
Process Improvement Quotes

There are 297 quotes

"We want to create a process flow from the beginning on the left all the way when things are completed on the right."
"Six Sigma is a highly disciplined process that focuses on delivering near-perfect products and services consistently."
"FMEA is a preemptive tool that helps any system to identify potential pitfalls at all levels of a business system."
"Previously it took three days before a build process could be done, and now it's taken that same three-day process and reduced it to less than three hours."
"Everything's a process... could there be a process improvement in the way I do that?"
"Let them not talk through process, let's listen to them."
"Man, and now that we got that, the whole process is automated."
"Don't be afraid to be malleable in your process, change things up, be adaptable."
"The process needs to be changed after this year."
"It helps stifle and bring creativity to the forefront."
"Even if I make a two percent breakthrough in my process for second braining, it just pays for itself a million times over."
"Something needs to be done. The FAA needs to streamline their process."
"I believe that getting to the bottom of what happened and recommending changes is an important way to seek to restore credibility and confidence in the process."
"Streamlining needed, but maybe they went too far."
"Success is a process of eliminating what does not work, learning what does work, and improving what is already working to work even better."
"Having fun is very important... make your process as fun as possible."
"Ford has been staging the ordering conversion process for its F-150 Lightning pickup truck."
"It's not just a piece of technology that we're using but something that adds benefit and adds value to their process."
"Even a marginal improvement in our process can have a huge impact on our end results."
"Lean Six Sigma achieves faster processes by removing all forms of non-value-added work."
"The DMAIC cycle is the data-driven process improvement cycle used to run Lean Six Sigma projects."
"A core component of agile are these small loops...building on the previous one."
"Iteration and optimization are at the core of any logistics game."
"We're removing unnecessary barriers and delays, not by cutting corners but by marshaling the full power of the federal government."
"Teach people who are a little bit below you... because it helps me look at my processes and think about how to turn them into systems."
"We're doing the SpaceX style. We're iterating, we're seeing what works, expanding from there. Just keep going, keep going, and pour it right back in."
"We've changed the nature of how people work together and the process as well."
"Just simple shifts in ordering can make a big difference."
"Yes, I think there were problems in the beginning but I think most of them have been ironed out at this point."
"Rename any of these steps with something more appropriate and more meaningful."
"Once you have success at this level, there are just so many ways that you can refine and build on this process."
"Flowchart analysis can help us understand where defects are produced and where there are delays."
"Forcing a cue system with eight people... is a step in the right direction."
"Kanban is a tool for Kaizen. It's a means for us to make things better. It's the tool for Kaizen, it's not just an inventory control tool."
"To improve this process, we need to keep the metal hotter for longer, encourage continuous flow, and remove as much gas as we can."
"If I can make that friction go away, if I can make the process faster, that means I can make better things more quickly."
"This is a game changer for me, this is going to help drastically reduce the amount of sanding and post-processing."
"Streamlining the process made it exciting and doable."
"It's just cleaning it up, fine-tuning, synergizing, streamlining."
"Our goal is to actively make that smaller every time and to eventually reach a point where there's nothing of any seriousness or importance in there."
"We're really focusing on trying to make those iteration things less painful."
"The Tesla we see today, at this very moment, is the most inefficient, least-optimized, most cumbersome, dumbest Tesla we will ever see."
"Learning the processes and how we can make things better is very useful in life."
"The silliest approach ever when things are getting bad process and when it gets to this point if you attack the situation a lot earlier you can prevent it from getting this bad."
"We'll continue to refine it... as deliberately and carefully as we can."
"Don't look at this as an opportunity to check off boxes. It's not needed."
"How cool is that that someone admits a mistake and tells you the process will be updated and changed."
"The whole project here is how do we do it better, better and I want to educate our next engineers."
"We need to reform the award and have better processes in place."
"Start simple to complex, go from inside out."
"The only thing I can think of is they're miscategorizing stuff, they need to [ __ ] stop that and fix it."
