
Camouflage Quotes

There are 546 quotes

"It's less about the actual camouflage patterns and materials, and more about this cat and mouse game with your adversary."
"Mesh fabric options can turn a big blob of red into a little blob of red, or even better, a blob of nothing certainly nothing that's recognizable as a human shape."
"Once we learn how to spot camouflage, we become better at detecting it and then we can act on it."
"Cephalopod camouflage is among the most dynamic in the animal kingdom."
"Autism, a lot of it is so internal... people like myself are often disbelieved about the fact that we are autistic at all because we're very good at camouflaging ourselves to appear like neurotypicals."
"As soon as you remove the camouflage, you make their operations more difficult."
"The art of field camouflage and the improvement of natural obstacles to an enemy's advance were brought to a high pitch of perfection."
"They can also change color and texture in the blink of an eye, blending into their surroundings with great camouflage ability."
"Crafting a ghillie suit isn't just about blending in, it's about becoming part of the environment."
"I love how fucking silly ghillie suits look."
"Dazzle ships were surprisingly effective... so much so that during World War II, dazzle camouflage was utilized again by the US and even used on the decks of ships to confuse enemy aircrafts."
"The camouflage trend is definitely kind of going out this fall and we're really just not seeing a lot of camouflage."
"My technique for building on PvP servers is you build small you build smart you build layered and you build hidden."
"That just made me think, if they're having different classes of camo nets..."
"An octopus amazed a diver with its amazing color-changing camouflage."
"Whatever happened to a hundred layers of camouflage?"
"This is 100% camo, all right, now y'all know I'm all about camouflage, and if you don't, I'm feeling it."
"A similar design makes it easier to deploy vegetation and camouflage netting to block enemy aerial surveillance."
"The future of camouflage will ultimately reach its pinnacle when we've created a technology that can bend light to make the wearer invisible."
"This is the best camouflage job I've ever seen in my life."
"Unbelievably big eyes. So cryptic looking, so camouflaged."
"Although their scale coloration is normally a reddish-brown, a pseudo dragon has a chameleon-like ability to alter their colors to blend in with their local environment."
"Armor looks great. This is a really cool armor mod that makes an excellent addition to Fallout 4."
"This is a cell phone tower disguised as a tree."
"Camouflage and concealment are gaining a lot more traction in the Tactical civilian Community."
"By reducing reflectance, ultra black fish can reduce the sighting distance of visual predators by more than six times compared to other fish."
"Skins equal win in this game, the more camouflage you got the better."
"I love butterflies because they're so bright and some are camouflaged."
"The rifle rest on the pack provides camouflage and cover, allowing for better concealment and cover, especially in the prone position."
"Giant pythons camouflage themselves very cleverly... when the prey is in ambush range the python will launch the front part of its body to grab it and then use its body to wrap it until the prey is defeated."
"Octopuses are capable of morphing into other animals or mimicking their surroundings with astonishing speed."
"Their dark scales help them vanish into the night sky."
"Mixing colors or patterns to break up your silhouette is actually a really good idea."
"The tree-filled habitats of most monkeys mean that dark-colored fur is essential for camouflaging themselves from forest-dwelling predators."
"They are chameleons blending in any type of environment."
"The white lizards are able to change the colors and patterns of their skin."
"What a feast of an alligator and notice his nostrils are directly on top of those jaws so he's easily camouflaged in the water ambushing his prey."
"The invisible house almost vanishes into its surroundings."
"I would love to change colors when scared."
"We can change that by painting our firearms."
"That's ultimately what camouflage is supposed to do, is to help blend in."
"I admire the interior design; that chair is practically invisible next to the wallpaper."
"It's truly amazing how a pyramid can be taken over by foliage and you would never know it was even there."
"Nah, I just throw a big piece of fabric over it, make the fabric invisible and the radius of the fabric makes the boat invisible."
"If you can't be out of sight, blend in."
"If you feel like your blending is still not great, slap some shimmer on top; it'll hide all of that."
"The bird dropping spider... looks exactly like bird poop so the predators won't mess with them."
"Be observant, guys. I mean, beyond everything, be observant and be willing and able to blend in."
"Yeah, this is doing what yowies do. They hug a tree, pretend they are part of a tree because of the human in the area. They just blend. So, you see him just putting his head in."
"Hiding in plain sight is the best technique."
