
Adversary Quotes

There are 177 quotes

"It's less about the actual camouflage patterns and materials, and more about this cat and mouse game with your adversary."
"You've always said that the worst thing you can do is keep depending on your enemy or the people who are totally indifferent to you and would like to see you removed."
"We have an adversary, and that adversary is China."
"Kylo takes the moment to show respect to someone who he regards as an equal someone who is clearly incredibly skilled in a fighter even if he's on the other side of the war."
"Be alert, be watchful, because your adversary is."
"Our political adversaries are not our political enemies."
"Riddler definitely gets the best of Batman twice in that storyline..."
"Watch out because your adversary the devil goes about like a roaring lion."
"To end your party, I will always be your adversary. You should be very worried. You know these titles start to stack."
"When the enemy starts talking to you he wants you to be sad...he wants your health to deteriorate."
"This guardian of the shivering isles is the hardest enemy to beat."
"We've labeled you An Enemy of the State and so now that is what you are."
"Everyone was going to dismiss the Vulture as just an old guy in a silly green suit, so we wanted to go the opposite way and really make him the most fearsome and formidable adversary that Spider-Man had faced in the whole series."
"The Germans themselves were full of admiration for the fighting spirit of their adversary."
"The greatest enemy of all... is himself."
"Stay vigilant and prepared for unseen challenges may arise. Protect your spirit and seek wisdom in quiet contemplation. Remember, be sober-minded and be watchful, your adversary prowls around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour."
"Who do you think the real enemy is?"
"You are these people's worst nightmare right now."
"You've got to always respect your enemy."
"Cat his adversary is one of the best Marvel villains yet."
"This person is your ultimate challenge."
"We are in a wrestling match with a very, very powerful enemy, not to be taken lightly."
"Nobody heard him, there was one last obstacle though, one last player: Kane the shadowmancer."
"The T-1000 is [ __ ] unstoppable."
"Every superhero in town is getting taken out by the dangerous Black Falcon."
"Even though they knew they were up against the formidable Triant, in that moment they were filled with confidence."
"Ignorance is the greatest enemy you have."
"The adversary would have us hung up on perfection and stymied by the commandment to become perfect."
"As if the foe had after all escaped his just vengeance."
"Father Hughes could potentially be the most dangerous adversary Tommy and the Peaky Blinders have ever faced."
"Imagine how strong you must be in order to make Marine hero GARP willing to team up with pirates in order to defeat you."
"It is incredibly impressive that he was able to defeat Victor who was one of the strongest demons in his time."
"He refused to bow down to Adam and Eve, therefore Lucifer is known as the first sinner, the devil, and the adversary."
"...your adversary the devil is going about seeking whom he may devour."
"Melvin was born to defeat The Moth Man."
"One of Spider-Man's most savage villains is the mighty Carnage."
"At least he loved his job man that's what's up the old man met his greatest adversary just when he thought that part of his life was over he saw himself in the fish came to respect the moored fought."
"You must know your enemy, in this case, my enemy is a varmint."
"Surely shaytan isn't any good to you, so take him as an enemy, treat him as an enemy."
"Your spouse is not your enemy. The Devil is the enemy to your marriage."
"Your Destroyer always comes in a form you don't recognize."
"Batman is actually broken and defeated by an enemy, not even one of his usual adversaries but rather a completely new character."
"Even with that, we're able to see just how powerful of a foe he was."
"You must listen to me. The Hulk is like no other foe. Anything less than our full strength is a waste of blood."
"I've met my greatest enemy, and it's boredom."
"You know, in a way, the Joker kinda won this round, I'm not gonna lie."
"He is the greatest villain that I've ever encountered and that is why he is Batman's arch nemesis and he will probably be that forever."
"Satan is called the accuser of our brethren."
"If you have a warfare, you've got to have a foe. And that foe is the enemy."
"Your adversary the devil as a roaring lion walks about seeking whom he may devour."
"Because we're going to have any chance of beating Voldemort."
"Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the Devil is a roaring lion."
"Your husband is not the enemy, Satan is the enemy."
"There's the belief that instead of the narrator taunting the king himself, it is instead taunting a force that is controlling the king, in this case, the adversary."
"'If anyone, it would have to be Thrawn. The biggest threats, right?'"
"Let's see how the adversary reacts."
"Your enemy is not your husband, your wife, your child. Your enemy is the Devil Himself."
"The adversary and the enemy is the wicked haman."
"If you want to point to just one character and say, 'that's gonna be like the final boss that Luffy is gonna have to square off against, you're gonna point to Blackbeard."
"She's not a lady you want as your enemy."
"Vikir believed that by identifying her weaknesses, he could eliminate the Madam."
"Remember, you have an adversary, but you also have an advocate."
"Moriarty is basically like the definition of an archenemy."
"Satan has been your enemy from time immemorial."
"Pain gives no quarter here. Whatever he destroys, whoever he kills, it does not matter."
"Stay alert, watch out for your great enemy the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour."
"The adversary, the devil, is after the children of Elohim, those who have faith in yahusha and keep the Commandments of Elohim."
"Surely, Shaytan is an enemy to you, so take him as your enemy."
"You know, Russia is an enemy of the United States."
"The most terrifying enemies love the chase."
"Blessing a cursed adversary converts their curse into blessing."
"Maul's death, though in defeat, brings him a sense of hope and respect from his lifelong enemy, Obi-Wan."
"The real enemy in our life is self."
"Leia knew that they couldn't let him win but as she looked at Luke she couldn't help but wonder if they were strong enough to defeat the dark lord."
"The enemy is so perfect at first, I didn't know how to feel about this, but I realized more and more why it's a perfect kind of enemy."
