
Coalition Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"We have to have a big tent coalition... we all agree on democracy."
"I think Biden has done an exceptionally good job at building coalition and consensus."
"Our Coalition... took action to immobilize $285 billion in Russian Sovereign assets."
"We want this to be a coalition of the willing who accept that they're not perfect but are willing to act."
"It's like getting I don't know what were like the tiny islands that bush got in uh, you know, the invasion of Iraq and said like oh we have this massive Coalition of the willing."
"As the Mekhanites army marched on Adytum, the capital city of the sarkites, the newly formed coalition of the sarkites and the daevites marched on Amoni-Ram."
"A socialist coalition in the U.S. ain't gonna break back a fascist republican takeover but a liberal socialist coalition would."
"I fundamentally believe in a politics that brings together a multiracial working class coalition."
"NATO which Donald doesn't even know what it stands for 30 30 States and if in fact you do something to one you do it to all that's how you build a coalition to ensure that democracy and human rights flourish."
"What we need in this country is a rainbow coalition, but it has to be done outside of the Democratic Party."
"The Labour Party must build a new progressive coalition to put Labour values into practice."
"A multi-racial working-class coalition is the path forward."
"Donald Trump's pitch since 2016: a broad working-class coalition."
"The fraudulent election results and the strengthening communist grip on power created a need for anti-communist forces to rally together."
"It's not the size of the US military but the size of a ready, willing and able coalition backed by the logistical arm of the U.S. that allows security to prosper."
"We're trying to rally a global coalition to combat Russian aggression in Ukraine."
"We need to build the broadest possible coalition to defeat Donald Trump Defender democracy and win back the house."
"It's clear he's misjudged the resistance of the Ukrainian people, he underestimated the strength of the coalition his actions would galvanize."
"If what you want to do is stage a political upset and put together an electoral coalition capable of winning, you're going to have to represent the economic interests of the working age population and appeal to them on the basis of policy."
"It is important to engage in this coalition political building and not to forget that this isn't something we're starting, it's the continuation of something we've been doing for over a century."
"The rainbow coalition came into being and anticipated the future more than anything else."
"I would like to see a winning coalition like Ronald Reagan had."
"There's a growing coalition of the Left and Right in our country... finding common ground."
"We've got to have a massive anti-fascist coalition across the board."
"We have to stop him. We'll need help. We have to form a coalition, get as many races on our side as possible."
"Together, they form an incredibly powerful unit. And if you think about it, coalitions, if there's two of you in a coalition, it makes you two times stronger than any single dominating male."
"Eisenhower led a multinational coalition, each with their own goals and aims, and were led by strong-willed and opinionated men."
"We need a coalition of labor, environment, social."
"Christian nationalism will take a broad coalition working together against this common threat."
"We need to build a class coalition between the precarious downwardly mobile graduates and progressive professionals."
"This coalition may has put together is gonna last? Correct. It is f***ing doomed."
"...coalitions collapse not from the top but from the bottom when the followers will no longer follow the leaders."
"That's right, ninja. There is nothing worse than a coalition of the weak. If anything, they are fun to destroy."
"Policies of economic redistribution are best achieved by vast masses of people operating in large coalitions."
"The battle of the Abyss was a victory that echoed through the Stars, a signal flare announcing the coalition's defiance and resilience."
"The Coalition stands. Today we reaffirm Unity, commitment to each other's Prosperity."
"The resistance's advances were met with desperate counterattacks but the shifting Dynamics had imbued the coalition's forces with a resilient determination."
"I think that we have there is a coalition of a lot of people who vote Democratic and a lot of people who vote Republican who would find common cause in a lot of issues involving budget deficits and amount of regulation we ought to have or not have."
"The Ancients were not a single race... they were a coalition much like the one you have built..."
"The conditions that our earliest ancestors lived in were such that we were able to successfully form coalitions to resist domination, at least for the first 95 or so of our existence."
"The power of the Moral Monday movement has come from its persistence and the breadth of the alliances behind it."
"Pierce was keenly aware that the Democratic party he headed was an uneasy alliance of factions, many of whom hated each other."
"Weaving a coalition around China not to contain nor to antagonize, but simply to support our friends."
"I didn't think that we sort of did coalitions in Britain, but it's just on the morning of the election, waking up with the numbers as they were, the situation as bleak as it was for the country, it just seemed to me this is the right thing to do."
"Roosevelt was strategic and visionary, seeking to build a long-lasting coalition."
"Climate change builds our coalitions for us if we let it."
"The Black Panthers are forming a rainbow coalition of oppressed brothers and sisters of every color."
"I work for the Coalition of Planets. Each planet in the coalition assigns a champion."
"In my eyes, it is not a problem of parties but a problem of peace, how to create a strong coalition for peace."
"What they need what you need to do is build a massive coalition, a political block which includes as many people as possible."
"Our Coalition will not allow that and the entire free world would not allow it either."
"It's all about coalition building, right? Like you go over there, and you bring in people."
"Can we please build a coalition against white supremacy when your surprise is done?"
"The kinds of coalitional work that go on between what appear to be isolated struggles... blink and they're not."
"The coalition may have failed you, but that doesn't mean you give up on the rest of us."
"He's also the co-founder of the Cold Case Coalition, which started in 2017."
"A mighty coalition of Norse men, Scots, and Britons did battle against the full force of the newly forged kingdom of England."
"It's also the only way that we're really able to build a coalition to push for significant long-term change."
"We will continue to engage diplomatically to broaden the coalition for condemning what the Houthis are doing and calling on them to desist."
"The most important thing is to have a strong dominant coalition to look after them."
"Male lions do hang out together regularly; they form what's called a coalition."
"The best result would be if they had to govern with the consent of another party."
"Local elected officials can form coalitions across state and can affect the relations among states."
"Coalition is obviously strongest with all its members together."
"The foundation of a new political coalition... is a pro-human, pro-civilization platform."