change dramatically. I will say that we are living in a revolution moment in our field."
"Empiricism through observation and experimentation is really key to understanding the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment."
"What took place in a flourishing 500 years between the 8th and the 13th centuries, known as the golden age of Islamic civilization, is now making us rethink everything we thought we knew about the ancients."
"From chemistry to electricity, from theoretical science to practical experiments that revolutionized the world, Faraday's contributions can't be overstated."
"In the revolutions spawned by Copernicus and Darwin, we began to see time as an arrow in a universe that's always changing."
"The book told me that Galileo was a man who had courage and would have died in order to defend his truth."
"Advocates of the Electric Universe expect a 'shock to the system' with revolutionary implications."
"History is being transformed by epigenetics, genetics, neuroscience, and endocrinology."
"Life was nasty and brutish and short and untraveled and ignorant... and what the Enlightenment did by unleashing the scientific potential, brought humanity forward in a way that had never been experienced at any other time."
"So these ideas are still around to this day and it seems that because of the industrial and scientific revolutions and all the factors traditional religion has been in trouble and on the decline."
"Einstein's theory was not just a minor update of Newton's; it was a complete overhaul, revealing a new way of thinking about gravity."
"His breakthrough idea about motion influenced every area of physics, allowing other great thinkers to stand on his shoulders."
"Galileo's championing of the heliocentric model and discoveries about planetary orbits."
"Out of the ashes of classical physics would emerge a new revolutionary framework."
"A groundbreaking paradigm shift almost on the level of the radiocarbon revolution has been taking place in the field of archaeology."
"If string theory was found to just somehow not be right, then you have to start thinking about rewriting all the textbooks."
"The job brings about a scientific and technological revolution."
"Unleashed a groundbreaking storm with its special theory of relativity."
"It would be so spectacular to live in a time where a fundamental aspect of what we've been taught about how the universe formed changes."
"He kick-started a scientific revolution that has raged well into the 21st century."
"Quantum physics is slowly dragging the world of rational science kicking and screaming to the realization that staunch materialism is untenable."
"What Planck specifically ended up assuming was that the energy spectrum of standing waves within a black body cavity was not continuous as the classical way of thinking posited rather there were specific values that the energies could take."
"Copernicus boldly shook the status quo with his theory that the planets orbited the sun, his discoveries completely changed our worldview, no longer putting Earth at the center of the universe."
"But to find it, we’ll need a major shift in our thinking to rival the jump from Newton’s gravity to Einstein’s space curvature."
"Switching the perspective of the universe from physics to biology undoes everything we know about the universe and life in it."
"There is a revolution in the science of aging."
"Before he published his seminal work, the astronomical world believed in a geocentric model."
"Einstein completely upended our understanding of space, time, matter, and energy."
"He was the first to propose the heliocentric model."
"We cannot predict, but I believe there is a revolution in science. In everything, everything will be changed, whether in immunology, in virology, even our life will change. Things will not be like before."
"In the last few years, we've seen a revolution in our understanding, with gut bacteria now the stars of the show."
"Science was transformed by the idea of representing the world using mathematics."
"The Scientific Revolution was in fact quite revolutionary."
"Out of nowhere, he produced four papers that changed the course of science and human events as well."
"Humanity acquired clear scientific evidence that Earth was not the center of the universe."
"This is widely regarded as the beginnings of the scientific revolution."
"Once we had general relativity, the world changed completely. Our point of view on the world changed completely. I mean, the origin of the universe is a prediction straight out of general relativity. We didn't have that before."
"New thinkers came along in this period to challenge Galen's theory and they developed a new understanding based on observation and experimentation."
"Copernicus transformed our understanding of the universe... by reversing our perspective on our position in the universe."
"Tells the gripping account of how Nobel Prize winner Jennifer Doudna and her colleagues launched the CRISPR revolution."
"The copernican revolution...marks the loss of the church's dominion over interpreting the world and thus power."
"...the Scientific Revolution was composed of five distinct, independently developed events which intersected one another to create an entirely new worldview."
"Because Galileo saw this, and particularly because he drummed it into the scientific world, he is the father of modern physics--indeed, of modern science altogether."
"This is Sir Isaac Newton's Apple Tree, and we can consider that the spark of our knowledge of the Clockwork of the universe hangs upon it like the star on top of a Christmas tree."
"No one until the 19th century was dealing with the world that Darwin created. You need to understand the watershed that Darwin was."
"The scientific revolution marked a democratic turn from authority to empirical evidence."
"The Christ of creed and Dogma who had been firmly in place in the Middle Ages can no longer command the ascent of those who have seen the heavens through Galileo's telescope."
"The seventeenth century witnessed the emergence of whole new fields of scientific inquiry across Europe."
"Newton published one of the most celebrated works of science, the Principia, in 1687."
"Right now, we are in another revolution in science and medicine."
"Without this Scientific Revolution, we wouldn't have the second Scientific Revolution that we had in the 20th century with relativity and with quantum mechanics."
"This book would change the world forever, overturning Humanity's previous Notions of origins."
"We're going to complete the Copernican revolution; we're going to find planets like Earth and find signs of life on them."
"At the very outset of the Scientific Revolution, there was no hint in the initial discoveries that human biology was in any way special or ordained in the laws of nature."
"We know everything changed after Einstein."
"Quantum biology is a revolution in science."
"Who would have thought that the seemingly basic question asked by Isaac Newton, 'How does gravity work?' would result in such a dramatic upheaval in our understanding of reality."
"He's one of history's most famous polymaths, a leader of the scientific revolution in Europe in the mid-17th century."
"Physics has revolutionized our lives... every time there's been a revolution in physics, there's been a revolution in our lives."
"Imagine the person 600 years, 700 years ago, that dared to say the earth is not flat, it's round."
"The second quantum revolution... is the fact that there is entanglement which is really very strange property."
"We understand the way things work really well now, especially after the revolutions of relativity and quantum mechanics in the early part of the 20th century."
"The scientific revolution is the ancestor of everything good we have today."
"The Scientific Revolution was when modes of thinking went from tradition, the Bible, the teachings of the church, superstition, into the mode of the scientific method."
"Isaac Newton had to invent calculus to be able to study physics."
"Galileo's astronomical discoveries... were the beginning of the end for the world views of Aristotle and Ptolemy."
"Isaac Newton's explanation of those laws was the culmination of the Scientific Revolution."
"Discovering new quantum dimensions of SpaceTime I regard as a major revolution."
"At some point, there becomes this pregnant moment where someone comes along and introduces a new paradigm."
"The ills are in the Ptolemaic, and the cures are in Copernicus."
"In one breathtaking book, Isaac Newton invented physics as we know it today and restored order to the heavens and the Earth."
"An anomaly once is really recognized and accepted as reality, provokes a crisis, a crisis is when the dominant model isn't good enough anymore."
"Charles Darwin's categorization of the finches led to a revolution in the way we think about life."
"The scientific and technological revolution started from Britain."
"The sun will be understood to be condensed matter, and modern astrophysics will undergo tremendous paradigm shifts."
"We're really in the middle of a rather quiet revolution in understanding cancer."
"Of all the revolutions that took place at that time, I believe quantum mechanics is the most profound and the most enduring revolution from that period."
"A revolution in particle physics."