"Your greatest enemy, your greatest adversary, is you."
"Pick up your sword, save it for the enemy."
"Rising up to the challenge of your rival."
"We've just barely escaped from Count Olaf each time."
"The silence morphed into a surreal anticipation as we became aware of an unseen adversary playing a deadly game of cat and mouse."
"The courage of one's enemy does him honor."
"You're not just fighting anxiety, you're also fighting the enemy."
"The biggest enemy of a person is himself."
"Vecna is going to be a very formidable foe for our band of heroes."
"Failure is not your enemy, fear is."
"The enemy is like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour."
"Armed to the teeth with an arsenal of anti-aircraft weaponry, she was a daunting adversary for any enemy pilot."
"Kang is a very worthy adversary because overall his control of the Multiverse and everything is second to none."
"Make friends quickly with your opponent at law while you are with him on the way."
"Time, the enemy. The eternal enemy."
"Man has no greater enemy than disease, disease has no greater enemy than us."
"I am not afraid of him; there is only one man I've ever feared, and he is dead."
"The opponent needs to be as complex and layered as the hero."
"When you worry, the enemy says, 'I got his attention.'"
"He's a powerful warrior and someone you never want as a foe."
"A Satan is one who fulfills the function of an adversary, not the prince of devils, not some guy, not a spiritual entity."
"Enemy, enemy he thought, for a moment he could not even see."
"The most dangerous sort of enemy, one who doesn't mind losing as long as he takes his adversary down with him."
"Dagon's death swarm is more than enough to eventually overwhelm almost any opponent."
"Never underestimate a dangerous adversary."
"You know I'm not strong enough to face him and simply kill him."
"The uncontrolled mind is the greatest enemy of the living entity."
"You understand the psychological impact that that would have on an adversary."
"It's comforting, but comfort is the enemy of progress."
"The leveler seeks not to conquer, but to destroy."
"The stronger the opponent's aura, the stronger they become."
"He wanted to live, and he wanted to defeat Blade."
"Our greatest enemy today is the problem of evil, a personal malevolent evil opponent, his name is Satan."
"I have other plans for you, Mr. Sherlock Holmes."
"You've got to have a North star, a noble cause; you also need an enemy."
"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil is seeking whom he may devour."
"Your enemy sees in you what you don't see in yourself."
"Use all the armor and weaponry that God provides, so that you may be able to stand against the deceptive tactics of the adversary."
"She's powerful, she's an admirable foe."
"Fear is the true enemy, the only enemy."
"I have only one enemy in the world. If anything should happen to me, my mother-in-law will be the cause."
"Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil goes about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour."
"It's always a fatal mistake to underestimate one's adversary."
"The real horrifying adversary for Tyrion to face is his father."
"If he makes his way through it, he will be able to fight against the leader of the demon sect."
"A glutton who feeds upon the powers of his very foes."
"You need to stay angry. Not at people but at the devil."
"He remained who he was and even showed compassion to his enemy in the end."
"Out of all of our enemies, I dare say that he possesses the strongest will of all."
"Maybe the enemy is something which is inside ourselves."
"Be alert to the enemy's tricks, the nature of our adversary, he's the father of lies, he invented lies and trickery and he will never change."
"What I find so interesting about this is that this guy really, he's not really looking for world domination, he's been looking for a worthy adversary."
"Prayer puts fear in the heart of the devil, your adversary."
"We are ready to face our strongest enemy yet."
"Your spouse is not your opponent; the enemy is."
"The main adversary that we as the church have to fight is not open witchcraft... what we have to battle is counterfeit Christianity."
"When you praise God, the enemy gets frightened."
"But if you listen closely to his voice and do everything I say, I will be an enemy to your enemies and an adversary to your adversaries."
"If we can claim that our system is secure under this model, we are giving more power to the adversary."
"Never underestimate your enemy, no matter how weak they appear."
"The great enemy is cunning, his might is vast beyond imagining. Beware, for the adversary ever seeks to consume our lord and his followers."
"If you have ever faced the Shredder and survived, you were lucky."
"The real enemy is above, and the only way to fight them is to unite their victims on common cause."
"Condemnation does not come from God. Where does it come from? Comes from the enemy."
"I was that much closer to killing Bloody Herobrine and taking my revenge."
"I still believed I could get Lacey back and somehow overcome this horrific, seemingly impossible enemy."
"Welcome to the zero year, Mr. Wayne, or at least that's what Mr. Riddler calls it."
"Be sober, be vigilant; your adversary the devil stalks about as a roaring lion."
"Sometimes we forget that the enemy is out there trying to destroy us and we think the enemy is within our own home."
"The SCP Foundation has encountered its fair share of incredibly tough adversaries and fearsome monsters, but none are as formidable - or at least, as durable - as SCP-682, the Hard to Destroy Reptile."
"Never underestimate the adversary."
"Know thy enemy. The enemy is always a member of the same species."
"I am your phantom, your sword, my enemy."
"The only enemy you're going to really have is yourself."
"Your enemy is nobody but yourself."
"Darkseid is one of the biggest foes in the DC universe."
"He that teacheth his son grieveth the enemy, and before his friends he shall rejoice of him."
"And by Devil, I mean an adversary you don't trust. A person or organization who you think its interests are opposed to your own, who may be out to harm you."
"The worst person you know makes a good point."
"Be sober and be vigilant; for your adversary the devil goes about as a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour."
"It's time for the next step in our plan to get rid of public enemy number one, and that is Nightwing."
"Fear is the great enemy, and fear is always in the future."
"We are our greatest enemy; our mind is our greatest enemy."
"Success requires stamina, and because the adversary is aware of this, when he can't take you out, he tries to wear you down."
"Fear is only your enemy if you allow it to be."