"These crazy camo colors are usually for jet ski instead of a boat."
"The camo patterns cover up and hide imperfections a lot better and easier."
"at head Lake the clearest water on Earth issue worn by a light spice during World War II has an inverted heel to mislead the Germans when they track their Trail and direct them in a completely wrong direction"
"You blend in with the background, you camouflaged so good."
"This creature resembles the chameleon in its ability to change appearance to match rocks and corals."
"Successfully counting cards is about not standing out."
"Card counting: blending in is key."
"No amount of camouflage will hide you from the real monsters in the woods."
"Best place to hide something is in plain sight."
"Even if he wasn’t allowed to use his camouflage ability, his multiple limbs and quick speed would help him cross the finish line long before many of the other contestants."
"Camo prints, distinctive patterns inspired by military camouflage, emerge as a fashion trend."
"This is my hiding spot. You guys check out this bush, it's literally the perfect color."
"White is definitely the color that you want to get if you're doing hide and seek."
"Their design was to be hidden and to stay hidden."
"It sounds like the exact opposite of how to camouflage a military ship by covering it with striking geometric patterns in bold contrasting colors."
"I went to buy some camouflage trousers yesterday, but I couldn't find them."
"They're unique, like fingerprints on humans. Every zebra has a different pattern."
"They use the stripes to blend in with all the other zebras in the herd, so a predator can't pick just one out."
"What you wear is important for safety; blend in to avoid being targeted."
"Miles can blend into surroundings, allowing him to sneak up on his enemies or flee from them. This effect resembles that of invisibility."
"The cuttlefish is known for their expert camouflage skills and quick movements. They're sometimes called the chameleons of the sea, but in Hong Kong, they're called dinner."
"They tend to be able to incorporate a bit of this, a bit of that, like a chameleon."
"...if it's camouflaged and if it's elevated and if anyway whatever doesn't matter."
"The power of not moving and blending into your environment is the best camouflage out there."
"In 1942, the US Navy was using what was called a measure 21 camo scheme which essentially had all the surfaces of the ship painted in this beautiful deep navy blue color."
"They painted them in green so you don't notice them, but this one they painted in blue."
"The troops attack and what the forest camo face paint you do realize you're going to stick out like a sore thumb with that white uniform right."
"This dark Woolen jacket is perfect for sitting out. It's warm, doesn't rustle, and because it looks like moss, I'll merge into the background better."
"Lucky for us Viva's Cloud camouflage worked like a charm."
"I really wanted these particular ouses to blend into the environment so I decided to stain them black with a green door."
"This guy could be so camouflaged, he could be hiding in some ditch somewhere."
"Windshirts are essentially turnkey options for infantrymen because they're easily hidden under your Camis, making you wind and waterproof while still maintaining your camel pattern and SOPs."
"It's pretty amazing that the entire camo pattern is still visible under night vision."
"The added weight of the spectroflage gives the hide its own life and makes it look like it has a mass to it."
"The whole hide retains the same camouflage capability and keeps the user hidden in their position without looking like you're just going trick-or-treating."
"The added scrim bits not only add to break up your overall outer shape under standard vision but then also break up the inner silhouette under thermal."
"If you can disappear from the three main visual spectrums, I don't care who your adversary is, you're going to cause them significant problems."
"The hide allows you to easily engage an adversary while still remaining completely invisible, even to a predator."
"By assembling it yourself, you could make some areas stand out more or less and design it around what you want, so in the end, no two hides are really the same."
"It's really camouflage, isn't it?"
"In the army, they use camouflage all the time. They do everything they can to disguise their location."
"...brilliantly hiding in plain sight through his concern for the DEA office that he so adamantly supports."
"What a better way to prank someone than hiding in plain sight? I am currently in a fake Bush."
"I can't find Steven, well where are the others? They're blending in."
"But it depends on the mask, we can play this 'Where's Waldo?'"
"Ruching and draping fabrics camouflage and boost confidence."
"It's amazing because covers everything and it looks like nothing."
"You have to become the prey that you're hunting."
"This is camouflage sub-alpine, I'm still holding onto the camouflage, I think it can offer you a little bit of advantage at times."
"I think it looks really nice. It's not detectable anywhere."
"The squid has the ability to turn invisible, and it's definitely one of the coolest."
