
Human Factor Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"In most cases, you cannot beat the sensor, but you can beat the operator."
"No matter how valuable data-driven decision making is, data alone will never be as powerful as data combined with human experience, observation, and sometimes even intuition."
"It's not the technology; it's the human application of the technology."
"The human factor is actually one of, if not the most, important parts of the entire damage control effort."
"It's so easy to lose sight of the fact that sometimes you need a really good human expert in the process of machine learning."
"We need not bodies to throw at the problem. People just complicate things."
"Behind all these cyber weapons and anonymous hackers, are, at the end of the day, just... humans."
"The reason we're iterating on applications and data so rapidly these days is because the human is a moving target."
"A generative AI model will never think like a journalist, recognizing the importance of specific details."
"Data is important to develop a quick car, but data don't make decisions. Humans do."
"It's never the machine, it's the humans that built, employed, or deployed the machines."
"Wars are not won by machines; they are won by people."
"The human element still trumps everything else when it comes to numbers."
"It's not about the breed; it's about the human."
"People get so lost in the numbers, they forget there's an actual human behind each one."
"I believe a human being should be in charge."
"People are the biggest risk in your company."
"It's all so academic that a lot of the time the big thing they're missing is like the big obvious thing or the human factor."
"Humans are the weakest link in any security chain."
"All in all, cyber security is a never-ending process that spans both the technology and human aspects of our world, so a good cyber defense architecture will need to account for both domains."
"The human factor is one of the biggest issues for space exploration."
"We are looking at numbers and we're trying to figure out if something's efficient or good and how we can maximize and optimize a certain situation, but at the end of the day we are talking about people."
"People are often the weakest link in the system of security measures."
"People are always the weakest point of an organization, and people will be lazy with their passwords unless you absolutely force them to use long passwords."
"The more human interaction we put into investing, the worse it gets."
"People move price, not mathematical equations."
"The weakest point in any system isn't the software, the hardware, it's the meatware, the human element."
"All good plans include the human element."
"It's not the technology; it's the people."
"The human factor is tantamount to any success that we can have."
"The human component is everything; it's not simply about crunching numbers, it's about interpreting numbers and adding value and meaning by your own expertise and perspective."
"90% of the effort you have to make to improve maintenance is about people."
"The systems are only as good as the people who use them."
"War is a human activity and it is won or lost on the shoulders, on the backs of soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines."
"It's all about the people; the people make the difference, then the pig performs."
"The way we manage knowledge, the way we innovate, one thing won't change: that's people."
"The key difference maker might very well be the man (or woman) behind the machine."
"Yahoo's strength is human intelligence."
"Technology is only one part of it because technology is being used by people, and it's people that actually make the change."
"Top human quality players and persons, without that, no tactics, no ideas, no nothing."
"Humans in the loop are a really important part of AI because AI has to learn all the time."
"At the end of the day, human decisions still do come into play and are really important."
"Training matters, but more important is the human dimension."
"What is really fundamental is programmer effort, that human effort."
"The most important piece of restoration equipment is never the computer; it's the person running the software."
"The human know-how is what determines the character and the quality of the machine or the system."
"Your weakest link in any information chain is people; they're the easiest to break."
"We had spent decades making the machine safer, but only by focusing on people and giving them the tools to be successful and to interact with our amazing technology could we truly achieve real safety in the airline industry."
"What's the differentiator? It's human beings, its engagement, enthusiasm, and games are the key to understanding some of the techniques to motivating people in powerful and differentiating ways."
"People are the weakest link; they're also the strongest link we have if they're well informed."
"People drive business, and emotions drive people."
"People will make you successful or they'll make you fail."
"In the end, everything depends on people; everything is up to you."
"What's also great is to actually have human baseline and that is something that will make sense for you too sometimes."
"Men win or lose wars, not machines."
"It's humans who will be interpreting our data and making decisions with it."
"Human judgment and ingenuity are essential for their success."
"It's not the machine that rips; it's the man."
"But in the field of EOD, no matter how advanced the equipment is, people are irreplaceable."
"Cyber security is a very technological focused term, and yet, 95% of cyber attacks use the human element."