
Optics Quotes

There are 468 quotes

"Thermal sensors, like all other optical sensors, are used to view light; it's just that the light they see is a bit special."
"Refraction of light is going to be crystal clear to you after you watch this class."
"For a given pair of media, the refractive index is constant."
"Issac Newton... he knew that people kind of maybe figured that white light can make a spectrum, but he took a spectrum, put it back through a prism, and made white light, and that freaked people out."
"Optics aren't everything, and I agree that you should not compromise your values for the sake of optics. But if you're trying to appeal to a broad group of people, those points need to be communicated well."
"It's crazy how much society relies on the optics of presenting a side."
"These optics are top quality and they're pricey for a reason. There's a lot that goes into them. If I could say anything, it's they're worth every penny."
"Premium optics often feature apochromatically corrected lenses for optical clarity."
"Most of your prism scopes that are on the market right now you see 20 to 23 feet at 100 yards, that's the field of view. That's 30.9, it's almost 31 feet at 100 yards at a true 5x." - Swamp Fox Mike
"The legendary vcog that is hands down the most durable most ruggedized variable power optic out there."
"They're consistently behind the narrative on things like this and it's... Optics related but this is a state that used to be considered purple as recently as like 2012."
"The optics are probably the most impressive thing to me out of the gate."
"The optics of this right now look terrible. Stacey Abrams, the country's most famous voting rights activist, is skipping a speech by the president on voting rights in her home state."
"The idea that you have to take some stance as a matter of optics, I think it's a privileged position to be able to wear a political flag optically or rhetorically rather than out of necessity."
"The ability to mount an optic with zero repeatability."
"Ease of use is one hundred percent with a red dot reflex or holographic sight so that's fantastic."
"Regardless of current technological limitations, what in your opinion would constitute the perfect carbine optic? There is no perfect, it is all situational and it always depends."
"Edge clarity on this optic is phenomenal, you just see into the future."
"Having an optic that removes those settings in the middle is actually really cool."
"The elcan specter dr comes with multiple reticle options."
"The first known use of concave lenses to address nearsightedness were created for Pope Leo the 10th."
"There isn't one look for glasses wearers. It crucially depends on whether your lenses make your eyes look much bigger or whether they're making them look much smaller."
"Find a good balance between magnification and field of view."
"Politics is Optics, and storytelling are something that I'm good at."
"It's not the perfect lens but it is a decent lens with decent optics."
"Imagine this eventually defocuses the lens and like the rest of it's just [ __ ] out."
"It's not as much of an option as people say red dots are still King for that."
"Sig Optics has got a great warranty. They're probably not as fast as Vortex but they'll fix it for you."
"As far as a civilian is concerned [Holosun] serves every single purpose that an endpoint or an EOTech or a tragic on would."
"Optics, as I always say in international relations, context matters."
"Just turn that diopter ring until all those lines and numbers are dead sharp."
"As you can see, the refraction of the light going through it makes it a shimmery brighter color."
"We might not have traveled to a new universe but we got a good lesson in the science of Optics."
"The TA-31, by far the most popular ACOG, has a very large actual and apparent field of view."
"Reflection, we can use the power of reflection to make the light go where we want it to."
"...the GLX is a significantly different optic and comparing the GLX or really any 1 to 10x lpvo to a pxc style lpvo is going to result in disappointment."
"The downside to that sight is that the sight picture leaves an awful lot of stuff kind of sitting in your field of view."
"Conceptually, a larger objective lens gathers more light, but in practice, it's not that simple."
"Look at the low-power variable optic as not a higher magnification optic, but a one power optic that can zoom in."
"LPVOs, they kind of complement each other."
"As long as you have a method of confirming where it's pointed you know an optic you know what I mean."
"Mirrors are not only used for looking at our reflections, they are also used in telescopes to collect the light of distant stars."
"It's incredible because the Optics are such that it's able to have the light fold back on itself so many times."
"So if I block out the front side of my optic and I'm firing and I close one eye, then I'm just going to see black."
"These massive enclosed Optics are still kind of terrible for carry guns."
"The zeroing process is really simplified with the technical reticle."
