
Portrait Quotes

There are 145 quotes

"With portraits, precision's essential because this is where everything has to be dead on."
"Their picture is like a vivid portrait Frozen in Time showing this intriguing moment in history."
"It's quite fitting that we're underneath the portrait of George Anson."
"The drawing appears to be the oldest known portrait of the human face."
"His name was William Dobson. He's the one in the middle, the handsome one with the cavalier ringlets and that combative stare."
"You can shoot yourself lovely portrait shots."
"Portrait photography primarily focuses on capturing the personality and unique expressions of an individual or group."
"Having a good sense of the form and the tilt of the head is going to help you throughout the entire process of painting a portrait."
"At the beginning of your painting, block out the face into just light and shadow."
"Get the hair in early, think of the face and the hair as one."
"Hopefully, for the portrait photographers amongst you, you'll pick up some great tips in this video that you'll be able to use in your own work."
"'You ladies look so nice. Do you mind if I take your portrait all together? I'll share it with you. Just right here. Don't worry about everybody else, they'll go around you.'"
"Motion photos capture moving scenes, while portrait mode blurs the background for a distinct foreground."
"The painting of Martin Clunes in the National Portrait Gallery caused a sensation when visitors reported that the ears follow you around the room."
"A portrait of a remarkable woman."
"Name of warrior, portrait of warrior."
"The eyes are the soul of your subject. It doesn't matter if you're drawing a human portrait or if you're drawing an animal. So, of all the things that we want to make sure that we nail, we want our eyes to be slam dunks."
"As agents finally put the pieces together, a frightening portrait emerged of two formidable adversaries."
"This is a portrait of Jacquard that's been woven in silk."
"In this video, I share my techniques and tips on how I simplify quite complicated portraits."
"Voila gainsborough's masterpiece of outdoor englishness, his famous double portrait of mr and mrs andrews."
"Their work has opened up for all of us one of 15th-century Italy's magnificent obsessions--its artists' and patrons' passion for the portrait."
"It was an occasionally difficult but very sympathetic portrait of a person who was often judged quite harshly."
"One of the things about speed lights when you're using them for portrait is that they can be quite harsh."
"He's not just been painted over even tarmacked over they have all been painted over a part from Vladimir Putin whose portrait was burnt by [__] Riot."
"Imagination, sports portraiture, you know. This is Gabby Reese. She was a world champion volleyball player, and I was assigned to do her portrait. And I thought, well, let's pose her as Atlas because she's this incredibly powerful athlete."
"A close-up portrait is much more intimate, it's to celebrate an individual and make that person special."
"...a caricature is it's a portrait with the volume turned up."
"Amongst his portraits on show was this image of Carl Friedrich Abel, a noted musician and good friend of Gainsborough."
"I'm really proud of her. An absolutely brilliant, you know, really well-deserving winner. Samira's portrait today is stunning."
"You can paint an entire portrait using one color only. Think about black and white photography and how amazing these portraits look without having any color in them at all."
"The key to a nice looking portrait is the color, the transparency."
"The whole experience today has just been so much fun Annie's portrait is beautiful it's so sensitively painted yeah she's a very well deserved winner."
"That portrait, still one of the best portraits. So some people are slightly dark. I get it. It's kind of got a bit of a tan. But it looks awesome."
"...I totally recommend to just even if a reference photo is let's say just the regular colors of a face try to use maybe a limited color palette or use one color of a pen to limit yourself to only practicing the values of the portrait instead of the colors."
"there's something really special about Graham's portrait it is a bit cramped but I think it adds to its charm"
"He turned Leonardo's portrait into the world's most celebrated painting of an enigmatic smile."
"Make sure you're photographing your model with it facing the window light."
"If possible, try to position your subject in the shade but close to where there's sunlight hitting the ground. This is likely to provide a very flattering light and a sparkle in the eyes."
"Portraits conveyed information about the sitter—their likeness, status, interests, achievements, and age."
"You never know everything is subject to manipulation. Everything: your life, the country, murder. And as such, it becomes a very disturbing portrait."
"The man whose portrait wound up on the $20 bill opposed the national bank."
"Portrait perfection. If you're looking for blurry background portrait photos, this is the key right here."
"Diego Velasquez was one of the greatest portrait artists, a virtual Court photographer."
"Great detail in the portrait, I love all the layers of armor on the back."
"I think it's really important to use light, and even use a part of a light, like this. This is something that a lot of portrait photographers use, they'll really feather a light so that just a little bit of the light is kind of coming onto the subject."
"This is Velasquez distilled very high proof drink indeed and in this portrait we see as we do in no other how he brings to life an individual gives him form presence and importance although in fact the portrait is small it is huge in conception and execution."
"He's got this really restless mind, and to a degree I think that portrait captures that restlessness even though he's still and held tight, his eyes are very far away."
"Finally open to the public, Ingres's portrait of the Comtesse d'Haussonville goes on public view."
"One of his best-known portraits, among Ingres's best-known portraits, is 'Monsieur Bertin' here, at the Louvre."
"...because usually the only reason people don't paint portraits is because they're afraid they won't catch the likeness. Because it's unusual to find someone who doesn't want to paint faces and people because we are faces and people."
"Look at that portrait, man. I'm super stoked."
"This is an exalted portrait of human responsibility."
"One of my favorites is this, a portrait of his friend and associate. You can see the difference that happens in these two years."
"I love it when Lux, my partner, uses it and takes portraits of me because, oh my God, they look amazing."
"Try X is amazing for portraits, the way that it captures skin tones is very nice."
"The medium telephoto range is a great people lens."
"This medium telephoto zoom range... looks great for portraits."
"When we shoot portraits, it's very important to get the eye in focus."
