
Psyche Quotes

There are 122 quotes

"Cognitive functions are processes of the psyche. They are ways that we become aware of information and to a degree make conclusions about what is real."
"It is uncanny events like these that make Dr. Sam Parnia hypothesize that the psyche or 'self' may not originate in the brain at all, but could possibly be a separate undiscovered entity."
"It is well known that the sexual energy is intimately related to the health of our psyche and our physical bodies."
"There is a constant interplay between the unconscious and conscious realms of the psyche."
"They will they want to the psyche always wants to be heard if you just give her a little bit of breathing room she'll talk to you."
"The psyche is not of today; its ancestry goes back many millions of years."
"The psyche... is endowed with the dignity of a cosmic principle."
"I'm very moved that psyche is so invested in the individual that it would present itself in such a way that it cannot be ignored."
"Psyche is real; it will come toward us, much like Jonah and the whale or Job."
"These archetypes are not the results of our conscious mind, but the collective unconscious mind."
"Black people don't do patriotism... our music tells you everything that's going on in the black psyche."
"The individual stands as it were between the conscious part of the collective psyche and the unconscious part. He is the reflecting surface in which the world of Consciousness can perceive its own unconscious."
"The guiding hints or impulses come not from the ego, but from the totality of the psyche - the self."
"Arael is another one of the most powerful angels, able to penetrate the mind of a living being and attack their psyche."
"Jung's main interest was the psyche and how it worked."
"There's a whole unconscious world boiling under the surface below the level of our awareness."
"There's something about it to calm the psyche down over years and years of turmoil."
"Man himself is the great psychological Earth that must be subdued."
"Individuation is the natural state of mankind and the human structure of the psyche."
"Jung's ideas about the shadow have influenced many therapeutic approaches and have contributed to a deeper understanding of the complex and multifaceted nature of the human psyche."
"You have a strong insight into connecting the light and the dark, understanding the psyche, and living with both aspects."
"Making metal is almost like making horror films. It is acknowledging the dark part of our psyche and giving it voice because most of the time we pretend that we don't have it."
"The fame of psyche's beauty soon spread far and wide."
"This is a love story, but it is also a telling of cupid, also known as eros or desire, of our spirits and of psyche, the soul of our human beings."
"Men could love each other not only on the level of the psyche but with their entire body."
"Your psyche is like a fingerprint of God."
"Like a fe chicken with the feathers, we're trying to extract those things that are damaging to your psyche."
"There is in fact no experience here that the psyche can preserve in memory."
"Include all aspects of our own psyche. If we can do that as individuals, then we start to be able to do it in the world as well."
"Just for their own psyche, they need to beat up a lefty."
"When you dive into these darker and more murky parts of the unknown or into even the hidden parts of your own psyche, you might be presented with some rather terrifying and terrific discoveries."
"The self is the entirety of the psyche, consciousness, and the unconscious, and a person can only be themselves if these two aspects are in union."
"Psyche is basically an archetypal Disney princess."
"A complex is a fragment of a psyche, a fragmented psyche."
"The unconscious, for Jung, was the vessel that held the residue not only of the individual human psyche but of the psyche of humankind."
"It's a brilliant exploration of what abuse does to somebody's psyche, how it ensnares the victim before they ever realize they're a victim at all."
"The psyche might be that existence in which all the land of the dead is located."
"The self is the logos of the psyche."
"What would it look like to put the soul back in psyche? We'll hopefully accomplish this through a combination of myth, ancient philosophy, and of course, the thought of Carl Jung and James Hillman."
"Bundy learned that his grandparents were engaged in education at a conscious age and this fact probably had a direct negative impact on the psyche."
"I'm curious to see what goes on in the world, but what goes on in the psyche as well."
"Astrology is a sacred language, giving us insight into a person's internal architecture and psyche."
"Yesterday psyche was just an over glorified janitor in Otherworld now he was going to train to become a hero."
"The Venetian psyche is drawn towards the idea of the golden sparkling realm of the transcendent."
"The forest is part of the human psyche, where enchantment is found."
"The painting is a window into the person's psyche."
"I need another source of fun. And it might take changing my psyche a little bit."
"The space of the psyche, although invisible, shapes everything outside you."
"It's a pleasure to be here with you and to be able to share with you some of my recent reflections on the great energies in the psyche."
"The true secrets and the true hidden mysteries of our psyches and souls are actually quite fascinating."
"The story of the slow dissolution of a person's psyche."
"In astrology, we have the same psychic apparatus: the Sun, which is the soul; the Moon, which is the ego; and the Ascendant, the personality."