"Perhaps the biggest advance to checklists is the move from paper to computers."
"It's not about numbers, it's more about the process. Next time you'll be able to do better than this time if you trust and believe in that."
"Since you’ve got to let it cool down a bit before you can mess with the surface, I suspect you’d be able to get the job done faster and certainly more complete than Mars."
"Lean is all about identifying where waste is happening within your processes and eliminate it."
"It's all about removing the technical part of the process."
"Whenever you're altering a process, you should have measurable criteria to understand if what you're implementing is successful."
"They make such a difference, they make everything flow a little better."
"Let's make it more smooth and give some more finesse to this."
"It's very clear just tidying that up over and again we're just pushing."
"Don't get frustrated if you don't have instant success, it probably just needs some tweaking."
"You can't inspect quality into a process; you have to build it in."
"We help customers automate their business processes. We help employees by automating the routine and repetitive work."
"What are the processes that you should digitize first?"
"We're all in this together, sharing knowledge and going down the path of education is only going to improve the curing process."
"It's about a commitment to the right kind of process."
"If they can just clean those up... they are good to go immediately."
"We're going to have a quicker turnaround than what we have now."
"Continuous delivery changes how everyone involved in the production of software works."
"Now we have improved the process, and with this improved process, you should get better results."
"One of the roles of a project manager is not only to manage the project but also to improve processes."
"Project management is not only about managing the project but also improving processes."
"We want to automate as much as possible."
"Self-proving value: if your product is about improving a process, provide proof as part of the product."
"ENTPs are looking to create processes that maximize efficiency with every task they do."
"Following the DMAIC process prevents the likelihood of skipping important steps and increases the chances of a successful project."
"Lean works everywhere because everything's a process and every process can be improved."
"It's never the person's fault, it's the process."
"Six sigma principles help the organization to improve the efficiency of the overall process."
"Most of the time six sigma uses the DMAIC approach for implementing its process."
"Quality is really a lot about re-engineering your repetitive processes to make them much much more effective."
"Once you empower the team and let them know that this is value-adding for them, when they are starting to follow this checklist, the number of incidents in production and all are coming down, then they will definitely start appreciating your process."
"It's the if somebody goes into work every morning and knows they have a widget and they got to pass that widget from one person to somebody else until you somehow change that process of making that widget go somewhere different, you're never going to change the culture."
Quote: "Spaghetti mapping can teach you a lot."
"Six Sigma is a methodology that gives those who practice it a unique view on processes and people."
"Transportation, inventory, motion, waiting, over-processing, over-production, defects, and human resources are areas worth exploring for process improvement."
"A six sigma process only yields 3.4 defects for every million opportunities."
"The same gym, just a tweak in the process. Who wins? Gym two."
"Improving a process versus automating a process, improving a process you're trying to actually make the process better."
"I observed existing processes, analyzed data, identified bottlenecks, and proposed solutions, resulting in significant improvements."
"The value stream map is a tool to improve our processes, our whole production by identifying steps that add value and also by identifying waste in our processes."
"Lean focuses on three major issues in a process: muda, Mura, and Muri."
"There are seven types of muda or waste as per lean principles: overproduction, inventory, defects, motion, over-processing, waiting, and transport."
"If there is a problem in the process performance, the process needs to be improved."
"Six Sigma aims to reduce the time, defect, and variability experienced by processes in an organization."
"For any business to be successful, there's continuous efforts that are required so that you can achieve stable as well as predictable process results."
"Cycle time reduction refers to the reduction in the time taken for a complete process. Implementing lean techniques reduces cycle time and releases resources faster than any other method."
"While both Six Sigma and lean aim to improve process performance, Six Sigma focuses on reducing defects and variation, whereas lean focuses on eliminating waste and improving flow."
"The purpose of conducting an FMEA is to proactively identify and prioritize potential failures in a process or product and take preventive or corrective actions."
"Any improvement of a process has a few prerequisites. To improve a process, the key process output variables (KPV) and key process input variables (KPI) should first be measured."
