
Archetypes Quotes

There are 205 quotes

"These tropes, these ideas, are kind of archetypal, culture-bound archetypes."
"The reason you learn archetypes is to see yourself clearly."
"For men, an emotionally healthy individual combines aspects of the lover, the wizard, and the warrior, along with the guidance and drive of the king."
"For women, health and growth come from nurturing one's inner queen by combining traits of the Amazon, the medial, and Fluttershy's archetype, the hetaera."
"All these opposing archetypes find perfect harmony and union with each other entirely through the power of love."
"The knight is the precursor of many of the modern-day heroes that are around us, whether they are John Wayne or Batman."
"Religious imagery... is imagery that cannot be made more powerful, that's what makes it archetypal."
"The hero's journey is a certain type of archetypal story pattern found in many stories, which empowers individuals while maintaining a healthy balance for the collective."
"How do you realize the archetype in your own life?"
"Vecna, Tiamat, and Jubilex are archetypal bad guys in D&D."
"These cultural elements, these archetypes, these songs, they just get reused."
"Cults harness archetypal ideas, eternal religious patterns intrinsic to humanity."
"She tapped into some type of archetypal energy."
"Indeed they had a huge matrix of archetypes and forms with which to work."
"You're closing out this cycle here because also there's an archetypal thing that's been shifting and happening."
"You're adrift without conscious relationship with the archetypes."
"Goku is probably the most famous gentle giant archetype of a masculine Hero at least in modern culture with the possible exception of Superman."
"Archetypal storytelling speaks to a deeper human experience that we all share."
"Our myths, legends, all of these archetypes were somehow transferred over the course of human history."
"The rogue embodies scoundrels like Han Solo, Indiana Jones, Tyrion Lannister... the trickster is one of the most powerful archetypes in all of human history."
"These archetypal patterns are meant to represent how all humans relate to each other and to God."
"The Ranger remains such an enduring archetype because Aragorn from the Lord of the Rings is the prototypical example."
"Legion includes two new mainly focused build archetypes."
"Archetypal themes are archetypal because they actually speak of the structure of human experience."
"Through these traits, the warrior archetype emerges not only as a symbol of strength and determination but as a complex individual whose journey encompasses the full spectrum of human experience."
"Demons... are archetypes... they represent some facet of human ingenuity and intellect."
"There is a story that is told by the archetypes, by these 22 archetypes, and it is the hero's journey."
"You have the four archetypes you have the King you have I think this is the lover and magician and you'll figure it out the organ is amazing thank you."
"Archetypes are a very powerful way to hack our own reality."
"The instincts and archetypes together form the collective unconscious."
"The basis for synchronicity is the same psychic archetypes manifesting in both inner and outer worlds."
"Understanding the archetypes helps us fulfill our potential."
"If I were to ask you to envision a superhero, what comes to mind?"
"All mythical figures correspond to inner psychic experiences and originally sprang from them."
"They represent the archetype of certain things that we humans really relate to."
"Each human being, we are the collective of the 12 archetypes that we have."
"These archetypes are not the results of our conscious mind, but the collective unconscious mind."
"Archetypal dreams reveal general patterns rather than specific solutions."
"Both the Queen of Wands and the Queen of Swords are great role models in how to balance being dependent and independent."
"What Winnicott called the secret true self and what Jung, wishing to underscore its transpersonal origins, called the spirit archetype or Self with a capital S, a prefiguration of the incarnate personal ego."
"The archetypes are at the same time dynamic. They are instinctual images that are not intellectually invented. They are always there and they produce certain processes in the unconscious."
"Using the Hero's Journey, along with *MANY* cultural archetypes, folklore, mythology, samurai movies, western cowboy stories. Merging it all to create a true monomyth that endlessly repeats for all time."
"You get an archetypal story and the reason for that is you can't push beyond it."
"Archetypes are highly prescribed, so all of that life force gets funneled into a very specific set of behaviors."
"You are an open book. You're a wide-open book. And what you also realize is that these archetypal patterns are so thick in you, and it's impersonal. There's nothing you can do to not make these archetypes. You can't make them go away. You can't make them not be there."
"These cards represent the major archetypes and lessons of life."
"they've all turned into Jordan they've all turned into Jordan Peterson now they're like the snake since the Garden of Eden has always represented the chaotic feminine"
"Cyclops is an archetypal character he represents the Big Blue Boy Scout such as Superman and Captain America."
"There's a continuity of thought that flows around the symbols and the mythical archetypes."
"More and Gillette outlined four archetypes that have a shared psychological inheritance of all men."
"Archetypes create myths, religions, and philosophies that influence and characterize whole nations and epochs of history."
"The Warrior is about doing, the lover is about feeling, the magician is about thinking."
"When we turn our attention and conscious awareness towards the archetypes and the representations we sense energy."
"Finally and most importantly, the existence of the collective unconscious in the world of The Shining and Dr. Sleep is evidenced by the existence of archetypes and archetypal patterns."
"Archetypes are universal patterns to human existence."