"Depression is a very strange thing; it deals with the psyche."
"The anima's secret healing power helps to rejuvenate the wounded psyche."
"It leaves an indelible mark on your psyche for the rest of your life."
"Psyche and matter exist in one and the same world, and each partakes of the other."
"Our psyche will tend to, when stressed out, want to turn to something to comfort it."
"You have respect for the psyche and it will respect you back."
"The psyche has prepared people to go through stressful things and to go through repair and restoration of homeostasis after they've gone through it."
"The impact this battle would have on the American psyche."
"The archetypal urge or the religious function of the psyche cannot be suppressed; it will find a way to express itself."
"The psyche is split into three: consciousness, the personal unconscious, and the collective unconscious."
"The body knows how to heal profoundly and psyche knows how to heal profoundly, all we have to do is just let it become alive right now, in the present moment."
"...the psyche longs for wholeness... this turbulence that we're in can be a healing moment for us if we work with it skillfully."
"The human psyche is vast and unpredictable, concealing secrets that might forever elude our understanding."
"Projectors are vessels for reels; each reel signifies perhaps the psyche, the soul, or just memories."
"Intuition is one of the basic functions of the psyche, namely perception of the possibilities inherent in a situation."
"We are therefore fully justified in speaking of an unconscious psyche."
"The collective unconscious... is the true basis of the individual psyche."
"The dream belongs to the normal contents of the psyche and may be regarded as a resultant of unconscious processes."
"It was experiences of this kind which first confirmed me in my belief that there is in the psyche a process that seeks its own goal independently of external factors."
"Our psyches want to be in balance because it's only within this middle position that creativity can come forth."
"The psyche is the first reality, and that we are always souls."
"Shock is a defense mechanism the psyche employs to escape something extremely painful."
"Projection is a natural part of the psyche because the projection is the essence of the singularity that the psyche is; it projects SpaceTime into being."
"This Garden of Eden myth has defined a collective psyche, your soul, for all these thousands of years, and it's the greatest secret in modern Western societies."
"We're constantly generating psyche through our relations with one another, with the land, with our social relations within our society."
"The basic cause of all the difficulties of this transition is to be found in a deep-seated and peculiar change within the psyche."
"Fire is that which moves upward towards the sky, mirroring the manner by which the human psyche directs itself towards the universal, transcendental, and archetypal."
"The psyche by no means ceases to exist and to act; consciousness has merely withdrawn from it."
"The unconscious processes that compensate the conscious ego contain all those elements that are necessary for the self-regulation of the psyche as a whole."
"Depression is a natural function of the psyche that's asking you to pause the tape or stop the tape altogether and work out what's already played out and see how you feel about it."
"The psyche is never silent, never inactive, never not speaking."
"The individual... does not produce the psyche on his own volition but is... preformed by it."
"The rhythms of music that you listen to have a very entraining process on the psyche."
"Journaling serves as a mirror to our psyche, allowing us to articulate and explore our deepest thoughts, fears, and desires."
"At the center of our psyche is something that's not quite always human, it wavers."
"The term psyche... was originally a breath or a gust of wind."
"We live enveloped in the psyche of this planet."
"By retrieving these powers from the shadows of our psyches, we shall not be simple victims of internal or external circumstances."
"The key represents permission to know the deepest, darkest secrets of the psyche."
"The psyche does have an immune system, and it works in an analogous way to the biological immune system."
"Let the garden represent the wild psyche; the garden is a concrete connection to life and death."
"The legacy of the wild mother is deepened, and intuitive powers emanate from both human and soulful sides of the psyche."
"The hero's task has an aim that goes beyond biological and marital adjustment; it is to liberate the anima as that inner component of the psyche that is necessary for any true creative achievement."
"The psyche is even more powerful than breathing because you can choose to take your own life by committing suicide and override the breathing function."
"The psyche regulates the function of the body; the body's like a puppet and the psyche is like the hand in the puppet animating it."
"Set aside some moments now and take an adventurous ride on a journey into the psyche of some talented writers."
"The soul is your psyche; it happens when you become conscious."
"The remedies for repair or reclamation of any lost psychic drive are contained in stories."
"When we lose touch with the instinctive psyche, we live in a semi-destroyed state."
"Releasing those things... it just opens up space in your psyche."
"It's one of those things that gets burned into the collective psyche of humanity."
"The psyche is not linear like a codex book but open like a card catalog; everything depends on how you organize the units."
"It's a serious part of my psyche to go out and lay on the couch and just stare at the ceiling."
"What if you had somebody who just wants to destroy your psyche?"
"I want your psyche cleaned up into more of a holistic loving place."