
Energy Efficiency Quotes

There are 869 quotes

"I would love to have such a machine... that has a billion cores and runs on a reasonable kind of power consumption."
"Electric vehicles don't have this massive inefficiency built in; they typically use 80 to 90% of the available energy."
"Cloud computing growth is power-limited. First and foremost, data centers must accelerate every workload. Acceleration will reclaim power. The energy saved can fuel new growth."
"With nuclear, it means that a single can of coke provides enough uranium to provide all the energy that you need for your entire life."
"Habits are automatic. It doesn't take energy."
"Nature has this incredible ability to conduct chemical transformations in a really selective manner, and learning to harness that capability in an energy-efficient manner remains one of the frontiers."
"We have a really good envelope here. We have European triple glazed windows made by Schuco, so they're a really good window, teamed up with that building envelope."
"Carnivores can recover additional energy from a single successful hunt over the course of several days."
"Consuming only three watts. This is a project I did at Facebook doing the deep neural nets on the mobile phone to do image classification, for example, it says it's a laptop, or you can feed it with an image and it says it's a selfie, has person and the face, et cetera."
"Efficiency in energy use and understanding the limits of human performance are the frontiers in advancing athletic training."
"In the last seven years, we've invested just a little over five million dollars in energy projects just trying to increase the efficiency all the time."
"Rondo also claims a whopping 98% efficiency."
"Visibility in my periphery is tremendously better, and I’m certain these new lights are using less energy than those they replaced."
"Renewables...are diffused. They all have a small power per unit area, and we have to live with that fact."
"The transition to Proof of Stake aims at making Ethereum more energy efficient, more secure, and lays the groundwork for enabling more scalability with sharding later on."
"Our tests have shown that blades with tubercles are more energy efficient and quieter than standard blades."
"Some scientists suggest it operates at near 100% energy efficiency, all of this on a microscopic scale that is hard to imagine."
"If we love our children and our grandchildren, we have to move toward energy efficiency and sustainable energy now."
"But I think it’s worth pointing out that this thing hardly loses any energy when it’s not getting used. And that makes it a really effective energy storage device - and a large one at that!"
"The high level goal for my new home has been to build an energy efficient house that will produce as much energy as it uses over the year."
"The unstable design of the F-16 helped fighter pilots like David to manage energy more efficiently."
"The idea that you're fighting entropy, you're fighting inefficiencies, nothing is a hundred percent efficient."
"Efficient use of energy and resources...is when you catch the current and you can get maybe a little bit more bang for your buck."
"Recycling is almost always more beneficial, both from an energy perspective and from the perspective of emissions."
"If your refrigerator is old enough to vote, you might think about replacing it."
"Our colony was just so electrifying. Yes, we had come a long way."
"The back work ratio for this cycle: the work of the pump divided by the work out of the turbine."
"There’s also a correlation between the popularity of Passive Houses and well-developed, comprehensively applied energy code."
"Regenerative braking allows the car to get back most of the excess energy it used to accelerate from a stop when you return to a stop or slow down."
"Avalanche is on track to diminishing its carbon footprint on the world, making it about 99.9% more energy efficient."
"They were efficient. They used less fuel than a simple engine."
"What really excites me is how we can use these technological breakthroughs to benefit more cost-effective, more energy-efficient cars in the future."
"A single solar panel placed here in algeria is capable of generating three times more electricity than the same panel placed in germany."
"Every time you put electricity into a battery and take it out, you lose about 20 to 40 percent of the power."
"Power consumption: The surprising win for Radeon RX 560."
"We're also going to build 1.5 million new energy efficient homes and public housing units."
"LED lights may be more expensive initially but they last four times longer, provide a comparable yield to HID lighting, are significantly more eco-friendly, and are compact and easy to store."
"The amount of energy that this is going to save, I mean regenerative braking alone, that's going to make a huge difference."
"We are now gaining energy on the downhill... you get free charging every time you go downhill."
"Individually they may save you 1% of battery life but collectively they'll save you 5 to 10%."
"Transitioning to a sustainable energy economy actually involves making a lot more things more efficient."
"Ever since the iPhone X launched with an OLED display, your iPhone has saved battery life in dark mode because when the screen is bright, it doesn't have to light up the entire screen."
"I think that this is why we're advocating a process where we get one system that actually is over Unity closed loop."
"Now we can really build, now we can really figure out fusion, we can figure out energy transmission across large distances, we can do the real interesting [ __ ] that we were too busy wasting 95% of our energy with poor money beforehand."
"Equivalent to 7500 gallons of gasoline... it can even go millions of miles without refueling. Goodbye range anxiety."
"Alder Lake aims to break free from the frequency-power cycle."
