
Trans Rights Quotes

There are 171 quotes

"Trans women exist, they have always existed, and they will always exist. They are not a condition to be cured; they're not a pestilence to be eradicated. They should be treated with basic common courtesy and dignity under the law."
"I respect every trans person's right to live any way that feels authentic and comfortable to them. I'd march with you if you were discriminated against on the basis of being trans."
"Trans people are being murdered at alarming rates. Why are y'all so hell-bent on believing for the sake of putting on a Dusty goddamn wig...that somebody chooses that?"
"Trans people are fighting for our lives, our right to exist in society, and this fight is in no way equivalent to the rationalizations offered by people who oppose trans rights."
"I think that we have to acknowledge that trans people exist. The next question is what is the best way to incorporate them into our world in a way that minimizes harm to other members of our world and in a way that minimizes harm to trans people themselves."
"It's not actually the left talking about trans rights non-stop; it's Republicans who see an advantage in demagoguing this issue."
"I believe that trans men are men, trans women are women, non-binary people are valid. I don't consider this to be an abstract ideological position but rather the basis for the material oppression of trans and gender non-conforming people."
"Turning something as important as trans rights into a meme to get public people to say it really cheapens the actual importance of those that need support and allies."
"The ruling would become a powerful tool to challenge legislation restricting access to medical care and other accommodations for trans people, including employment and government benefits, advocates said."
"If you go through puberty as a man it doesn't matter how many hormones you take it will never be fair for trans women to compete on equal footing with cis women."
"This process of change requires concerted effort. To be franker, I think that trans and non-binary people are worth the effort."
"Trans people do not transition for athletics. We transition to be happy and authentic, and our true selves."
"You cannot go halfway and be like, I support trans women and trans people, but only to a certain point."
"If it seems that I'm being cold or callous to trans people, I want trans people to live with the exact same dignity under the exact same laws as everybody else without question, without exception."
"There's no confusing this, a trans person asked me not to play it so I won't."
"He did a really dangerous thing. If you're watching this video, I don't want you to just passively support trans lives, I need you to defend them."
"This particular debate around trans casting, just like the one before it around trans people in bathrooms, is ultimately a proxy battle for whether or not trans people are legitimate members of our society."
"Trans people are facing death threats right now for being trans, for existing, for being alive."
"Rights are not pie and the trans Community are not the threat to feminism and women's rights that anti-trans people might believe."
"To liken trans health care in any way to conversion therapy is abhorrent and shows a complete lack of awareness."
"Trans men aren't men and trans women aren't women... that's transphobia."
"This is a direct call out to the queer community to step up now for trans people."
"To this day JK Rowling continues to insist that she loves and respects trans people."
"Delaying or even rolling back trans rights ensures people are definitely going to get hurt."
"You should respect trans people even if you disagree with everything I've said today."
"Let's show all the transphobes out there that we are capable of caring more than they do."
"Trans people are normal people who just happen to be born in the wrong body."
"It's more important that we don't discriminate against trans women and concede to that point."
"People who say that trans women have an unfair athletic advantage are absolutely correct."
"Please, when advocating for abortion rights, be mindful of your language and try to remember that trans people exist too."
"A Labour government that acknowledges that trans rights are human rights."
"Transphobia contributes to the struggles trans people face."
"Trans youth deserve to grow up without being psychologically tortured for their own good. They deserve real support and care."
"Right now, the progression of positive advocacy for trans people is proceeding at an incredible rate."
"Every day, a constant reminder that we as trans people have so few friends, so few allies."
"My feminism will include trans women or it isn't feminism."
"And hopefully, we can just get to a place where society, us, everyone – we all see all trans and all non-cis identities as valid."
"Maybe some sort of apology and I think a lot of people will be quite embarrassed by the things they allow to be published about trans and non-binary people in the 2010s."
"I proudly support trans rights because I believe in liberation and equality for all."
"The idea of the detransitioner is central to many anti-trans arguments, but a lot of important context is lost in the rush to label detransitioners as proof that the trans agenda is out of control."
"Seriously, transphobia and transphobic arguments are just making less and less sense."
"A trans woman is a woman, she is not a man, and she's certainly not a Minion's."
"Trans people are valid and that's the end of the conversation."
"I think we should choose to allow trans people to participate in society."
"Trans lives matter, the lives of trans youth matter, and we should care that Alberta is going to eradicate many of those lives."
"Nobody is Banning trans kids from Sports. Trans people belong in sports."
"Biology, archaeology, and anthropology all support the idea that trans people are valid."
"Valid criticism for trans women is also not transphobia."
"Trans rights, which for a time was considered the natural next step towards social equality."
"Trans girls are girls and they should be treated as such on the track and in all parts of their lives."
"Intersex people are useful to trans people and like we talked about yesterday trans people the top of the of the victimhood pyramid"
"Please do not be mean to trans people simply because they're trans."