"Any improvement of a process has a few prerequisites."
"That point right there in your process requires a level of restraint."
"Processes have certain quality characteristics. When we engage in process change we're looking for ways to make processes work more effectively and ensure that they produce the value that they're supposed to."
"Six Sigma will provide the tools and techniques to determine the cause of packing and deliveries, eliminate the delay of the process, and fix future problems."
"There should be technology to enable automation and accelerate the onboarding process, reducing human errors and delays."
"It's about process, not perfection. The plan do check act cycle will get you and your team into the habit of reviewing your activities."
"Taking a process to six sigma level ensures that the quality of the product is maintained."
"The most important aspect of any process improvement project is the customers."
"Use them for process design. FMEA: the power of getting it right first time."
"Get loads of possible value out of your FMEA."
"It's not about blame, it's about setting the equipment and the people up for success by having the right processes in place."
"Describe the time you used your initiative to improve a process. Initiative is just a new idea. Improving a process could be your personal process."
"There is no such thing as A3 thinking. A3 is just a tool. It's lean thinking that we really have to apply. And that lean thinking goes with us every day."
"Kaizen improvements are mainly based on a huge number of small changes rather than the large development."
"Kaizen events are natural outgrowths and one of the most powerful ways to operationalize process improvement training and create momentum in an organization."
"One of the primary desired benefits is a reduction in cost associated with improvements to process."
"Mistake-proofing ensures that tasks can only be done the right way."
"Plan, do, check, act - it is a concept derived out of total quality management."
"What if I told you that you could automate it? That's what we are going to see in step number five."
"Lean Six Sigma is a disciplined process, you know, it's not about using intuition or best guesses, it's about using information or sometimes what we can say data to make better decisions."
"It's probably the best way of demonstrating how a process that you thought was efficient at first, after applying lean, can drastically improve."
"Lean is used to reduce waste and Six Sigma is used to reduce variation."
"Six sigma is usually associated with manufacturing but this methodology is also applicable to every type of process in any industry."
"Not only did it save us money, it also simplified a number of complex processes."
"Does your risk process have those steps? And if not, why not and what are you going to do about it?"
"It helps cut out one of the middlemen and also help speed up the process for you."
"Everything I've ever done has been to make the process easier and to open up the ability to do more in your imagination and actually accomplish things."
"When you write stuff down, when you develop curriculum, when you develop standard operating procedures and then you share those, you get better at them."
"I think there are many steps in our workflow which now are considered good workflow but yet are not formalized."
"Priority number one is gonna be experimentation and getting those lessons and feedback from the fleet back into the end of the process."
"If you make your processes excellent, computerize them. Connect the digital and the physical world and take people with you."
"Focus on what you can and little by little, pretty soon it's going to become a very seamless process for you."
"Performing the injection molding DOE analysis will enhance the understanding of the cause and effect behaviors in injection molding."
"Lean process improvement methodology will provide a way to find hours of wasted activity that is disguised as productivity."
"Business analyst professionals leverage their knowledge of data and information and processes to help businesses operate much more effectively."
"It will help our organization streamline our business processes."
"With this picture, with this process, you can really spot complexity really easy."
"He used his business smarts to elevate my business and my business processes."
"The automation spectrum... as you go through and get away from those manual systems, your velocity and the number of transactions you can process in a given period of time will speed up exponentially."
"You can get to seven figures without having processes for continuously improving the conversion of your listing, but you can't get to eight and nine figures without having a process that guarantees the continual increase of the conversion of your listings."
"Retrospectives are a time-boxed meeting held at the end of an iteration or at the end of a release in which the team examines its processes to determine what succeeded and what could be improved."
"Litton was a master of process development."
"It really does help speed up the process."
"We take chaos and turn it into clarity; we take the ambiguity and turn it into clarity."
"Solve for my success, not your systems. Don't make your process my problem."
"There's no need to overcomplicate the process."
"It's better to work hard once and create something that will facilitate and speed up all further work."