"No matter how much the patriarchy wants to suppress the feminine, it cannot defeat the archetypes of wife and mother, especially the latter."
"Think of the archetypes much more adverbially than adjectivally. An archetype is a way in which you are analogically coming to be, not something in you that you possess and reflect upon."
"Some archetypes like Cyber Dragons or Heroes, they kind of stand the test of time."
"It's almost like the opposite sex parent can become an archetype for us that we seek later in life."
"Heroes seem quite different from their archetypes, all of them seem intention with their archetypes."
"Comic heroes...become indistinguishable types; they are kinds of people."
"Examples of archetypes include the great mother, the wise old man, and the trickster."
"Death Note kind of takes all these archetypes and kind of completely just breaks them down and throws them back in the audience's faces."
"...that there is a journey for each of us to start to discover these archetypes and energies within us."
"...a few of the archetypes going to go through all the archetypes individually."
"I think archetypes are powerful because they can help us make sense of this reality that we exist in which is so complex and ever evolving."
"There's only basically what is it seven stories that have ever been told and every story that's followed that has been a variation of one of those seven or combination so yeah of course it could be."
"The tarot spread, in effect, is a constellation of archetypes, or an archetypal constellation, to use Jungian terminology."
"Though they populate a galaxy far, far away, the characters of Star Wars embody classic archetypes from myth and legend."
"... every individual person is more connected to certain archetypes than others so they're more comfortable with certain archetypes than others."
"We're all being programmed with the same attributes and archetypes at the same time; the whole planet responds to those themes."
"I love mythology and I believe mythology is relatable because it's Collective sort of archetypal experiences that people have anywhere in the world."
"We talked about two archetypes last week, and tonight we're going to go into the other two of the four that I think are fundamentally important for understanding the masculine potential."
"Now, if Jungian psychology has an ethics of consciousness, it is grounded in the way in which this particular archetypal pattern potentially can be embodied by everyone, not just the person functioning as a magician."
"Thank God for The Rescuer...this archetypal pattern is absolutely magnificent."
"One of the things that a Horror Story can do is to show us the archetypes of the unconscious. We can see the dark side without having to confront it directly."
"Understanding these archetypal energies enables us to navigate our spiritual journey with greater awareness, embracing our unique gifts and challenges."
"Uniqueness insofar as its literature, it's general and archetypal and primitive speaks to all human beings which is why we like it and we pass it on to others."
"...we can think in terms of pure archetypes."
"...our mind can now access the pure archetypes from the mind of God."
"It's like high school where you're like, 'that's douchebag,' that's [ __ ] psychopath, yeah, that's a Pikachu. So like all the archetypal characters, yes."
"Gain an understanding of mythology and archetypal images."
"There are these archetypal layers in the psyche that we reach sometimes through dreams."
"An archetypal dream then also shows a specific contextual relationship to your conscious life."
"You know, those are powerful archetypes. A lot of women say, 'I lost my husband today. He got his first really good job.' Because then he became a warrior."
"Our modern superheroes are the Greek pantheon."
"In medieval European society, the just and noble king, benevolent mother, and brave chivalrous knight served as clear examples of good archetypes."
"The difference between an archetype and a stereotype and then what they're doing with that character and how they subvert it."
"You're the empress, the magician, and the star."
"Archetypes are notoriously imperialistic and jealous of each other."
"The mysterious stranger, the noble loner, the knight errant, the person of some kind of odd nobility who is banished from his milieu and sentenced to wander the land to do good."
"...Adam and Eve represent archetypal figures that symbolize universal human experiences."
"The idea of a beauty falling for a beast is as old as time."
"Archetypes are Universal thought forms; they don't have any content, it's just form."
"Symbols are considered an expression of archetypes."
"Fairy tales are often quite chilling because they speak about primal truths, archetypal truths that continually recur."
"They speak to the very essential nature, essential archetypes of humankind and the human condition, stripped of all the complexities of day-to-day life."
"Jungian archetypes are universal, inherited patterns of thought, ideas, or images present in the collective unconscious of all human beings."
"Their entire structure is built upon the idea of these underlying systems of archetypes that transcend culture and time."
"Archetypes are common themes found in all cultures, like a nurturing mother or a hero's journey."
"You're the justice card and the empress in the major arcana."
"They symbolized things which were archetypal within our psychology."
"Personas are hypothetical archetypes of actual users."
"The fictional account of The Lord of the Rings... he hoped it would awaken the archetypes."
"Myths aren't really written by their authors; instead, they're manifestations of universal cosmic forces that shape the human subconsciousness."
"By engaging with these archetypes, we gain insight into the deeper forces at play, uncovering the connections that link us to the larger cosmos."
"If the individual does not stand in the way of experience but is simply quietly receptive of reality, the archetypes move through him."
"You might be really good with archetypes."
"Archetypes are the self-portrait of the instincts."
"Carl Jung's concept of the archetypes is probably the most misunderstood and misrepresented idea in all of psychodynamics."
"The contents of the collective unconscious, on the other hand, are known as archetypes."
"Especially now with Archetypes coming out," she says, steering the conversation towards the reason she agreed to sit for an interview in the first place.
