
Shadow Work Quotes

There are 122 quotes

"I can just kind of keep all my darks on the tips. I can use the shadows that are already there."
"This video is going to be about not taking our dark side so seriously by accepting it, which is actually the way through it."
"Shadow work, as I understand it, is uncovering our unconscious which is like the major role in good psychotherapy."
"Shadow work is all about embracing the darkness within you."
"Honor your shadow self and let it reveal any hidden mysteries to you. A completion is near."
"Cerebral assassins who typically work in the shadows but when called upon aren't afraid to step into the light and lead by example."
"Twitch's controversies impacting its reputation."
"Shadow work is completely essential to spiritual growth and evolution."
"The brighter the light, the darker the shadow is cast. Always remember that."
"We need to set our intention to bring our shadow down."
"A lot of times when either our own projected shadows or other people's projected shadows come into our lives they're just seeking forgiveness acknowledgement and a little bit of love."
"Shadow isn't always a bad thing, a shadow is never really a bad thing, a shadow is actually a part of you that we hide for safety, and when we actually release it, it can be so liberating."
"This full moon is about us learning how to finally work with the shadows to actually support us and help us move forward instead of letting them hold us back."
"The practical approach for developing your shadow fundamentally is radical honesty."
"Shadow work: confronting repressed aspects of the psyche for personal growth."
"When you see the shadow, trace it back to the source of the block, and then you can get back to the light source. The shadow needs to be dealt with, it's to be understood, it's to be defined."
"Your shadow aspect is actually the one guiding you out of your trouble, your pain, and your own personal illusion that you have constructed."
"Every time you actually do the shadow work in real time, you are catapulting yourself quantumly to a higher timeline to really truly align as the version of yourself and receive the best reality that you deserve."
"No part of you is evil or bad, embracing your shadow leads you to healing."
"It's not about unicorns and rainbows only, it's about Shadow work."
"It's not easy going through some of the Shadow work, but it is temporary."
"The shadow is the dark mirror image of yourself. You are incomplete without the shadow, and with the shadow, integrating the shadow, you become whole, and wholeness is of course the precondition for healing."
"Empowerment through shadow work and authenticity."
"A lot of the work that you might already be doing if you're doing any sort of healing or self-improvement work is likely to fall in the shadow work category."
"Strong emotional reactions are indeed very often a product of the Shadow coming online, and that can be a great place to look at your Shadow stuff."
"Trauma does absolutely usually indicate something that is in the shadow of our awareness, but it's going to be a little bit more difficult to work with."
"You've got to kind of be creative in terms of working out which areas are shadowed and stuff and actually building it so it is instantly recognizable as the Mona Lisa."
"It's all about regeneration and transformation and so it's almost like you need your shadows, you need your dark work, you need death to have life, you need all of these things in order to go through those great times of transformation and evolve."
"This is the hidden reason why shadow work is so important."
"Alice Miller is so foundational for shadow work, for sure."
"They feel like you are you've stepped into your power, this person feels like you are extremely it's like you're embodying now your shadow and so this person is even more drawn to you and attracted to you."
"The dark moon is ideal for banishings and shadow work."
"The reason for doing this is not only to expand our awareness, but it's to work with the parts of us that are self-destructive or hurtful to others."
"We need to learn from each other how to explore the critic, how to uncover it, and then we forget about it again, and it acts out, and then we explore more. And that's the nature of shadow work."
"There are these layers of the shadow, and my advocacy is for inner work along with."
"Stop over complicating Shadow work and start trying it and using it and don't feel like you have to figure it all out and intellectualize it and understand it completely."
"The goal with Shadow work is not to eliminate your Shadow is not to get rid of it completely goal is to integrate it understand it and have self-compassion for yourself."
"Lean into shadow work, transform, and heal."
"They think about you as someone very spiritual, doing a lot of shadow work, and allowing them to come into contact with their own shadows."
"Continue doing Shadow work, go within, listen to your intuition."
"Embrace your shadow without being afraid of it."
"Shadow work to me is a very logical thing to do, but the process is very feminine in that Essence that you feel so much emotion."
"If I met a voodoo witch doctor right now, they would end up respecting me at the end of the day because I've done so much shadow work that anything they have with malicious intent would never work on me, and they know that."
"The dark feminine is so equally potent, if not more. It's boundary setting. It's never accepting less than. It's always improving herself and doing her inner work and connecting with that shadow work and that shadow side of herself."
"The path to all that pleasure the path to all that Bliss and gratitude is actually through the shadow."
"Shadow is not bad. Shadow is where we learn. Shadow work is incredible to help us all to heal."
"Your Shadow Self is asking you to be more self-aware and mindful of your reactions."
"Prioritize your Shadow work to tap into your infinite potential and power."
"Don't be ashamed of your Shadow, because your ancestors, your Spirit guides, you know, as long as they've been having an experience here on Earth, they've dealt with it too."
"Once you can fully integrate Your Shadow and learn how to hold that power versus letting it have power over you, you know?"
"You are embracing Your Shadow and calling for judgment."
"It's important to have a way to look at your shadow work and to know that you are powerful while undergoing that deeper process."
"The more I am willing to see and accept all parts of me, my shadow is going to be really small. And the smaller that my shadow is, the more my energy ascends."
"The more you work with your shadow, the smaller it gets, the smaller your shadow gets, the less negatively it impacts your life."
"Feeling deeply is the equivalent of sending light into your shadow."
"The shadow really is just an absence of awareness. Not because it's evil or anything like that, when I'm doing shadow work, literally what I'm doing is I'm clicking the light on, I'm sending light to the parts of me that weren't lit up before."