"For somebody who wants a scope they can do everything right, yeah, and do it do everything well, you can, you can do quite a bit of things with a low power variable I think that they don't get as much love as and as especially in the hunting circles which is funny enough."
"Prisms typically excel at being lightweight, small in size, compact, and sometimes, but not always, trade their eye relief for a very large field of view compared to all other scope designs."
"...yes, it almost gives the appearance of three suns, which is actually why it's possible that there were so many reports of there being three suns because this is something that is very common with sun dogs."
"This is the first gun I've ever carried with an optic that I didn't worry about the optic on there."
"I love the fact that an optic like the Razer one to ten with a low end of one is in the conversation of mid-meg rifle scopes."
"Vortex just has like the best Optics out there."
"This adjustment here is actually to change the magnification of the lens itself, so you can zoom in and out and do an inspection on a component and then go back to a wider view."
"A magnifying lens is a special piece of glass that is thicker in the middle than on the sides. It bends the light that passes through it, and that is why if you put this kind of lens between your eyes and something small, it looks like the thing got bigger."
"So with a basic understanding of waves of rays and how they move through surfaces and how you can shape surfaces in such a way as to control where the rays go you can start to assemble combinations of lenses."
"...so really important keeping your lens and your mirrors uh your mirrors adjusted and clean and your lens clean."
"It wasn't about me the optics would have not been good are you concerned with the optics."
"Red dots work. They work well. They're at a point now where they're reliable if you get a good one. Red dots just immediately upgrade people's accuracy and speed as well."
"It's when sunlight shines through water, it bends the light and separates it into all the colors of the rainbow."
"As long as the water droplets are in the sky, the sunlight will make the colors appear at the same distance away from you."
"First focal plane is really important in PRS."
"This 2x is truly probably the best closest non 1X that we've seen functionally usable like a 1x on an LPVO."
"With first focal plane, you get better glass."
"So optically this lens is really a standout."
"Optics. That's the most important thing. If we defy their expectations and stereotypes, they won't know how to counter us."
"The purpose of this video is to give you a level-headed overview of the similarities and differences between both of the Optics."
"Let's dive right in and see what's similar and what's different about the Trijicon RMR and the Holosun Optics."
"It is about as simple as it gets because once you zero it there's not a lot of interaction with the optic other than maybe adjusting your brightness of the illumination if you're using the illumination if you even are."
"The 9s as you can see is Optics ready and I have the mechanic Red Dot optic installed."
"The key thing to take away here is that perfect eye alignment will reduce the image shift to zero."
"Modesty in optics will bring you the greatest degree of success."
"If you plan on running either of these with the BDCs, that is the main reason to get the 6X over the 8X. It's a much more practical and usable optic as a whole."
"The dilemma for the Hunter is, do I want fantastic glass, lightweight, and better illumination and function of the Swarovski scope or do I want the durability of the Trijicon?"
"No other optic will be faster and more usable at really close distances than a good quality Red Dot or holographic site."
"Having some magnification could be the difference between bagging a trophy or going home with nothing."
"Buy high quality Optics please don't go to Africa or Alaska hunting with a budget optic."
"If optic is like this, I'm gonna have to. That's it. I mean, that's this looks different."
"Pros LCA Optics both the Leica and mount Minotaur 1 and the minigun XL on the 120 have delighted me with their character and sharpness"
"Lenses are strongly typed in any optics library you use."
"The minimum focus distance is the minimum distance that an optical device can observe an object similar to your stills and photography lenses."
"I think at a certain point, this becomes an Optics conversation that is used as a cudgel to forcibly squash any kind of opposition."
"The eye looks like it was engineered by a mind with expertise in Optics."
"Things made progress towards coming into focus in the grim barbarity of optics and design."
"How does a rainbow get its colors? When sunlight shines through water, it bends the light and separates it into all the colors of the rainbow."
"This isn't a good look. Bad optics. Not relatable. Relatable."
"Nature can split white light into its color components by way of light passing through raindrops which act as prisms and project a rainbow in front of your eyes."
"So if you need that, if first focal plane is something that's important to you then this isn't really even a comparison right, you gotta go with the Diamondback."
"It is a well-built, well-engineered optic and Vortex has once again knocked it out of the park."
"Look at how little of the scope body you see, it's honestly as good as it gets."