"So without the ability to camouflage, how do these creatures avoid detection? In the deep ocean, they don’t need camo, as they can hide in plain sight."
"I wanted everyone to like blend into the snow that was kind of my goal."
"It's like Rambo now, painting himself with mud to avoid being detected."
"Wow, Hudson, look what he did to our Jeep. What did you add to it? Um, camo. That means we can hide really good in the barns, in the forest, and things like that when bad guys come."
"I like camo, and I'd rather have camo and not need it than need it and not have it."
"Polar bears cover their black nose during a hunt to camouflage themselves more completely."
"Camouflage can really help you and keep you safer."
"A snow leopard uses its uncanny camouflage to edge closer to an isolated Yak calf."
"What this does is camouflage some really evil stuff going on in the world. It’s a kind of blanket moral relativism."
"And they are the masters of disguise, able to not only change their color, but also the texture of their skin to avoid predators."
"It wouldn’t take but a few inches of water to completely hide our body heat, and we could easily swim across to the opposite shore to slather up with more mud."
"...it's to be completely invincible disappear like become one in the woods beat them at their game..."
"The best place to hide is right out in the open."
"The best way to reduce our attack surface is to make sure that to someone scanning our device it looks like something it's not or something that's really unattractive."
"Photographers camouflage themselves to take pictures of wild animals."
"Leafy sea dragons are very rare animals that look like seaweed. They hide in seaweed so that other animals can't spot them."
"A chameleon knows how to disguise himself by changing the color of his whole body."
"Camouflage is hiding. I didn't look. Nobody sees. I didn't challenge rep. I really didn't."
"...literally supposed to like blend in with your natural skin."
"I got a hundred to make myself a fort, to make myself so camouflaged, so in disguise that no one will ever find me, ever."
"The wolves aren't hidden, they're in plain sight."
"The smoke grenades act as a bit of a camouflage for us."
"Hidden under all this camouflage is a complex that was a tour de force in an emerging British steel industry."
"The mimic octopus earns its title as the master of deception due to its extraordinary beauty and shape-shifting abilities."
"Leopards are probably the winners in hide-and-seek."
"The king crab navigates its habitat with ease, blending in with the rugged landscape."
"The solution was astonishingly simple: to paint Allied planes the color of the Atlantic sky."
"Isn't that unbelievable how the pattern and their dots, the camouflage, literally when they're hiding in a tree, you have no idea they're on bark and all kinds of different stuff?"
"Hidden ambush, hidden access, hidden while you're in the blind looking at a small plot that's complemented by something larger where it's just a window movement, and that creates all-day movement in this location."
"Effective is the hide and the feeder."
"If you look like something that the adversary expects to see, then you are invisible to your adversary because they don't see you."
"Chameleons change colors to match their surroundings. He's colored himself to look like a chunk of wood."
"They make chameleons and leaf-tailed geckos look like they aren't even trying."
"It´s not only decorative but in case of an accident, or a spill, they serve as better camouflage, something a monochromatic floor wouldn´t be able to accomplish."
"Greeplies possess excellent climbing abilities and camouflage that varies according to their home environment."
"The wellness movement is just a camouflage for the old diet culture."
"These amazing geckos can be found clinging to branches and trees primarily after sundown."
"Tails that mimic dead leaves and special camouflage that allow them to virtually disappear in plain sight."
"These guys are mimicking tree trunks."
"In World War I to avoid officers on white horses being picked out and shot by snipers, they were painted dark brown."
"A bird's job is to stay camouflaged from us from predators because if you think about it we are humans are predators."
"Best way to keep a secret--hide it in plain sight."
"It was a classic way of getting away with it, blend into the crowd."
"They can be socially acceptable, so people won't suspect them."
"It hides by already being everything."
"Your camo is changing with your environment."
"The whole point of painting your rifle is to help you blend in with your environment."
"Chameleons are the masters of disguise."
"Wearing something as simple as a boony hat with vegetation or Kevlar helmet with vegetation in it, artificial or natural, goes a long way with breaking up your natural human silhouette."
"You can't go wrong with camouflage."
"That defeat was impressive, camouflage modified due to its presentation."
"Zebra stripes look cool and could be pretty useful too. Scientists think that one of its functions is to confuse insects like flies, making it harder for them to land on zebras."
"The mimic octopus can change its appearance and behavior to look like other animals. It's a Master of Disguise."
