
Majority Quotes

There are 315 quotes

"Just because something affects 51% or 50.1% of people doesn't mean it's any less important than a rare disease."
"87% of us are doing something we don't want to do most of our waking lives."
"Fascism requires the majority to believe themselves the true victims, the true oppressed people, being forced to share power with minorities."
"So 'whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect.'"
"We're not just talking about this election; we want a big enough seat pickup so that we have a majority for the next decade."
"The narrative that's emerging is that we have an anti-racist majority."
"I think by October November in Rajya Sabha you will have the majority."
"We need a movement that is representative of the country... speaking on behalf of a forgotten majority."
"The majority of any relationship is friendship. That's 99%."
"The guiding tenet for all of this is whenever you find yourself on the side of majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
"You should be optimistic because on the core issues that matter, you are in the majority, not the minority."
"I think we have a silent majority the likes of which has never been seen before."
"America that doesn't agree with this outnumbers the white republican Trump party that wants to remain in power even though it's a minority."
"The goal here is to silence you, the silenced majority."
"We're the silent majority that they're not counting on."
"The Tea Party movement happened because the president forgot that while he was elected by a majority of the population, it was a relatively narrow majority."
"I think this is going to lead to a very strong Republican majority."
"The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority."
"We're going to fight back, we are the Moral Majority."
"The silent majority outweighs the negativity."
"The reality is a minority cannot speak for a majority."
"There is a silent majority that is growing in this country unlike anything they've ever seen."
"The vast majority of that protest was right."
"We are the majority, the practitioners of common sense."
"Anti-fascism should be the ultra-majority position like 90 against 10."
"Enjoy the journey ignore the cars going faster than you and remind yourself the vast majority of people aren't even on the road."
"For every person that regrets their decision to transition, the overwhelming majority are actually super happy."
"The vast majority of people want to know the truth."
"Just because someone has the loudest voice or shouts into the microphone doesn't mean they're really the majority."
"The vast majority of people who follow the Muslim faith are very, very good people."
"It's important to remember how the vast majority of people are living."
"Though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable."
"The vast majority of people in this country are decent people."
"Make me a believer that you really care and talk more about what's happening with the majority instead of the minority."
"There's a clear majority of us who believe in our democracy and are ready to protect it."
"It's not about having a majority, it's about having an alternative."
"We're a majority and that we're not going to agree about a lot of stuff, but that we do agree about democracy and about the fact we should have a right to be treated equally before the law and have a say in our government."
"I think we totally have to lead on those issues. We are the party of democracy, where the party of the vast majority of the people."
"I should say the majority of people are not overwhelming... I meant to say overwhelming anyway most people were like give us medium deage paper."
"The massive majority of Protestants...don't have a problem with it."
"I didn't have any problems and this is the case for the vast vast vast majority of people."
"Seeing that a large number, an overwhelming majority did it and we reviewed their videos and didn't have any issues, making any changes or doing anything different Midstream would be a disservice to all the other athletes."
"I truly believe American citizens, if we are awake, if we are activated, the silent majority is speaking up and taking advantage."
"He was challenging the wisdom of the majority."
"The vast majority of people aren't racist."
"Just because a majority believes something doesn't mean it's true."
"We need new vehicles that will give much greater expression to the values and the voice of the Forgotten majority."
"The majority does not make the truth. It is the truth that should make the majority."
"There's also so much power in our majority."
"We've seen this not in like 10%, not in 20%, but in like the majority of people who do the work."
"For the vast majority of people who aren't power users, battery life on here is good."
"Just because it's the majority view doesn't make it any less valid."
"The more diversity there is, the more power checks there are, so the less likely they are to achieve a higher overall majority."
"Why would it be fascist by nature why would the will of the majority be fascist by nature you haven't established that you keep saying we're fascist by nature."
"The balance we're striking is between the power of the majority and the right of the individual."
"Trust me, these users are in the majority on forchan."
"The majority may rule, but they may be wrong in their rule. The majority was wrong in this case."
"At the end of the day you have to be able to get like 51% of America if you want to be able to win the White House on like a consistent basis."
"What I think is the best way to go for the majority of people based on extremely good quality."
"Simply making the argument... secretly the anti-woke crowd is actually the majority they've been silenced... allows them to have their cake and eat it too."
"...as Americans, we have faith in the ability of men and women to govern themselves, we believe the decision of the majority is for the most part the voice of wisdom."
"To counter divide and conquer, you have to counter his strength. We have the power of numbers. We have the majority of people on our side."
