
Research Impact Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"I have a conscience and I think about the impact of my research all the time."
"The practical applications of the research these three gentlemen have conducted over their careers cannot be overstated."
"Our article has been downloaded almost 100,000 times, which is extreme for an academic article."
"We have to be very careful when we're looking at this research or even being presented with research, how we let it affect our everyday lives."
"That experiment, which was run over 35 years ago now, that result drives much of what we do in health policy."
"This is the most dramatic data point we have that I think it is."
"A very interesting study and a very cool discovery."
"It's extremely hard to anticipate how much will research change when we finally crack open the truth."
"Often the tiniest evidence speaks the loudest."
"Does this embargo process help do good science or does it slow down the science that could be done?"
"I researched myself right out of a paradigm."
"This is an important study. It's going to change the conversation. Mark my words."
"I'll be honest, after watching Dune for the first time, I didn't like it. But after all the research I had to do for this, I'm pretty sure I'm a fan of the franchise now."
"One of the biggest revelations came in the form of this article."
"The dissemination of their work has led to significant impacts on important public policy initiatives here and around the world."
"Their findings benefited the whole industry."
"Through research, you also attain a higher level of understanding of fundamental concepts as well as their practical significance."
"Sometimes when you find that the output of your research is being used in the real world, that gives you a lot of motivation."
"This discovery could change the foundation of science."
"It truly helps our cause, like, if people are like, 'this is just a fad, this is weird, this is xyz,' it's really nice to be able to point to studies."
"This new update about Dr. Anderson's findings actually made national headlines."
"We get a real sense of accomplishment whenever we make a discovery."
"A study that challenges narratives." - "He publishes this piece pursuing facts and not narratives."
"Finding it was one of the biggest discoveries in astronomy."
"It's still quite impressive at what the sciences were able to achieve."
"This is the most important discovery I've made yet."
"His research provided a foundation and inspired much of the work that would follow."
"An important piece of the puzzle has dropped into place due to diligent research." - Graham Randall
"Thousands of years of physics research and discoveries has shaped the world."
"It instantaneously became the most downloaded paper in all of uh covid-19 outpatient."
"I think this makes for a very compelling case."
"Increasing these benefits will bring an enormous boost to the economy quickly starting the first month benefits are increased." - Mentioned research
"Breakthroughs in one field are applied to another, multiplying possibilities."
"The excitement when samples first came back was just electric."
"My group had realized Bose-Einstein condensation; it's one of the most highly cited papers in physics."
"These new studies come out that shows congress that there is a need for a new stimulus check these are really good uh studies it really shows them."
"I think we truly may have the greatest science project of our time here."
"We have got to conclude as this conclusion by the scientists now say conclusion."
"Discoveries never before made or indeed publicly shared."
"One of the things we tangentially hope to do as part of this study simply by talking about it in the open is to help to remove some of the stigma associated with it."
"Having a statistically significant effect doesn’t make it REAL."
"I remember... that this academic research stuff, like my parents did, really could have a very direct and real impact on the policy arena."
"I think more and more funding bodies want to make sure that research is done to have an impact in the world."
"The latest advances in AI research are truly amazing and make this all possible."
"So basically for every dollar you spend on extra research and development, you do somewhere between $16 and $21 of good in the world."
"Statistically persuasive and clinically meaningful."
"The point that I'm making here is that those parents approached me in the early days of my research where I was trying to understand hey there's more we can drive our mind we can change our brain there's hope here it's not a fixed thing there's damage but there's hope."
"Bitnet research really unlocks the possibilities there."
"The happy ending of my story is that the data in my findings is useful to medical professionals and their patients."
"It's a really cool feeling that you're actually the one kind of pushing things a little bit."
"At Baylor, we believe research discoveries illuminate solutions to significant challenges confronting society, not for our own gain, but for the transformation those discoveries bring to lives around the world."
"His paper on breast cancer early detection had a lot of attention also in social media."
"If you follow my instruction for a systematic review, you have a high chance to publish it in a top-tier journal."
"This is why this paper is very important."
"Research is very powerful because you are making a difference in people's lives, you are changing the field by your research."
"It really does bode well for the future of my study and, more importantly, the long-term survival of the species in the region."
"H-index means that if suppose you know your H index is 5, which means you have written at least 5 papers which are cited at least 5 or more times."
"If your findings strengthen existing ideas or theories, mention that."
"It wasn't until Dr. Jane Goodall and her research team got a first-hand glimpse into the world of great apes that science came to understand that not only do chimps have complex social behaviors, but that these can be quite brutal and unnecessarily nasty."
"We've seen extraordinary results in fields that hadn't really moved the needle for many years, like speech recognition and image understanding."