"It's not a compliment to tell a trans person that I would never have guessed you look really good for a trans person."
"Trans people are some of the most discriminated against in our society today."
"Anna's not stupid. This really stupid argument, but like, here's the thing, okay? Taking for granted the idea that you believe trans people exist and you respect their identities..."
"Trans ideology isn't a fringe issue, it's an existential threat to the rights of women."
"Trans women are women, trans women are trans women, it's a very different experience, women are women."
"I don't really feel it's interesting because there's a lot of discussion of trans labels and phones transphobia and confusions and it seems a little as my Mexican friend says firstworldproblems."
"Yeah, trans people are humans so yeah they have human rights. Yeah, I agree if someone came in and attacked you guys like I will be the first to defend you."
"There is a vicious and never-ending and often escalating campaign against trans people in this country, one of the most marginalized minorities that we have."
"I think a lot of trans people feel a very deep need to help other trans people."
"Trans People Are People and they deserve the same rights as everybody else."
"The bottom line is trans People Are People and they deserve the same rights as everybody else."
"I think the discussion has got quite distasteful and hurtful and I think that members of the trans community have been hurt enough and don't deserve to be continued to be hurts."
"In conclusion, feigned hysteria over trans people in sports is nothing more than a cynical ploy to villainize trans people."
"The reason why trans women are going to be the least believed is because transphobes don't believe that trans women are women."
"Most individual trans activists themselves will never claim to actually believe in this, but it is the natural end result of the self-ID logic."
"We live in a world where violence against trans people, and especially black trans women, is commonplace."
"If you see trans women as women then you have no basis whatsoever to exclude them from women's sport."
"Woodford is attacking trans people's rights to exist."
"Trans people and their very existence has become a focal point of British public debate over the last few years."
"This ruling in a lot of ways was mandated by the language of Bostock to the extent that Bostock has created a positive trajectory for trans rights."
"Trans rights are human rights, and they must be protected."
"My trans agenda is to have everybody treat everybody else with respect and dignity. And, you know, for some, that might be an insidious plot to corrupt humanity, frankly, I disagree with that take."
"It's not a question of protecting the trans community, it's a question of establishing common sense rules."
"Trans people are fine and to the extent that blair white does normalize that belief it's a good thing actually"
"Trans rights will never be secured by upholding a system that suppressed trans people."
"The humanity of trans people is being weaponized to win right-wingers' elections."
"Trans liberation calls for communist revolution."
"It's almost as if the concerns about sexual misconduct that we hear from right Wingers in the context of trans bathrooms and things like that aren't really issues they genuinely care about."
"I don't think America has an anti-trans problem; I think America has an anti-trying problem."
"It's really messed up. We're not having the important debate because we're wasting our time putting trans people on Sports Illustrated."
"The biggest supporters of trans women have always been and to this day are biological women."
"Every time I see somebody vouch for Trans rights is it is always a biological woman who is agreeing and saying that trans women are women."
"Bro, you're literally supporting the murder of trans friends. What the [__]."
"The anti-trans movement scrutinizes our bodies really closely for evidence that transness just isn't meant to be. They talk about the side effects and health complications we occasionally deal with almost as if they're cosmic justice."
"I am unwavering in my belief that the fundamental rights to safety and the humanity of trans and non-binary people are not up for debate."
"I often hear a lot of more conservative pundits say that trans people are delusional, but I don't think that's true at all."
"...not demonize a trans identity."
"At least with Raymond, we can take solace in knowing that, since her book came out in 1979, there have been people asking her 'who cares that trans people exist? why are you so worked up over this?'"
"Trans people get a lot of [__], there's a lot of transphobia out there unfortunately they get a lot of [__]."
"She is a beacon of unity among her fellow trans women, viewing them not as competitors but as sisters on a shared Journey."
"If you're trans right now pitch pitch pitch, because they need to prove every network will want it. Because we're then we're not like Netflix, more than Netflix."
"There is justification for even just mild-mannered trans pro-trans people to say don't conflate every trans person with the worst group, I think that that is absolutely a good healthy stance and let's not conflate things."
"The point of all of this is just let children be trans. No one is forcing anything on them."
"Trans people get harassment just for being trans, and we can't stop being trans. We don't have that luxury that JK Rowling does."
"I think it's very discriminatory to keep trans people out of the military... we pay our bills here, we pay our taxes here, we are Americans, we deserve to serve this country as well."
"Being a trans athlete, you know, male to female trans athlete is not there's no advantage there, like it's actually much harder."
"It's okay to be critical of this and still be supportive of trans people."
"I'm not a fan of anyone who's anti-trans. I appreciate people wanting to protect women's spaces, 100%. Trans people are just trying to live their lives. I think predators are predators and they should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law."
"The song 'Doctor Worm,' by indie rock band They Might Be Giants, is a trans anthem."