"The eyebox on this thing at 1x is about as good as you could expect from any sort of LPVO."
"I think you'd be better off with a one to eight or even a two to ten."
"There are very few optics that people send me for review that I don't want to send back."
"The condenser is responsible for collecting and concentrating light rays onto the object on the slide."
"The Russians realized the need for contrast control and a polarizing filter and they just built it into the scope."
"The church knows it's embarrassing, it looks bad, it's bad optics, it's not Christ-like."
"The relationship between degrees and prism diopters is not linear."
"As a general rule, to measure the angle of deviation, prisms must be placed with the base opposite to the deviation."
"My belief is that when you are dealing with longer distances, I would almost always take the better glass."
"Be aware of the optical difference between specs and contacts when troubleshooting issues."
"Every hunter's hard-earned dollar should buy quality optics at any price point."
"A long range optic: suitable for both targets and hunting."
"The optical clarity through the zeiss primary lenses that you get in pillar is just unbelievable."
"It appears to give you a genuine 25 to 75 power magnification."
"Internal fogging is like a big deal, if you have an optic that is fogging internally, there's been a compromise to the purge, it needs to be repaired."
"This thermal shock that occurs, the condensating on the lens surfaces, is something that happens almost immediately."
"The corrector plate of the schmidt cassegrain is an aspheric lens. This shape is correcting the spherical aberration of the primary mirror because it has equal but opposite spherical aberration to the primary mirror."
"Those lenses don't just look different, they are different."
"It's amazing what Dylan Optics do, go get a pair."
"...it's the revolution in optics that has allowed that to happen."
"It shoots very well, it handles well, I really like this optic, especially paired with this gun."
"How does that work? Why is it that smooth surfaces can reflect images back at us?"
"This same effect shows up a lot in nature and it's why things like oil slicks on water, soap bubbles, and peacock feathers have really bright rainbow colors."
"It took the team a better part of 20 years to figure out just how to do this, but optically the telescope is now performing better than their models predicted it would."
"That's the first optical trap ever seen by man."
"The central maximum is very intense, very bright compared to the other fringes, and also it is double the width of the fringes."
"That's interference in a nutshell: single slit, double slit, and diffraction grating."
"The law of reflection states that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection."
"Diffuse reflection occurs on a rough surface, and specular reflection occurs on a smooth surface like a mirror."
"The optics in this lens are second to none."
"Projector is an optical device which is used to project an image onto a surface."
"You can actually physically bend the light, shape it to what you want."
"These two instruments were both invented, essentially at the same time, by an unknown spectacle maker in Holland at around 1600."
"I want people to understand lenses."
"A shorter focal length results in a wider field of view; a longer focal length results in a more narrow field of view."
"The very best lenses often use multiple elements made of exotic glass and/or expensive optical materials such as fluorine."
"The image in the mirror will appear to be as far behind the mirror as the object is reflecting in front."
"Snell's law describes the change in direction of a light ray as it moves from one medium to another."
"The lens helps focus the light, focus the image onto the back layer of the eye."
"I am so excited for optic, guys, this stuff looks beautiful."
"The Audubon Society chose the 880 series as the best performing spotting scope overall in the entire industry."
"Good glass is incredible; it's like looking through nothing and getting a magnified view."
"We at Kowa like to offer the use of a filter on our spotting scopes; it's a costly investment, it's a lifelong investment."
"A rainbow happens when raindrops disperse sunlight into different angles according to their colours or wavelengths."
"The critical angle is all to do with the angle of incidence; if the angle of incidence is greater than the critical angle, you get what's called total internal reflection."
"The shorter the wavelength, the higher the resolution."
"Optics are everything. I feel like you can't effectively hunt antelope if you don't have big optics."
"Optical quality is actually pretty good."
"The water filters out light quite effectively in the order of the rainbow: ROY G BIV."
"You can literally take the AR that you have, put a magnified optic on it, get a little bit better ammo, and shoot out to further distances."
"You can be experimenting at high magnification for the rest of your life with this suitcase full of optics."
"White light is actually a mixture of ROYGBIV - the colors of the rainbow."
"When you shine white light into a prism, a rainbow comes out the other end."
