
Extroversion Quotes

There are 222 quotes

"The first and second cognitive functions... have gotta be opposite attitudes, one introvert, one extrovert, to bring balance to the psyche."
"Introvert and extrovert... It exists as part of a spectrum."
"Introversion and extroversion are as profound a part of who we are, as core to our identities as our gender."
"Being an introvert or an extrovert is not about being superior to the other; both have their perks and their adaptive functions."
"The extrovert ideal refers to the culture of promoting extroversion and pathologizing introversion."
"Being too much of an introvert or too much of an extrovert is not going to have the best kind of life. You really want to be able to blend the two."
"You love social activity, you love social interactions. You're open, you're out there, you wanna engage with other people."
"That's one thing that I love about myself the most because I love people and I just, that's something that I love to do like talk to people and kind of be around them."
"Extroverts are very much drawn to reward... seeking out positive emotion."
"Everybody needs alone time everybody needs aone time even if you're an extrovert you do still need alone time sometimes other people are simply too much stimuli it's just too much sometimes."
"No one's purely an introvert or purely an extrovert. Most of us are somewhere in the middle."
"Always big into talking to strangers, like making friends in lines."
"High extroversion and low neuroticism are usually associated with happiness."
"You're great at being around lots of people."
"I love being around people all day long and I love helping people."
"One of the best definitions I heard for the difference between introverts and extroverts is extroverts energized by being around people and introverts energized and refreshed by taking space for themselves."
"It's like your friend who always wants to party."
"Gemini's love to have a lot of fun and they have very extroverted personalities."
"A lot of us outgoing people are also extremely sensitive."
"Extroverted feeling is called extroverted feelings because her way of making emotional decisions sort of value-based decisions involves her looking outward outside of herself."
"Noah being a strong extrovert sensor... loves hitting against the outside world."
"Noah being a strong extrovert sensor... loves experiencing and immersing himself in sensory things."
"Noah's version of extroverted feeling is a lot more chill and spontaneous."
"Extroverted intuition is taking an idea and bringing it to life externally."
"Extroverted feeling... it's turning outward to the feelings of the group."
"Extroversion allows you to impact; you can create things, you can impact the world, you can get out there."
"You're very sociable, a social butterfly."
"I dare you to get into extroverted thinking, to not care about being disliked. That's when you find freedom."
"The number one word used with extroverted intuition is possibilities."
"I have that weird thing where like some days I just want to talk to people, and then other days I can just sit on my back porch and stare at the trees."
"Partnerships bring you out of your shell and that has to be good."
"You seem like the life of the party."
"Introverts lose energy being social and extroverts gain energy being social."
"Building those bonds with those people, and I'm a people person, I love talking to people."
"For ESFPs, the way you learn is through your senses, you're really oriented toward the extroverted senses, the senses all around you."
"Even the most introverted person needs connection and even the most extroverted person can find ways to connect deeper."
"I think it's a dance between the introvert and the extrovert, knowing when you have the energy to give and when you need to refill yourself."
"It was just my attempt really to explain how it felt you know that that's really how it was it and I tried to explain that introverts do not understand our extroverts do not understand introverts."
"She was one of those people who will talk to anyone, never met a stranger."
"If there's an audience, I'll be speaking. Okay, that's just a rule of thumb of knowing me. There's an audience, my mouth is going to be running."
"I literally brought everyone together to my house. I'm just laidback, guys, but I'm, like, for sure extroverted."
"I mean, I love to, yeah, I'm a real performer in front of my friends. I love to stand up at the dinner table and tell a joke or two, which, actually, how I dance and, you know, you could do about dads, no, I'm not shy."
"I know she's supposed to come off as really cute, but she's like the extrovert version of my personality."
"I think networking is really fun if you're an extrovert and I'm an extreme extrovert right so when I feel depressed or sad I want to be around people I want to share my problems I want to connect with people right so by default do this."
