
Old Age Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"80% of your health in old age is up to you, how you live your life."
"A gift that you can give your kids is not having them have to take care of you when you're older."
"I'm willing to admit it, I'm the old guy, I'm the, I'm sitting back here, you know, I'm the wise, I'm the old, I sipped the, that's fine by me, I'll be a splinter, I'll be Splinter, you're the wise one, yeah, I just be splitting."
"I could be 85 years old laying in my bed looking at my ceiling and kicking myself because I never freaking tried."
"Moses was 120 years old when he died. His eyes were not weak, nor his strength gone."
"I want to die at 95 years old from a single bullet wound to the Head fired from the gun of a jealous lover."
"The man survived 40 years of the CIA trying to kill him to die of old age at 90 years old."
"It's like you're sitting on a dock, some old timer, you know?" - Steve
"You know, when I think about it now in my elderly years, it's just, there has to be some kind of explanation."
"One-third of all workhouse inmates were over 65 years old like thousands of other paupers friend had been using the workhouse as a retirement home and remarkably after he died it was discovered that he'd even managed to squirrel away a nest egg."
"Struggles and suffering in life, usually when you say that to an old person there's nothing really to fall back on, they have to either fall back on themselves or they have a small group to actually help deal with these things."
"When we're all old on our deathbed, all I want to know is: were you happy?"
"You can teach Old Dogs new tricks, you just use a different bone."
"That is a good age, 96. God bless your soul."
"I want to go from old age in the bed with my great great great grandkids around me."
"The worst old people are just too mean to die."
"What a send-off to an absolute legend that at 99 years old became an absolute hero."
"What is worse: to look stupid or to wake up at 80 years old in a nursing home and not the nice one?"
"You're a welcome sight to the tired eyes of an old man"
"The Queen's death was recorded as old age."
"falling is like a big deal in the old Community like old folks"
"The wonder and happiness of old age."
"I mean, old people are sneaky. That's what makes them so good at being 'radical'."
"I might be old, but I ain't dumb."
"Everything has a cure except for two things: death and old age."
"There’s a motive there. There has to be a motive in order to have a very, very old universe, a very, very old earth."
"Old age should never be measured by the metrics of youth."
"John wanted nothing more than to be an old man... to espouse his knowledge and wisdom onto a whole another generation."
"When Lao Tzu says 'All are clear, I alone am clouded,' he is expressing what I now feel in advanced old age: the archetype of the old man who has seen enough is eternally true."
"Hard to teach an old dog new tricks."
"Weird old guys are basically hilarious."
"And I can't wait to be that 88, 89-year old lady on our rocking chairs."
"That's how you know we're getting old, but it's nice to get out and about and in the trendy areas just so you can have a bit of fun once in a while."
"And he died in a good old age full of days, riches, and honor."
"The biggest surprise in life is old age."
"He was every bit of the old man stereotype that shakes his fist and tells people to go away more often than not."
"If you die of old age and you die free in that life, you’ve really accomplished something."
"I'm taking corgis. I had this vision of myself as an old man being followed around by like four or five corgis at all times."
"We want people to be able to live in dignity in their old age."
"May he be to you a restorer of life and a nourisher of your old age."
"...there was a moment of seeing you and Thomas as my companions as an old man and there was a certain frequency of joy that was experienced in that."
"He shall be to you a restorer of life and a nourisher of your old age."
"Why should they give up their happiness for a couple of mean, selfish old men?"
"If you die of old age and you die free, you've really accomplished something."
"I am an old man, I have not been blessed with sons, but I have a daughter... I would like you to marry her."
"You can teach an old dog new tricks, huh?"
"Old age is altogether a time of great peace and freedom from that sort of thing when our appetites fade and loosen their grip on us."
"You've made an old man very happy."
"He will renew your life and sustain you in your old age."
"I'm not gonna spend it in misery, I'm gonna be that happy old man."
"...what a life this is, what peace I get in my old age!"
"He worked almost until his death at 92."
"My Bible tells me that in old age they will still bear fruit, and which is what I've done."
"When you're old and sick, perhaps you and your wife can take care of each other and be in each other's company."
"It makes two old people feel good; makes you feel wanted, sure does."
"When you are in the old age, you no longer depend on anyone and are not responsible for anyone, you just live for yourself and enjoy it."
"Euthanasia is not for old age. Old age in a pet is a blessing."
"Cherish and love old age, for it is full of pleasures if one knows how to use it."
"She's an old dog and loves to snore."
"Assets in old age become a liability; the only true asset in old age is guaranteed income."
"When I'm nothing more but an old man, I will tell all of my stories and adventures to anyone who is willing to listen to them."
"Old age is synonymous with wisdom; we praise Allah for the old wise men."
"When you're an old man, you have so much time and you still have your money, but you have no energy."
"But she felt free at the age of 103."