"So if you're looking for a quick way to veg up, hobby lobby, Michael's, whatever the name of the store is, get those fake plants and you can build your entire ghillie suit with this stuff."
"Basically, they'd use nature to conceal themselves."
"Servals blended right into the spots and stripes we painted."
"The orchid mantis presents itself as a floral masterpiece within the rainforests of Southeast Asia. This mantis is a master of disguise, imitating the appearance of an orchid flower with remarkable precision."
"The ornate ghost pipefish is a master of disguise in tropical waters. With its slender body and intricate appendages, this fish mimics the appearance of floating seaweed, blending seamlessly with its surroundings."
"We are finally going to do what you guys have all been waiting for. We are going to do today city camouflage in real life."
"Great white sharks can camouflage themselves like an octopus, just not quite as convincing."
"That's where it's at: the M81, the MO5, and the MTP. Very, very solid camouflage patterns, I gotta say."
"The MultiCam is good, the Flecktarn, and then the Splinter camouflage."
"So the low visibility gray was absolutely the way to go for us much more applicable world wide is certainly much better in the European environment where at the time we expected to fight."
"Well, here at Mossy Oak, we believe camo has to mean something. First of all, our camo means effective concealment. It stands for a commitment to conservation. It represents a true connection to the outdoors and our friends and family."
"Why does the chameleon need that skill of copying a color?"
"This is why plants are so important in aquarium. If I had plants up front, he wouldn't notice the camera, wouldn't notice me, he would eat, he'd be more robust."
"The praying mantis is perfectly camouflaged for the environment where she hides."
"You want the owl to blend in with the tree, but also make the subject stand out a little bit more."
"Perhaps a black dragon would be more successful hunters at night while white dragons camouflage in the clouds."
"Sometimes the best way to hide is right out in the open."
"I love a reptile hide that isn't actually a hide."
"They're so razor thin they can align themselves with a predator's position to disappear in the open."
"I'm good at being like a chameleon, just fitting in."
"Super well camouflaged, if you're not looking for him like you're seeing him through the vegetation or something, it'd be much harder to see him."
"The golden tortoise beetle is a true master of disguise and its stunning transformations are a must-see for anyone looking for a little bit of natural wonder."
"The Others wear delicate, reflective camouflaging armor."
"Our camouflage blending seamlessly with the harsh terrain, the psychological toll of remaining hidden, observing the ebb and flow of life on the other side, was as exhausting as any physical demand our training had prepared us for."
"Invisible House, because it goes invisible towards the end of the day, right before sunset."
"Your average aquarium fish, the Neon Tetra, look at their belly; it's a light color because in the wild, fish have evolved camouflage."
"I am the world's largest amphibian, but I'm not easy to spot. Can you spot me?"
"The entire concept of camouflage really did not even exist in widespread military usage before World War One."
"The goal of this type of camouflage is to cause gunner hesitation, to make a tank commander second guess his target and react just a second too late."
"Butterflies wings have bright colors and patterns that help them do lots of things like camouflage."
"Camouflage is a master of disguise that can change its color in just a matter of seconds."
"Look at how cryptic the color patterning is, this animal is superior at camouflaging."
"Let's just take a second to look at that camouflage."
"He possessed a rare skill for camouflage."
"It changed color a dozen times, it went from blues to reds to oranges to stripes."
"Snowshoe hares are good at staying still when they're alarmed, and their fur makes them camouflaged so they're hard to see."
"Ziphactinus was a dangerous sea monster that could change color like a chameleon."
"The fact that it could possibly change color helped it blend into its environment, allowing it to easily avoid predators."
"The octopus is a boneless, eight-legged creature capable of shifting the color and texture of its skin."
"It feels like it's gonna blend in pretty well into a variety of environments."
"Moose can melt into the shadows, become one with the trees."
"I've decided to go for a classic camouflaged armor look for these, as it's such an iconic aesthetic."
"The camouflage really makes and unifies this scheme, so it's definitely worth spending a little bit of time on this one."
"With the star-like markings on its shell, this tortoise can hide very well among grasses or plants."
"The camouflage is often so good that only the slightest movement will tell us where they are."
"Looking like a frog, a tree, a leaf, the camouflage techniques developed by nature effectively corroborate that ingenuity is often more powerful than strength."