"There's really not a way to do it otherwise because ENFPs tend to be more introverted than the average extrovert and INFPs tend to be more extroverted than the average introvert."
"I need a lot of social interaction."
"When these mighty extroverted personalities are granted positions of influence, they can push forward and pull the rest of the team along with them, achieving spectacular results all the while."
"Ronya literally likes to make friends everywhere we go."
"I'm like if you don't just play the background and so but does that bug you because you're pretty extroverted in those settings like you're kind of I'm actually not it bugs me because I'm I'm chilling yeah."
"They enjoy doing very active extroverted things together like singing and dancing."
"Value togetherness they're social, extroverted, and can't imagine why anybody would ever want to be alone."
"I am a very introverted extrovert. I love hanging out with my friends, I love going out, I love doing things, but I need my me time to recharge."
"If you're someone who's like super extroverted or who is worried about like the being alone part of this journey then something like that might be super appealing to you because it's already like a built-in Community."
"This person would try anything to stay on the life-of-the-party energy."
"This person may be someone who's very social, someone who enjoys going out, enjoys having new and fun experiences."
"I have always known that it's better to be outgoing than it is to be introverted."
"I loved school for the social aspect. I was the social butterfly."
"With ENFPs, the extra version they tend to be not super extraverted. They can turn that on and off like a switch."
"Why on Earth do we not value introversion more in society? Why is extroversion seen as the ideal way to be?"
"As you can tell from social media and if you've ever met me in person, nothing really changes. I am a social person. I love people. People fill my bucket up and make me happy."
"It's just so extrovert in everything it does. It's a muscle car masquerading for the state car."
"I want to be with 20 people at all times."
"I like to talk and i like to socialize and i've been called a little social butterfly before so um and there is days that i do get where i'm just tired of talking but for the most part i meet people from all over."
"But now, look at you. It's totally your idea. But now, I'm very thankful for this. It has helped me become much more of an extroverted person, because..."
"I love how outgoing you are and able to like make friends in any environment."
"I'm an introvert acting like an extrovert, but I'm doing it in service of a set of values that I really believe in deeply."
"It really takes a truly great actress who has an instinct for playing somebody who is truly extroverted and impulsive and volatile."
"...if you're one of those guys that's introverted and you hate being around people, you're missing out, bro..."
"Eight signs that you're probably an extroverted introvert."
"An extrovert actually needs to speak out loud to put those puzzle pieces together."
"Just being yourself. I feel like a lot of people are getting good at that. All that shy [__] introvert [__] that [__] don't make no money."
"If you're like me, a huge extrovert, I can tell you the first step for me was getting comfortable with myself."
"You can't be a shy person to be a league operator, right? You gotta be wanting to talk to anybody and everybody. You gotta be like Norm from Cheers."
"I'm always around people. I'm still around people every day."
"I love doing things by myself. I think that I'm actually introverted. I'm a very outgoing, loud person. I love to talk, love to talk to people. So I'm extroverted in that way, but there's a part of me that just hits a wall, and I love being by myself."
"You have a lot of energy. You put yourself out there in the world in ways that a lot of people are scared to do."
"She's the quieter introvert planner, and I'm the more outgoing, big picture thinker."
"I like hugging people I like being with people I like parties."
"Who walks in the door and thinks this is awesome? The extrovert, right?"
"...very like big and loud and attention-getting and attention-seeking and just like just out there and like wow you know it's so hard to explain it's just like you know this person takes it up a billion notches right on a scale from one to ten that person is like twenty."
"He is an extrovert, a friendly person who's outgoing."
"Outgoing people like to be around other people and when they are around other people they just like talking to them."
"I'm very open, I'm an extrovert. I like to talk, I like people, I like to socialize."
"I love talking, love meeting new people, and just talking media."
"Extroverts tend to post more colorful photos."
"An outgoing person enjoys being in social situations."
"I'm a very outgoing and motivated person."