"Shadow work is one of the most important practices that you can use to clear up your energy and heal dysfunctions and old patterns in your life."
"Facing your shadow side... is just the beginning of change and healing and freedom and growth and maturity."
"Understanding this about the anima, we get kind of an image of an inner woman that lives in the shadow, that's always trying to be integrated and always trying to get its agenda done, in the same way that other shadow aspects try to get their agendas and needs met."
"The truth is, if you can't just sit with the collective shadow, you cannot also sit with your own shadow, and in order to heal fully, you need to be able to sit with your shadow."
"I just feel like the more you do shadow work for you it's like soul retrieval to happen into those paths of yourself like it's like that flame just gets brighter and brighter the more you do that shadow work."
"To change, we must confront our shadow side, even if it triggers shame and resistance."
"In order to change, we have to face our shadow side, our dark side, with compassion and understanding."
"For in-depth shadow work, I recommend this one. I would take it slowly if you're transitioning from Rider-Waite, as this deck is based more on the Thoth system."
"The Fallen Angel Oracle Cards is one of the best oracle decks there is for doing shadow work and getting to the root of an issue."
"But what is Shadow work? Shadow work, basically working with your unconscious mind to uncover the parts of yourself that you were afraid to hold from yourself."
"You acknowledge your darkness and I feel like you've been doing a lot of shadow work because you wouldn't be coming to the realization of this balance had you not been doing the shadow work."
"Pluto also represents the shadow work involved in your life."
"Oh, I do, don't you? We're certainly getting to see our shadow. Our shadow is just so prominent, so obvious, and we have to deal with it or go under."
"The truth about Shadow work is that it's understanding What Lies Beneath the surface, your unconscious, the things that you may not know about yourself or the things that are in your blind spot just out of your awareness."
"Utilization of the Shadow side is a reunification of the total beingness of the Seeker of Truth."
"You don't have to do everything in a linear fashion with shadow work."
Not every moment in shadow work is this massive realization or this huge overwhelming thing. It's a lot of admin actually. It's a lot of writing things down, it's a lot of post-it notes, it's a lot of, "I've noticed this pattern again here, and so it's linked to this."
"The dark night of the soul is this big gateway into working with our shadow."
"The dark night of the soul takes the shadow self out of the dark and brings it to the light."
"If a wraith can manage that mightiest of tasks, then their shadow goes quiet, transcendence is theirs, and the soul continues on its eternal journey."
"It's very important for Scorpio moon to get in touch with their shadow and embrace their shadow and not try to run away from it."
"Shadow work can be radically life-changing."
"...it's not a kind of one and done, oh very much so lifelong, I call it cultivating shadow awareness."
"Only by accepting your shadows can you integrate your fractured self."
"Shadow work will help you remove blocks to love, abundance, everything."
"Unmet, unhealed inner trauma does not go away. Our shadows are powerful and they carry this message: You are not meant to be living with wounds."
"You have to be absolutely committed to learning from your shadow."
"Journaling has been probably like the number one tool for me when it comes to doing shadow work."
"The goal of Shadow work is to assimilate the Shadow and the Persona so that a person can learn how to manage impulses they usually ignore."
"You've piqued my interest instead of talking about drama we should be talking about Shadow Works."
"Shadow work is the feminine approach which can heal something in an instant if you connect with it deeply enough."
"The colors I'll use for the dark half-tones and shadows are basically transparent colors."
"As the moon casts its shadow, we too are called to shadow work, to delve into the depths of our being."
"True self-respect is not merely about recognizing one's virtues but also about confronting and mastering one's shadows."
"We've now finished adding in our subject and the shadow."
"You've integrated a part of your shadow, Capricorn."
"Unlock the power of self-discovery and inner transformation with the shadow work journal."
"We all have shadow sides... that would benefit from being faced or processed."
"If you don't understand what is shadow work, you don't have no friends and no family."
"Scorpio energy is perfect for delving into shadow work."
"You have mastered shadow work and you're well on your way to mastering a lot of it."
"I practice shadow work to leave behind what no longer serves me and move forward from a place of strength."
"The point of shadow work is to make friends with it, so then we integrate it and we embrace it, and it becomes a superpower."
"You're no longer allowing yourself to be fearful about something; you're becoming, you're doing your shadow work."
"Healing is coming in, there's a beautiful healing energy even in the shadows."
"You've done a lot of shadow work too. You're a healer, you're healing."
"Be bold and face it on the light and make peace with your shadow."
"You've really got to get in tune with your shadow self because shadow is not a bad thing."
"Your shadow work is what helped you find your light."
"You are going to be getting blessings from your shadow self, from the unseen hidden world."
"You've done a lot of shadow work too, Taurus, you've healed, you've grown."
"Shadow selves... enable us to better understand what it is that we need to fix."
"Meaning you trained your shadow to seek the truth."
"Do not run and hide when you hear about shadow self; we all have it, we're all gonna work through it successfully, and we should love it, embrace it as much as we enjoy our light side."
"Exploring darkness is exploring your shadow because you're literally bringing light to aspects of yourself or things about your life or your subconscious that are sitting in the dark."
"How powerful it can be when you start to face the shadow or go into the unconscious or the things that are uncomfortable to look at."
"Do your shadow work when it gets to that; do what you got to do for you, because you should be happy no matter who's around."
"It's all about clarity, it's so that way we can get that clarity that we need to illuminate shadows to illuminate darkness."
"Your shadow is not a bad thing, once you integrate the shadow, it basically is a sense of power."