"That's how you make an LED lamp with a simple resistive dropper, super low power but this would work great as a nightlight and it looks smart, it looks nice."
"There is a vast difference between the power consumption of a mobile-based chip and a PC-based chip."
"Ketones are actually a very, very efficient fuel for the brain."
"In an off-grid or power-down situation, a 12-volt refrigerator or a propane refrigerator, which pretty much uses no power, can keep your stuff cold for weeks and sometimes indefinitely."
"Solid state batteries can hold up to 50 percent more energy than lithium ion batteries."
"The regenerative braking system on your Ioniq recoups and stores energy when the vehicle is decelerating."
"Potential of doubling the energy density that we have today."
"We're scaling up regenerative braking power."
"Reduction of air resistance by as much as 70%."
"Not only am I benefiting from power savings on my new FreeNAS server I've actually managed to get the power usage of my entire rack down to just 140 watts on average and no I'm not kidding."
"Energy density: fusion requires about 10 million times less fuel to produce the same energy."
"Clean energy system minimizing waste and maximizing output."
"Having a 'why' is one of the biggest energy hacks in the world."
"The Tesla Powerpack delivered 100 megawatts of power into the grid in just 140 milliseconds."
"Wi-Fi 6 is introducing TWT for saving battery life."
"Ding technology helped to make the heating in Sonia centers more efficient with almost 30% Energy savings."
"Total savings won't be only the current 30% but will rise to the range of 50 to 55% which is unbelievable."
"So, bats produce tons of energy without damaging their cells. Sounds pretty awesome, really."
"Unplugging saved me 76%. Then I tried harder and saved another 11%!" - Jonna
"Anytime you can cut down an outside source that might be heating your home undesirably, you're going to save money."
"One of the neatest new features is regen on demand, maximizing energy recapture."
"The AMD system consumes less power with the same power limits."
"AMD is currently claiming that its 6800 XT GPU will roughly match an RTX 3080 at 320 watts."
"It sort of becomes a game of how frugally can I drive this car so just now for example when I was coming down this hill I was controlling my speed purely by adjusting the strength of my regenerative braking via these lovely paddles."
"Despite its immense size, the Falkirk wheel is remarkably energy efficient."
"The Heliotrope Home: hailed as the first house in the world to generate more power than it uses."
"Monolithic Dome Homes: energy-efficient, durable, and virtually maintenance-free."
"We've reduced the power consumption by 20%, that's a big deal."
"This paint only works when it's facing the sky, hence its name, radiative Sky cooling paint."
"Lightyear 1: A game-changing solar electric vehicle with incredibly low energy consumption."
"Insulation 2.0: it's not just about insulation, air sealing is super super important."
"The cryptoverse was saved. The power hungry computers were turned offline."
"Mixergy tanks achieve an efficiency of just over 95% compared to combi boilers at 73%."
"The advantages proof of stake has over proof of work is energy efficiency, increased security, increased network speed, and there’s no significant barrier to becoming a validator."
"The new straight power 11 is Platinum certified operating more efficiently than before reducing heat and lowering noise levels as a result."
"The 2500 k is still very fuel efficient even by today's standards."
"The Ryzen 5 4500U is a very impressive mid-range low-power APU."
"In fusion, you need to get more energy out than you put in."
"Bitcoin is an elemental innovation... it's the only system we've ever had throughout history that allows us to channel energy effectively at the speed of light and store it in a way that is totally or virtually totally loss minimized."
"Every time you switch a vehicle from gasoline to electric, you're saving more energy than you're using." - Tedrick
"That’s nearly 10 Trillion joules per kilogram of total nuclear device, a hundred thousand times better than our rocket fuels."
"They're reaping the benefits of an industry that's fighting to make lighter weight, cheaper, more dense energy."
"AMD's configurable TDP for the Z1 extreme ranges from 15 watts to 30 Watts which is low but obviously makes sense for a handheld device that has to live off battery power and manage to cool itself at the same time."
"He shows up on his bicycle his home has the collection of the water and the irrigation and the storage tanks and the triple glazed windows with the Argon gas and the R30 insulation blown cellulose into every bay."
"The money that we've saved by putting in a bog standard combi boiler, we've spent that spare money well it's not spare money but we've spent that money on insulation."
"Tezos is a more energy efficient blockchain."
"Methylene blue works at the molecular level in mitochondria, improving energy production."
"Three M&Ms worth of thorium is enough energy to supply all the electricity I ever need in my life."
"If we change the nuclear structure of the atom, we can get a million times more energy out of it."
"Proof of stake is 99 more energy efficient than proof-of-work..."
"The 4090 consumed almost 50 percent less power than the 3090."