"A great majority of these are horror pack movies."
"Those are the majority of the moves that I would make."
"It's just a better solution for 99 of the population out there."
"One person in Christ is the majority."
"The majority is not always right."
"This is not a minority group that is being affected by this."
"Majoritarianism is not the same thing as democracy."
"We're really talking about the loud minority, not the silent majority."
"The majority of people are not billionaires."
"The majority don't [get that car]."
"The majority is no one, the minority is everyone."
"Truth never subjects itself to a majority. Truth is truth whether a pastor believes it, whether a rabbi believes it, whether a priest believes it."
"I think nowadays you have a loud minority that is that mob that's sacrificing those things, but I think there's a lot of his followers that are still out there, a majority, I would say."
"The majority wanting something is not always a good thing."
"If the majority is worried about something, listen. Give them back some of their power."
"Psychology moves the markets. The market fools the majority."
"The vast majority of K's stuff is N scale."
"With this significant of a majority, it could be argued that this is the setup baggers should be migrating to."
"The body has compensated we get on with life it's a majority of people."
"If you live in any society and you have some quality that the majority has, that's going to be a quote-unquote privilege most of the time."
"For 99.999% of humanity, the answer is yes."
"The vast majority voted for this."
"Evil doesn't become good and wrong doesn't become right just because the majority believes it to be so."
"The silent majority need to start speaking out."
"I put a poll up to see who's in the majority."
"Labour may struggle to get a majority."
"...the majority of us...the point of an ADV bike...is to go on adventures."
"It requires a supermajority to get anything done... minorities would be the fulcrum of political power"
"The vast majority of people with psychosis will never be violent."
"The vast majority of those undergoing the trial did not live past this phase."
"I am stating what I believe to be the position of my personal position and also the position of the great majority."
"A growing conflict between the rights of a minority and the welfare of the majority."
"The silent majority just wants to get in there and fight, mix it up, have fun."
"When you're in the majority, your way gets institutionalized."
"If God is on your side, you're in the majority."
"While still protecting minority rights we should try to ensure that the actual will of the majority of the people is reflected in the rulers of the country in our representatives in Washington DC and elsewhere."
"A government with a 303 seat majority in Parliament is still reluctant to venture forth in this."
"The real threat to individual rights is not the government but a strong-willed majority of the people"
"You always say yes unless you hold an overwhelming majority and the numbers are clear that you cannot lose."
"The vast majority of people out there would actually very much like to be considered a law-abiding citizen."
"It doesn't matter what the majority believe."
"The majority voted in Bill Clinton twice."
"99% of cops are good cops. There are 1%, the same way I feel about people. 99% of people are good people."
"The majority of people did not vote for Trump."
"99% of the members are good people."
"Majority of the time, if I'm being honest, I am in loungewear because it's just so comfortable."
"...because the majority of realtors are women."
"I always try to listen to the majority because no matter what you do, you can't please everybody."
"If we wish to finish the railroad, it is certainly better to suit the greatest possible number, always with the understanding that the minority has all possible opportunity to advocate its ideas."
"The majority is often times wrong."
"Honestly, I'm not even nervous about the vast majority of people."
"As long as I'm standing with God, even if it's a thousand to one, I'm still in the majority."
"I'm convinced that Jesus and his ally is a majority. I'm convinced. I don't care if he knocks me out, I'm still in the majority."
"...listen to you guys and what you guys vote in because that's the whole point of this is to let you pick what you want and majority wins, majority rules."
"But then again I've got all the women on my side and I reckon all the women and one man makes a pretty good majority."
"It's a big problem, drones flying over, but 99% of people are decent."
"I also think there's a difference between a silent majority and a silenced majority."
"The law of avoiding so-called majoritarian tyranny."
"The vast majority of people in the world work for small medium businesses."
"It's the silent majority... most people want to hear and are pleased with it."
"I personally believe what my guy Tim Ryan believes, and that there is an exhausted majority of people in America."
"The majority of people are not extremes; they're just regular in-between people with thoughts and feelings that vary and are nuanced."
"It means that a group of people or their representatives get together and take a vote and then they go with the majority."
"It's probably the right bike for 80 or 90 percent of people, and they don't necessarily realize that."
"I still stand by my opinion, I think the 57 blade six will probably suit 95 percent of all players."
"We shouldn't confuse majoritarianism with democracy."
"We have to be on the side of the moderate majority and make sure that they win it."
"There be more with us than with them."
"We have an opportunity to build an American majority around immigration reform."
"The next revolution must be a majoritarian revolution."