"I'm an overly social person, and being told that I had to limit my social life was pure torture."
"We live in a culture that sort of requires extraversion."
"The peer acceptance is huge for a dreamer because they're an extroverted, relationship-oriented personality type."
"Am I a nerd? Most of my hardcore nerd friends don't think so because I'm a super extrovert."
"I am like a social butterfly, I get along with everyone."
"I'm very people person. I love connecting with people. I love talking to people."
"We've grown to be very much extroverts now."
"Being on YouTube for so long, I've almost in a way had to become more extroverted."
"You're humble, extroverted, and definitely good with people."
"You got to put yourself out there, man. You can't just be an introvert off in the corner."
"He was assertive, excitement-seeking, had a lot of positive emotions, was friendly, energetic, and seemed to like being around other people."
"I describe myself as an extrovert; I love to use a lot of EQ, learning people, reading their minds, reading what kind of moods they're in."
"I'm such a natural extrovert, and I really like talking to people about my experience."
"In social situations, they tend to be uninhibited, extroverted, and talkative, and they create a good first impression."
"I am really extroverted but on a more kind of personal level, I'm really really introverted."
"It's really awesome to have SE parents around because they get people out of their comfort zone."
"She's very confident when speaking in front of the classroom and is very outgoing."
"I'm such an extrovert that I literally just love to talk to people."
"She's gregarious, she's outgoing, she tends to be more of an extrovert than an introvert."
"Avoid mental ruts and loops; inject some energy from the extroverted functions."
"An outgoing person enjoys conversation."
"I'm an extrovert who loves his alone time."
"Jamaicans are more extroverted, more forthright; Barbadians are introverted and more amenable in conversation."
"As long as I'm around people, I'm okay. I'm just so extroverted."
"Leos are naturally flirts because they like to socialize, they like to meet people."
"You could develop your extroverted side if you put your mind to it."
"I've got a lot of friends, and I'm very social."
"I'm very much fueled by energy around me, by people around me. I'm an extrovert. I love to talk to people."
"If an extroverted person wanted to learn how to be a better listener, I would say speak less."
"I am definitely a social person, I love being around new people, I love meeting new people, I love networking."
"There's an energy here of someone who's really outgoing, someone who is the life of the party."
"We really wanted to create something completely different to the moon shaft and the 1905 building which is hermetic and more introverted; here much more extroverted."
"What makes an extrovert an extrovert is... bouncing off the world."
"A lot of extroverts think that they're introverts because they had to learn socialization."
"I think there are times where I definitely feel more extroverted and there are times where I definitely feel more introverted."
"I'm super outgoing, I go above and beyond."
"Kenyans are more introverted, more passive like Canadians and Nigerians are more extroverted and louder with their friendliness like Americans."
"Outgoing people... naturally social, they like to turn strangers into friends."
"They are often energized by interaction, which is a characteristic of extroverted people in general."
"She's the most extroverted person I've ever met in my life."
"Love me as I am, an extrovert, tidy, organized, sweet, loving, loud as I want to be."
"I'm an extrovert, God help me, I love interacting with strangers and meeting new people."
"Ruby is very socially awkward but still outgoing."
"I'm an extrovert that doesn't want to be around people."
"I'm very extroverted. I call myself a Vibe curator; I'm a very happy person."
"He's a people person through and through. He loves people."
"She was really known as a happy extrovert, someone who always smiled, someone who's always laughing, loved to dance."
"I have a whole lovely group of friends here; I feel much more extroverted here."
"An outgoing, overtly expressive person. His extrovert personality made him the ideal host."
"I'm not an introvert; I'm usually really chatty and have absolutely no issues talking to strangers."
"I consider myself a social person; I basically need other people around me."
"Some people charge up off being out there, and some people charge up off being at home next to a lava lamp."
"Shanann was the type of woman who was very dynamic and had an extroverted and outgoing personality."
"I loved being able to get people's attention. I've always been somebody who craved attention."