"The archetypes themselves are actually the narratives, and the narratives are the things that are anticipated instinctively."
"Narratives present themselves in terms of archetypal characters."
"The more sophisticated the literature becomes, the more complex, and fragmented in some sense, or differentiated, the more differentiated the archetypal landscape becomes."
"We always see these recurring symbols, recurring archetypes."
"The characters are their archetypes, they're patterns in the human race."
"We can really bring connection if we understand the beauty in the polarities of these archetypes."
"The archetypes and the collective unconscious... we don't have direct access to them but we sort of see their effects."
"There are also archetypes that recur in all kinds of even unrelated mythic traditions."
"All the most powerful ideas in history go back to archetypes."
"The archetypes for the sense world are to be found in the lowest region of spirit land."
"We see there the archetypes for physical plants, animals, and human forms."
"In spirit land, the entire sensory world that we see here on earth appears to us in its archetypes."
"The archetypes of the unconscious can be shown empirically to be the equivalence of religious dogmas."
"These archetypes are symbolic or representative of a very sophisticated and subtle understanding of the mechanics of creation."
"The Tarot of Marseilles... seemed to have the most archetypal content."
"These archetypes are living autonomous forces that work in and through everything."
"Thinking, feeling, doing, being... King, warrior, magician, lover."
"Astrology helps us tap into these universal and timeless archetypes."
"We can move from being moved around like puppets on strings to interacting more consciously with the unfolding of these archetypal fields in our life."
"Myths aren't just stories, but they actually represent archetypes or broader dynamics or broader truths about things that happen in the world."
"Every synchronicity no matter what the particular symbolism of the synchronicity is, they all point back to the archetype of the self."
"Since time began, the world has known of good guys and bad guys, heroes and villains."
"It is just energy we read here, archetypal energy."
"The great thing... is take archetypes and doesn't make them incredibly deep but gives us a new spin."
"The unconscious as the totality of all archetypes is the deposit of all human experience right back to its remotest beginnings."
"Nature manifests the fundamental archetypes of mind and we should read nature as we read a poem, as we read a metaphorical novel."
"These characters really are like modern-day myths, right? Like the modern-day Greek gods."
"...there are lots of different adaptations of the same type of stories so we find these tropes that appear again and again..."
"The gods are still in those archetypes; there's no getting rid of them. So the question is, who's going to be using them and for what?"
"The magic of Star Wars is the way that it mixes the archetypal and the individual."
"Superheroes are archetypes... showing us the best and the worst of us on a large scale."
"Anima and animus are both characterized by an extraordinary many-sidedness."
"There was as much beauty in the Crone as in the Maiden, and the Mother could be fiercer than the Warrior when her children were in danger."
"The energy of archetypes can be focused through rituals and other appeals to mass emotion to move people to collective action."
"We've been analyzing story for centuries; this is the hero's journey."
"Fairy tales usually follow some archetypal structure."
"Archetypes are archetypes for a reason; they give the reader tons of background information in the smallest amount of information possible."
"Using archetypes to the advantage of the writer is something a lot of writers use."
"At his best self, an emotionally and mentally healthy man combines the drive of the warrior with the skill of the magician, the connectedness of the lover, and offers these combined strengths in service to the king."
"The divine archetypes form your consciousness."
"Each archetype has both positive and negative, or light and shadow attributes."
"Archetypes are psychological patterns derived from historical roles in life."
"Archetypes are the primordial images and patterns which create basic grooves for human behavior, for motivation, for action, for development of personalities."
"The archetypes represent the wholeness or the perfection of an idea or a concept or an experience."
"The collective unconscious is universal, common to mankind, and consists of symbols and images called archetypes."
"The distinction reflects a very very deep kind of archetypal division that we find in culture."
"There is an archetypal level of reality and all of these relationships that we see around us somehow are expressions of this archetypal pattern."
"Stories enable us to understand the need for and the ways to raise a submerged archetype."
"The best character understanding from a psychological standpoint is the work of Robert Moore: king, warrior, magician, lover."
"If we think about the shamanic archetype for example in society, the doctor, the priest, the scientists, they function in this way."
"Part of what I'm doing with archetypes is looking at the nuances around the women who come on the show."
"That's the paradox, isn't it? That's the 'Beauty and the Beast' story."
"I do see similarities here and they fit certain archetypes in which you believe in."
"The Fool is an archetype of new beginnings."
"Whatever idea you have for a turtle without looking for one, that's going to be the archetypal symbolic turtle that just about everybody's going to have in their mind."
"Heroes is by far one of my favorite archetypes of all time."
"Sports needs heroes and villains."
"It's the villain wears a black hat, the hero wears a white hat, it's very simple storytelling, which I love."
"We can learn lessons from archetypes."
"These archetypes from ancient Kemet go into the rest of the Greco-Roman world, the mystery traditions, and directly into Kemet."
"We read on these things, these Royal stories, because they're archetypal, and we can learn from archetypes."
"These are archetypal characters, they're meant to be how you perceive them."