"Bitcoin mining's estimated dollar cost per gigajoule unit of energy expenditure is 40 times more efficient than that of traditional banking."
"Ethereum proof of stake is much more ESG friendly, it's 99% more energy efficient now, it's certainly very palatable to some of the pension plans and institutions out there."
"Power consumption should be monitored externally to ensure accuracy."
"Users are able to use smaller batteries and recharge them throughout the day."
"The Lucid Air Grand Touring is our new long-range champ traveling 410 miles on a single charge."
"Imagine traveling inside a levitating capsule within a vacuum tube while going 200 mph faster than a 747, powered by renewable energy."
"The 6800 XT will also feature 128 megabytes of infinity cash exactly that is power efficient while driving the bandwidth needed for high-resolution gaming."
"The advantages outweigh it...it's like a toy that never winds down." - Chris Hadfield
"The solar roof fan keeps your house cool during relentless summer months—all without needing a single watt from the grid."
"The sunflower heliostat harnesses sunlight to illuminate the darkest corners of your home—all without consuming a single watt of electricity."
"It's about having an induction cooktop in your kitchen. All the energy really is between the cooktop and the pot or the pan."
"Single-thread performance per watt is astoundingly good and destroys its competition."
"The new HVAC system on the Model S Plaid uses a heat pump which provides 30% longer range and requires 50% less energy in cold weather."
"Room temperature goes in, jacuzzi comes out."
"Motivated by the 1973 oil crisis, the compact fluorescent bulb showed up in 1976."
"Energy conservation is absolutely essential for physically based renderers."
"Bitcoin is the most efficient industrial application of energy the human race has ever developed."
"Our propane system works great because it lasts so long before needing a refill."
"People are encouraged to reduce trips, conserve energy, and avoid unnecessary burning."
"Once I got into Windows, the system actually drew about 3 Watts less from the wall."
"For every degree that you raise that thermostat, you save between one and three percent on your utility bill."
"The Texas-born franchise's most popular menu item is the Whataburger."
"Integrating slime-based components into our computers, laptops, and phones could satisfy our demand for data whilst using smaller devices and less power."
"Model Y's maximum EPA range increased to 315 miles, making it the most energy-efficient electric SUV."
"If we had a way to move electricity around less inefficiently, we could really get somewhere."
"Tesla will not only have plenty of batteries for themselves but its batteries will have much higher energy density and lower costs than any other supplier in the world."
"Using a heat pump is very important in electric vehicles when you're using the AC or the heating because it just increases the efficiency."
"Molten salt reactors have been theorized to achieve efficiencies between 40 to 45 percent."
"We think it'll even do a better job of regulating its temperature throughout the day."
"If we could stay positive on electricity, that would make me so happy. Like I would like to net gain electricity today, that's what I would like to do, that's what feels efficient to me."
"So much of the gas furnace market in other places is about optimizing for efficiency of the gas furnace. For us, I don't really care that much about that, I care about making sure that it's safe."
"AMD-based laptops can do more with the energy available in the device's battery, allowing for more performance within a charge or more time at idle, which lengthens battery life."
"And if no polluted water ever makes it through the system, there's really no reason to leave it on in consuming power."
"The M1 Max comes out ahead, while needing three times less power, and being 100% portable."
"Electric semi-truck is much more energy efficient than a diesel truck."
"It's more efficient than a light year zero why not because they've spent any time at all designing an aerodynamic shape."
"Adding on to that, a separate 2021 ENEL Innovation Lab FPV study found that floating systems can produce anywhere from 4% to 7% more energy than ground-based solar."
"That's only going to cost about 50 cents to charge all of these up."
"The solution is a digital monetary Network that doesn't dissipate energy."
"With electric cars, it's important to keep in mind that you have less repairs and electricity is much cheaper than gas."
"If your phone is at like 10%, go ahead flick this on and you're going to get a ton more battery life out of your device."
"It's an analog watch with an always-on display underneath it that doesn't drain your battery."
"Both fusion and fission release approximately a million times more energy per unit mass than chemical reactions."
"There's no difference in the energy, there's no difference in the performance. Unbelievable, nobody like him."
"You can pretty much power any household appliance off this car."
"If you make the switch to solar, you can now install solar panels or retrofit your home to make it more energy efficient at no upfront cost, all by paying for them through the future savings on your energy bills."
"Blockchain like Theta uses 0.05 percent of the energy compared to Bitcoin and Ethereum."
"Bitcoin is the most efficient system for channeling energy through time and space in the history of mankind."
"Wow! I'm charging two bikes out of this truck."
"AI can optimize battery usage by analyzing driving patterns and conditions."
"The Aptera is all about Energy Efficiency, which I absolutely love because that's what the ultimate goal is for electric vehicles."