"I am this happy, happy soul, I one time someone told me I'm a sanguine extrovert, I'm like wow, God you an extreme extrovert."
"I've always been really outgoing, extrovert."
"You have to really be outgoing and put yourself out there in different environments of interest that you enjoy."
"I'm really trying to put myself out there and make new friends."
"I'm an introverted extrovert, a shy person kind of, even though I'm outgoing."
"I believe that my greatest strength within the game will be my social game. The fact that I am kind of an extrovert, I can talk to anyone, I get along with anyone and everyone of all ages and all different backgrounds."
"It's the more extroverted, confident version of myself."
"I'm a huge extrovert, so I love to go out and have fun. I'm a performer; I like to sing and play piano."
"I'm a people person. I love people."
"Extroversion means you're more outspoken, more talkative, more assertive, and externally focused."
"Your person does have like a more natural extroverted nature."
"You thrive on being around other people."
"Being able to be social and being extroverted is a great skill to have."
"I've always been like a loud, show-offy, performing artsy person."
"He is extremely talkative and a really good conversationalist."
"I'm very extroverted but my sense of humor coupled with my golden retriever-like ability to run up to absolutely anyone and say anything is not a good combination."
"I think I'm an extroverted person; I love social interaction and I love talking to people."
"If you're an extroverted writer, you can make money in this town because you have to go in and own a room of really high-powered people."
"Sunshine yellow: the most extroverted of behaviors. It's a very involving, it's a very fast flowing, it's a very high-energy type of behavior."
"She was a lively, extroverted girl with so many interests and passions."
"I'm such a people's person, I always like to be surrounded by people, and having people around me is like my security blanket."
"I'm trying to meet a lot of friends and new people because I wasn't really outgoing in real life, but now I'm trying to open up with new people, do new things."
"Extroverts are always asking us why we're so quiet, but introverts never get up and say, 'Why don't you shut the [__] up for once?'"
"It's quite easy to make friends if you're like an outgoing person."
"Aries ascendant is usually extroverted and with Gemini here on the third house, they tend to be talkative, they tend to be chatty people."
"I do love socializing; I am a people person."
"I'm an extrovert. I love talking to people, love getting to know people."
"It's an illusion, extrovertedness."
"I was practicing learning how to be an extrovert, learning how to talk to people."
"I'm way more inviting; I'm very extroverted, I'll talk to you and have conversations with you."
"I'm a huge extrovert... I feel safe in that space, I feel safe that I will be me and me's good enough."
"I am a case-perfect extrovert, and I recharge by being with friends."
"Jimmy's clearly an extreme extrovert; he loves being out there."
"I'm such a social person; I love chatting to new moms."
"She was both lunar and solar, like Isis, she's got the power to work in both an extroverted visible way and also to go within and tap into those inner powers."
"I'm so glad I have an extroverted friend like you to get my introvert butt out of the house."
"I'm very outgoing and I'm very energized by people."
"He was a very outgoing young man."
"I go outside and recharge by meeting people."
"He was a happy, extrovert sort of person."
"You're just this very fun and outgoing person, very social, very happy-go-lucky."
"The relationships that people have with each other in the room... are very obvious to people who use extroverted feeling."
"I'm an extrovert but I'm also very sensitive and in touch with other people's emotions."
"I was very social, I put myself out there so much."
"I am so much more outgoing now, and I'm social."
"I want to be a productive person in my community. I love to help, I'm outgoing."
"Make as many friends as you can, talk to as many people as you can, be as social as possible."
"I am born to be an attention seeker."
"I'm so grateful to have such an outgoing family."
"I'm very loquacious, I'm very social, I don't get embarrassed."
"I consider myself introverted, but I become extroverted the more comfortable I get around people."
"After quarantine, I am no longer an introvert; I'm extroverted. I want to be outside. I want to talk to humans."
"You're going to shine your light now you're going to be very outgoing in some way."