"Fast, Agile Lifecycle for Continuous verification, Operations, and Next gen."
"A good process is one that's constantly changing for the benefit of your team."
"It must integrate security into all business processes."
"Let's run this again and see what we get."
"BPM is about analyzing, monitoring, redesigning, improving business processes, and particularly improving their performance."
"We've made the process so simple and so smooth."
"We cannot stop ourselves from being biased, but we can design the process to do it for us by default."
"Getting the right tools in place and the right processes is an iterative process in and of itself."
"Kubernetes at its core really helped eliminate manual processes."
"It's basically taking a five-minute process and made it like a ten-second process for me."
"The development process moved from the waterfall method to the agile method."
"It helps you to reduce errors by finding those errors as early as possible."
"If you're able to refine that process at scale... you're going to succeed well."
"Leslie has made what could be a tedious and error-prone process simple and error-free."
"I definitely learned a ton about how the assembly process can be optimized."
"We need to drive the creation of more secure code, particularly for code that's used in important processes."
"Lean Six Sigma is one of those tools that helps us when the expectations of customer value change."
"We're not being paid by them, sponsored by them or nothing, we're just talking about our experience, but I feel that they've improved a lot of their processes."
"The purpose of lean is basically to make processes faster and cheaper by eliminating non-value-add activities such as waste."
"I focus heavily on efficiency and process to limit inventory."
"We're thinking about how we can inject AI into these modern processes to really help you deliver value at a much quicker pace."
"This is an amazing process that gives you all these different options and you can really do a lot in a short amount of time to make your parts better."
"If you automate a bad process, what you have is a really fast bad process."
"Improving process capability starts with simplifying the process, standardizing it, and making it mistake-proof."
"We're here to be as friendly as possible, to be as supportive as possible, to make the process as tolerable as possible."
"To be able to bring process and people together in a way where organizational goals are met."
"The real value and what motivates people is the information that they can gain to improve their business processes as a result of analyzing the data."
"Be flexible. This is the time that you should start questioning your processes."
"In engineering management systems class, you learn about work procedures and recommend changes that could save millions of dollars."
"We need to learn from both success and failure stories and create processes so that people don't repeat the same mistakes."
"We need to have a bigger process that is tolerant of the fact that we are imperfect and we can't know everything."
"BIM is a process, not software; it's about creating and sharing information in a more streamlined way."
"Promoting the use of process approach and risk-based thinking."
"Statistical Process Control (SPC) is a set of principles, tools, and techniques used for process qualification, ongoing process monitoring, problem solving, and continual improvement."
"Let us improve the core lifecycle, which is why we put heavy emphasis on the inputs being a request in stock order and the outputs being disposal."
"If you find errors in your test process and you set it up correctly, you'll be able to know if your design, requirement, or verification needs tweaking."
"Positivity is really helpful in any process."
"The process is much easier now, much more streamlined."
"Value stream mapping is used to document, analyze, and improve the flow of information or materials required to produce a product or service for a customer."
"If your business is in need of a multistage approval process, then you've come to the right place."
"Rather than trying to deal with a template which has all these formulas already put in, I do think it's best to start from scratch each time."
"Reducing the friction during the reading process is more important for me."
"This means you can take full advantage of the new processes and innovations."
"A key part we're going to talk about today is automation: how can we automate this entire process?"
"Quality comes not from inspection but from improvement of the process."
"SPC is an effective method to drive continuous improvement."
"Our goal really was to automate a lot of manual processes."
"Six Sigma is a process improvement system which uses statistics, but the side benefit is I can subdue any opponent with a five-minute chat about statistics."
"There's no RPN anymore; what we do see is an action priority or AP."
"RCA is a team-based investigative approach that focuses on systems and processes and their impact on individual behavior."
"It's always been my mission to make things easier, make the process easier."
"Operational excellence or Lean Six Sigma is about improving the processes through teamwork."
"Value stream mapping... allows you to diagram your current value stream, identify the bottlenecks that prevent you from making what your customers want when they want it."