"It's looking like we're gonna clock in on product number one out the door at 183 miles per gallon equivalent."
"Maybe we do a bioreactor as well to get some more power."
"Now it's at seven hundred percent efficiency. Oh, that's fantastic! We're never going to run out of energy again."
"A 74% increase in performance at 65 watts TDP for the 16-core part, that's crazy."
"Washing your clothes on a low heat or even better, a cold wash will make them last twice as long... drying them on the line if possible will also make the material last longer than if you used a dryer."
"Diesel offers fantastic range don't mention range when you're talking about electric cars..."
"Xbox is updating Xboxes to run more efficiently, saving users money on their electric bills and trimming the gaming industry's carbon emissions."
"There's thing called drafting which is if you ride in the wake in the slipstream of another cyclist at any speed you gain a huge advantage because he's expending much more energy than you are."
"A chip that just absolutely screams when needed with the thermal headroom to do it, but while maintaining the excellent idle efficiency offered by Apple’s low-power cores."
"Lower clocks but their performance per watt is pretty damn good."
"Energy efficiency across the global economy continued to improve."
"Just buying one of these appliances saves people money in the long term already."
"The future of trucks is here, and it's seamless, powerful, and efficient with Ram's eTorque system."
"Those electric moments are pretty cool and if you just use the brakes even on the motorway when you drive more than the pure electric speed allows, you know the power is not really that much lost."
"It's pretty much the best performance at every wattage."
"This is all the more reason why we should be moving towards energy efficiency. We need electric cars to be more practical, we need it to be more better priced, and more affordable for the average consumer."
"Getting a handle on heating and cooling your home is the best place to start since it accounts for half of our energy use."
"Thermal efficiency: why Tesla's new design is a game-changer."
"The combination of solar charging and radio synchronization means you get many years of not having to either change out the battery or manually set the time."
"Basically, higher voltage means less current at a given power, and less current means less heat generated and a higher efficiency."
"If it's not a breeder, it's not sustainable. But when you really look, the burners are extremely efficient."
"We want to show you how we're going to run this entire building off solar."
"Built with these blocks can save up to 60% on Heating and Cooling costs."
"Natural light is so important because it's kind of what powers your entire house during the daytime."
"I'm able to use the regenerative braking... and the regenerative braking is actually adding power back into my battery."
"These watches will never need a battery change and if you live in a country that has the atomic radio transmitters it will always be perfectly accurate."
"Efficiency is the magic key to making electric cars better."
"You come home plug in, wake up in the morning, never even think about it having to stop or charge or whatever."
"Even though that they can zing around anywhere they want, they're gonna use the path of least resistance."
"And your delivery really cost. No motor fuels on the input and everything was completely free down the way except the labor of the people."
"There's way better energy conservation so even here at a glance look at how much brighter this one is as a piece of copper."
"By now, energy is not even needed in aquaponics."
"For data center customers, they want a power-efficient solution. AMD's been targeting the most compute per dollar, compute per dollar energy costs, all this kind of stuff."
"Power saving and ultra power saving modes extend battery life. Get more out of your device when you need it most."
"It promises dramatically more energy efficiency within the next eight years, and that's huge."
"For the $371 dollar build, consumption was between 160 and 180 watts for gaming workloads."
"Regenerative braking takes the energy from braking and puts it back into the battery."
"The way bitcoin makes us more energy efficient is insane."
"The Zoom F6 is less power-hungry than the Mix Pre-Series."
"The Model Y requires 28 kilowatt hours to drive 100 miles."
"The energy is not with these bigger, more energy-consuming vehicles, but people are expressing their interest in efficiency and solar power."
"The M1 MacBook Air is indeed not only more powerful but much more power efficient also."
"The thermal pot brings it neatly into the modern age; it traps the heat in the external pot, does it get hot, and it can be easily carried, moved, or just set somewhere to complete its cooking process."
"Microgrids provide cheap, cost-effective, efficient energy production, storage, consumption, distribution, and it's all uninterrupted power."
"Weather compensation is where your heat output of your heat pump is dictated by the temperature of the air outside."
"Apple silicon will bring a new level of performance with more powerful Macs that are also more energy efficient."
"We shouldn't really care about what form of energy we use. What we want is the most cost-effective source of energy at a given time in a given place."
"300 miles of range on all drivetrain variants."
"The real goal of energy use is aiming for zero. This is the ultimate goal: to not use energy. The most efficient energy is energy we do not generate."
"I love the idea of by directionality, I love the idea of buying energy when it's cheap."
"More mass equals more impact on the climate, more energy to produce, and more energy to move from A to B while the vehicle is in service. It really does not get any simpler than that."
"Foam adds value to the property as well because of the energy savings and energy ratings."