
Clergy Quotes

There are 106 quotes

"Lord, give us saintly priests; Lord, give us many and holy priests."
"Pray for our priests because laypeople are discouraged. These guys have given up and fought through some pretty crappy seminary situations."
"The Latin Mass takes pressure off the priest. He just follows the book, like a waiter at a fine restaurant, and that makes life easier for him."
"Local laymen leading events with good priests in the background."
"Priests make mistakes, but that doesn't mean they should be cancelled."
"Father Frank Pavone: 'I want to continue serving as a faithful priest and full-time pro-life leader.'"
"Pastors over the years have always been a part of what a lot of people would consider to be politics."
"Father Connell believed it wasn't warranted."
"A human being is a human being. A pastor doesn't mean they will not be wicked if they want to be wicked."
"Removing celibacy will not solve the problem, it will simply add more problems to the mix."
"They're not supposed to be living the way they're living in these multi-million dollar mansions and driving all these cars."
"Imagine if these pastors... just take 10 percent... for the upliftment of the black community."
"Why do you think so many of these predators ended up in the priesthood?"
"Only priests designated by their bishop should be giving commands to demons."
"Not every pope or bishop lives up to his calling."
"Gay clergy member... homosexual acts are immoral... having a clergy member that is gay is highly controversial for them."
"Pastors and priests never truly have time off because they're always responsible for their congregation. Let your clergy know how much you appreciate them."
"Truly, I want to give an honor to your pastor."
"She seemed to genuinely like the cleric and it didn't seem to waver when she failed or got dragged through the mud."
"I wear a flowing cassock. I am very important in the clergy."
"While the clergy sexual abuse scandal in the Diocese of Buffalo exploded on his watch, Buffalo Bishop Richard Malone has claimed to be different from the bishops before him."
"But from a mistake to a crime is a far cry, and it is as a crime that the clergy of Christendom wish us to regard suicide."
"The Devils of hell should most fear the office of Bishop priest and Deacon because those men who hold that office their souls are transformed molded and shaped by Grace."
"The main enemies of the church are the modernist clergy, and they're good guys. This is the problem. They're nice guys like Bishop Fellay, but he's a hopeless modernist."
"It's quite within the rules, clergymen do it all the time. They aren't expected to make up the sermons they preach."
"I bless every pastor, every teacher, every pastor's wife, every co-pastor."
"Islam is the only religion in the world that can do without clergy or sacerdotal institutions of any form."
"One of the most notable convictions he reached early on was that the whole notion of a professional clergy was unbiblical and indeed sinful."
"The clergy project provides a confidential space for clergy who have lost their faith."
"We need to support our good priests and nuns and brothers by praying for them."
"Many Cardinals, many Bishops, and many priests are walking the path of perdition."
"Let your priests, O Lord God, be clothed with salvation."
"One of the hardest things you can do is be a member of the clergy while you're going through a faith crisis of your own."
"Father Josiah, traveled far to be with us tonight."
"So by God's grace I met a very faithful Anglican bishop."
"We didn't neglect our families even though you were operating in pastoral and bishop roles."
"...cleaner than clean... ministers should be cleaner than clean."
"Pray much for priests that they would love purity above all."
"Puritans had never liked bishops and not only on account of the vestments that Hoopa disliked and that Andrews is proudly sporting here."
"Father Wessling, an 80-year-old priest, one of the most heroic men ever met in my life, was laid his life down for the church and for the unborn."
"What if the church quit Outsourcing? What if the people in the pews said I'm not going to Outsource my Priestly duties to pay clergy?"
"He says, 'When I'm back there I look at the clergy, I don't believe in God. When I come here and look at the clergy, I believe in God.'"
"He was considered to be a dynamic priest who took the time to get to know his parishioners and become involved in their daily lives."
"Latter-Day Saint clergy regularly report abuse to law enforcement based on advice from the helpline."
"The happiest people were clergy people... clergy people are among the happiest people in our society."
"Lord, heal Your priests, those that are sick, those who have lost their way, those who no longer believe in Your Real Presence."
"We as the church and we as priests are failing you epically if that's the case."
"We need priests in our lives, in our church, and in our world, to bring light into the darkness."
"He was non-judgmental about it for a Methodist minister, that's really something I'm proud to say."
"Every preacher needs to be raising preachers."
"The first duty of every clergyman is to beg of God very humbly that all that he wants to be done in his hearers may first be fully and truly done in himself."
"Father Ly is more than just a priest, he's a true friend."
"I desire and purpose to stir up and even to oblige the priests to shake off the dust from their Bibles."
"The vicar always emphasized the money was to go to the poor and needy."
"But if bishops or archbishops come your way, see that you spoil them."
"When the priest entered the home, he immediately got a bad feeling."
"The main theme of the text 'Cáin Adomnáin' is protecting women, children, and clergy."
"For if a preest be foul in whom we truste, No wonder is a lewed man to ruste."
"I love being blessed by bishops and priests."
"Exposing the pastors who are more interested in filling their pockets than their pews."
"Pray for the Pope, the bishops and the priests."
"We are not just pastors, we read."
"We had a really good priest, his name was Father Mike, he was the best."
"That's the priest that gets things done, am I right? He's working hard."
"Pray for me, as well as pray for your pastor, pray for the associate priests, pray for all the priests in your life."
"It is truly Catholic and universal clergy, reflecting the universality of all nations, all races, all cultures."
"What should pastors be doing? They should be pastoring."
"Pastor, you're not supposed to have fun."
"God is good, I respect all of the men of God here."
"The bishops are the successors of the Apostles."
"I must become a good clergyman who has something to say that is right and may be of use in the world."
"Good afternoon," said the bald man in white standing behind the door. "My name is Father Absalom."
"The pope and all priests and Bishops go to confession themselves and God has to forgive them too because they are sinners."
"The words of a priest should preserve knowledge; men should seek instruction from his lips."
"Please pray for me, my name is Father Mike."
"Pray for your priests; we need you."
"Just because somebody wears a cassock doesn't mean they're right."
"The egyptologist discovers that the mummy was a distinguished member of the clergy of Ammon-Re."
"Religion is no proper destination for a pastor."
"Please be with Reverend Wallace and his family tonight in this trying time."
"It's great being a priest, isn't it, Ted?"
"The medieval priesthood was a much more complex, layered affair during the Middle Ages."
"You have been set free from the bondage of tithing and from the obligation to support the unbiblical clergy system." - Author
"I indict this bunch of clergy today... you are crucifying Him again by elevating your creeds, you are crucifying the word."
"I simply want to say God bless you, Bishop Nathaniel, and all the men of God."
"Innocent III always stressed, however, that the connections between the failure of the clergy were the real reasons for the emergence of heresy."
"Hello, how are you? I am Father 2000 Jonathan."