
Biblical Knowledge Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"It's impossible to fully understand and appreciate much of classic literature if you don't know anything about the Bible."
"Everything you need to know about heaven is found in the Bible. If God wanted you to know more, He would have recorded more."
"More than anything else right now y'all people need to know what the Bible actually says."
"I believe the Scriptures tell us everything we need to know."
"You can't understand literature without knowing the Bible."
"By 12 years old, Jesus was as biblically literate as the thought leaders at that time."
"They know too much, and they're like, Jesus Christ, I mean, I know that that Pharisee and Sadducee ain't got nothing."
"The world needs men and women of God who are like Bunyan over here, that if you cut their veins they would bleed the scriptures."
"He's one of those delightful atheists who knows more about the Bible than many of the Christians that he engages."
"You've got to read the Gospel of Luke... if you've read the Bible or if you've gone to church all your life."
"I'm committing to knowing the word, to being a walking Bible."
"It really shows how wrong something must be if this information that is in our Bibles is not widely known."
"Deceptions are going to get stronger, that's why you need to know the word of God."
"They know what's that Revelations 12. They know that."
"Knowing God's word is the first step of knowing His voice."
"So many people who aren't even Christian know this verse."
"There's a world of knowledge in Genesis 1 and 2 that will absolutely knock you out."
"Spiritual vaccination means acquiring and implementing sound biblical knowledge."
"The Christian life is a fight, and we need to equip ourselves with the knowledge of God's Word."
"Is this not the reason you are wrong because you know neither the scriptures nor the power of god?"
"The confidence of an intercessor and a prayer warrior comes from knowing the word of God."
"Here's the tragedy: people don't know the Word of God."
"You are going to know more about Bible prophecy than the average dude graduating from Theological Seminary."
"She knew something and not even the apostles didn't."
"Step one of the survival guide: know the word of God."
"But we need resourcing, we need equipping so that we know what the word of God says, we know the power of the holy spirit in us and we know how to use that word of God."
"Do you know the Bible well enough to discern when Satan is manipulating scripture? Can you differentiate between truth and a lie?"
"You can only test the spirits when you know the word of God, when you know the Holy Spirit."
"Systematic Theology will help you integrate all of the biblical knowledge you already have into a coherent view."
"In the church, a biblically informed Christian is our best hero. A biblically informed Christian is our best here."
"Learn the parable of the Fig Tree. It was necessary for you to understand and serve as a Christian. That's how important it is."
"You can't tell that story properly if you don't have a proper biblical understanding of the end times."
"Those that know their Bible rather well also know that the last prophecy mentioned is heaven earth passing away and being made new."
"... you don't know what the Bible says about gluttony?"
"It's important to know your Bible, people."
"You might be going overboard if you can't name any of the Ten Commandments but you can name all seven dispensations." - Unknown speaker
"It's very important for you to know the word of God."
"The word of God can only dwell in us or inhabit us to the extent in which we know it."
"We need to know the Bible story line."
"Make no mistake about it, this guy knows his scripture like no one I've ever met."
"Keep studying, keep reading that Bible, keep comparing."
"She didn't even have to read a book; she came out with so many things that were in the Bible that we'd never been told."
"Jesus was familiar with Daniel; he communicates in the plainest language that he is getting his whole understanding of how things are going to go down from Daniel."
"God is honored when Christians know the word so well that they can provide a reason for the hope that is in us."
"Lord, we pray that we would not be content to just know more information about the Bible, but that we would experience the transformation that comes from knowing you and loving you."
"The real gift of discernment comes from knowing the Word of God very well."
"There's a wealth of knowledge to learn from the Bible."
"Prayer is an absolute necessity, and you must know the word."
"The word of God, welcome to Bible Answers Live, providing accurate and practical answers to all your Bible questions."
"Stimulate your curiosity, spark contemplation, and enrich your biblical understanding."
"I really think that if we were all better at Bible, it would really improve the conversation on a lot of levels."
"The more I studied about the Bible, the more I realized I never really knew a whole lot about the Bible."
"I realized that this enlisted clerk knew more about the Bible than I did."
"Biblical illiteracy in the body of Christ is shocking and startling, and people are thirsty for the Word of God."
"What we know about Jesus ends in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John."
"You can know the story of the Bible and make it your own."
"The more you know your Old Testament the more comfortable this book reads."
"You need to know the Old Testament to be able to understand the book of Revelation."
"Hope Sabbath School has improved my in-depth knowledge of the Bible."
"I can tell you from experience what the greatest chapters in the Bible are."