"You get your close-up, super high reduction ratio, super sharp for landscape, and also great for portraits."
"The light falling on this gentleman's face as he's holding the tray of candles."
"The most important component in a portrait is you and your connection to the subject."
"The key to making good portraits is to control your vibration, control your frequency."
"The value of that portrait is determined by your connection to the subject."
"I leave you my portrait so that you will have my presence all the days and nights that I'm away from you."
"The dragon in the portrait had kind eyes, that was the first thing Cricket noticed."
"What we see in this painting is a young man probably in his mid-20s, he has an alluring gaze and he holds in his hand a quill."
"I want to paint your portrait; you have such intelligent eyes."
"Even if it's a portrait of a posed person, their expression changes a little bit from moment to moment."
"I'm intrigued; I've never had my portrait taken for a portrait, so yeah, it's a new experience for me, very excited."
"That's how you use that portrait effect to kind of get more beautiful pictures."
"Portrait drawing is more like artistic representation of a person's spirit."
"The technique puts a rim of light on the person's hair and shoulders, separating them from the background while their front is lit with a soft fill light from the reflector."
"I'm just in love with the painting on this portrait, I think it's so beautiful."
"Few mediums can transport us with such immediacy and intimacy than the American portrait."
This is the true portrait, the "true effigy" of Bartolomé Esteban Murillo.
"The girl with the Pearl Earring features a young woman looking over her shoulder while staring directly at the viewer with a seductive gaze."
"He is not writing history, he is not writing biography, he is painting an interpretive portrait."
"An unforgettable portrait more than a thriller."
"It is a sweeping and evocative portrait of both a family and a country struggling to move towards independence in a society that has resisted change for centuries."
"What makes your portrait look realistic is those subtle shifts in values."
"His portrait is a William Randolph Hearst at the age of 31, it was done in Munich, Germany."
"The most important thing to think about when shooting portraits is your composition."
"The eyes are the thing in a portrait that needs to be sharp."
"That's a great looking portrait, teeth look on point, love the anger in his face."
"The painters that she was chatting with and who painted at Henching Brook, most of them portrait painters, is extraordinary."
"The face looks so much better when you're shooting into the shadow side of the face."
"The 90 millimeter f2 is probably Fuji's ultimate portrait lens right now, in my opinion."
"For portraits, it's one of the best in the entire system. It's incredible."
"Let the jaw and lips be soft, try a slight head tilt as you do this."
"It's interesting in photography when you consider a portrait... you try to tell a story, say something about that person, make it representative."
"It's first and foremost, a portrait of a woman, you know, against the entire system."
"In Rembrandt lighting, the main light is coming from above and to the side of the face."
"Each figure feels like a vibrant and powerful portrait of each chapter in her journey."
"I'm his most promising student, but I can't understand how you expect anybody to paint a portrait of a man without a face."
"I care about the eyes and the smile and it draws you in."
"The colors that are available in the 150 set are just phenomenal, especially for portrait artists."
"I've fallen in love with the woman in the portrait; she consumed my every thought."
"It's very much a portrait of an artist at work, and I just love this painting for that."
"I'm intrigued; I've never had my portrait taken or sat for a portrait, so yeah, it's a new experience for me, very excited."
"Every portrait I make, I learn something new."
"...he always felt alone but whenever he looked at the family portrait he felt like he was a member of that family."
"That to me is a really nice portrait."
"Look at that portrait, like two halves of one being, or at least that's how they see themselves."
"The aperture will be set wide open in portrait mode, meaning the lens will let all the light into the shutter that it can."
"Background blur could be very important to portrait photography."
"Sharpness is not my priority. What I'm interested in is gutsy, filmic-looking portraits."
"I'm instantly drawn to this portrait."
"If you shoot portraits, whether that's on location or in the studio, I think an 85 millimeter is a must-have."
"She's just completely reinterpreted the portrait canon to be able to speak to both of these times."
"I think we should do a family portrait."
"It's called regrets, it's a beautiful portrait of him out in the rain."
"If we can find those things that make the portrait become something else, it's going to be so much more enjoyable and so much more exciting to paint."
"She was detained in the sepia-colored air of a portrait from another century."
"Her portrait is awesome, nice variation in tones in her clothing and paint styles."
"We have a portrait shot that's perfectly suited to a passport or other official form of identification."
"This is the first portrait of the Princess of Wales since her operation, and it's for Mother's Day with her three children."
"My kid did this portrait of me over 10 years ago. I still look the same, IMO."
"It's my first portrait I've ever painted. It's not perfect, but it's made with love."
"This little lens is an absolute gem of a lens; it is sharp, it is contrasty, it's a wonderful portrait lens."
"I'm really liking this head portrait."
"I'm going to have my portrait painted, darling."
"Not everyone can paint her; I will create the best portrait of her."
"That's the most important thing that one of the two eyes is perfectly sharp."
"We've changed this portrait from just a standard portrait on a gray backdrop to a really cool pattern, really making this portrait a lot more special."
"We can finally be in the same portrait and we can rely on each other until old age."
"We can finally be in the same portrait."
"The main strength of the lens is flat-out what we've always said: it's a great people lens, portrait lens."
"This is up there with one of the best portraits they've ever done."
"It is through the knowing manipulation of the formal means of her art that Cassatt has made this portrait into a masterpiece."
"Portrait shots have come a long way in recent phones."
"Eye contact and being level with your subject goes a great length towards giving you good image quality and a really good overall feel in your images."
"This was so authentic and just painted a startlingly honest portrait of Detroit."
"She looks like a world leader in her portrait."
"She's got a lovely, lovely light-colored eyes, it's a very pretty picture."