"As someone who is on hormone blockers right now, who is witnessing the massive wave of anti-transmit legislation, having a normal ass trans person in what is essentially an incredibly popular kids show is fantastic."
"Trans people are not a threat. Trans people have never been a threat. Trans people are more likely to experience violence than perpetrate it."
"The facts, science, data, all of this is on the side of trans rights."
"The reality is that when it comes to the risk of a trans person predating on a CIS person, the reality is that trans people massively disproportionately are the victims of a lot of types of violence, particularly sexual violence."
"Trans Pride is a really great space for trans people to celebrate our trans identities, which should be celebrated more."
"Every other day is make trans people feel shitty about being trans day. So this is our day to feel good about being trans."
"If you care about trans lives and you want trans people to have healthy happy lives."
"The concept of transphobia cannot withstand forever the absolute force of allyship and representation and love that is coming from and for the trans community."
"Kids are going to learn about this stuff. It is an unstoppable force, and transphobia is not an immovable object. It will get battered by the force."
"The way to fight transphobia is with knowledge; data's out there, most trans women don't have a significant competitive edge in sports."
"I've dedicated my entire life to promoting trans acceptance and the progression of the quality of life."
"People were broadly extremely supportive of trans rights."
"Everyone including trans people should be able to live a free life."
"Trans people just want to be recognized as the gender that they are and respected as such."
"Trans people like myself and so many others, especially children, deserve our full humanity, our full rights."
"We must stop trans hate because it leads to trans violence and people lose their lives."
"Protect black Trans women, protect trans women, protect trans people at all costs."
"I believe in providing trans people with affordable health care options and I believe that they should be treated just like any other human being."
"I don't go around telling people they should be trans. I'm just like, can we respect trans people?"
"Trans people are just in the world."
"Stop killing trans people, stop harming trans people. These are someone's children."
"Trans women are not a threat to women's sports."
"I genuinely care about the psychological well-being of trans people."
"I think if you're serious about trans rights in this country, it's imperative on all of us to look at this experience, to game plan, to adjust, and to do things differently next time."
"When trans people pass, we are able to exist in the world without people necessarily knowing that we're trans."
"Passing is a problem as trans people we shouldn't be forced to conform to gender norms and bodily standards in order to be treated with dignity."
"Trans folks should be able to look trans, whatever that means, and still have safety."
"Instead of making trans people pass as our gender in order to be treated with respect, let's take a pass at the real problems facing trans folks."
"Having your gender identity scrutinized in public? Pass. Higher rates of violence and poverty? Pass. Living in a transphobic world? Oh, hard pass."
"If transphobia stopped existing tomorrow, the lives of trans people would improve immensely."
"Aren't you kind of validating this idea that like all trans people are sub-human by even saying that?"
"In a world where trans people are ignored, attacked, and overlooked, you open the door for important conversations that make us heard."
"Being trans doesn't mean everything you say is right."
"If you're enforcing gender roles and gender stereotypes... you cannot call yourself a feminist if you do not support trans rights."
"Yes, womanism absolutely includes trans people."
"He's like a huge advocate for trans rights."
"Trans healthcare is between a doctor and a patient; it's not the public's business."
"I want real change, and this is a crucial period in the fight for Trans Liberation, and I'm not playing games."
"If you're a turf, let me tell you something real quick, okay? I am fully and totally in favor of trans lives."
"I live in a country that kills the most amount of trans people in the world. I will not be silent or complacent to the violence that they face."
"Trans people don't need to meet CIS people's narrow standards in order to be deserving of love and acceptance."
"Trans people playing trans roles is gonna save lives."
"...when we pass non-discrimination clauses to protect trans people's access to spaces, for example, there is no increase in assaults or privacy violations in any of those spaces."
"We need to stop the trans women being raped in men's prison, which is a real problem that we can justify with statistical evidence and data."
"If it's possible for a person to be born intersex, why isn't it possible that trans people just are no different than intersex people who are born without a full set of genitalia?"
"Trans women are not accepted in every room, and that's true."
"Trans women just for existing and stepping outside of their door every day can be murdered just for being trans."
"Shutting the door on trans women is not the right way to go about things."
"It's not uncommon for individuals to be accepting of the broader queer community while disregarding the needs of trans individuals themselves."
"I support all trans rights to fairness and equality."
"It's made such a difference when it comes to trans rights in Washington state."
"I do deeply care that every single trans person in the world is allowed to live a free and happy life."
"Securing trans rights, improving the lives and the well-being of trans people, and achieving equality."
"I'm 100% for inclusivity and trans rights in gaming."
"I'm out here to have productive conversations on trans rights."
"It's violence to misgender or to alter a name of a trans person."
"Black trans women are being killed in this country, and it's violence to misgender or to alter a name of a trans person."
"Trans rights are human rights, and no one should be discriminated on the basis of sex."