"The best thing to do, or the right thing to do, is that which will benefit the majority of the people and harm the least amount."
"If you believe in democracy, it means the majority rules."
"One person walking with God is always going to be in a majority."
"The government is formed on the basis of the majority party in the legislature, the House of Commons."
"If you have metastatic prostate cancer... treatment intensification is still warranted in the vast majority of patients."
"The majority of people were okay with this middle ground if it meant the violence would stop."
"We can hope that the good ones are in the majority and... will create knowledge faster."
"You in you and God in any crowd is a majority."
"What's right is what brings about the greatest happiness for the greatest number."
"One plus God is always the majority."
"There are some achievements you cannot fight any longer because you realize that when you are fighting that achievement, you are fighting the majority."
"If I create content that I enjoy creating and 90% of you enjoy it, that's great, that serves the majority."
"I think that if we think about human potential on a bell curve normal distribution... you'll have about 68% of raw scores or people in that range."
"Sometimes the majority just means that all of the fools are on the same side."
"For the vast majority of people and the vast majority of activities, five thousand pounds is plenty."
"If you find yourself on the side of the majority, you should stop and reflect."
"We take a vote, and the majority rules."
"Just because the majority believes something doesn't necessarily mean that belief is true."
"The majority of the kids in our community are good kids, well over 96 percent of them."
"A majority of participants were feeling some benefit from the product."
"When you are with God, you are majority."
"Over half of the world believes in such phenomena."
"Can there not be a government in which majorities do not virtually decide right and wrong, but conscience?"
"There is a huge silent majority... the vast majority of people who are looking at your Instagram stories just are enjoying them."
"Overwhelming majorities of Americans reject the prospect of political violence."
"The vast majority of people are not woke."
"This is the majority of America here, this is what we represent."
"It has to have dedicated support by a large majority of the population."
"The majority are benign in the sense that they have no malicious intent."
"The split season suits Club Players, which is 97% of the playing pool."
"The legitimacy of any ruler must be rested upon whether it delivers for a vast majority of the people they govern."
"It's different to be in the majority and not have to do that."
"I have this saying: there could be 10 idiots in the room and one genius. Who's going to win? The 10 idiots, because you're outnumbered."
"Good and bad is not determined by majorities of people."
"The vast majority of wealthy people are not crooks."
"The majority of them are intelligent and hardworking."
"India is 80% Hindu and from the earliest days of Indian independence, there was always this large faction of people who believed that India should be a country built in the image of its Hindu majority."
"Go after the one, leave the ninety-nine."
"When you win by a landslide, it means you get almost like you get a vast majority of the votes."
"It's 100% democracy rather than 51% democracy."
"There's a silent majority that is just fed up."
"The vast majority of people do go in to do something good as they see it."
"You are coming to a place where you, as a black woman or black man, are the majority."
"I have the most of this - it means if there are 100 objects, if I have 90, I have most of it."
"The public are better than we are, and there is a decent, sensible, pragmatic majority in this country who want a way through."
"One person walking with God is always in the majority, regardless of how many people are against you."
"There's the minority of people where there can be something really truly terrible that happens, and then there's a majority where things are hard and things are challenging but it's still totally manageable and doable."
"She's honestly the most fun person to be around 80% of the time."
"The whole American system will collapse unless thoughtful majorities can promote public reason."
"Self-improvement is not the rare minority."
"I have always striven to give voice to the quiet majority that supported us in 2019."
"Nearly 80 percent of all Americans believe there is a place called heaven."
"The greater reality that we are missing is the overwhelming majority of what actually is."
"Do not follow a majority to do evil."
"That's how 90% of programming is anyways."
"Who is the preload collar lift for? I think it's not for everybody, but I think it's for the majority of people out there."
"More than 90% of people believe there is an afterlife."
"Every nation got its problems, but I rather deal with problems where I'm in the majority."
"One with God is a majority, for he knows his Consciousness is God."
"You have 80% of the population on this side; that's a lot of opportunity for change and hope for the future."
"I still believe that the majority of the country is patriotic."
"The vast majority of people on these protests are peaceful."
"When an issue is passed or defeated by 75 percent of the eligible voters, their will is clear."
"It's in the vast majority of people's nature."
"Christianity is the greatest single human religion, but that means little; the non-Christians outnumber us five to one."
"Ninety-one percent thinks it tastes good."
"Every single one of these fragrances here is well loved by the overwhelming majority of people."
"If you want to win majority government, you've got to get 52% of people to think that what you're doing is the right idea."