"The moisture in the air can act like a prism and create a rainbow."
"He discovers the laws of optics, figures out that white light is composed of colors."
"Chromatic aberration... is a property of the physics of light."
"The biggest lie in optics is that light slows down when it goes from vacuum into glass."
"This Meopta really does strike a very fine balance as far as its overall performance for the price."
"What more could you really ask for in a scope?"
"Tried and true with the three to eighteen by fifty, and it's something I've recommended to a lot of people wholeheartedly."
"We live in a golden age of traditional rifle scopes."
"The value proposition of today's scopes in general is really quite remarkable."
"The eyebox bar none is the best eyebox of any scope I've tested to date."
"The best 3 to 15 on the market to date still for God knows how many years is a tangent theta 3 to 15 by 50."
"Night Force has a great reputation for reliability, and it's generally deserved."
"The red dot is always going to be more advantageous as a sighting system because it requires one focal plane."
"If the angle of incidence is greater than the critical angle, all of the light will be totally internally reflected."
"Converging lenses take all the light that's parallel to its optical axis and they converge the light to a single point."
"The image is real because the rays go through the image."
"The image is virtual because the image is produced by reflected rays."
"When light moves into a medium that is more dense, it is more optically slow and the light slows down."
"The central maximum will be a bright spot with the greatest intensity."
"For anything that's not a vacuum, the index of refraction is greater than one."
"The edge to edge sharpness is fantastic throughout the entire magnification range."
"Light shines through a bunch of water molecules, and then it creates a rainbow."
"The resolution and sharpness of the center is superb; there's no other way of describing it."
"It's fair to say that Zeiss know a thing or two about optics."
"The glass clarity on this is stellar, absolute top tier."
"The glass is very, very, very good on the G33."
"It's not just about selling scopes to us."
"The equation for light going through a dielectric... can be put in exactly the same form as the Schrödinger equation for the time evolution of a wave function."
"You want a periodic dielectric constant."
"It was basically a massive flex for Zeiss."
"The only real criteria that they have for the Zeiss Otis is it has to be stunning image quality."
"Otis really does sort of stand for the ultimate in image quality."
"Pound for pound this is definitely the highest image quality you can get."
"Tiny crystals of ice... they essentially act like tiny mirrors."
"Butterflies are really good examples of photonic crystals."
"The color of an object is the color of the light it reflects."
"I am really impressed with this optic; I had no problem shooting out to a thousand yards."
"That's why the sky is blue because the visible spectrum includes red on the long wave side, green in the middle, blue on the short wave side."
"Light will pass through ten kilometers of this fiber and pretty much be the same brightness at each end."
"After having shot with it, after having used it for this amount of time, it's quickly becoming one of my favorite prism optics."
"The Maxitoff was actually invented by Dmitry Maxitoff in 1941."
"It corrects for coma and color aberrations, gives you a really nice sharp refractor-like field but in a much more compact design."
"A Mac Newtonian is essentially perfect."
"That is the concept for a plasmonic or metamaterial super lens."
"What's so great about the one to eight is that it sets itself apart from other low-power variable magnification optics out there."
"Depending on the angle that the light hits it, you'll see these fantastic colors."
"The strong enhancement that can be obtained to an optical spectrum from a molecule is extremely high."
"If you have light rays coming in parallel to the axis of the parabola, they all end up being reflected and ending at the same point, the focus."
"The red, orange, yellow, and green wavelengths of light were absorbed so that the remaining light is composed of the shorter wavelengths of blue and violet."
"Bull Armory essentially invented what I think is probably the best optic mounting system on the market."
"The quality of red dot sights has gone through the roof in the past couple of years."
"Despite the amazing gymnastics it's doing with incoming light, it does absolutely everything possible to make sure the final image looks as close to the original object as possible."
"The smaller focal spot will arise from using a smaller wavelength."
"Rainbows work because of something called dispersion."
"If my beam were misaligned, then I would make adjustments on mirror one to move the mirror left and right and up and down until that dot converges with this one."
"The intensity that passes through the analyzer, I₂, is going to be I₁ times cosine squared θ."
"These scopes are built and assembled here in the United States."
"Optically this is one of Nikon's highest-performing lenses with extremely high standards of clarity and saturation."